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My feeling is that a "protocol droid" is just a valet droid. After all, the prototypical protocol droid is C3P0, who is humaniform, like the valet droid (and not the servitor). I just want this as another point of distinction between the servitor droid and valet droid.

Okay, how about this for a compromise. We could change the Servitor's card text so it mentions a different ability in the example of a "more sophisticated" model - let's say a Dex-based fine manipulator.

i.e. instead of:

Some more sophisticated models of droid have improved data slots that can contain more skill points and/or grant additional types of skills, such as a "protocol droid" that can accept Cha-based crystal cards.

We have:

Some more sophisticated models of droid have improved data slots that can contain more skill points and/or grant additional types of skills, such as a "acrobatic locksmith" model that can accept Dex-based crystal cards.

Then we can use the same third paragraph in the Data Slot description for both the Servitor and Valet droid, since neither have Dex-based data slots.

That will spare you mentioning a Cha-based card in the Servitor's Sata Slot description while still satisfying me since it doesn't preclude "sophisticated servitor models" that allow Cha-skill cards.

Heal is a fine skill choice.

Okay, how about maxing out Sense Motive and Heal (since those ought to be "core competencies" for a Droid intended to aid sapient beings) and dividing the Data Slots between the other three - let's say Craft 3, Diplomacy 3, Profession 4.

For the feat, I'm thinking Skill Focus (Sense Motive) to make it highly alert to its master's needs & desires.

That'd work out:

Skills: Heal +4, Sense Motive +7, plus crystal card skills (typically Craft [any one] +3, Diplomacy +3, Profession [any one] +4; see Data Slots for more details)
Feats: Skill Focus (Sense Motive)
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I'm satisfied with that compromise, and those skills and feats are fine with me too.

CR 1/2 is probably ok, as is advancement. Do you have a proposed description?

I'm satisfied with that compromise, and those skills and feats are fine with me too.

CR 1/2 is probably ok, as is advancement.

Challenge Rating 1/2 seems plenty. They're comparatively weaker than the CR 1 Medium Animated Object, having worse attacks and no hardness.

I'll update the Valet Droid Working Draft.

Hmm, I switched to Legacy mode and post #893 appears to have "gone dark" too. Which is odd, since I don't recall using and cut-and-paste for it. Better fix the font tags on it.

Do you have a proposed description?

I don't have a description at the moment. If you're lucky I can whip up a proposal tonight after I finish work.

I see I didn't get lucky with that description! How about something like this?

This entity is obviously not a living creature, but a construct of some sort. Its body is human enough in shape, but it is metallic, rather than flesh, with clear crystal lenses for eyes.

I see I didn't get lucky with that description! How about something like this?

Well you know how it goes. Sometimes the dice are not in a generous mood.

This entity is obviously not a living creature, but a construct of some sort. Its body is human enough in shape, but it is metallic, rather than flesh, with clear crystal lenses for eyes.

Let's see...

This entity appears to be formed from some smooth, shiny material - possibly some kind of metal or enamel. Humanoid in form, its jointed limbs and inflexible torso make it resemble a tailor's mannequin or life-sized puppet more than a living being. Its face is an immobile mask set with clear crystal lenses for eyes.

A droid is an artificial creature manufactured by nonmagical technologies far more sophisticated than exist in most known worlds. The valet droid is a domestic model designed to work as a personal attendant or household servant. Valet droids come in many different shapes and appearances. The differences between them are mainly cosmetic - a valet droid that looks like a spider-centaur may have identical internal mechanisms to one that looks like a dwarf. A typical valet droid resembles a simplified image of its owner's race sculpted with an expression of benign attentiveness.

Valet droids have built-in safety codes that prevent them from attacking any member of the race or species that created them, as well as any being the droids' creators intended them to recognize as an "owner race". For example, a valet droid built by spacefaring elves might refuse to attack an elf or any living creature that is even vaguely elf-shaped, including most humanoids and fey.

These safety codes mean valet droids are normally incapable of combat, even in self defense, unless they recognizes their opponent as not being a "creator" or "owner". Unscrupulous owners occasionally reprogram their valet droids to fight, but their safety codes usually still prevent them from injuring members of the "creator race".

However, valet droids built by alien beings may not recognize standard humanoids as being sapients, let alone "owners", in which case they would have no safety codes against attacking them. Such alien valet droids might treat a dwarf or human no differently to how they would treat a wild animal.

Droids can speak a special language of buzzes and beeps called Code. There are many dialects of Code, most of which are mutually unintelligible. A valet droid speaks Code Standard (the droid equivalent of Common).

In addition, most droids are capable of normal humanoid speech. A standard valet droid speaks Common and one other language, such as Elven.

A valet droid's anthropomorphic body stands 5 and a half feet tall and it weighs 150 pounds.

Valet droids were never designed for combat. They will only fight to defend its owner or a "creator". If something attacks the droid itself, the machine tries to avoid the threat unless its orders specify otherwise (e.g. if it was forbidden from leaving its post, or instructed to kill or capture any "wild animals" that intrude upon the premises).

A valet droid is a inexpert combatant who unimaginatively follows whatever battle tactics its owner orders it to use (provided these do not breach its built-in safety codes). Despite these failings, they are fearless and implacable, continuing to fight until they are destroyed, immobilized, or their instructions change.

A valet droid's slam attack is treated as a secondary attack and adds only half the droid's Strength bonus to damage.
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That looks great to me!

I will agree to the advancement in the stat block, if we didn't talk about that already (I see ???). Do you feel the need to change anything in the defective droid entry?

That looks great to me!

I will agree to the advancement in the stat block, if we didn't talk about that already (I see ???).

I can't recall whether we discussed Advancement or not but I'm OK keeping them Medium.

Updating the Valet Droid Working Draft.

Do you feel the need to change anything in the defective droid entry?

It's still got a few question marks in the skills and CR, plus a "DC Y" in the first Paradox Break paragraph.

Come to think of it, the Servitor Droid has a DC Y as well.

We gave the Guardian Droid "DC equals 20 plus the droid's HD". Shall we reuse that?

It's also missing a tactics entry.

How about.

A properly functioning valet droid's safety codes (see above) mean it will only attack a creature its programming identifies as a non-sapient, and even then it will only fight if specifically ordered to by its master. A valet droid self-preservation routines normally compel it to flee threats, but it will fearlessly enter danger to help an "owner" or if they are commanded to do so by a recognized authority.

Valet droids are poor fighters, they have no weapon proficiencies and their slam attack is treated as a secondary attack that adds only half the droid's Strength bonus to damage.

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