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Converting monsters from the second edition Monstrous Compendiums

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Creature Cataloguer
good deal. :) since i couldn't find those viruses (virii?) i'm going to move on to the kercpa, probably sometime next week. :)


First Post
:) YAY! Of course next week I'm going out to the Gulf of Mexico and won't be back for a month... Arg, timing is everything.

Did you want me to post the version I've come up with and am using or did you just want to go from scratch?


Creature Cataloguer
from scratch, but if you like you may post yours in homebrews, add a link here, and we will compare/contrast to make a better hybrid. ;) i do that all the time.


Creature Cataloguer
as promised...

these guys have a hell of a lot of flavor text. i'm going to have to reduce that a lot. :p

Monstrous Humanoid?

The Dragon's Bestiary

Add these little guys to your campaign's elven forests
by Norman Abrahamsen
Artwork by Terry Dykstra

The Kercpa
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate forests
DIET: Herbivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average to High (8-14)
ALIGNMENT Neutral to Chaotic Good
MOVEMENT. 9, Cl 15
THAC0: 19
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise, +4 on attacks with bows
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Surprised only on 1, dodge missiles, saves as 7 HD creature
SIZE: T (1'~1½')
MORALE: Steady (12); with elves, Elite (14)
2 HD Defender: 120
3 HD Defender: 175
4 HD Defender: 270
Shaman, level 1-4: 175
Shaman, level 5: 270
Wizard: + 1 HD

The Kercpa (both singular and plural) are a reclusive race inhabiting dense forests, far from civilization. Shy of most races other than elves, and exceptionally skilled at remaining undetected, they are rarely seen even when their dwellings are nearby.
Seldom exceeding 1½' in height, kercpa appear as bipedal red squirrels, complete with bushy tails to assist in keeping their balance. Eyes are usually green or hazel, although blue is not known. They favor garb similar to that of the elves who usually reside near to, colored so as to enable them to blend in more easily into their surroundings. Hands and feet are never covered, however, as that would impede their ability to climb. Among the trees they are as nimble and acrobatic as normal squirrels, running and leaping from branch to branch and tree to tree with astonishing ease and grace.
Kercpa speak their own language. In addition, many have learned one or more languages of other forest-dwelling races such as sylvan or wild elves, treants, pixies, and sprites. About one in ten will have picked up at least a smattering of the Common tongue.

