D&D 3E/3.5 Converting monsters from Mayfair Games Role Aids product line


Extradimensional Explorer
Those tactics or the ones in black text in the post with the description are fine.

I also agree to the value of Y in the Paradox Break DC.

Are they done after that?

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Those tactics or the ones in black text in the post with the description are fine.

So that's what happened to it, I vaguely recalled writing a tactics but didn't see it anywhere so thought I was either mistaken or the board erased it.

The dreaded Black Text struck again!

I'll correct the post so they're visible in Legacy mode.

I also agree to the value of Y in the Paradox Break DC.

Updating the Valet Droid Working Draft.


OK, looking through the adventure there is only one other droid that's named as a separate model, the "Warrior Droid".

One adventure in that module revolves around the PCs being sent to "to find “Warrior,” a black metallic robot".

Encounter 19 features the eponymous robot itself:

19 — 20’ by 20’ room. In this room stands a black metallic humanoid, 2 meters tall.

If this room is entered by anyone visible, he will say: "I am Warrior, servant of Fez the wizard. I will answer only to he or she who wears Fez’s robe and carries Fez’s crystal ball.”

This is Warrior’s room. Players need the other two items sought in round 11 in order to obtain Warrior’s help. He will remain where he is until the party returns with the two items.

There's another location that's a room full of Warriors:

15 — 30’ by 20’ room. 11 warrior droids, stand motionless in this room. Rolls of copper and silver wire are strewn about the room. The room is dusty.

The copper and silver weigh about 1000 pcs. Each.

The spare warrior droids are turned off. They will attack if they are turned on. No.: 11, AC: 2, damage: 1d10. HTK: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (5d8).

There are several other locations with droids that might be designed for combat. The rest appear to be Servitors and Valet Droids with different functions, None of the possible "combat droids" have descriptions, so we have no idea whether they're built like Guardian Droids or "Warrior"

Here they are:

The "droids who attack" who can be summoned in location 12 and the "rather large" droids in the "active droid waiting room" location 20 both have a lower Armor Class but the same damage and Hit Dice as a Warrior: AC 4, 1d10 damage, 5d8 HD.

The droids that attack any green humanoids that enter location 22 have a higher Armor Class and Hit Dice than a Warrior: AC 0, 1d10 damage, 8d8 HD.

The droids guarding the treasure vault location 16 are all-round better: AC 0, 2d20 damage, 8d8 HD.

The first two could just be Guardian or Servitor Droids with advanced HD, but the last seems to be something special.

In any case, we have very little in the way of stats to go on, so we're pretty free to make up whatever we think is cool. :cool:


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, I definitely would go for a Warrior Droid that's a bit more dangerous than a Guardian. I think both the listings you give with 1d10 damage can be the same droid with advancement, and the question to me is if we prefer to make the 2d20 damage version an entirely different droid or an "optional" advancement via an underbar.


Well, I definitely would go for a Warrior Droid that's a bit more dangerous than a Guardian. I think both the listings you give with 1d10 damage can be the same droid with advancement, and the question to me is if we prefer to make the 2d20 damage version an entirely different droid or an "optional" advancement via an underbar.

How about adding an option or note that they sometimes use high-tech weaponry? The 2d20 damage one could be armed with a vibroglaive or a blaster rifle to account for the damage. We could say such weapons are normally built-in (or maybe depend on the droid's batteries for power) so that the PCs can't loot them.


Extradimensional Explorer
That'll work for me. Why don't we start with the guardian droid and bump up some of the abilities a bit?


That'll work for me. Why don't we start with the guardian droid and bump up some of the abilities a bit?

That works for me, I'll use a dupe of the Guardian as the start of a working draft.

Maybe use the Elite array (e.g. 15, 14, 13, 12, 10) for the stats?

Five Hit Dice and an AC of 18 or 20?


Extradimensional Explorer
I'd normally prefer to use the elite array for a specific critter, like an NPC or a template sample. The guardian has Str 12, Dex 10, Con —, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 1. Why not give the warrior Str 16, Dex 14, Con —, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 1? That's like applying the best of the elite array in the important stats.


I'd normally prefer to use the elite array for a specific critter, like an NPC or a template sample. The guardian has Str 12, Dex 10, Con —, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 1. Why not give the warrior Str 16, Dex 14, Con —, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 1? That's like applying the best of the elite array in the important stats.

That's pretty much what I had in mind, although I was thinking I'd give it a higher Charisma.

Maybe Str 16, Dex 14, Con —, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 10?

Voidrunner's Codex

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