CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Forgot I had this sitting ready..

A star wars vehicle that is based on a toy and also appears in the game Force Arena.


A single-track, double wheeled ground car used by the Imperial Army to scout planetary terrain. Adaptable in multiple mobile configurations, operated by a single pilot armed with a single heavy blaster on a semi turret.
The two large wheels, each featuring grooved surface treading, where on legs that could raise or lower the height to adopt a low, ground hugging configuration, or raise to help clear obstacles or deflect mines. The driver sat in an open air cockpit that offers some protection. The MTV-7 is one square wide, two long, provides one-half cover to the driver.

Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 50 lbs
Init: +1
Maneuver: 0
Top Speed: 175 (17)
Defense: 10
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 30
Size: Large
Purchase DC: 28
Restriction: Mil +3
Accessories: Military Radio, spot light, heavy blaster, (100 degree frontal firing arc)..
Notes: All terrain design (half penalties for rough terrain), alter height.

Alter Height
The MTV-7 is able to change its height by pivoting the wheel struts, changing the ground clearance from 1 foot to 3 feet. This allows the pilot to peek over obstacles, climb debris up to 2 feet high, and at higher level, reduce damage from anti-vehicle mines by half. This feature allows the vehicle to ford rivers and ponds up to 4 feet deep without affecting the performance of the vehicle. The leg struts can be pivoted individually, allowing the driver to angle the vehicle up or down, allowing it to aim its weapon farther up or down.

Heavy Blaster
The MTV-7 mounts a heavy blaster, giving the driver some heavy punch, able to rotate 100 degrees, with 30 degree tilt. Combined with the ability to alter the height and angle of the whole vehicle, the pilot can aim the blaster into the air to allow it to be used against low flying aircraft or creatures.

Damage: 3d10+2
Critical: 20
Damage Type: fire
Range Increment: 90 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Ammo: Conditionally unlimited, hooked to the vehicle's power plant. Has capacitor with 50 shots, replenishes 1 round / 1 min of inactivity.

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As a casual player of "Force Arena", I can attest that that one (and its Rebel counterpart) have saved my rear end a lot.

I thank you for starting it up.

I'll be doing the rebel tank later.. first.. Z-95 and some TIE variants I need to finish..Then I'll probably do the Constitution class, both original and refit.. then probably the U-wing since you've asked for it awhile back.. and the Y-wing and X-wings.. And probably some more gundams (any requests on which ones to stat?)

Lord Zack

I was thinking about for time travel before the 23 hours that you can't really go back before them, but if you try you create a sort of pocket dimension that resembles the past- but also includes fictional elements as if it was after the 23 hours. Also since this is only a semblance of the past it might not perfectly resemble the actual past, being less accurate the further you go back. Also you could meet figures from folklore and legend. Like if you go to Scandinavia in the 9th Century you can meet Ragnar Lodbrok even though we are not sure he actually exists.

For Gundams and other mobile suits- you could stat out the Guncannon and it's variants, the RB-79 Ball and maybe Guntank. Though the RX-75-4 Guntank would be extremely rare in Coreline. It's just so lacking compared to it's successors. I have a list of mobile suits used by the United Earth Federation Alliance I have been working on: So any of the mobile suits in that list might be good to stat out. I've begun working on a list of mobile suits commonly used by civilians as well.
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I was thinking about for time travel before the 23 hours that you can't really go back before them, but if you try you create a sort of pocket dimension that resembles the past- but also includes fictional elements as if it was after the 23 hours. Also since this is only a semblance of the past it might not perfectly resemble the actual past, being less accurate the further you go back. Also you could meet figures from folklore and legend. Like if you go to Scandinavia in the 9th Century you can meet Ragnar Lodbrok even though we are not sure he actually exists.

For Gundams and other mobile suits- you could stat out the Guncannon and it's variants, the RB-79 Ball and maybe Guntank. Though the RX-75-4 Guntank would be extremely rare in Coreline. It's just so lacking compared to it's successors. I have a list of mobile suits used by the United Earth Federation Alliance I have been working on: So any of the mobile suits in that list might be good to stat out. I've begun working on a list of mobile suits commonly used by civilians as well.