Combat: Kercpa are peaceful by nature and always avoid combat when possible. However, should it become necessary, they are quite capable of defending themselves, their homes, and those of their elven allies with an efficiency that belies their diminutive size and rather harmless appearance. The squirrel-folk move with great stealth through the woodland, imposing a -5 penalty on others' surprise rolls. Due to their keen senses, they are themselves surprised only on a roll of 1. Hiding motionlessly in any forest terrain, kercpa are 90% unlikely to be seen. They make all saving throws as 7 Hit Dice creatures, adjusted, where applicable, as if possessing a Dexterity score of 19. Although they never wear armor of any kind, their size and phenomenal agility combine to give them an excellent armor class. A kercpa, furthermore, may attempt to dodge any missile directed at it, provided that it is in a position to see the attack launched. A successful saving throw versus death magic (modified by Dexterity, as above) the kercpa successfully dodged the attack, regardless of whether the attack would normally have hit. Up to two missiles may be dodged per round by each kercpa.
If forced into melee, kercpa wield tiny swords or spears that inflict 1d3 points of damage. However, well aware of the disadvantage they suffer against most foes, they strive to avoid hand-to-hand combat. The preferred weapon of any kercpa is a bow. Although the seemingly toy-like kercpa bow has but half the range and damage causing potential of a normal short bow, an innate skill honed by intense training make them formidable weapons in the squirrel-folk's hands nonetheless. Some kercpa routinely best their elven allies in short-range archery contests.
A kercpa may fire up to three arrows per round, with each such attack at +4 to hit. a typical kercpa strategy is to take to the trees, surround the enemy, and while darting in and out of concealment, rain down a relentless barrage of stinging projectiles from all sides. It is not uncommon for a band of orcs, gnolls, or other forest marauders thus assaulted to believe themselves under attack by scores of the creatures, when in reality they are faced with only a dozen or so. Certainly the kercpa do their best to encourage this mistaken impression.
Should their opponents be too numerous to drive away or destroy in this manner, the kercpa shift tactics and attempt to lead them out of their territory, goading them to the chase with taunts and jeers if the squirrel-folks' enemies prove reluctant to pursue them. By this the kercpa hope to fragment a larger band, get them hopelessly separated and lost in the woods, and then deal with the more manageably sized groups one at a time. Some tribes, especially those dwelling in or near enemy-infested lands, will attempt to lead pursuers through an area of forest that, in preparation for such a contingency, the kercpa had rigged with concealed pits, snares, deadfalls, and other traps. When such tactics fail, the kercpa send runners off through the trees to alert the elven settlements the squirrel-folk seldom live far from.
Kercpa are able to communicate over distances of up to 100 yards by utilizing a simple language of whistles and bird calls. While limited in its range of expression, this method of communication is sufficient for them to coordinate or alter tactics without the need to regroup, an invaluable advantage in combat relying on cunning, stealth, subterfuge, and deception. Throughout the kercpa territory will be stashed caches of arrows and other supplies (in hollow branches, etc.), eliminating the need to return to the village to restock. All adults are intimately familiar with the areas in which they live and, except in certain unusual instances (such as quarry empowered with flight or utilizing a pass without trace spell) can track intruders as a ranger throughout.
Those kercpa with spell-casting ability (see below) employ magic in combat to complement and enhance the squirrel-folks combat tactics. Favorites include ventriloquism, taunt, wall of fog, and mirror image.

