CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

If Goku doesn't has midis his way to connect with the Force has some more resistance than if he did. Versions of him that have Midis probably are from SW verses where Saiyans exist and most of them are like Mandalorians with a "killer gorilla" motif.

Heh... imagine Vegeta as The Mandalorian, Trunks and Baby Yoda as "Bros". Or I guess it's more like the Fetts.

A connection between Midis and that network from ST sounds interesting, btw.

Things from other Fiction verses that don't have SW elements don't have midis. Heck, I am pretty sure not all SW verses have Midis. Before that thing got introduced, say for example in the WEG SWRPG and thus early Legends, there was a concept of people who believe enough in the Force to have a very tiny connection. Not enough to make Jedi, but it's like Quijote saying that the windmills are Giants and turns out one of them is a transforming Mecha.

In "modern" SW, a character that could be considered an example is Chirrut Imwe. The movie leaves well enough unresolved about what he can do that it still works.

On the Line, the Force has more power than ever, and has less power than ever. More power because, yeah, it can allow people to be empowered by it even if they normally wouldn't (although it may not be easy). Less power because it's one of many damn weird mystical things out there.

Still I think I need to think this. I mean, cabin fever is an (expletive deleted).

I was thinking if organizing a game. Pretty much "seat of the pants" stuff, but still, people walking through a weird post-apocalyptic "Last Action Hero" world raising hell is better than staring at a wall.

You guys with me?

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Symbiotes (Klyntar)

The Klyntar race, better known as the Symbiotes, are a species of inorganic, amorphous, symbiotic extraterrestrials, possibly created, or at least experimented on by primordial deity Knull. They can bond with a host, granting it great strength, speed, and possibly other abilities, and were used by Knull to conquer and devour planets. They eventually were separated from Knull and formed their own society and expunge all knowledge that they were used for evil and dedicated themselves as a force of good. Corrupted Symbiotes, or feral ones, return to evil ways, and are banished or destroyed by the rest of the Klyntar race.
Once a Symbiote is bonded to a host, and depending on the level of the bonding, the host is granted enhanced physical abilities, limited enhanced healing and increased durability from damage. If the host has special powers, the Symbiote can mimic some of these abilities, and if it lives long enough and bonds with a new host, or abandons its original host for a new one, can grant the new host a version of those abilities the Symbiote has mimicked. Symbiotes also have a genetic memory, able to pass along information, and abilities to its offspring, and with a strong bond with a host can share some of these memories. Symbiote offspring are usually slightly more powerful than their progenitor's, having their abilities and knowledge, and usually an enhanced version, or develop greater resistances than its progenitor. Symbiotes do have a number of weaknesses, including heat and powerful sonic vibrations, and some are even vulnerable to other types of damage such as electricity or potent psionic attacks. Depending on a Symbiotes disposition, and the host's strength of will, and the level of bonding, the symbiotic relationship can be a partnership, or the host being completely dominate or the symbiote can take control. Even if the host and Symbiote have a good bond or the host completely dominate, in times of great stress or anger, or even if the host is severely hurt, the Symbiote can take control, particularly if the Symbiote is corrupted or feral, and will typically be quite violent and even engage in acts of cannibalism.
In Coreline, most Symbiotes encountered are corrupted or feral ones as most of the 'good' Klyntar race keep to themselves, or spend time hunting down corrupted Symbiotes.

CR 1;
Small; Aberration
Hit Dice: 2d8; hp ; Mas —; Init ;
Speed: 20 ft, Climb 20 ft;
Defense 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 size, +1 natural);
BAB: +1; Grap +5;
Attack: +2 melee tentacle (1d4+1);
Full Attack:
FS: 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.;
SQ: Symbiote traits, Improved Grab;
AL: Self;
SV: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3;
Action Points: 0;
Reputation: +2;
Ability Scores: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 3.
Skills: Climb +4, Hide +8, Listen +2, Move Silently +4, Search +1, Spot +2, Survival +1
Advancement: 2-5 HD small, 6-8 HD medium.
Organization: None.