I'll look at the list when I get home from visiting family this weekend, and look at the info for the GunnCannon.. particular model number for the gun, so I know I'm pulling up info on the same unit as you're thinking?


-MAJOR REGIONAL OFFICES: Teufort, New Mexico (near Bisti Badlands); Cleveland, Ohio; Marquette, Michigan; Roswell, New Mexico; Bellevue, Washington.


Mann Co. was the first company from the "Team Fortress" universe (and Valve's collective work) that appeared on the Core Timeline, all the way back on the 23 Hours.

It really didn't seemed to have much going for it, just producing a small number of appliances and delivering some mercenary work... until it rediscovered Australium.

The wonder-element had a history of very interesting uses, anything from super-science up to powering machines that created (extremely limited) immortality... but one thing that brought a very lucrative new market for it (and which was discovered through sheer accident, like many other things MannCo. did) was its capacity to super-conduct emotion-based energies.

Spiral Energy. Emotional Spectrum power. Certain kinds of magics.

By the time TF Industries appeared, three years Post-Vanishing, MannCo. bought it in a very hostile takeover. And then it bought the (then-abandoned) Black Mesa Research Laboratories and Aperture Science, to boot. And Valve Entertainment.

The irony of TF Industries being now "a division of MannCo." was something that made Hale laugh for a week. Non-stop. It was pretty hard to hunt that week, that with scaring all of the game off.

The company specializes in "manly" gear--weapons, accessories (mostly of the type that will kill or prevent you from being killed), hats, and weird science. Construction work is also something it provides, and the quality is good.

Finally, it hires out mercenaries. The Teams follow a class structure similar to that of the company's native video game--it is standard to have at least one of each "class", but it's not really uncommon for there to be more than one example of each, or even for a team to be composed strictly of one class. Number is also widely varied, but it's very rare for teams to be composed of less than nine members unless they are highly experienced. And Mann Co.'s mercenary corps are firm believers in ability over appearance, with the only standards actively wanted by the company being professionalism and loyalty--as a result, the "rag-tag bunch of misfits" is the rule.


-> The Mann Co. Mercenary crews still utilize the same designations: Scout, Pyro, Soldier, Medic, Sniper, Spy, Demoman, Heavy and Engineer. While current training styles mean that there is a large amount of people who could fit one or the other inside of a crew, what they reach towards the most is what they are classified as. Meaning that if they are better at long-distance marksmanship than lobbing grenades they are classified as "Snipers" and if they are better at hacking computers than the rest of the crew they are classified as "Engineers", while if they are better at sneaking around they are classified as "Spies", to provide examples.
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TIE Reaper
The TIE Reaper is troop transport based on the T.I.E./sk Striker. Instead of the standard ball cockpit, it mounts a larger cylinder one similar to the TIE Bomber only with a flat top, and has a dagger-like solar panel wing, similar to the TIE Interceptor, mounted on the top. This wing is normally completely flat in cruise mode, but can angle down for combat. Boasting better atmospheric speed and maneuverablity over other TIES at the time, it was used to transport ground troops, usually escorted by Strikers. The Reaper is only armed with two lasers mounted in the wings.
The extended body can carry 8 passengers sitting, or if the seats folded up, 14 troops standing can be carried. These troops are deployed via a belly ramp, allowing 2 troops to exit at a time. If not carrying troops, the Reaper can carry up to 1 ton of cargo.
In Coreline the T.I.E. Reaper is used mainly by anyone with the credits, but mainly sold to the Imperial groups, GFFA and other militaries that want easily replaceable craft for transporting ground troops.

