Converting monsters from Dragon magazine

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I'm reviving this thread to start a conversion of the Sa'ir, due to being reminded of its existence by Echohawk's Monster ENCyclopedia entry on the Lamia.

Without further ado, here's the original stats from The Ecology (Love Life) of the Lamia:

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Arid plains and hills
FREQUENCY: Very rare (common near lamias)
ORGANIZATION: Small groups
DIET: Omnivore
MOVE: 12
THAC0: 16
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3/1-3/1-3/1-6 (two claws, two horns, one bite)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprises prey
SPECIAL DEFENSES: -2 to be surprised
SIZE: M (4′-5′ long)
MORALE: Steady (11-12)

Prowling deserts, ruins and other desolate wastes, sa’ir are the offspring of common lamias, almost always found in the vicinity of their parents although they have no ties of affection to their sires.

A sa’ir has the hindquarters of a goat and the foreparts of a lion, including a male lion’s mane for both sexes of sa’ir. Its head is leonine with the addition of a goat’s horns and dangling beard.

Sa’ir understand simple commands in the common tongue but are unlikely to obey if they issue from any but a lamia. Their own speech capabilities do not go beyond an odd, bleating roar.

Combat: The sa’ir hunting style takes full advantage of their dual goat and lion natures. Sa’ir stalk prey in the guise of a grazing herbivore until they get within pouncing range of 20’. This tactic is very effective, and as a result the prey get a penalty of -1 on its surprise roll.

When attacking, it strikes with its two lion paws and two goat horns and its bite. Its armor class is 6 overall, but the thick mane protecting its-neck and forequarters make those areas AC 5.

Habitat/Society: Although not directly related to lions and goats, sa’ir behave in some ways like these creatures. They live in small groups structured like lion prides, but no sa’ir has ever been seen to give birth (they are believed to be sterile). They are territorial in nature, attempting to kill or chase away other predators that encroach on their hunting grounds.

Sa’ir are omnivores, able to survive by eating plants as easily as animals. They do have a strong preference for meat, turning down fresh vegetation even for day-old carrion. A group of sa’ir would try to take down a large creature like an elephant if one were presented to them, but the areas they inhabit usually present smaller game. This means that they must forage daily for meat or vegetation, but if they make a big kill they will gorge, then bask in the sunlight for a few days while digesting their meal.

Ecology: Few sa’ir are ever found far from the lamias that sired them. While they are de facto protectors of the lamia’s lair, they cannot be trained to serve as watchdogs for the lamias. Thus, the population of sa’ir is as much controlled by the mating habits of the local lamias as it is by their own success.

Originally appeared in Dragon #192 (1993).

Without further ado, here's the original stats from The Ecology (Love Life) of the Lamia:


Hmm, looking at the above I see a few similarities to the AD&D Lion, particularly the speed of 12, AC of 5/6, and mention of a "pounce" attack.

I'm thinking we should just give it a single gore attack instead of the original's two horn attacks, but one that does more damage so the average damage is about the same. If we keep the bite and two claw attacks that'll still be pretty impressive.

Which attack do we want to make primary? The claws or the gore?

Anyhow, I think I'll post a Working Draft using the Jaguar as the "template creature", since its size and Hit Dice are the same.

Sa'ir Working Draft

Medium Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+4 (26 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6
Attack: Gore +6 melee (1d8+2)
Full Attack: Gore +6 melee (1d8+2) and bite +4 melee (1d6+1) and 2 claws +4 melee (1d3+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, mimic herbivore, scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 6
Skills: Disguise +0** (+8 with mimic herbivore), Hide +5* (+7 in undergrowth), Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4
Feats: Iron Will, Multiattack
Environment: Temperate deserts
Organization: Solitary, pair or pride (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 3
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment:

At first glance this creature appears to be nothing more than an unusually disheveled goat with a filthy mane of matted hair about its neck, but a closer examination reveals it has the forelegs and face of a lion. The beast's catlike fangs and foreclaws suggest it does not live off greenery alone.

A sa'ir is an unusual breed of lamia. There exists a race of hermaphroditic lamias who are unable to reproduce with their own kind. If such a lamia mates with a standard or hermaphroditic lamia the offspring is a sa'ir, but if it mates with a noble lamia or humanoid the offspring is another hermaphroditic lamia. Sa'ir themselves are functional hermaphrodites but are always infertile, never bearing offspring of their own.

Sa'ir live in small prides that are viciously territorial towards rival predators. They try to kill or expel intruders on sight. Sa'ir prides generally live near to their lamia parents, who they involuntarily protect by attacking creatures approaching the lamia's lair.

These omnivorous creatures are able to survive off tough vegetation like a goat, but would much rather eat meat like a lion. Even the rankest carrion is preferable to the tastiest plant. A sa'ir's favorite pastime is lazing in the sun with its belly stuffed with meat after a big kill.

Sa'ir are incapable of speech but can make assorted animal noises including a curious bleating roar. They are able to understand any languages spoken by the lamias who sired them.

Sa'ir are about 5 feet long and weigh from 250 to 350 pounds.

Sair try to ambush opponents, either by stalking up under cover or by using their mimicry ability to approach them while disguised as "harmless" grazing animals. Once within range, they charge and use their pounce ability to unleash a full attack.

Mimic Herbivore (Ex): A sa'ir can imitate the appearance and behavior of a grazing herbivore of approximately the same size and shape. Anyone who examines the sa'ir can detect the ruse with a successful Spot check opposed by the sa'ir's Disguise check. Of course, by that time the sa'ir might have got close enough to pounce.

A sa'ir has a +8 racial bonus on Disguise check when mimicking a grazing herbivore.

Pounce (Ex): If a sa'ir charges a foe, it can make a full attack.

Skills: Sa'ir have a +2 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.

*In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +4.

** Sa'ir have a +8 racial bonus on Disguise checks when impersonating grazing herbivores.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #192 (1993).
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I'd think the claws should be primary, or maybe the claws and the gore. I'm not sure about that. I do like Pounce for them.

I guess we should deal with abilities first. While it says animal intelligence, I'd go with at least Int 3, since they can understand simple commands apparently without training. Maybe something like Str 20, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6. That's somewhere between the SRD leopard and lion.

I'd think the claws should be primary, or maybe the claws and the gore. I'm not sure about that. I do like Pounce for them.

I guess we should deal with abilities first. While it says animal intelligence, I'd go with at least Int 3, since they can understand simple commands apparently without training. Maybe something like Str 20, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6. That's somewhere between the SRD leopard and lion.

That Strength seems a bit high, the 3E Lamia has Strength 18 and claws that do 1d4 damage. The AD&D Lamia had 1d4 damage claws.

Well, that's the 3.5 Lamia - the 3.0 Lamia has Str 10 but doesn't have claw attacks.

I was thinking Str 14-16 and 1d3 damage claws for the Sa'ir.

Yeah, you're right, since the lamia is Large vs the Sa'ir at Medium. Sure, Str 14, 1d3 claws will work. How about Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6?

Yeah, you're right, since the lamia is Large vs the Sa'ir at Medium. Sure, Str 14, 1d3 claws will work. How about Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6?

Standard Lamia's have Wisdom 15, so how about giving the Sa'ir the same?

That'd make it Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 6.

1d3 claw damage is fine. I'm thinking 1d8 for the gore and 1d6 for the bite, with the gore as the primary attack.

Sure, that will all work.

No real SAs or SQs, I guess. They should probably have a racial Hide and/or Move Silently bonus and a Spot/Listen bonus (or Alertness), but that seems like about it.

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