Habitat/Society: A typical kercpa tribe consists of 100-300 adult squirrel-folk, with an additional number of young equal to roughly 20% of the population. Male and female kercpa are equally skilled fighters, while the young are noncombatants. One in every 20 kercpa will be an individual with 2 Hit Dice. For every 100 in a community, there will be an additional leader with 3 or 4 Hit Dice. As the most skilled warriors in the village, these exceptional individuals (or "defenders" as they are known) are primarily responsible for its safe-keeping from malevolent outside forces. Their duties include the organizing of patrols, the maintenance the village's defenses, and leading the tribe in attack, retreat, and, it necessary, evacuation. Kercpa defenders take this role very seriously and will not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for the tribe if the situation warrants. A defender's THAC0 and saving throws are proportionately superior to others of their kind. A 3 HD kercpa, for example, would have a base THAC0 of 18 (14 with a bow) and make saving throws as a 9 Hit Die creature. Through trade with elves and sprites, kercpa sometimes manage to acquire a limited supply of their sleep-inducing arrows; any defender has a 25% chance to carry ld4 of them in his quiver. These precious arrows will not be wasted on opponents the squirrel-folk believe can be overcome by other means.
All kercpa tribes will be led by a shaman of the 4th or 5th level of ability. For every 50 kercpa in the tribe, there will be an additional 1d2 lesser shamans of 1st through 3rd level. Shamans receive an additional 1d4 hit points for each level they possess beyond the first, and for every two levels fight as if having one additional Hit Die. They may cast spells from the following spheres: All, Animal, Creation, Divination, Healing, Plant, Sun, and Weather. In addition, kercpa shamans are skilled herbalists with the ability to concoct effect remedies to numerous ailments and afflictions. Among these is a minor variety of healing potion that restores 1d4+1 hit points to the imbiber. Any kercpa venturing outside the village is 75% likely to have such a potion in her possession. Kercpa shamans are responsible for preserving the tribe's health, providing advice and spiritual guidance, and presiding over ceremonies. In theory, the shamans also are responsible for governing all internal matters within the tribe, but in actuality there is little need. Kercpa seem to be by nature cooperative, working together for the common good of the forest community. Internal or inter-tribal strife among them is unknown.
The role of the defenders usually falls to the male kercpa, while the females comprise the majority of the shamans. This tendency is by no means a rule, however, and exceptions either way are not uncommon. The sexes in kercpa society are in all ways equal (as well as being difficult for outsiders to tell apart). They marry for life and mates are fiercely protective of their young and of each other.
Perhaps due to their close relationship with elves, some kercpa dabble in magic; any adult has a 5% chance of being able to cast spells as a wizard of the 1st to 4th level. Kercpa rarely learn spells of an offensive nature, and never those involving fire.
Kercpa villages consist of numerous small buildings situated high among the branches, and are usually spread out among several trees. An elaborate highway of vine ladders and bridges connect the various buildings. The village is difficult to see from the ground; even observant outsiders have but a 5% chance of noticing it. Actively scanning the trees increases the chance to 10%. Villages set among deciduous trees are more easily spied in the winter-time, increasing the probabilities to 15% and 50% respectively. Under normal circumstances, the kercpa's vigilant scout patrols and sentries make it impossible for an intruder to come within a mile of one of their dwellings without their knowledge.
The squirrel-folk live by foraging. Dozens of small bands strike out daily from early spring to late fall to gather food, water, and other necessities. Surplus is stored away for the winter. Unlike true squirrels, kercpa do not hibernate. They do, however, tend to be less active during the winter months, and often sleep for much greater lengths of time. At least a third of the tribe will remain active at all times in the event of a threat. Kercpa are strictly vegetarian so, despite considerable archery skill, their bows are not used for hunting. Foraging expeditions rarely take them more than 10 miles from the village. If a tribe becomes too large to be supported by the immediate area a group consisting mainly of younger couples breaks off to found a new village elsewhere. Tribes within the same region often converge on an annual basis (usually on the summer solstice) for a great festival. These celebrations, sometimes lasting several days, serve as an opportunity for various tribes to renew familial ties, hold council on matters of mutual concern, introduce young adults to possible mates, and to exchange goods and information. Music, song, dance, story-telling, friendly contests of archery, tumbling and speed, as well as an over-abundance of food and blackberry wine round out the festive nature of the gathering.
The simple kercpa religion pays homage to a single deity, a nameless earth goddess who, while said to be able to take any form in nature, is usually depicted as a vast oak tree. Religious ceremonies are few compared to those of most other races, and pious obligations are fulfilled simply by living in harmonious accord with nature. Faced with an ethical dilemma, kercpa seek a precedent in the fables of Rititisk the Clever-the mythical patriarch of the race-and try to emulate his example. In addition to being entertaining stories of adventure in their own right-tales of Rititisk thwarting monstrous evil spiders, outwitting oafish giants (humans), questing to the ends of the earth for enchanted ever-striking arrows and the like-the fables are believed by the kercpa to contain lessons to guide them through all aspects of life. They are essential to every young kercpa's education.
Strangers traveling through kercpa lands will be trailed and their actions scrutinized (ideally without the kercpa revealing their presence) but will be allowed to pass unhindered if they do not cause harm to the forest. This remains the case even with obviously evil creatures such as orcs and goblins. The only exceptions to the kercpa's reclusiveness include certain sylvan neighbors who share an interest in preserving the woodland. With elves, sprites, and treants do the kercpa have ties of friendship and alliance. To the elves the kercpa are indispensable, as the squirrel-folk convey messages back and forth between camps, run errands for them, and keep them up to date on the latest happenings of the greater forest. In exchange, elves serve at times as guardians and mentors for the squirrel-folk's children. Young kercpa delight in the company of these elegant, graceful beings, running amok through their homes and pestering their long-lived friends with endless questions and requests for tales of "olden times." Most elves seem to genuinely enjoy the kercpa's company as well.
On infrequent occasions, some human rangers and druids have made contact with and befriended (and were befriended by) the kercpa. A few bolder members of the species have even been known to befriend parties of good-aligned adventurers (especially those containing elves), acting as guides for them and otherwise assisting them with their knowledge of the wilderness. It must be noted, however, that such examples of eccentric behavior are not common.