Species Traits
Klyntar/Symbiotes are vulnerable to fire and sonic damage, suffering double damage from these sources, and damage from these sources take twice as long to heal.
Damage Reduction (Ex): Due to the amorphous nature of symbiotes, they are resistant to damage, with DR 5.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the symbiote must hit a single target with its tentacle. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals damage, with the option at no penalty of doing subdual damage each round the hold is maintained. It can also attempt to Bond with the target.
Genetic Memory: The symbiotes pass on knowledge from parent to offspring. This even applies to abilities of hosts. If the host had super powers, the symbiote will mimic those powers to the best of its abilities, and will pass those on to its offspring. These can include super strength, speed, abilities like web shooting, etc.
Spawn Offspring (Ex): After reaching 4 hit dice, or being bonded to a host for more than 2 years, the symbiote will break off a piece of itself to create an offspring, which will immediately seek a host of its own.
Bond (Ex): Symbiotes bond with hosts as a source of food and protection, greatly enhancing the host. The symbiote must be in contact with a creature in order to bond, successfully grapple an unwilling target, or simple physical contact for willing hosts. An unwilling host must make a Fort save DC 20 each round of physical contact the symbiote makes to resist it trying to bond with them. On a failed save, the symbiote bonds and the host must make a Will save DC 15 + Symbiote's Con modifier +1 per failed Will save, every 12 hours or the symbiote takes control. A successful save means the host is in control, but prone to bouts of anger, and can attempt another Fort save to remove the symbiote, but at -4 penalty. When the symbiote is in charge, it will seek out food and hunt living creatures, with some symbiotes preferring the flesh of intelligent beings.
When bonded, the host, referred to as the base creature, gains the Symbiote template.

Symbiote Template
Once bonded, the symbiote covers the whole host's body and grants the host a number of abilities including enhanced strength, durability, ability to form weapons. The host, as long as the symbiote is not in control, can have the symbiote recede into their body, hidden away. While hidden, the host can't draw on any of the abilities granted by the symbiote except for Fast Healing and the speed increase. It is a free action for the symbiote to cover or uncover the host. If the symbiote is in control, it will not recede ever.

The recipient retains all their abilities and gain the following abilities.
Size: Remains the same
Hit Points: +20 +3 per HD of host.
Speed: +5 ft
Special Attacks: Form Objects, Pseudopods
Special Qualities: Extraordinary Strength, Enhanced Durability, Damage Reduction, Natural Defense, Fast Heal 3, symbiote traits.
Abilities: +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con
ECL: +4

Damage Reduction (Ex)
The dense material that makes up the symbiote grants the host Damage Reduction 5 +1 per 5 HD of the host.

Natural Defense (Ex)
The matter of the symbiote is able to absorb or deflect attacks, helping protect the host, granting a Natural Defense +1 +1 per 5 HD of the host.

Extraordinary Strength (Ex) +4 Str
The recipient has enhanced strength, as reflected in ability bonuses, plus the recipient's carrying capacity is calculated as if the recipient had Strength +10 higher, not encumbered until reaches heavy load, unarmed strikes deal lethal damage without penalty. The recipient's unarmed strikes are 1d4+Str lethal damage instead of the normal 1d3 for medium sized creatures. (If larger, increase to next size die). All of the recipient's melee attacks will deal + Strength Modifier x2, and when using the Power Attack feat, the bonus damage is doubled.

Enhanced Durability (Ex)
The recipient is tougher than normal, able to shrug off light wounds, gaining a weak form of damage reduction. Damage from unarmed strikes, even if they would deal lethal damage, falling and bludgeoning attacks are converted to nonlethal damage (see d20 Modern pg 141). The recipient's massive damage threshold is considered to be double normal (normally equal to Con score plus any bonuses from feats). GM Note: Against foes with super strength (other super strong or powered opponents) don't have their damage converted to nonlethal damage, but unarmed strikes will have their damage reduced by half. The recipient isn't killed until reaching -20 hit points instead of -10.

Pseudopods (Ex)
The Symbiote can extend parts of its matter to create tendril-like pseudopods to strike targets at a distance, or use them to grapple or help them climb. With a distance of 10 ft per HD of host, dealing 1d6 per 5 HD of host plus Strength bonus as a ranged touch attack. Grants +4 to grapple checks, +4 to Climb checks.

