CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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Because not all of the "methods of murder and mayhem" we have collected involve munitions (there's some swords and such).

Then again, the majority of them involve a whole lot of boom and bang, and some zap (and STOMP, because we have plenty of mecha), so I guess it still fits pretty well.


Because not all of the "methods of murder and mayhem" we have collected involve munitions (there's some swords and such).

Then again, the majority of them involve a whole lot of boom and bang, and some zap (and STOMP, because we have plenty of mecha), so I guess it still fits pretty well.

While munitions is often used to mean modern weapons and ammunition, the literal meaning is "weapons, ammunition, equipment, and stores" and it actual has a second broader meaning which is also relevant "material or equipment for carrying out an undertaking"


"The Coreline Multi-Verse Depot:
A Multitude of Munitions for Murder, Mayhem, Mischief and More!"

With a name like that, it doesn't just sounds like an "equipment catalog" book, but should also have a location (or sample location, I guess that this is a pretty big sales venture so we are talking just one store), sample characters (with a name like that... what do you guys say? Some guy that is a combination between Willy Wonka and Burt Gummer?) and sample adventure that would have the players go trigger-happy.

The cover doesn't feels like it should be an ACME box anymore. More like one of those late-night TV ads of crazy salesmen, with the psychodelic colors and all.

BTW, nice to see you, AnimeSniper. Been a while.

Voidrunner's Codex

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