T.I.E. Reaper (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft/ 2000 (200) atmosphere
Defense: 8 (10 base -2 size) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 8 (10 base - 2 size)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 8d20 (160 hp)
Initiative Modifier: (+2 Init and +5 Maneuver in atmosphere)
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 38.1 ft
Weight: 18,900 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 8-14
Cargo Capacity: 100 -2000 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 38
Restriction: Res (+2)

2 fire-linked laser -1 ranged 9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE Reaper enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers. In an atmosphere, gains +4 to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Improved Thrust, Agile, Narrow Profile, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 Laser cannons
Grappling Systems:

As long as the TIE/sk starfighter is moving (not stationary, so had moved the turn before and the current turn), the TIE gains a +2 Dodge bonus to defense, which stacks with any other Dodge bonuses the pilot has. This bonus applies to anyone targeting the TIE, and not just one specific target the pilot designates.

Narrow Profile
Due to the small cockpit of the TIE/sk, but the large wing area on the top, any attack that would normally strike the TIE/sk starfighter has a 50% chance of missing due to passing through the empty space around the ball body between the wing.

Simple Controls
The TIE/sk starfighter has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks with the TIE starfighter, and only gain half the bonus from the TIE's Agile properties.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.


T.I.E./br Boarding Craft
The TIE/br Boarding Craft is a modified TIE Bomber used for boarding disabled ships when larger shuttles are not available or useable. The TIE/br has two cylinder shaped hulls between two vertical wings, similar to the TIE bomber, but the secondary pod is longer, has a boarding ramp and an airlock at the front with cutting lasers for breaching ship hulls. It carries basic sensors but also includes terrain following and collision alert system, and is one of the few TIEs to include landing gear and limited life support for the troops carried. The TIE/br is armed with two lasers, but instead of them on the ball cockpit, they are mounted in the wing struts, just inside of the solar collectors and used only for self defense. The TIE/sa is equipped with a missile lock alert system as a means to help increase its survival chances, and ejector seat. The TIE/br is capable of entering and leaving a planet's atmosphere. The TIE/br is simple to operate, so even someone not trained as a pilot could pilot one, although not with great skill. The pilot enters through a hatch on the roof or through the boarding ramp. The roof also has connections on the roof to allow it to be carried on external racks of various Imperial ships.

In Coreline the T.I.E./br boarding craft is used mainly by anyone with the credits, but mainly sold to the Imperial groups, GFFA and other militaries that lack the credits for full assault shuttles.

T.I.E./br Boarding Craft (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Transport
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft
Defense: 8 (10 base -2 size) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 8 (10 base - 2 size)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 8d20 (160 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 30.2 ft
Weight: 15,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 12
Cargo Capacity: 120-2000 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 37
Restriction: Mil (+3)

2 fire-linked laser -1 ranged 9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE/sa bomber enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat, Airlock, Landing Gear, Cutting Tool
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert, Collision Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 Laser cannons, Cutting Tool
Grappling Systems: Grapplers

Simple Controls
The TIE/sa bomber has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

The front of the secondary hull has an extending airlock that allows for safe passage between the TIE and the ship to be boarded. It is large enough to allow two troops to pass through each round.

Cutting Tool
The front of the secondary pod has a set of cutting tools around the extending airlock, able to cut through the hull of most ships. The cutting tools can only be used once the TIE is latched onto a ship with its grapplers. The cutting tools use a combination of saws, plasma and laser torches, dealing 10d8 points of damage, half fire half slashing and ignore 20 points of hardness each round, requiring only a touch attack against the grappled ship. To breach a hull, the cutters must do a total of damage equal to the number of hit dice the ship has. So if a ship has 200 hit dice, the cutter must deal 200 points of damage to breach the hull and allow troops through.

TIE/fc Starfighter
The TIE/fc is a variant TIE designed for fire control purposes. Mounting only a single laser canon, replacing the other with additional sensors and targeting systems. The TIE/fc would scan a target and relay that information back to allied fighters or the fleet it came from, allowing for greater accuracy and locations of defenses and vulnerabilities before a major attack. It can also relay live information if flying with allies, providing increased tactical awareness for allied fighters and starships. To help keep the TIE/fc from being a target of enemy fire, it has improved maneuverability over standard TIE fighters.

