Core Handbook Errors Discussion

Komi - TYPO: On page 276 in the PHB under the Valenae example, it says the encounter power of a thundering longsword does 10 damage, when it should be 1d8 (p. 236).

It's also a daily power not an encounter power!
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The Grackle said:
Dance of Steel isn't better. It's level 3. It' doesn't prevent shifting. It requires a polearm or heavy blade.
Correct. But it doesn't require a hit, only an attack, which is a rather more liberal criterion.

Not that I'm planning on playing 4Ed, but I'm subscribing to this thread just in case.

As to the amount of errors in the new ed, I've been complaining about this kind of thing for years in my sig. Not that you can catch all the mistakes, but things like identical powers or lower level powers being better than higher level ones...that's nigh unforgivable.

Dannyalcatraz said:
Not that I'm planning on playing 4Ed, but I'm subscribing to this thread just in case.

As to the amount of errors in the new ed, I've been complaining about this kind of thing for years in my sig. Not that you can catch all the mistakes, but things like identical powers or lower level powers being better than higher level ones...that's nigh unforgivable.

Why, when they have customers like us who'll buy the product anyway and then let them know all the errors for free which they may or may not correct with a future printing/errata? I have to say though, that I've seen some kind of error that real proofreading could have fixed in nearly every thing that has come out for 4e so far, including Dragon and Dungeon magazine online content.

In the DMG:

pg 204 Teldorthan Ironhews in 24. Teldorthan's Arms section.

pg 208 Teldorthan Irontooth in the Races: Dwarf section.

pg 210 Teldorthan Goldcap in the Hook: Dragon Hide section.

Why, when they have customers like us who'll buy the product anyway and then let them know all the errors for free which they may or may not correct with a future printing/errata?

Good point.

OTOH, too many mistakes in Publisher X's products makes it less likely that I'll buy another product from Publisher X. There are many game companies I simply won't buy stuff from due to that kind of problem.

No Name said:
In the DMG:

pg 204 Teldorthan Ironhews in 24. Teldorthan's Arms section.

pg 208 Teldorthan Irontooth in the Races: Dwarf section.

pg 210 Teldorthan Goldcap in the Hook: Dragon Hide section.

That is hilarious. I've added it to the compendium.

I'm confused by the paladin's lay on hands ability. It may need errata.

Target: One creature
Effect: You spend a healing surge but regain no hit points. Instead, the target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge. You must have at least one healing surge remaining to use this power.
(PHB 91)

What is a valid target for this power?

“Creature” or “creatures” means allies and enemies both, as well as you. (PHB 57)

So far so good. The target is one creature, you are one creature, you can target yourself. Simple.

The intent is not so clear. You regain no hit points from spending a healing surge, and then you gain hit points as if you had spent a healing surge. Wait, what?

The fluff description says that a paladin can "grant their comrades additional resilience with a touch of their hands and a short prayer". No mention of using the ability on yourself.

The Healing Hands feat says that when you "use the lay on hands power, the affected ally regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier". "Ally" doesn't include yourself in 4.0 so if you can target yourself with lay on hands this is an oddly worded feat.

And some powers, like the cleric's Cure Light Wounds or the wizard's Jump have "Target: You or one creature", which is unnecessary if "One creature" includes yourself.

Iku Rex said:
I'm confused by the paladin's lay on hands ability. It may need errata.

Target: One creature
Effect: You spend a healing surge but regain no hit points. Instead, the target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge. You must have at least one healing surge remaining to use this power.
(PHB 91)

What is a valid target for this power?

“Creature” or “creatures” means allies and enemies both, as well as you. (PHB 57)

So far so good. The target is one creature, you are one creature, you can target yourself. Simple.

The intent is not so clear. You regain no hit points from spending a healing surge, and then you gain hit points as if you had spent a healing surge. Wait, what?

The fluff description says that a paladin can "grant their comrades additional resilience with a touch of their hands and a short prayer". No mention of using the ability on yourself.

The Healing Hands feat says that when you "use the lay on hands power, the affected ally regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier". "Ally" doesn't include yourself in 4.0 so if you can target yourself with lay on hands this is an oddly worded feat.

And some powers, like the cleric's Cure Light Wounds or the wizard's Jump have "Target: You or one creature", which is unnecessary if "One creature" includes yourself.

Page 57 of the PHB: "Creature or creatures means allies and enemies both, as well as you."

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