Converting Al-Qadim creatures

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Sure, full plate works for me.


Suggested natural armor bonus? Efreet have +6, djinn have +3 (and are the same HD as the warmonger).

Suggested caster level for SLAs? Efreet are CL 12th (djinn are odd with CL 20th). Perhaps CL 10th?

I was thinking NA +5, as the original had AC4 and we've given them a +1 Dex bonus.

As for the CL, I was leaning more towards 12 live an efreet, but I'll go along with 10 if you prefer.

Oh, and the Warmonger Genie in the MC12 illustration certainly isn't wearing full plate, it looks more like Splint or Banded to me. Maybe we should change the armour to Banded Mail?

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Extradimensional Explorer
I'd probably prefer plate, since it says they "wear the heaviest armor they can find." Surely there's some full plate out in the planes somewhere. ;)

Ok, here's the key text:
Warmonger genies are capable warriors but excel at leadership. Their leadership is both so inspired and so terrifying that troops under their command gain a +2 bonus to their morale as long as their leader lives. If a tasked warmonger genie is slain in the heat of battle, all troops aware of his death suffer an additional -2 penalty to morale.

We could make it like bardic inspire courage +2, except line of sight instead of "line of hearing" (and with the penalty on the genie's death).


That's perfectly fine. I just wanted to know for "behind the scenes" reasons when determining home plane, etc.


Time to tackle their "inspire the troops" ability?

Hold on, Warmongers are Medium, not Large. They shouldn't have a size penalty to AC or attack, which would make them:

Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful)
Armor Class: 23 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +8 full plate armor), touch 11, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+11
Attack: Heavy pick +11 melee (1d6+6/x4) or slam +11 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: Heavy pick +11/+6 melee (1d6+6/x4) or 2 slams +11 melee (1d6+4)

EDIT: Oh yes, and I guess I'll go along with efreet as a "behind the scenes" origin.


We could make it like bardic inspire courage +2, except line of sight instead of "line of hearing" (and with the penalty on the genie's death).

So something like the following?

Inspire Troops (Ex): A warmonger genie can use displays of military prowess to inspire courage in its allies and followers, bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to see the warmonger genie, and the warmonger must have X or more Hit Dice than the ally. The effect lasts for as long as the ally can see the warmonger genie and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Should the ally see the warmonger genie be defeated or slain the morale bonus from Inspire Troops changes into a -2 morale penalty that lasts for 10 rounds. Inspire troops is a mind-affecting ability.

Number 6

First Post
Cleon's Inspire Troops ability looks nice.
I'd probably prefer plate, since it says they "wear the heaviest armor they can find." Surely there's some full plate out in the planes somewhere. ;)
Unfortunately, sometimes the artistic renderings get it wrong for various reasons... but in this case, I believe the illustration uses splint mail because heavy armors don't get used in Zakhara.

With that said, I bet genies are not going to have trouble dealing with the heat.

I'm all in favor of Warmonger donning plate on the battlefield... even ornate dress plate with badges, medals, and sashes. The only point worth mentioning is who is going to make it? None of the craftsmen and armorers of Zakhara make the stuff... but perhaps genie armorers bang out sets of plate mail armor. That's reasonable.


Monster Junkie
Cleon's Inspire Troops ability looks nice.

Agreed. :cool:

Unfortunately, sometimes the artistic renderings get it wrong for various reasons... but in this case, I believe the illustration uses splint mail because heavy armors don't get used in Zakhara.

Agreed. The art is always the least reliable source of information. ;)

With that said, I bet genies are not going to have trouble dealing with the heat.

True. I wouldn't be opposed to granting them resistance to fire, considering the "behind the scenes" efreet origins.

I'm all in favor of Warmonger donning plate on the battlefield... even ornate dress plate with badges, medals, and sashes. The only point worth mentioning is who is going to make it? None of the craftsmen and armorers of Zakhara make the stuff... but perhaps genie armorers bang out sets of plate mail armor. That's reasonable.

Genie, Tasked, Armorsmith? ;)

Number 6

First Post
When I first saw your last line I misread it as "Tasked Genie Aerosmith".
Talk about some old genies. ;)
I wouldn't be opposed to granting them resistance to fire, considering the "behind the scenes" efreet origins.
When I said heat I meant weather, not heat damage. ;)

I'm not quite willing to give them extra benefits that are not listed. At least not resistance to fire and heat... not yet anyway.
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Monster Junkie
The Aerosmith tasked genie would have odd tasks: "Walk this Way", "Dream On", "Love in an Elevator"... :p

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