CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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Awesome. Thanks.

You know, the pain is that streaming services also rotate and remove every once in a while. When I started to pay for that service, I had the understanding that I was paying fifteen bucks every month to not worry about not having them available all of a sudden.


I'm Back... for a little while.
Streaming Services do seem to rotate their lineup also and Broadcast is a pain when the signal and audio glitches while you're watching you program... Want to watch Starship Troopers Invasion or Traitor of Mars and the bloody audio gives out every few minutes or it freezes and pixelates on you.

Those are both animated CG films of that universe.

And then you are having to update your tech specs just to play the latest games or watch your films from your collection if your new hardware is backwards capable...


Like any weapon systems of the KEW, DEW, MAW, and other family branches it comes to the calibers size, weapon system, and ammunition capacity... for example the MAW branch eliminates all chemical propellants thus you could double maybe triple or more your ammunition capacity based on the caliber projectile of your weapon system. This is due to removing the Primer, Casing, and Propellant charge of the weapon specs leaving just the bullet/projectile caliber.

The Landmates primary rifle as seen in the Appleseed films is probably 20 or 30mm KEW and maybe has an ammunition capacity of 30 rounds standard while the smaller pilot sized rifle is the standard NATO or 7.62mm round.

Landmates... that's "Appleseed"... which makes me think that it's here someplace. Olympus.

Wonder if the island (it's supposedly the size of England or something) coudl share it with the city of "X-COM: Apocalypse"?


One of the most iconic fighter planes of British forces in WW2. It carried four to eight machine guns in its wings (either Browning m1917 or Browning M2HB guns), while some had 20mm cannons installed.
A spitfire is 7 squares wide (including wingspan; the fuselage is 1 square wide) and 6 squares long.

Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 100 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +0
Top Speed: 630 (63)
Defense: 6
Hardness 5
Hit Points: 35
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 39
Restriction Mil (+3)

NameDamageCriticalDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
Browning m1917 (4 fire-linked)4d1020Ball100 ftS, ALinked 750 rds ea

Mk II to Mk III
These versions have improved engines, wing designs and mounts 8 machine guns instead of the original four.

Mk I to III
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 100 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +1
Top Speed: 640 (64)
Defense: 6
Hardness 8
Hit Points: 40
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 40
Restriction Mil (+3)

NameDamageCriticalDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
Browning m1917 (8 fire-linked)4d1020Ball100 ftS, ALinked 750 rds ea
The weapons are set up in a battery of two sets of four fire-linked machine guns granting a +1 to attack rolls.

Mk IV to VII
These versions of the spitfire replaced four of the Browning M1917 machine guns for more powerful M2HB machine guns for heavier punch.

Mk IV to VII
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 100 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +1
Top Speed: 640 (64)
Defense: 6
Hardness 8
Hit Points: 40
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 41
Restriction Mil (+3)

NameDamageCriticalDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
Browning m1917 (4 fire-linked)4d1020Ball100 ftS, ALinked 750 rds ea
M2HB (4 fire-linked)4d1220Ball110 ftS, ALinked 700 rds ea

Spitfire Mk VIII to IX
This version has improved engines, another redesign of the wings and mounts two 20mm cannons and four M2HB machine guns.

Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 100 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +1
Top Speed: 640 (64)
Defense: 6
Hardness 8
Hit Points: 40
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 40
Restriction Mil (+3)

NameDamageCriticalDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
20mm Cannon (2 fire-linked)6d1020Ball150 ftS60 rds ea
M2HB (4 fire-linked)4d1220Ball110 ftS, ALinked 700 rds ea

Spitfire Mk XII
The Mk XII is a modern upgrade to the aging Spitire, adding modern systems such as a radar, military radio, GPS, the old piston engines are replaced with a turboprop for increased speed. Newer materials are used for armouring the craft for increased survivability. The cockpit is better sealed with a small oxygen supply (2 hours) for increased flight ceiling. The weapons are reduced in numbers and replaced. While the new turboprop engine greatly increases speed, due to the design of the airframe, it can't break the sound barrier without tearing itself apart after moments, reaching a speed of 500 mph, although in a dive it could reach speeds of up to almost 800 mph. Optional missiles such as sidewinders or air to ground missiles can be mounted under the wings for heavier punch, with up to two per wing can be fitted.

Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 60 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +1
Top Speed: 880 (88)
Defense: 6
Hardness 10
Hit Points: 48
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 42
Restriction Mil (+3)
Note: In a dive, the craft can reach speeds of 800 mph (1408 feet per rd or 141 chase scale), but suffers -2 to maneuver, -2 to attack rolls as the craft vibrates and is a little harder to control.

NameDamageCriticalDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
20mm Cannon (4 fire-linked)8d1020Ball150 ftS, A100 rds ea
Sidewinder (4)20d6-Ball1 mileSingle4 missiles

Sidewinder (Air-to-Air Missile)
The sidewinder is a short-range, air-to-air missile carried by aircraft, and it is sued to bring down other aircraft. It has a heat-seeking guidance system that enables it to home in on the engine exhaust of other aircraft. Sidewinder missiles have a minimum range of 500 ft. If fired against a target closer than 500 ft, it does not arm and doesn't explode (but still deals 3d6 points of ballistic damage). Sidewinder missiles can be fired only from a missile platform mounted on aircraft. This platform provides +4 equipment bonus on attack rolls made against targets that produce a considerable amount of heat - specifically the heat produced by the jet engines and turboprops of most modern helicopters and planes. The missile cannot be fired at targets that do not produce heat. They can be fired at hot targets on the ground (such as idling aircraft), but without the +4 equipment bonus.
To fire the missile, one must first acquire the target, which requires a full-found action. After the target is acquired, the firing missile is an attack action. Once fired, the missile travels one range increment per round until it reaches the target, at which point an attack roll must be made. The missile makes a single attack roll each round until it hits or runs out of fuel (10 total rounds of movement). When the missile hits its target, it explodes like a grenade or other explosive, dealing 20d6 points of damage to all targets within a 10 foot radis (Reflex save DC 20 for half).

Super Sub-Marine Spitfire
The Super Sub-Marine Spitfire is a heavily modified Spitfire that is designed to also operate underwater. These modifications weigh the craft down, losing some of its speed, but allows pilots to engage in multiple theatres. The frame is reinforced, panels cover parts of the engine to protect it from the water. Typically the weapons are fitted with supercavitation ammunition.

Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 75 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +0
Top Speed: 620 (62), 40 (4) under water
Defense: 6
Hardness 8
Hit Points: 45
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 41
Restriction Mil (+3)

NameDamageCriticalDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
Browning m1917 (8 fire-linked/battery)4d1020Ball100 ftS, ALinked 750 rds ea
The weapons are set up in a battery of two sets of four fire-linked machine guns granting a +1 to attack rolls.

Supercavitating Bullets
These specially designed bullets are meant for use underwater, allowing for frogman and divers to do combat underwater without having to use special weapons. Although a weapon that is sealed and usable underwater is required first as normal weapons don't always function that well once submerged.
Benefit: These bullets don't suffer the -2 penalty to attack for every 5 feet of water they travel through. Weapon range increment is reduced by 10 feet though.
PDC: +3

Spitfire Danny Boy
The Danny Boy variant of the Spitfire is a light fighter that is designed to resemble an old Spitire, using a turboprop for atmospheric flight, and using thrusters for space flight. While not particularly fast, armoured or armed, it is small, light and adds a great surprise to anyone not familiar with them. Armed with four light plasma cannons and it can mount 4 missiles, typically CHE, externally.

Spitfire Danny Boy (PL6-7)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 3000 ft, 900 (90) atmosphere, can reach orbit.
Defense: 6 (10 base -4 size)
Flat-Footed Defense: 6 (10 base - 2 size)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 5d20 (100 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 30 ft
Weight: 6,500 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 43
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Attack: 4 fire-linked light plasma cannons -3 ranged 20d8, 20, fire, 2000 ft, s,a

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Engines: Thrusters, Turboprop
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Sensors: Class II, Targeting System
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 4 fire-linked light plasma cannons
Grappling Systems: None

De Havilland Mosquito
The Mosquito was a radical departure in aircraft design and filled the roles of both fighter and bomber as a twin engine aircraft. One of the most radical features was the craft was its wooden construction, which helped keep its weight down to allow it to be almost as fast as most fighters. Two versions of the mosquito existed, the fighter which was armed with four fire-linked 20mm cannons and four fire-linked .303 machineguns. The bomber version could carry either 6 500 lbs bombs or one 4,000 lbs 'blockbuster' bomb. While caring bombs it wasn't as maneuverable, suffering -4 to initiative and maneuverability, until the bombs were dropped. A fighter-bomber variant was also developed, with the same weapons as the fighter, but the cannons have reduced ammunition supply, and could carry either 2 250 lbs or 1 500 lbs bomb or could carry up to 8 RP-3 rockets under the wings.
The mosquito is 9 squares long and 11 squares wide (wingspan), providing 3/4 cover to the crew.

Crew: 2
Passenger: 0
Cargo: 0 lbs
Init: -2
Maneuver: -2
Speed: 840 (84), 830 (83) Bomber, 820 (82) fighter-bomber
Defense: 8
Hardness: 3
Hit Points: 35
Size: Gargantuan
PDC: 36
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: Bomber lacks the machine guns and cannons and can carry up to 6 250-500 lbs or 1 4000 lb bomb, but is -4 to maneuver and initiative until bombs dropped. Fighter can carry up to 4 RP-3 rockets but is -3 to initiative and maneuver until fired. Fighter-bomber has the four machine guns and cannons, but cannon ammunition is reduced to 60 rounds can carry 2 250-500 lbs or up to 8 RP-3 rockets. If carrying rockets suffers initiative and maneuver is -3.

NameDamageCriticalDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
Browning m1917 (4 fire-linked)4d1020Ball100 ftS, ALinked 750 rds ea
20mm Cannon (4 fire-linked)8d1020Ball120 ftS100 rds ea
250 lbs Bomb4d1220Ball
500 lbs Bomb6d1220Ball
4000 lbs Bomb12d1220Ball
RP-3 Rocket6d620Ball1 Mile1

Iron Spitter Template
The Spitrion is a template that can be applied to any propeller driven aircraft, typically of World War 2 vintage. Iron Spitters have their frames reinforced, engines replaced with turboprops for improved speed, have modern communications gear installed.. Machineguns up to .50 cal will be replaced with railguns, heavier projectile weapons have their rate of fire improved to include fully automatic rate of fire and ammunition supply increased.
Hit Points: +5 per size category over medium.
Speed: Increase speed by +50 (+5).
Hardness: +5
Weapons: Replace weapons of .50 cal and below with railguns, dealing 3d12, 100 ft, s/a. Increase magazine by 25% (rounding down).
20mm and above have range increased by 10%, increase magazine by 20%. Or Replace with railgun equivalent of same size with same magazine.
Defensive systems: Chaff Launcher with 5 +1 per size category over medium bundles, functions similar to starship defensive system.
Sensors: Includes radar, GPS.
Communications: Military radio.

Firespray Template
The Firespray is a template that can be applied to any propeller driven aircraft, typically of World War 2 vintage. Firesprays have their frames reinforced, engines replaced with turboprops, batteries installed, and have modern communications gear added.
Hit Points: +5 per size category over medium.
Speed: Increase speed by +50 (+5).
Hardness: +5
Weapons: Replace weapons of .50 cal and below with lasers, dealing 3d8, 100 ft, s/a. Increase magazine by 25% (rounding down).
20mm and above have equivalent lasers installed (add 1 die of damage, change die to d8, increase range by 10%), increase magazine by 10%.
Defensive systems: Chaff Launcher with 5 +1 per size category over medium bundles, functions similar to starship defensive system.
Sensors: Includes radar, GPS.
Communications: Military radio.

Edit: Forgot the stats for the RP-3 Rocket..

RP-3 Rocket
These rockets were potent but somewhat lacking in accuracy, containing a BAB of only +4 but suffering no penalties for range. Still against relatively large targets (especially enemy ships for which they were most often used) or enemy fortifications the power of the RP-3 made it a formidable weapon. The two most common variants of the RP-3 were the armor piercing rocket, which ignores 10 of an object’s hardness and the anti-personnel which explodes in a 80 ft. radius.
Alternately, the driver or pilot of a craft armed with these weapons could approach much closer to increase his chance to hit. If fired in this manner, the weapon has a range increment of 50 ft. suffers normal range penalties and uses the BAB of the character firing the weapon.
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Question: I am fairly new to Coreline and while I am catching up with the huge amount of content I was wondering has anyone been extrapolating on Dracula, Wallachia (Romania), or other popular vampire fiction?

I had an interesting Idea for both content and an adventure which I have called The Dueling Dracula in which multiple versions of dracula from different sources (Literature, Various Films, Cartoons, Anime, Comics, etc.) have begun an internal conflict over rulership of both their traditional lands and the plethora of vampiric entities that have emerged whom they claim dominion. Some of the weaker Draculas have banded together and the stronger Draculas have recruited (forcefully or otherwise) other vampires and any other interested parties to fight a pseudo-secret war between themselves. It would kinda be like the wars of the roses with some badass aspects and some possible comedy thrown in (Like the Count from sesame street being higher rank than the Twilight vampires.) This conflict would be further complicated by various vampire hunters and hunting groups (Van Helsing, Blade, Buffy, the Belmonts, Solomon Kane, one specific version of Abraham Lincoln, the Hellsing Organization, Lucian etc.) The players could be recruited or manipulated by any side of the conflict or could work for all the sides to keep the conflict going so they can both eventually destroy each other and keep themselves busy and prevent their rampant spread.

Just a work in progress/series of thought I had been mulling around somewhat inspired by Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Well, what we had so far was that Tirgoviste, Romania, had pretty much reversed back to medieval times in tech-level and it was assaulted by vampires and those weird mutant things from "The Cave", but the rest of Romania and Transilvania as a whole (including whatever Count Dracula may be planning) we haven't digged in.

By which I mean that your idea is impressive, interesting, has drawn my attention, and would be interested in discussing further.


Rocket Propelled Chainsaw

The rocket propelled chainsaw was created by a deranged Ash fan, who just couldn't get close enough to use his chainsaw on his target. Although highly unusual, it does the job of slicing and dicing those hard to reach far away targets, like zombies.

Damage: 3d6
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Slashing
Range Increment: 70 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Magazine: 1 internal, takes one round to reload, which provokes an AoO
Size: Large
Weight: 5 lbs empty, 15 lbs loaded
Purchase DC: 15 for the launcher, 11 for the ammo (usually custom made)
Restriction: Illegal (+2)
Special: Due to the front heavy nature of the round, it suffers a -2 to attack rolls for being fairly inaccurate.

It is possible to create a version that is armour piercing (getting a chainsaw designed to cut through armour grade metal, or some such), or other purpose chainsaw rounds.. but would you really want to? Then again, anything is possible on Coreline.

Voidrunner's Codex

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