Ecology: Kercpa make negligible impact on their ecosystem; forests inhabited for twenty generations appear even to careful scrutiny as virgin woodland. As the desire to accumulate wealth and the very concept of money are unknown to them, the kercpa have produced and amassed little that others are interested in acquiring. This has not prevented evil creatures from hunting them out of sheer malice, however. In addition, giant spiders of all kinds, ettercaps, stirges, and even some raptors (such as large owls) are frequent threats to them. Kercpa are usually born singularly, although twins and triplets are more common than with humans. They become mature at about age 15 and usually marry soon thereafter. Kercpa have an average life expectancy of 60 years.

Monstrous Compendium Annual #4 (1998)


CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate forest
DIET: Herbivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average to High (8-14)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Chaotic good

MOVEMENT: 9, Cl 15
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 weapon or 3 bow
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise (-5), +4 with bows
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Surprised only on 1, save as 7 HD (Dex 19 bonus); dodge missiles
SIZE: T (1'-1½' tall)
MORALE: Steady (12); with elves Elite (14)
XP VALVE: 1 HD: 65
2 HD: 120
3 HD: 175
4 HD: 270
Shaman 1-4: 175
Shaman 5th: 270
Wizard: +1 HD

The kercpas, a reclusive race of intelligent squirrel-folk, inhabit dense forests far from human civilization. Shy of most races except elves, and skilled at remaining undetected, these small archers are rarely seen, even when their homes are nearby.

Only a foot to eighteen inches tall, kercpas took like large red squirrels (sciuridae tamiasciurus), complete with bushy tails that help them keep their balance as they move along slender tree branches. Their eyes are brightly intelligent and green or hazel, though blue is not unknown. Their garb is similar to that of wood elves - green, russet, tan, and dark brown - enabling them to blend in with their surroundings. They do not cover their hands or feet, for this would impede their climbing. In the trees, they are as nimble and acrobatic as normal squirrels, running and leaping from branch to branch astonishing grace and ease.

Kercpas speak their own chattering language, and many speak the languages of other forest races: sylvan or wild elvish, treant, pixie, and so on. About one in ten know at least a little of the common tongue. Among themselves, kercpas can signal (using system of whistles and bird calls) to 100 yards distance.

Combat: Kercpas are peaceful by nature. However, they are quite able to defend themselves, their homes, and their elven allies, with a skill that belies their small size and rather harmless appearance. If motionless in forest terrain, they are 90% likely to remain unseen. Their great stealth in woodlands imposes a -5 penalty on others' surprise rolls, Their own keen senses mean they are surprised only on a roll of 1.

Though they never wear armor, their size and phenomenal agility combine to give kercpas an excellent Armor Class of 3. They make all saving throws as 7 Hit Die creatures - adjusted, when applicable, as if by a Dexterity of 19 (-4). Further, a kercpa can try to dodge any missile directed at it, provided that it could see the attack launched. A successful saving throw vs. death magic (modified by Dexterity) means the kercpa successfully dodged the attack, regardless of the attack roll. A kercpa can dodge up to two missiles per round in this way.

If forced into melee, kercpas wield tiny swords and spears that inflict only 1d3 points of damage. Aware of the disadvantage they suffer in hand-to-hand combat against most foes, kercpas prefer to use their tiny, toy like bows. Though these have only half the range and damage potential of a short bow (range: 25/50/75 yards; damage: 1d3), kercpa skill honed by intense training makes them formidable weapons; a kercpa can fire three times per round, with an attack bonus of +4.

