Interesting that it re-rolled my d12 in your quote! I'm betting that's a bug...
I'm ok with the blue flavor and tactics, though I suppose there's plenty of more flavor to add.
Those tactics will work.
description and flavor?
Here's a first shot at the description:
A ball of blue lightning, spitting electrical sparks.
It's not much, but it's something, I guess.
It's not clear to me that the lightning actually hits the nearby objects. What about
A globe of electricity dances in the air. It spits out a constant storm of miniature lightning bolts that arc out toward nearby objects.
Looks good to me!
Just flavor left. Here's a start based on the original critters:
Lightning quasi-elementals are typically loners, wandering the wilds of the quasi-elemental plane of Lightning. They are the masters and most powerful inhabitants of the dangerous and mostly empty plane. On occasion, however, large numbers of the quasi-elementals gather in giant lightning storms on the plane --- whether to mate or exchange information is unknown even to the wisest sage. Very few spellcasters know how to summon lightning quasi-elementals, though some high-level casters know the secret.