Converting Planescape monsters

Electricity is fine, then. ;)

The ability as written is ok, but I think it should probably specify that a grappled/grappling opponent takes electricity damage each round (sort of like a combination of barbed defense and impale from the barbed devil). And we need a table for the damage. I guess 1d6 should be the damage for the Medium quasi-elemental with usual size category advancement. Sound ok to you?

Electricity (Ex): A lightning quasi-elemental is composed completely of electricity; therefore any creature touched or touching it takes electricity damage as specified in the table, and an opponent grappling or grappled by the quasi-elemental takes damage each round it remains in the grapple. An opponent grasping or wearing conductive material (metal weapon, armor, and so on) that comes into contact with a lightning quasi-elemental (including by making a successful melee attack against it) takes damage also.


The basic mechanics are OK, but the original wording is rather messy, plus it doesn't need the "A lightning quasi-elemental is composed completely of electricity; therefore" explanation.

I'm not that bothered about adding a note on electrifying-in-a-grapple, but I guess it doesn't hurt (provided you have enough electricity resistance).

As for the damage, I'm thinking it should use the same electricity damage as its slam attacks - that is where the slam's electricity damage comes from, after all.

I'm also considering adopting a bit of the wording from the 3.5 Fire Elemental's Burn Special Ability.

SRD said:
Burn (Ex): A fire elemental’s slam attack deals bludgeoning damage plus fire damage from the elemental’s flaming body. Those hit by a fire elemental’s slam attack also must succeed on a Reflex save or catch on fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. The save DC varies with the elemental’s size (see table). A burning creature can take a move action to put out the flame. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental’s attack, and also catch on fire unless they succeed on a Reflex save.

How about:

Electricity (Ex): A lightning quasi-elemental’s slam attack deals bludgeoning damage plus electricity damage from the elemental’s electrical body. The quasi-elemental can also inflict electricity damage with a melee touch attack or a grapple check (it need not win the grapple check to deal damage, mere contact is enough).

Creatures hitting a lightning quasi-elemental with natural weapons, unarmed attacks or weapons made of conducting materials (i.e. metal swords) take electricity damage as though hit by the quasi-elemental’s attack.

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Did we want to put in a table for the Electricity damage?

Ugh. Had a nice post, then lost it. Here's what I remember:
1) Original monster had 1 globe per HD per day, emitted once per round. 3.0 CC version seemed to have this wrong.
2) Hits critters that come within 5 ft of the lightning quasi. I'd be ok increasing the range for the larger ones.
3) Original hits either critters wearing armor or over 200 lb in weight. I'd change that to metal armor or Medium-sized or larger. (Or just wearing metal armor.)
4) Base damage on the Electricity damage.
How's that sound?

Did we want to put in a table for the Electricity damage?

Ugh. Had a nice post, then lost it. Here's what I remember:
1) Original monster had 1 globe per HD per day, emitted once per round. 3.0 CC version seemed to have this wrong.
2) Hits critters that come within 5 ft of the lightning quasi. I'd be ok increasing the range for the larger ones.
3) Original hits either critters wearing armor or over 200 lb in weight. I'd change that to metal armor or Medium-sized or larger. (Or just wearing metal armor.)
4) Base damage on the Electricity damage.
How's that sound?

I'd be inclined to make the radius of the globes the Reach of the Lightning Quasi in question, with a minimum of 5 feet.

We should say something about how long the globes last - if they hang around indefinitely until triggered, there'd be nothing to stop a Lightning Quasi adding its HD in globes every day over a long period of time, eventually producing a super-zapping Quasielemental. I'd just say they "pop" after a random period of time that's long enough for it not to matter during regular combat.

Also, what happens with multiple globes? Do they all strike at once at an intruder, or is it a "lightning only strikes once" deal and only one of the globes it triggered per intrusion?

Finally, I'm tempted to allow the opponent some method to avoid the globes - maybe a Reflex save to dodge between them and reach the elemental? Perhaps add a modifier depending on the number of globes, on the principle that multiple globes are harder to dodge than one.

Good points.

How about they fade out with no effect after 10 rounds? Or something a bit longer, like 1dX minutes?

I think I'd be inclined to make it a touch attack rather than a Ref save, but I could go either way. As for multiple globes, what if we say that the globes "attack" one at a time until there's a single success? That way just one hits, and it's harder (considerably) to avoid getting hit if there are multiple globes.

Good points.

How about they fade out with no effect after 10 rounds? Or something a bit longer, like 1dX minutes?

I think I'd be inclined to make it a touch attack rather than a Ref save, but I could go either way. As for multiple globes, what if we say that the globes "attack" one at a time until there's a single success? That way just one hits, and it's harder (considerably) to avoid getting hit if there are multiple globes.

I'm more inclined to make it a single roll with a variable bonus for multiple orbs - maybe +1 per orb?

It's just quicker to resolve.

Probably faster if you get a chance --- I'm busy again at the moment. On the other hand, if I catch up with all the threads, I'll tackle it.

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