Form Objects (Ex)
The symbiote can form spikes, blades or even crude shields of its matter. Spikes can be created all over its body, adding 1d4 piercing damage to melee strikes or if its being grappled. Forming a blade on the hands, that deals 2d4 slashing damage, critical 20x3. Claws on the hands will deal 1d4 damage critical 19-20x2. A shield will add +4 to Defense but that hand is not able to hold anything, and a shield bash will deal 1d6 damage. Forming objects is a move equivalent action.

Fast Heal (Ex)
The symbiote grants the host Fast Heal 3, healing 3 hit points every round.

Symbiote NPCs
While these symbiotes that have bonded with hosts are not of the Venom lineage of symbiotes, Venom is the most well known Symbiote and most targets bonded to a symbiote will be referred to as venoms or venomized.

Venomized Thug
These street thugs have been bonded with a young symbiote that has not had any previous super powered hosts. These thugs are prone to bouts of anger and enjoy violence and are sometimes known for biting and eating parts of their victims. They will typically start combat with the symbiote receded and may not extend it until getting within melee range, or if they are fighting enhanced targets, or to increase fear.

Low Level Venomized Thug (Strong Ord 1/Tough Ord 1)
CR 5;
Medium Size;
HD: 1d8+3 plus 1d10+3 plus 26; hp 16, 42 symbiote active;
Mas: 34;
Init: +3
Speed: 35 ft;
Defense: 15, touch 14, Flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 Class, +1 leather jacket)/ 16, touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Class, +1 Natural, +1 leather jacket) symbiote active
BAB: +1
Grapple: +5, +9 with pseudopods
Attack: +6 melee (1d6+4 nonlethal, unarmed strike), or +6 melee (1d4+4/19-20 knife), or +6 melee (1d4+4 claws 19-20x2), or +6 melee (2d4 blade x3), or +3 ranged (2d6 cold m1911), or +3 ranged touch (1d6+4 pseudopod);
FS: 5 ft by 5 ft;
Reach: 5 ft;
Special Qualities: Fast Heal 3, DR 5, Extraordinary Strength, Enhanced Durability, Symbiote Traits, form objects, pseudopods
AL: Any
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0;
AP: 0;
Rep: +0;
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +8, Craft (mechanical) +5, Drive +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (popular culture) +2, Knowledge (streetwise) +2, Profession +4, Read/Write English, Read/Write Spanish, Speak English, Speak Spanish, Swim +3.
Feats: Brawl, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency.
Possessions: Leather jacket, Colt M1911 (.45 autoloader), 50 rounds of .45 ammunition, knife, various gear and personal possessions.
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Venomized Dog
This poor animal has been exposed to a symbiote and is now either running wild, or might be a barely controlled attack animal. It appears as a slightly larger, all black with white eyes, dog, with larger mouth filled with large fangs, several tendril-like pseudopods extend from various points of its body, swaying about and lashing at anything nearby.

Medium-size Venomized Dog
CR 5;
Medium Size;
HD: 2d8+6 plus 26; hp 41;
Mas: 34;
Init: +3
Speed: 45 ft;
Defense: 14, touch 13, Flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 natural)/ 15, touch 13, Flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 Natural) symbiote active
BAB: +1
Grapple: +5, +9 with pseudopods
Attack: +5 melee (1d6+4 bite), or +5 melee (1d4+4 19-20x2 claws), or +4 touch ranged (1d6+4 20 ft pseudopod);
FS: 5 ft by 5 ft;
Reach: 5 ft;
Special Qualities: Scent, Fast Heal 3, DR 5, Extraordinary Strength, Enhanced Durability, Symbiote Traits/Symbiote active - form objects, pseudopods
AL: Any
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1;
AP: 0;
Rep: +0;
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +1 (+5 when tracking by scent), Swim +7.
Feats: None
Possessions: None


Yeah, Zerg infested. They appear in a novel, Starcraft: Shadow of the Xel'Naga.
I haven't read that book. But I'll get on it, and a fleshed out infested human thug as I know I just posted the template earlier.

I've got to finish some other Zerg I've been sitting on, plus a few.. special units.. in the works.

Voidrunner's Codex

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