Here's an attempt at it:
Variant Fillings
Chocolate golems, like chocolate truffles, can be created with a variety of fillings. For variant chocolate golems, replace the Spew Filling attack above with one of the following. These variant golems have a higher CR by +1 compared to a standard chocolate golem.
Spew Filling (Ex): A chocolate golem can spit out streams of sweet, sticky filling from its hollow interior. If the golem succeeds in a ranged touch attack (30 ft. range, no range increments) its target is coated in the sticky goo and blinded and entangled for 1d4 rounds. The target can end this blindness by spending a full round action to remove the syrupy filling from their eyes; a separate full round action can remove enough filling from their body to end the entanglement. The chocolate golem's hollow interior can hold enough filling for 12 shots, each shot corresponds to a gallon of filling for a standard-sized chocolate golem. A chocolate golem will typically have 1d6+6 shots of filling available when encountered. It is possible to "reload" a chocolate golem's filling with patience and a funnel.
Spew Filling (Ex): A chocolate golem can spit out streams of sweet, sticky filling from its hollow interior. If the golem succeeds in a ranged touch attack (30 ft. range, no range increments) its target is coated in the sticky goo and blinded for 1d4 rounds; furthermore, the target must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. The target can end the blindness by spending a full round action to remove the syrupy filling from their eyes. The chocolate golem's hollow interior can hold enough filling for 12 shots, each shot corresponds to a gallon of filling for a standard-sized chocolate golem. A chocolate golem will typically have 1d6+6 shots of filling available when encountered. It is possible to "reload" a chocolate golem's filling with patience and a funnel. The save DC is Str-based.
Spew Filling (Ex): A chocolate golem can spit out streams of sweet, sticky filling from its hollow interior. If the golem succeeds in a ranged touch attack (30 ft. range, no range increments) its target is exposed to tarinav root poison. The chocolate golem's hollow interior can hold enough filling for 12 shots, each shot corresponds to a gallon of filling for a standard-sized chocolate golem. A chocolate golem will typically have 1d6+6 shots of filling available when encountered. It is possible to "reload" a chocolate golem's filling with patience and a funnel.
Tarinav Root Poison: Contact, Fortitude DC 16, primary damage 1d6 Dex, secondary damage 2d6 Dex.
Spew Filling (Ex): A chocolate golem can spit out streams of sweet, sticky, and nutty filling from its hollow interior. If the golem succeeds in a ranged touch attack (30 ft. range, no range increments) its target takes 1d4 hp bludgeoning and piercing damage and is coated in the sticky goo and blinded for 1d4 rounds. The target can end this blindness by spending a full round action to remove the syrupy filling from their eyes. Also, whether the ranged touch succeeds or not, a 5 foot burst around the target is covered in nut shards (treat as caltrops). The chocolate golem's hollow interior can hold enough filling for 12 shots, each shot corresponds to a gallon of filling for a standard-sized chocolate golem. A chocolate golem will typically have 1d6+6 shots of filling available when encountered. It is possible to "reload" a chocolate golem's filling with patience and a funnel.
The mechanics look fine except for the entangling one - I'd prefer the escape mechanism to resemble that of a tanglefoot bag.
Apart from that I'd just tweak some of the wording slightly:
Variant Fillings
Chocolate golems, like chocolate truffles, can be created with a variety of fillings. For these variant chocolate golems, increase its Challenge Rating by +1 and replace the Spew Filling attack above with one of the following:
Spew Entangling Filling (Ex): This chocolate golem can spit out streams of sweet and incredibly sticky filling from its hollow interior. If the golem succeeds in a ranged touch attack (30 ft. range, no range increments) its target is coated in the sticky goo and blinded and entangled for 1d4 rounds. The target can end this blindness by spending a full round action to remove the syrupy filling from their eyes. An entangled creature must make a DC 16 Reflex save or be glued to the floor and immobilized; they can break free by making a DC 16 Strength check, by dealing 12 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon (hits are automatic), or by applying universal solvent to the filling. The chocolate golem's hollow interior can hold enough filling for 12 shots, each shot corresponds to a gallon of filling for a standard-sized chocolate golem. A chocolate golem will typically have 1d6+6 shots of filling available when encountered. It is possible to "reload" a chocolate golem's filling with patience and a funnel. The DCs are Strength-based.
Spew Sickening Filling (Ex): This chocolate golem can spit out streams of disgustingly sweet, sticky filling from its hollow interior. If the golem succeeds in a ranged touch attack (30 ft. range, no range increments) its target is coated in the sticky goo and blinded for 1d4 rounds; furthermore, the target must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. The target can end the blindness by spending a full round action to remove the syrupy filling from their eyes. The chocolate golem's hollow interior can hold enough filling for 12 shots, each shot corresponds to a gallon of filling for a standard-sized chocolate golem. A chocolate golem will typically have 1d6+6 shots of filling available when encountered. It is possible to "reload" a chocolate golem's filling with patience and a funnel. The save DC is Strength-based.
Spew Poisonous Filling (Ex): This chocolate golem can spit out streams of sweet, sticky, and poisoned filling from its hollow interior. If the golem succeeds in a ranged touch attack (30 ft. range, no range increments) its target is exposed to tarinav root poison. The chocolate golem's hollow interior can hold enough filling for 12 shots, each shot corresponds to a gallon of filling for a standard-sized chocolate golem. A chocolate golem will typically have 1d6+6 shots of filling available when encountered. It is possible to "reload" a chocolate golem's filling with patience and a funnel.
Tarinav Root Poison: Contact, Fortitude DC 16, primary damage 1d6 Dex, secondary damage 2d6 Dex.
Spew Nutty Filling (Ex): This chocolate golem can spit out streams of sweet, sticky filling mixed with nuts and nutshell shards from its hollow interior. If the golem succeeds in a ranged touch attack (30 ft. range, no range increments) its target takes 1d4 hp bludgeoning and piercing damage and is coated in the sticky goo and blinded for 1d4 rounds. The target can end this blindness by spending a full round action to remove the syrupy filling from their eyes. Also, whether the ranged touch succeeds or not, a 5 foot burst around the target is covered in nut shards (treat as caltrops). The chocolate golem's hollow interior can hold enough filling for 12 shots, each shot corresponds to a gallon of filling for a standard-sized chocolate golem. A chocolate golem will typically have 1d6+6 shots of filling available when encountered. It is possible to "reload" a chocolate golem's filling with patience and a funnel.