A typical kercpa strategy is to take to the trees, surround the enemy and, darting in and out of concealment, rain a relentless barrage of stinging missiles from all sides. They usually are content to wound, discourage, and drive off intruders who do not press them. It is not uncommon for a band of orcs, gnolls or other forest marauders thus assaulted to believe themselves under attack by scores of the creatures when they are faced by only a dozen or so. The kercpas do their best to encourage this mistaken impression.

Should their opponents be too numerous to drive away, the kercpas try to lead the intruders out of their territory, goading them to the chase with taunts and jeers. The kercpa hope to fragment a larger band, get them hopelessly separated and lost in the woods, and then deal with the smaller groups one at a time. Some tribes, particularly those dwelling in or near enemy-infested lands, will lead pursuers into a n area of the forest rigged with concealed pits, deadfalls, and other traps. If this fails, the kercpas send runners to alert the nearest elves.

Kercpas coordinate and their tactics with a simple signaling system of whistles and bird calls (range: 100 yards). While limited in its range of expression, this system is an invaluable advantage in combat relying on cunning, stealth, subterfuge, and deception.

Throughout kercpa territory, the squirrel-folk stash caches of arrows and other supplies (in hollow branches, etc.), eliminating the need to return to the village to restock. All adults are intimately familiar with their home areas. Except in unusual cases - a quarry able to fly, pass without trace, or dimension door, for example - kercpas can track enemies in their home area like rangers. Kercpas with spellcasting ability use magic to support these tactics. Favorites include ventriloquism, taunt, wall of fog, and mirror image.

Habitat/Society: A typical kercpa tribe consists of adults, and a number of young equal to 20% of this number. Male and female kercpas are equally skilled fighters, while the young are noncombatants. The two key elements of kercpa society are the defenders and the shamans.

Defenders: One in every 20 kercpas is an exceptional individual with 2 Hit Dice, For every 100 in a community, one is a leader of 3 or 4 Hit Dice. As the most skilled fighters, the defenders organize patrols, maintain the village's defenses, and lead the tribe in attack, retreat and, if necessary, evacuation. They take their duties, seriously and will not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for the tribe if the situation warrants.

The base THAC0s, and base saving throws of defenders increase with their Hit Dice; for example, a 3 HD defender has a THAC0 of 17 and the base saving throw of a 9 HD creature.

Through trade with pixies, any defender is 25% likely to have 1d4 sleep arrows (save vs. poison or sleep 1d6 hours). These will not be wasted on enemies that can be defeated by other means.

Shamans: All kercpa tribes are led by a shaman of 4th or 5th level. For every 50 kercpas in the tribe, there will be 1d2 lesser shamans of 1st to 3rd level. Shamans receive an additional 1d4 hit points for every level they possess beyond the first, and fight as if having an additional Hit Die for every two levels they possess. They can cast spells from the following spheres; all, animal, creation, divination, healing, plant, sun, and weather. Kercpa shamans are skilled herbalists and can treat numerous, ailments. A typical kercpa healing potion restores 1d4+1 hit points, any kercpa traveling far outside the village is 75% likely to have one.

Kercpa shamans are responsible for preserving the tribe's health, providing advice and spiritual guidance, and presiding over ceremonies. In theory, the shamans govern all internal tribal matters, but in actuality kercpas are by nature cooperative, working together for the common good of the forest community. Internal and intertribal strife is unknown.

Most of the tribe's defenders are male, while most of the shamans are female. This is by no means the rule, and exceptions are not uncommon. The genders are in all ways equal (and difficult for outsiders to tell apart). Kercpas marry for life, and mates are fiercely protective of their young and of each other.

Some adult kercpas, as many as 5% dabble in magic, perhaps due to their close relationship with elves. These cast spells as wizards (if up to 4th level. They rarely learn spells of an offensive nature, and never those involving fire.

