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Converting Oriental Adventures creatures

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Updating The General Working Draft.

I must remember to update the attack lines sometime.

Mirrors next?

Sure. This is basically the mirror image spell, except it's got a lot more images (20 to be exact) and the images appear out of step out of full-length mirrors.

I'm in favour of keeping the "stepping out of a mirror" flavour, but would be inclined to allow all the images to step out of a single mirror if the General desires, and allow the "mirror" to be any reflective surface of sufficient size, so he can create images from a large window or a pool of water.

Oh, and I favour it being a supernatural ability rather than a spell-like one.


I'll agree to all that. Do you have time to write a draft?

I guess so.

I'm inclined to rework the text of the mirror image spell rather than use a "works like mirror image except for the following changes" formula.

How's this:

Mirror Phantoms (Su): Once a day, the General can cause up to twenty illusory duplicates of itself to step out of nearby mirrors. These duplicates are illusory figments similar to the images created by a mirror image spell. The phantoms last up to 13 minutes or until they are destroyed.

A mirror must be large enough to reflect all of the General for a phantom to step out of it. Multiple figments can step out of the same mirror if the General creates more figments than the number of suitable mirrors. Every mirror phantom must remain within X feet of all the other phantoms and the General. The General can move into and through the figments and the figments may also move through each other. When a mirror phantom separates from the General, observers can’t use vision or hearing to tell which is real and which the phantom. The figments mimic the General's actions, pretending to strike with a sword when it strikes with a sword, charge when it charges, and so on.

The mirror phantoms are AC Y. Enemies attempting to attack or cast spells at the General must select from among indistinguishable targets. Generally, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a phantom. Any successful attack against a figment destroys it. The figments seem to react normally to area spells (such as looking burned or dead after being hit by a fireball).

When the General moves, it can merge with and split off from figments so that enemies who have learned which of them is real are again confounded.

An attacker must be able to see the phantoms to be fooled. They are not affected if the General is invisible or the attacker shuts their eyes.

The General's opponents can also attack the mirrors the phantoms stepped out of. If a mirror is broken (a typical full-length mirror is AC Z, hp 1), any phantoms that stepped out of that mirror shatter into nothingness.


I'm wondering whether giving the General the Two-Weapon Fighting feat instead of Improved Disarm might make sense.

Dual-wielding a katana and wakizasha is a fairly common technique for the more cinematic samurai, and there isn't any mention of him being skilled in disarming in the original adventure. Indeed, the only martial trick that's mentioned is iajitsu, which we've represented by Quick Draw.

Oh, and I realize I've missed a trick with the Mirror Phantom's writeup. The original adventure has: "After the first exchange of blows the katana appears in his hand and he vanishes. He appears shortly after — all twenty of him! He can create a mirror image effect with the room mirrors and his sword. "

So the mirror phantoms ability should include some kind of dimension door effect which causes the General to step out of a mirror. Also, there ought to be nineteen images. (i.e. there are twenty Generals, but one's the real one).

Seems like a rewrite of the first and second paragraphs is in order.

How about:

Mirror Phantoms (Su): Once a day, the General can use a dimension door effect to step out of a mirror within Z feet. At the same time, nineteen illusory duplicates of the General step out of mirrors in the same area. These duplicates are illusory figments similar to the images created by a mirror image spell. The phantoms last up to 13 minutes or until they are destroyed.

A mirror must be large enough for the General to fit through its frame for the General or a phantom to step out of it
. Multiple figments can step out of the same mirror if the General creates more figments than the number of suitable mirrors. Every mirror phantom must remain within X feet of all the other phantoms and the General. The General can move into and through the figments and the figments may also move through each other. When a mirror phantom separates from the General, observers can’t use vision or hearing to tell which is real and which the phantom. The figments mimic the General's actions, pretending to strike with a sword when it strikes with a sword, charge when it charges, and so on.


Extradimensional Explorer
Two-Weapon Fighting is fine.

I also like the re-write, and I'll go along with AC 14, as long as the real General's AC isn't too different from that. I wouldn't want to give him away too easily!

Also, how close should the phantasms have to stay? The wording is a little different than the spell's, so maybe all within 30 ft of all others?


Two-Weapon Fighting is fine.

Technically it's not that much use, since the reduced damage from wielding his katana one-handed plus the 2-point lower attack value means his average damage is likely a bit less when dual-wielding.

e.g.: with TWF:

Full Attack: Crimson katana +22/+17/+12 melee (1d10+14 plus 1d6 fire/17-20); or masterwork shortsword +20/+15/+10 melee (1d6+10/19-20)

without TWF:

Full Attack: Crimson katana +22/+17/+12 melee (1d10+14 plus 1d6 fire/17-20); or crimson katana +20/+15/+10 melee (1d10+11 plus 1d6 fire/17-20) and masterwork shortsword +18 melee (1d6+7/19-20); or masterwork shortsword +20/+15/+10 melee (1d6+10/19-20)

At the moment I think I'll leave the feats as-is.

Improved Disarm has its uses, and the original adventure makes no mention of him dual-wielding, but says he starts with a Quick Draw attack with his wakizashi and then switches to his katana. If he used dual-wielding he'd wield both weapons rather than switching from one to the other.

I also like the re-write, and I'll go along with AC 14, as long as the real General's AC isn't too different from that. I wouldn't want to give him away too easily!

That reminds me, we should really figure out what armour he's using.

Also, how close should the phantasms have to stay? The wording is a little different than the spell's, so maybe all within 30 ft of all others?

I was planning to go for 30 feet, so I'm glad to hear you like the idea too!

Updating The General Working Draft.

That just leaves the distance the General can dimension door when he activates Mirror Phantoms and the AC and hp of a "typical full-length mirror".

Voidrunner's Codex

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