D&D 5E Considering Bigby's Big Book of Giants: How much use did you get out of Fizban's Big Book of Dragons?

The survival of ordinary mortals might be possible in the infernal planes, but in some special zones, for example that city, Elturel, from the module "Descent to he Avernus", or within Androlynne, a domain within Abyss from Fiendish Codex II.

I suggest a sourcebook about elementals, and there is a serious marketing reason. If Hasbro wants D&D videogame arcade or cartoons, destroying "animated rock statues" means a lower level of violence. There are several Asian videogames where the monsters are no-biological creatures.

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Tyler Do'Urden

Soap Maker
The survival of ordinary mortals might be possible in the infernal planes, but in some special zones, for example that city, Elturel, from the module "Descent to he Avernus", or within Androlynne, a domain within Abyss from Fiendish Codex II.

I suggest a sourcebook about elementals, and there is a serious marketing reason. If Hasbro wants D&D videogame arcade or cartoons, destroying "animated rock statues" means a lower level of violence. There are several Asian videogames where the monsters are no-biological creatures.

Elementals/spirits/"summons" would be interesting, especially if they linked it in with a Pokemon-like dueling system. I could totally see that.

You can bet Hasbro is wishing to create a D&D version of Pokemon, but it is not easy. It was easy then a lot of videogame studios had tried to imimate it, but only a low number did it. Halflings and gnomes may be perfect to be summoner/monster-pet-trainer class.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Well, they literally had Godzilla, so...

But still, having a Ranger's companion that doesn't suck is enough for me. I'd have taken that winged kitty, for example.
godzilla is not even one mile high yet how is he supposed to be king of the monster unless he stands taller than a mountain?


Fizbans could of been so much more if they did not put so little effort into it. Just like Spelljammer Danny the intern phoned it in.
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