Aquarius Alodar
First Post
Verec said:New Adventure Space Hulk
Setup: The outskirts of the Solar sytem are mostly empty. The suden appearance of a 20 km long spaceship covered in millions of years of ice and rock is a suprize to everyone involved. The ship is so big it's going to be impossible to secure it without millions of troops, and hundreds of thousands of techs. So in other words, the laws of grab everything that aren't nailed down are in effect.
Motivation: Greed is good. If the players are interested in raiding anchient armories, stocking up on body armor, or just grabbing everything they can take, this would be a good place to start. Saddly, dozens of other factions have the exact same idea. . .
Development: the Hulk is deserted in it's outer layers, but most of the good stuff is already under guard from the UNSC. They players have two options, either venture deep into the hull in search of an unlooted armory, or they can try and break through the still active security around the bridge and maybe sieze control of a ship with enough firepower to liquify the surface of the Earth.
However, both options are almost doomed to failure. The core of the ship has a Xenomorph/tyranid/ whatever space alien you can think of infestation. Players will find themselves pinned down if they keeep pressing forward, until they run out of ammo and are eaten. The Robots guarding the bridge stand 12 feet tall, have missile launchers, heavy energy weapons and point defense regenrating shields(DC 30 to identify them as SD-10s). Even worse, nobody can figure out what any of the controls say(DC 40 Decipher script, good luck)! Should the players find an armory or baracks, the white armor lying around should be more than sufficent to tip them off as to who built this thing (DC 12 to recognize Stormtrooper armor) However, once you get used to it, the built in full function HUD, DR5/-, and +7 defence the armor offers outweigh any other considerations like say getting a reputation as being a little short with princesses. SW blasters are functionally plasma weapons that produce a grenade like blast when they strike stone(frag) or metal(flash).
Resolution: Sombody's probably going to try overloading the reactor for some danm fool reason, and blow up Pluto in the process. Or at least, they would if it weren't for Charron Castle blcoking that part of the blast. This should be a lesson in the safe handling of Hyper-exotic-matter annihlation reactors.
A calcified Star Destroyer going *BOOM*..........would be a fart in the solar wind, in terms of surviving in it's turn. We're talking about some things that have survived a magical event which effectively reset the history of life on Earth. Far better to set it on a colision course w/Galifrey (or at least the spacetime barrier around it) and watch those kind of fireworks, IMHO.
As for this...
Vehrec said:Bull Defeat munitions:
+8 to buy DC
-1d4 damage
Special effect: The mere act of Loading the BDM into a weapon causes the laws of physics to assert themselves with a vengance. Almost all Fictions discover too late that their weapons and armor and prehaps even elements of their biology disobey things like the inverse square rule and the first law of themrodynamics. This causes damage to humanoids of huge size or larger, all Gargantuan or larger monsters, and finnaly causes all those damn mecha to blow up as their reactors and other systems blow up or shut down in a shower of sparks. 2d8 damage for each size category at or above the limit, and all soft science fiction tech is destroyed if anyone tries to use it or if it's powered up. Hard Sci-fi can escape the wrath of the BDM.
Would stuff from the 'Science fantasy' genre count as such for these purposes? Confused? This might help.....