In Coreline the T.I.E./fc Fighter is rare although some groups that specialize in pin point accuracy bombings and strikes make use of them. A few pirate groups have been known to use them for better efficiency of their system disrupting weapons.

T.I.E./fc Starfighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 4500 ft
Defense: 8 (10 base -2 size) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 8 (10 base - 2 size)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 6d20 (120 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 20.1 ft
Weight: 6,900 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 50 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 37
Restriction: Res (+2)

Laser -1 ranged 6d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE/LN starfighter enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers, +2 Init.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Improved Thrust, Agile, Narrow Profile, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat, Fire Control System, Target Designator
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class III, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 Laser cannons
Grappling Systems:

As long as the TIE/LN starfighter is moving (not stationary, so had moved the turn before and the current turn), the TIE gains a +2 Dodge bonus to defense, which stacks with any other Dodge bonuses the pilot has. This bonus applies to anyone targeting the TIE, and not just one specific target the pilot designates.

Narrow Profile
Due to the small cockpit of the TIE, but the large wing area from the sides, any attack that would normally strike the TIE/LN starfighter has a 50% chance of missing due to passing through the empty space around the ball body between the wings.

Simple Controls
The TIE starfighter has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks with the TIE starfighter, and only gain half the bonus from the TIE's Agile properties.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

Fire Control System
The fire control system is a combination of sensors, Achilles Targeting software and long range communications that relay targeting information from the TIE/fc to ally craft.
Allied craft within 5000 ft , up to 3 + Pilot's Int modifier, of the TIE/fc gain the benefits of the Achilles targeting software (improve critical range of a single energy weapon), and as long as the TIE/fc is aware of a target, selected allies are also aware, nor can selected allies be flanked or caught flat-footed if the TIE/fc isn't. Selected allies also gain the bonus to attack rolls from the TIE/fc's Target Designator.

Target Designator
A far more advanced version of a laser designator, the equipped ship makes an attack roll against a target and all attacks against that target from the equipped craft for the next 1+pilot's Int modifier rounds gain +2 to attack. Alternatively, the equipped ship can target a single system (a weapon, shields, sensors, engines, etc), gaining only a +1 to attack rolls, but dealing half damage to the ship and damages and disables the selected system, which is inoperative until repaired. A successful critical strike destroys the selected system.

TIE/rc Starfighter
This variant TIE fighter strips out one laser and replaces them with enhanced sensors and communications. It also has slightly improved engines to allow it to race through an area ahead of the fleet, communicate its findings or race to a pre-arranged meeting point within the system.

T.I.E./rc Starfighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 5000 ft
Defense: 8 (10 base -2 size) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 8 (10 base - 2 size)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 6d20 (120 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 20.1 ft
Weight: 6,900 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 50 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 37
Restriction: Res (+2)

Laser -1 ranged 6d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE/rc starfighter enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Improved Thrustx2, Agile, Narrow Profile, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat.
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Shield Generator
Sensors: Class III, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 1 Laser cannon
Grappling Systems:

As long as the TIE starfighter is moving (not stationary, so had moved the turn before and the current turn), the TIE gains a +2 Dodge bonus to defense, which stacks with any other Dodge bonuses the pilot has. This bonus applies to anyone targeting the TIE, and not just one specific target the pilot designates.

Narrow Profile
Due to the small cockpit of the TIE/LN, but the large wing area from the sides, any attack that would normally strike the TIE/LN starfighter has a 50% chance of missing due to passing through the empty space around the ball body between the wings.

Simple Controls
The TIE/LN starfighter has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks with the TIE starfighter, and only gain half the bonus from the TIE's Agile properties.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

TIE Vanguard
This variant TIE is an upgraded version of the TIE/rc, boasting improved sensors, communications and engines, as well as a low level shield generator. The upper half of the solar panel wings are bent outwards to give the sensors improved scanning field.

