Constant Cookies Queries


Is anyone else getting the cookies permissions form pop up every time they load a page? Normally it shows up once a week, then it's "Save & Exit" and done, but this evening it shows up again every time I click a link.

None of my security settings have changed, and I'm experiencing this on both my Windows browser (Chrome) and on my Android phone, so I don't think it's a local issue.

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Me too. Windows, and Android phone and tablet.
It says "You control your privacy". But it seems to want to make sure I choose ... wisely.


Guide of Modos
Is anyone else getting the cookies permissions form pop up every time they load a page? Normally it shows up once a week, then it's "Save & Exit" and done, but this evening it shows up again every time I click a link.

None of my security settings have changed, and I'm experiencing this on both my Windows browser (Chrome) and on my Android phone, so I don't think it's a local issue.
No problems on Seamonkey. Settings: allow cookies from originating site only, retention policy: normal.


This is getting darned annoying. Happens with two different browsers across three devices - Chrome on Windows and Android phone, Silk on an Amazon tablet. Edge on Windows seems okay. Not sure what I can change to make these settings stick.


Nevermind, clearing my site data for Enworld seems to have solved whatever loop it was caught in. Had to do it on each device.


I kid you not!


Usually happens every two weeks or so, on all my devices.

Voidrunner's Codex

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