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Converting Monsters from Polyhedron Magazine


Probably Climb as well. +2 to all of 'em?

I was thinking a +4 racial bonus. I imagine they should be about as good in the water as Brown and Black Bears, who get +4 racial bonus to Swim.

As for the Jump, I didn't want it a different bonus to Swim and a +4 means they'd get the same modifier as if their 40 ft. Climb speed was their ground speed, which seems to make sense.

No need to give them a racial bonus to Climb, they've already got +8 from their Climb speed.

We've only got two more critters left for this thread, so we can take all the time we'd like. ;)

Good, we'll leave the scratching & biting varient for later. :)

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Oops. I forgot they already have a climb speed.

Yes, I presume that's why you forgot the +8 racial bonus in their skill line too.

They should have Climb +11, not +3.

Hmm, maybe we should take the 2 ranks out of Climb and put them somewhere else. Probably Listen and Spot, to make it:

Skills: Climb +9, Jump +5, Listen +1, Spot +1, Swim +5

Time for flavour text then!

A naked manlike creature. Its head, chest and lower legs are covered in a thick pelt of hair, the rest of its body is bare mud-brown skin. The creature stinks like a rancid weasel and its entire body is stained with filth. Hands and feet sport pointed, claw-like nails.

These disgusting creatures may once have been humans or another humanoid race, but are now little more than beasts. They have all the worse aspects of humanity that their limited wits can support - cowardice, greed, lust, sloth and mischief are almost instinctive to a yahoo.

The houyhnhnm keep "tamed" yahoos as beasts of burden (or possible slaves), and other intelligent beings may use tame yahoos in this way. Wild yahoos congregate in gang or mobs led by the most treacherous and vicious male, who keeps a lickspittle as his second-in-command. Whenever the mob changes its leader, usually by deceit or violence, the entire tribe heaps ordure on the old leader's lickspittle. A group of wild yahoos frequently wars with neighboring yahoos or engages in a civil war among themselves. Such conflicts rarely result in deaths, mostly due to the yahoos' cowardice and lack of weapons.

All yahoos are violently fond of shiny stones, and will go to great effort to dig them from the ground or steal them from another yahoo. A yahoo will keep its hoard of stones buried in some secret spot. Fields rich in such stones are the site of the yahoos' most frequent and fiercest battles.

Yahoos will always flee from or obey a houyhnhnm, depending on the circumstances. Even the wildest yahoo will not attack a houyhnhnm or other horse-like creature. A yahoo will see other humanoids as another yahoo, and will attack, bully, grovel towards this new yahoo, depending to the circumstances. The really unlucky may have a yahoo of the opposite sex lust after them. A yahoo is likely to see a soft-skinned and clawless humanoid (like an adventurer) as a weakling ripe for tormenting. Yahoos hate humanoids who show a close relationship with the houyhnhmm, any often assault such humanoids the moment they leave the protection of a houyhnhnm. It is possibly they view such a person as being a houyhnhnm "lickspittle".

The houyhnhnm use their yahoos them to carry loads or drag sleds for transporting sick or elderly houyhnhnm. A tamed yahoo always obeys a houyhnhnm's orders, but will work petty mischief if unsupervised - stealing food or milk, devouring their master's pets, vandalizing property and so forth. Yahoos are too short-sighted, fractious and indolent to organize any resistance against their masters, but require constant supervision to produce any useful work. Houyhnhnm often tie leashes made from vines or braided twigs to the neck of their yahoos, unsupervised yahoos are tied to posts or beams to keep them from working mischief.

Yahoos will eat almost anything. Most of their diet is roots and carrion, supplemented by fruit, nuts, and small animals. They like the flesh of fish, rats and weasels. Yahoos particularly enjoy the effect of intoxicating plants (a certain root is highly sought after), and eat them at every opportunity.

Most wild yahoos sleep in shallow dens dug in sloping earth, but they may also sleep in trees and caves. Domestic yahoos sleep in kennels constructed by their masters.

A yahoo is the same height and weight as a human. Male yahoos have matted beards and a ridge of hair down their spines, females have long hair but lack the hairy ridge. Yahoos develop more quickly than humans, becoming full-grown in their early teens. Yahoos are very unclean and often wallow or sleep in mud.

Yahoos do not have a language, but can be taught to obey very simple commands.

