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Constables of the 14th Ward


Andrew-Taking a spot on the ground Andrew quickly surmises that this is only a fair place to watch the Lyman residence at best. Unfortunately for a hypothetical watcher, there seem to be no other secluded vantage points nearby. From his prone position Andrew spots a piece of soiled paper tucked into the compost heap. It is very oily. Upon closer examination he discovers that the paper is filled with the well gnawed bones of some small animal, perhaps rabbit or more likely gopher. From the oil on the paper he surmises that the animal had been deep fried before consumption. The paper is odd. It seems to be made up of little pieces of slightly different colored paper. It seems to be some sort sort of homemade or recycled paper made of scrap. It is not the sort of thing most citizens of the city would consider eating off of. Otherwise there is nothing else of note here.

Raul-A search of nearby rooftops doesn't reveal anything of interest. Indeed most of the homeowners near the Lyman residence would not be amenable to having someone climbing their house. Are you also checking out rooftops near the office?

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Raul's investigation 2


I'm confused as to where Raul is and where we are on the time-line.

Post 266
Lou said:
At Lyman's shop, Raul will look around the outside to identify the nearby buildings and any that look down on the shop. Raul will also survey that area for bums or other loiterers in the street in this area.

Post 268
Scotley said:
An examination of Lyman's shop reveals that it is relatively easy for an averaged sized person to climb. Nothing on top seems amiss.

OOC: Those exploring the roof areas of nearby buildings please make a search check.

Post 269
Lou said:
[sblock=Rooftop Search Check]roof-top search near Lyman shop (1d20+3=13)[/sblock]
Post 309
Leif said:
And just how is Raul going to go about gaining access to these rooftops? There is no imminent threat at the present time that would justify this. Most shops in the area have pitched rooves that are not conducive to walking around on, anyway, and most shokeepers would rather not have you up there without a good reason. Are you looking for something specific?

Post 311
Scotley said:
Raul-A search of nearby rooftops doesn't reveal anything of interest. Indeed most of the homeowners near the Lyman residence would not be amenable to having someone climbing their house. Are you also checking out rooftops near the office?


Once Raul has identified the buildings nearby Lyman's shop, other than the already identified bootmaker's shop, he will look for taller buildings that overlook Lyman's shop. Raul is looking for locations where someone could have spied on Lyman's shop from afar without being too obvious, looking for evidence of someone using a roof or balcony, etc. as a spying location (cigarette butts, trash, etc.). Raul will ask if anyone with a view of Lyman's shop saw anything unusual.



Lou said:
Once Raul has identified the buildings nearby Lyman's shop, other than the already identified bootmaker's shop, he will look for taller buildings that overlook Lyman's shop. Raul is looking for locations where someone could have spied on Lyman's shop from afar without being too obvious, looking for evidence of someone using a roof or balcony, etc. as a spying location (cigarette butts, trash, etc.). Raul will ask if anyone with a view of Lyman's shop saw anything unusual.

There are no other buildings/shops of particular note to the investigation. During and before your search, you have occasion to speak to Andrew, and he informs you that he has already identified the apparent staging area. No one else in the area noticed anything of note, other than what has already been learned from the next door neighbor to Krado Lyman's shop. The sense that you get from speaking to the other neighbors is that Krado is/was a singurlarly forgettable person who didn't make much of an impression of any lasting note on anyone. Oh, and from the recycled paper that Andrew located, you reasonably conclude that the perp you seek is not someone who would knowingly leave any litter behind. ;) He would seem to be quite environmentally conscious, one might almost say a nature lover.


First Post
Into the shop

Once the door was opened, Thea moved in at the first opportunity. She gazed around the establishment quickly, trying to get an initial impression of the place- and then she got down to the business of serious searching...

OOC: [sblock] First order of business is a quick scan to see if the shop has been searched and/or ransacked. Then start looking for more interesting details- whether there is a separate work-space, or storage area for special/valuable maps, that sort of thing. Search roll 17 (initial) http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1182641 [/sblock]


The Search of Krado Lyman's Shop

pathfinderq1 said:
Once the door was opened, Thea moved in at the first opportunity. She gazed around the establishment quickly, trying to get an initial impression of the place- and then she got down to the business of serious searching...

OOC: [sblock] First order of business is a quick scan to see if the shop has been searched and/or ransacked. Then start looking for more interesting details- whether there is a separate work-space, or storage area for special/valuable maps, that sort of thing. Search roll 17 (initial) http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1182641 [/sblock]

ooc: First things first, who else is going to help Thea search and how? (Search rolls, please?) Everyone who goes in immediately sees that the whole place is not totally ransacked, but you doubt if Krado Lyman would have left it this disorderly on purpose. On the wall by the large cartogrpher's drawing board a message has been scrawled on the wall with charcoal in a language that Jonas (and anyone else who speaks it) recognizes as orcish. It says: "DON MES WIT DA FURTEENF -W."

J. Alexander

First Post
Andrew Dresden

Bagging the evidence Andrew will rejoin the group outside of the shop. Seeing Bo, Andrew will walk over to him and say "A moment if you please Bocephus, if i was in the market for this type of snack (showing him the paper and remains) where would i go looking for it and could recommend one or two places that are the better ones"


Bocephus responds.

"Hey was that deep fried Gopher? You can't get that just anywhere. There are a few vendors in the 12th maybe you could get it, but I've never seen that funky paper before."

J. Alexander

First Post
Andrew Dresden

"Deep fried Gohper...is it any good" Andrew asks.."Is the 12 the only place i can find it or are there vendors in other wards that serve this morsel. An orcish delicaey is it not"


"Its great. I don't know much about Orcs, but I expect they like it. I guess Gopher might be common in the 13th as well as the 12th. Not so much in other wards, but I can ask around."

Voidrunner's Codex

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