Converting Planescape monsters


Extradimensional Explorer
There is air in the PC's lungs, so it can suck that away! :devil: But, like I say, I don't mind much either way. I do wonder if it's worth defining "air" vs "abundant air." Maybe we should just limit it to 10 rounds/day period.

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There is air in the PC's lungs, so it can suck that away! :devil: But, like I say, I don't mind much either way. I do wonder if it's worth defining "air" vs "abundant air." Maybe we should just limit it to 10 rounds/day period.

If the PCs are in a vacuum, they could only have air in their lungs if said lungs were hermetically sealed - in which case they wouldn't get the air sucked out of them.

Anyhow, it's simpler if we just say it can be used for 10 rounds per day or something.

Come to think of it, since we're giving them a "Voidstorm Attack Table" anyway, we could have the duration vary with the Quasielemental's size, so a bigger elemental can suck for longer.


Extradimensional Explorer
Hmmmm. We could have varying durations, I guess. I'm not sure if that's getting too fiddly or not. Do you have a proposal for the durations?


Hmmmm. We could have varying durations, I guess. I'm not sure if that's getting too fiddly or not. Do you have a proposal for the durations?

Oh, say 10 rounds for Huge, plus or minus 2 round for each grade up or down.


Small 4
Medium 6
Large 8
Huge 10
Greater 12
Elder 14
Monolith 16

Alternatively, we use the Large Elemental for the 10 rounds base and go by size steps:

Small 2
Medium 5
Large 10
Huge 15
Greater 15
Elder 15
Monolith 20

Hmm, I like the second slightly more, though could go for either.


I could go for the second (size-based) progression. Is the storm done after that?

We might have a bit more work to do with it, but I think it's pretty complete once we put all the bits together.

So far we've got:

Void Storm (Su): A vacuum quasi-elemental can suck all air within the listed diameter into itself as a free action? This process creates a wind of the strength listed in the Void Storm table below. All breathing creatures within the area of effect must succeed at a Fortitude save or suffer the listed damage due to air being ripped from their lungs.

A vacuum quasi-elemental becomes "filled up" once it has used its void storm for the maximum duration listed in the table - this duration can be divided however the quasi-elemental wishes over a 24 hour period. Once "full", the quasi-elemental's deflection bonus to Armor Class increases by +3 for 1 hour?

This ability only works in regions with an atmosphere, such as habitable worlds on the Prime Material Plane. The save DCs are Strength-based.

Vacuum Quasi-Elemental Void Storm Table
ElementalStorm Strength
Wind Force (Fort DC)
Storm Damage
(Fort DC)
Void Storm
Smallstrong? ()1d4 ()10–20 ft.2 rounds
Mediumsevere? ()1d6 ()10–30 ft.5 rounds
Largewindstorm? ()2d6 ()10–40 ft.10 rounds
Hugehurricane? ()2d8 ()10–50 ft.15 rounds
Greaterhurricane? ()2d8 ()10–60 ft.15 rounds
Elderhurricane? ()2d8 ()10–60 ft.15 rounds
Monolithtornado? ()4d6 ()10–80 ft.20 rounds


Extradimensional Explorer
I'm not quite sure about the bonus to AC, since that's always seemed quite weird to me (did the designer's really mean that?), but the rest looks good. Can we think of some kind of justification for the AC boost?


I'm not quite sure about the bonus to AC, since that's always seemed quite weird to me (did the designer's really mean that?), but the rest looks good. Can we think of some kind of justification for the AC boost?

Its somehow caused by being surrounded by ultradense air it's unable to annihilate.

How about:

Once "full", the quasi-elemental's deflection bonus to Armor Class increases by +3 for 1 hour, because it's surrounded by a whirling sphere of superdense air that helps it deflect attacks.

Or we could just cut the increased AC bit. I'm not that bothered either way.


Extradimensional Explorer
I guess we should include it if we think the original monster was intended to be that way (and they didn't get a minus sign wrong).

Voidrunner's Codex

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