Whenever possible, yahoos prefer to fight from a distance. They throw rocks, branches and even their own filth at opponents. Extremely craven, yahoos will flee from even slight setbacks.


Looks great! Updated.

Ready for the clawed variant?

How's this:

Clawed Yahoo
In Jonathan Swift's satirical book Gulliver's Travels the yahoos fought mainly with claws, augmented by their sharp teeth. They were not adept at thrown weapons as described above. Indeed, there is no mention of them using any weapons at all aside from biting and scratching. Such a yahoo uses the following statistics, with any missing statistic being the same as the yahoo detailed above.

Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3+1)
Full Attack: 2 claws +4 melee (1d3+1) and bite +1 melee (1d4)
Special Attacks: Improved grab, stench
Feats: Multiattack, Weapon Focus (claw)

Instead of using thrown weapons like other yahoos, clawed yahoos prefer to attack opponents by outnumbering and ambushing them. They are just as cowardly as other yahoos, taking to their heels if they face any significant resistance.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a clawed yahoo must hit an opponent of up to Large size with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold. Clawed yahoos have a +4 racial bonus to grapple checks.

Stench (Ex): A clawed yahoo is covered in filth whose smell nearly every form of animal life finds offensive. All living creatures (except yahoos and troglodytes) within 30 feet of the yahoo must succeed on a DC 11 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same yahoo's stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.



Hmm, the "biting and scratching" is starting to look wrong to me, this works better:

Clawed Yahoo
In Jonathan Swift's satirical book Gulliver's Travels the yahoos fought mainly with claws, augmented by their sharp teeth. They were not adept at thrown weapons as described above. Indeed, there is no mention of them using any weapons at all. Such a yahoo uses the following statistics, with any missing statistic being the same as the yahoo detailed above.

Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3+1)
Full Attack: 2 claws +4 melee (1d3+1) and bite +1 melee (1d4)
Special Attacks: Improved grab, stench
Feats: Multiattack, Weapon Focus (claw)

Clawed yahoos fight by biting and scratching. Instead of using thrown weapons like other yahoos, clawed yahoos prefer to attack opponents by outnumbering and ambushing them. They are just as cowardly as other yahoos, taking to their heels if they face any significant resistance.

Ready for the next one?

Apart from the above tweak I'm happy to move on.


Monster Junkie
Apart from the above tweak I'm happy to move on.


I'm not sure the following warrants a conversion...

The city of Laputa is a marvel of magical engineering: a flying city. It is populated by a race of humans who value philosophy and technology. The Laputans use their intellectual and technological superiority to control other countries.

Laputans: AC 10; MV 12; HD 1d6 hp; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA dropping stones, gun-powder weapons; SZ M; ML Average (8-10); INT Average-genius; AL LN(G); XP 175.

Laputans wear 18th Century European garments adorned with representations of suns, moons, and stars, interwoven with those of fiddles, flutes, harps, trumpets, guitars, harpsichords and many other musical instruments, some found only on their flying island. Laputan philosophers (all of them happen to be men) surround themselves with globes and spheres, mathematical instruments, pens, bottles of ink, blank paper, telescopes, microscopes, scrolls, and books. PCs will discover that even Laputan food is shaped to resemble musical instruments or abstract geometric forms.

Laputans (satirically representative of the English) use their flying island to keep the inhabitants of Balnibarbi (Ireland) in servitude. When a Balnibarbi city refuses to pay tribute to the philosophers, the Laputan monarchy orders the flying island to hover above the rebels' land to block sunshine, snow, or rain from falling on their farms and gardens. If the revolt continues, the Laputans bombard the city with hundreds of rocks dropped from their aerial vantage point. If the city still refuses to pay tribute, Laputans could use the flying island itself as a colossal hammer to smash the rebel city, but this has never been done for fear of breaking their island home apart.
Laputan military technology equals that of Earth's Renaissance, including the arquebus and cannons. The entire Laputan army is made up of lower-class men and women, as Laputan philosophers never take the time to study mundane concerns such as warfare.

