Converting monsters from Dragon magazine

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Or even 1d12?

That is quite a large jump from the original's 1d4 dice range. It's also a larger dice range than any of the Medium sized canines in the SRD, which either have 1d6 (Worg, Shadow Mastiff) or 1d8 (Yeth Hound, Hellhound) base bite damage.

My thinking was 1d8 would be acceptable since it matched the dice of the SRD "Hounds" but was a bit lacking in ditinctiveness. Plus I liked how 2d4 has the dice sides match that of the AD&D version.

Incidentally, the 2E AD&D versions of the aforementioned Hound have different dice ranges from each other and the 3E version - 1d10 for the Hell Hound and 2d4 for the Yeth Hound. Not that it means much in the grand scheme of things.

Voidrunner's Codex

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