Converting monsters from Dragon magazine (Part Two)

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Inventor of Super-Toast
I like Shade's idea of making its breath weapon an option. I think that feather falling was more of what the authors had in mind... but I like gliding.

As for the damage of the breath weapon, it does seem a bit high... but I really like it. Not too often the d20s get broken out for damage.

Demiurge out.

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Monster Junkie
demiurge1138 said:
As for the damage of the breath weapon, it does seem a bit high... but I really like it. Not too often the d20s get broken out for damage.

Indeed. Bring on the d20s and d12s for damage!


Extradimensional Explorer
How about the ranged touch is 2d12 but the breath weapon is 2d20 with Ref save for half? I like glide, too.


Inventor of Super-Toast
freyar said:
How about the ranged touch is 2d12 but the breath weapon is 2d20 with Ref save for half? I like glide, too.
Strikes me as a perfectly good compromise.

Demiurge out.


Extradimensional Explorer
Sounds good, then. For the skills, how about we max out Hide? For feats, Stealthy goes with the hiding schtick, but I'm not sure what else is good.


Monster Junkie
Sounds good.

Max range on spit acid with touch attack?

Standard gargoyles have Hide, Listen, Spot, and I think all would apply here as well.

Alertness or Improved Initiative for the second feat?


Inventor of Super-Toast
Make the max range 60ft. Enough so it can sit up from a height and spew at foes.

We might want to make its feats Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot, although we could alternatively give it Precise Shot as a bonus feat. If we did that, make its second "real" feat Improved Initiative.

You are right that all of those skills sound good.

Demiurge out.


Extradimensional Explorer
Hmm, so Hide 2, Listen 3, Spot 3? Hide can make up for it with the bonuses.

60 ft on the ranged attack, 5 ft cone for the breath?

Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot are really good ideas for the two feats.


Monster Junkie

20 ft. climb speed?

CR 5 (standard gargoyle is CR 4)?

Advancement: x
Normal gargoyle is 5–6 HD (Medium); 7–12 HD (Large)

A spouter gargoyle stands 3 feet tall and weighs X pounds. (No weight given for standard gargoyle)

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