Let's definitely stay away from hardness!! Critters have DR, objects have hardness. But I'm happy to go with DR X/-.
Let's just agree on DR X and move on then. It certainly beats having that argument again!
What do we need to do before de-redding?
We need to whip up some new background and Construction text for them.
Assuming we use the same outline as the Wooden version the background text is pretty straightforward, so all we need are the new prices.
Oh, and the caster level. I was thinking of making it +2 CL per +1 CR, which'd be CL 11th/13th, but upon reflection maybe make it a bit lower? A Flesh Golem has the same CR 7 but is only CL 8th.
I guess CL 13th for the enhanced version is still lower than the CL 14th of a standard stone golem, so I guess I'm OK with it.
I'd be game for tweaking it down to CL 10th, CL 12th for the Enhanced though. That'd still leave 2 CL steps for the other models to have different CLs but the same CR. (i.e. CL 8/10 for Winged, 9/11 for Wicker).
Let's see…
Stone juggernauts are simple constructs that are sometimes used to create guardian juggernauts (see the
guardian juggernaut template). While weaker than a true golem they are the most powerful of the standard juggernauts, although they are clumsy and slow-moving compared to the other base models of guardian juggernaut.
A typical stone juggernaut stands 30 feet tall and weighs about 50 tons.
These mindless constructs are incapable of developing tactics of their own, but fight according to whatever instructions their masters give them.
A stone juggernaut is sculpted from blocks of stone with a total weight of at least 75 tons. The materials cost 1,000 gp.
Carving and assembling the body requires a DC 14 Craft (sculpting) or DC 14 Craft (stonemasonry) check.
CL 11th; Craft Construct,
animate objects,
mass bull's strength,
spiritual weapon,
stone shape caster must be at least 11th level; Price 20,000 gp; Cost 10,50 gp + 300 XP.
Enhanced Wooden Juggernauts
Some wooden juggernauts are built with more powerful combat abilities and the capacity to wield spiritual equipment like guardian juggernauts.
Apply the following changes to the basic wooden juggernaut.
Special Attacks: Stomp, sweep
Special Qualities: Spiritual equipment
Advancement: Huge (8-12 HD), Gargantuan (13-18 HD) or Colossal (19-24 HD)
Challenge Rating: 8
Enhanced stone juggernauts can be built with more HD and larger sizes than standard stone juggernauts. See the Construction section for details.
An enhanced juggernaut normally has weapons and armor in its spiritual equipment slots and uses these and its special attacks in combat, fighting in whatever manner it is ordered to.
Spiritual Equipment (Su): See the Guardian Juggernaut template's Special Qualities for a description of this ability.
Stomp (Ex): An enhanced guardian juggernaut can stomp an opponent two or more size categories smaller than itself. This is a special full-round action during which the juggernaut moves up to twice its ground speed and attempts to move into its opponent's space. If the victim fails a DC 25 Reflex save, the opponent takes 4d8+18 bludgeoning damage, following which the juggernaut may either pin or kick the opponent. If the victim succeeds at the Reflex save, the victim takes half damage, the juggernaut's movement ends next to the opponent's space, and the opponent may make an attack of opportunity against the juggernaut. The save DC is Strength-based.
If the juggernaut pins its opponent, the victim automatically takes stomp damage during the next round unless the juggernaut moves off them. If the juggernaut chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents continue to take stomp damage each round if they don’t escape.
If the juggernaut kicks the opponent, the victim travels 1d6 × 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled plus stomp damage from the kick.
Sweep (Ex): This special attack allows an enhanced guardian juggernaut to sweep its arms* from side to side as a standard action. The sweep affects a half-circle with a radius of the juggernaut's reach, extending from an intersection on the edge of the juggernaut's space in any direction. Creatures within the swept area are affected if they are two or more size categories smaller than the juggernaut. A sweep automatically deals twice the juggernaut's base slam damage (or claw damage, if the juggernaut has no slam attacks) plus 1-1/2 times the juggernaut’s Strength bonus (round down). Affected creatures can attempt Reflex saves to take half damage (the save DC is Strength-based).
*An enhanced guardian juggernaut with a non-standard anatomy can use other limbs, such as wings or a tail, to make a sweep attack.
An enhanced stone guardian juggernaut is crafted from 75 tons of stone. The materials must be of exceptional quality and cost 2,500 gp. An enhanced stone juggernaut with more than 7 Hit Dice can be created, but each additional Hit Die adds ??? gp to the market price. If this increases the size of the creature the price increases by ??? gp for a Gargantuan juggernaut and by an additional ??? gp for a Colossal one. The higher price includes the cost of the extra materials required to build a larger juggernaut, the total material cost is ???? gp for a Gargantuan stone juggernaut and ???? gp for a Colossal one.
Carving and assembling the body requires a DC 16 Craft (carpentry) or DC 16 Craft (woodcarving) check.
CL 13th; Craft Construct,
animate objects,
mass bull's strength,
righteous might,
stone shape,
spiritual weapon, caster must be at least 13th level; Price 35,000 gp; Cost 18,750 gp + 1,320 XP.
Gargantuan 13 HD Juggernaut: Price ??,000 gp; Cost ??,000 gp + ???? XP.
Colossal 24 HD Juggernaut: Price ??,000 gp; Cost ??,000 gp + ???? XP.