T.I.E. Vangard Starfighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 5000 ft
Defense: 8 (10 base -2 size) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 8 (10 base - 2 size)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 6d20 (120 hp) Shields 40 HP
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 20.1 ft
Weight: 6,900 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 50 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 37
Restriction: Res (+2)

Laser -1 ranged 6d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE/rc starfighter enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Improved Thrustx2, Agile, Narrow Profile, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class V, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 1 Laser cannon
Grappling Systems:

As long as the TIE starfighter is moving (not stationary, so had moved the turn before and the current turn), the TIE gains a +2 Dodge bonus to defense, which stacks with any other Dodge bonuses the pilot has. This bonus applies to anyone targeting the TIE, and not just one specific target the pilot designates.

Narrow Profile
Due to the small cockpit of the TIE, but the large wing area from the sides, any attack that would normally strike the TIE/LN starfighter has a 50% chance of missing due to passing through the empty space around the ball body between the wings.

Simple Controls
The TIE starfighter has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks with the TIE starfighter, and only gain half the bonus from the TIE's Agile properties.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

TIE Heavy Bomber
An experimental variant of the TIE Bomber that mounts a second ordnance pod above the secondary hull. While this variant had an impressive amount of ammunition for heavy warheads, slightly more than double the TIE Bomber, the added ordnance pod caused some issues with flight performance, especially in atmospheric conditions, and prevented the Heavy Bomber from using standard TIE racks in hangers, although external racks could be used easily, thus only a few squadrons were deployed beyond the testing group.

T.I.E./sa2 Heavy Bomber (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter/Bomber
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft
Defense: 8 (10 base -2 size) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 8 (10 base - 2 size)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 9d20 (180 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 30.2 ft
Weight: 21,500 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 120 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 38
Restriction: Mil (+3)

2 fire-linked laser -1 ranged 9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a
Or Missile Launcher -1 ranged, damage varies by warheads loaded* optional firelinked

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE/sa bomber enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers. -2 Pilot checks in atmospheres.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 Laser cannons, Ordinance Pod
Grappling Systems:

Simple Controls
The TIE/sa2 bomber has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

Bomber Targeting
When making bombing runs, the TIE/sa2 bomber gains a +1 to attack rolls to successfully drop its bomb payload on target due to the terrain following and targeting systems.

Ordnance Pod
The twin secondary hulls of the TIE/sa2 Heavy Bomber is modular and can be fitted with a large array of warheads or bombs, with a ventral bomb bay. It can hold up to 40 missiles that require a gargantuan sized craft as a minimum size, or 20 missiles that require colossal, or 20 torpedoes, or up to 50 bombs of similar size. The pod is designed that it can launch a single missile/torpedo or bomb at a time, or in pairs, or even four at once, treating a launched pair as fire-linked, however bombs can only be dropped in pairs at most.
The top ordnance pod can be loaded with different warheads than the lower one, but can not carry bombs if the lower pod is not carrying bombs.

TIE/sh VIP Shuttle
A variant of the TIE/sa with a passenger pod that saw wider scale production. The TIE/sh only has one laser, but has a shield generator, the passenger pod has an airlock and well appointed seating for four, plus has room for 1 ton of cargo. Many command starships will carry at least one of these craft as a personal shuttle for the commander or VIPs when larger shuttles are not available or not necessary for short range transportation within a system.

T.I.E./sh VIP Shuttle (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Transport
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft
Defense: 8 (10 base -2 size) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 8 (10 base - 2 size)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 8d20 (160 hp) Shield 40 hp
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 30.2 ft
Weight: 15,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 12
Cargo Capacity: 120-2000 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 37
Restriction: Mil (+3)

2 fire-linked laser -1 ranged 9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the TIE/sh shuttle enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Simple Controls, Ejector Seat, Airlock, Landing Gear
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Shield Generator
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert, Collision Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: Laser cannon
Grappling Systems:

Simple Controls
The TIE/sa bomber has extremely simple controls, allowing someone without Starship Operations feat to only suffer -2 to Pilot checks.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

The front of the secondary hull has an extending airlock that allows for safe passage between the TIE and the ship to be boarded. It is large enough to allow two troops to pass through each round.

Voidrunner's Codex

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