Swift used the airborne Laputan philosophers, as well as Balnibarbi Projectors, to satirize over-valuing reason and abstract studies. Obsessed with abstract reason, these impracticable philosophers do not invent anything practical, but only squander resources that could be used to help the people they rule over. Upper-class Laputan men are extremely obsessed with abstract mathematics, the celestial music of the spheres, as well as astronomical and judicial astrology to the exclusion of everything else. These men spend most of their lives in intellectual stupors, unaware of anyone or anything around them. When lost in thought, these archetypical absent-minded professors tilt their heads to one side, while one eye points inward and the other straight up. These upper class men must be brought back to reality by lower-class pages who use tools called Flappers: inflated bladders, filled with small pebbles, that are fixed to the ends of staffs. These pages very gently strike their masters on the mouth if they need to speak, on the ear if they need to hear, or in the eyes if they need to see where they are walking.

Laputan philosophers are so entirely devoted to abstract problems that the quality of practical skills, from tailoring garments to constructing homes, is absolutely wretched. According to Gulliver, these people are very clumsy, awkward, and unhandy-unable to do anything with skill except for abstract mathematics and music. They lack imagination, fancy, and invention.

The insanity of Laputan philosophers has spread to the island of Balnibarbi, where common sense has been replaced by a group of commonwealth-men calling themselves the "Academy of Projectors," satirizing the Royal Society of London. These are schools filled with hundreds of madcap crackpots who are obsessed with unproductive experiments designed to reverse natural systems. Projectors attempt to extract sunshine from cucumbers, to reduce human excrement to its original food, turn ice into gunpowder, to construct buildings by starting with the roof and finishing with the foundation, to mix colors by only feeling and smelling the paint, and to make many other strange attempts to "improve the human condition." With the exception of their political scientists, projectors are uniformly insane. The Laputan flying island is an exactly circular disk, with a diameter of 7,837 yards enclosing 10,000 acres. The island is three hundred yards thick. Rain water is collected in four large basins. The island's motion is controlled from a chasm about 50 yards in diameter. This is where a huge lodestone is suspended inside a hollow cylinder. Manipulating this loadstone can make the flying island travel either horizontally or vertically. However, the island cannot fly above the height of four miles and cannot wander more than 18 miles from the island of Balnibarbi. Human sages think this civilization was more practical in ages past when the flying island was originally cut out of the bedrock. This must have been true, as the island is far too practical to have been built by the modern inhabitants. Player characters might find much useful information while exploring long forgotten libraries.

Laputans have a life span of 60-80 years. They consume the same type of foods that were common to 18th Century Europeans. Laputans have few natural enemies. The closest enemies the Laputans might have are flying creatures such as evil dragons who see their island as something interesting to plunder. But the Laputans' use of the arquebus and cannon have kept flying creatures at a safe distance, so far.

Originally appeared in Polyhedron #106 (1995).


Monster Junkie
Laputans don't merit a conversion, they're just humans with a peculiar society.

In that case, we're down to the last one for this thread...

The Male of the Species
by Frank Mentzer

Editor's note: Last issue we published the description of "Amazons" by Gary Gygax. But although the men associated with these warrior women were mentioned briefly, their statistics and lifestyle were never fully described. To correct that oversight, we now present

Men, Emezon

FREQUENCY: Extremely rare
MOVE: 9"
HIT DICE: 1 (d6)
% IN LAIR: 99%
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon (see below)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Cleric spells
SIZE: M (5'-6' tall)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Variable

Emezons (also called scullions) are the famous but elusive male amazons (q.v. POLYHEDRON Newszine #22, p8). Their ability scores are average in all respects.

Emezons normally do not wear armor, except for a leather apron (AC 7) at mealtimes, which is adorned with tribal runes forming the phrase "Common Gadit". At such times, an emezon is usually armed with a heavy metal pot or skillet, which may be used as if a mace. Or rare occasions, emezons may be found with their amazon mistresses, acting as guards. They are then similarly armored and armed.

If attacked in lair, an emezon will often start an unearthly wailing, which causes each creature within 60' to make a saving throw vs. spells. Those failing will immediately try to comfort and protect the poor thing.

Rumors indicate that all emezons are spellcasters, as they are prone to chanting words of various types while preparing meals. Detailed observation indicates that while a few are actually clerics, reaching a maximum of 5th level of experience, others are low-level chefs (see "Zee Chef", on the preceding pages for details), preoccupied with dweomers involving the creation, purification, and flavoring of food and drink.

Emezons are exceptionally skilled at child raising, interior decorating, and hair styling, and are thus treasured and protected by amazons at all times. The most skilled emezon in a tribe is usually awarded a small sculpture (of an otter or a seal), as a token of the amazons' approval. This item may be passed on to a new winner each month.

Voidrunner's Codex

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