Kercpa villages consist of many small buildings located high among the branches, usually spread out among several trees. An elaborate highway of vine ladders and bridges connect their buildings. A village is difficult to see from the ground; even observant outsiders have but a 5% chance to notice it. Actively scanning high into the trees increases the chance to 10%. Villages in deciduous trees are more easily spotted in winter; the base chances are 15% and 50% respectively. In practice, the kercpas' vigilant scouts make it impossible for an intruder to come within a mile of one without their knowledge.

The squirrel-folk live by foraging. Dozens of small bands strike out daily from early spring to late fall to gather food, water, and other necessities. Surplus is stored away for the winter. Unlike true squirrels, kercpas do not hibernate, They are less active in the winter, and often sleep for much greater lengths of time. At least a third of the tribe remains active at all times in the event of a threat. Kercpas are strictly vegetarian; despite their archery skill, they do not hunt. Foraging expeditions rarely take them more than 10 miles from the village. If a tribe becomes too large for the immediate area, a group, mainly younger couples, breaks off to found a new village. Tribes in the same region meet on an annual basis (usually summer solstice) for a great festival. These celebrations last several days. The tribes renew familial ties, hold council on matters of mutual concern, introduce young adults to possible mates, and exchange goods and information. Music, song, dace, story -telling, friendly contests of archery, tumbling and speed, as well as an overabundance of food and blackberry wine round out the festive nature of the gathering.

The simple kercpa religion pays homage to a single deity, an earth goddess. The goddess, while said to be able to take any form in nature, is usually depicted as a vast oak tree. Religious ceremonies are few compared to those of most other races, and pious obligations are fulfilled simply by living in harmonious accord with nature.

Faced with ethical dilemma, kercpas seek precedent in the fables of Rititisk the Clever - the mythical patriarch of the race and try to emulate his example. Besides being entertaining stories of adventure in their own right - tales of Rititisk thwarting monstrous evil spiders, outwitting oafish giants (humans), questing to the ends of the earth for enchanted ever-striking arrows arid the like - the fables contain lessons to guide the kercpas through all aspects of fife. They are essential to every young kercpa's education.

Strangers traveling through kercpa lands will be trailed and their actions scrutinized (ideally without the kercpas revealing their presence) and allowed to pass unhindered if they do not cause harm to the forest. This remains the case even with obviously evil creatures such as orcs and goblins. The only exceptions to the kercpas' reclusiveness include certain sylvan neighbors who share an interest in preserving the woodland. Kercpas have ties of friendship and alliance to elves, sprites, and treants. They are indispensable to their elven neighbors, as they convey messages between camps, run errands, and keep them up to date on the latest happenings of the greater forest. In exchange, the elves serve at times as guardians and mentors for the squirrel-folk's children. Young kercpa delight in the company of these elegant, graceful beings, running amok through their homes and pestering their elven friends with endless questions and requests for tales of "olden times," Most elves seem to genuinely enjoy the kercpas' company as well.

On infrequent occasions, some human rangers and druids have made contact with and befriended (and been befriended by) the kercpas. A few bolder kercpas have been known to befriend parties of good-aligned adventurers, especially those containing elves, acting as guides and otherwise helping with their knowledge of the wilderness. Such examples of eccentric behavior are uncommon.

Ecology: The presence of kercpas is virtually unnoticeable; forests inhabited for twenty generations appear as virgin woodland even to careful scrutiny As even the concept of money is unknown to kercpas, they have produced and amassed little that others are interested in acquiring, This has not prevented evil creatures from hunting them out of sheer malice, however.

Frequent threats to the kercpas include giant spiders of all types, ettercaps, stirges, and even some raptors (such as giant owls). Kercpas are usually born singularly, though twins arid triplets are more common than with humans. They become mature at 15 and usually marry soon thereafter. Kercpas have an average life expectancy of 60 years.

-From DRAGON Magazine #214


Monster Junkie
These little fellas are begging to be submitted to Winning Races.

And ditto for monstrous humanoid.

It sounds like they should either get the camouflage ability of the ranger and a big bonus to Hide checks in forest terrain.

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