CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Tech-Priests are members of the Adeptus Mechanicus cult, they are the ones that maintains the technology of the Imperium of Man. Despite their never-ending thirst for knowledge across all branches of the order, most Tech-Priests have lost the ability to innovate. No longer the master of its creations, the Cult Mechanicus is enslaved to the past. It maintains the glories of yesteryear with rite, dogma and edict instead of true discernment and comprehension. To them, even the simple process of activating an engine is preceded by the application of ritual oils, the burning of sacred resins and the chanting of long and complex hymms. Should mechanisms break down, a replacement must be found, or knowledge of how to repair the existing one must be learned.
They all believe in the Omnissiah, or Machine God, and all devices have a spirit within them, which must be appeased in order for it to work. With complex rituals and even sacrifices, along with other rituals during maintenance, to greater machine spirits, they believe this will please the spirits, and sometimes even spur them to greater performance.
Tech-Priests will have a number of cybernetic implants, and as they gain in rank, the number, and complexity of the implants, increases, showing their devotion to the Omnissiah.

Low-Level Tech-Priest (Smart Ordinary 1/Dedicated Ordinary 1)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 1
Hit Points: 1d6+1 plus 1d6+1; 12 hp
Mas: 13
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 13, Touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Class, +1 Dex, +1 armoured robe)
BAB: +0
Grapple: +4
FS: 5 ft by 5 ft
Reach: 5 ft
Attacks: +0 melee (unarmed strike 1d3 nonlethal), or +3 melee (tool arm 1d6+3), or +1 ranged (laspistol 2d8)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Machine Spirit, Litanies
Allegiances: Adeptus Mechanicus, Omnissiah
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +1, Will +4
Reputation: +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 8
Occupation: Religious (Knowledge arcane lore, theology and philosophy, listen)
Skills: Computer Use +2, Concentration +3, Craft Electronic +6, Craft Mechanical +5, Craft Structural +6, Decipher Script +4, Disable Device +3, Drive +2, Gather Information +3, Investigate +4, Knowledge arcane lore +8, Knowledge Technology +4, Knowledge theology and philosophy +7, Listen +5, Repair +6, Research +4, Search +4, Spot +4, Treat Injury +4
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Builder, Personal Firearms Proficiency
Cybernetics: Prosthetic arm with mechanicomp and electricomp sensors, 2-3 artificial organs, telescopic optics, tool arm with clamp Str 16.
Possessions: Microtorch, electronics & mechanical tool kits, armoured robes, holy symbols, laspistol, 3 power packs.

Mid-Level Tech-Priest (Smart Ordinary 3/Dedicated Ordinary 3)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 6
Hit Points: 3d6+3 plus 3d6+3; 28 hp
Mas: 13
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 17, Touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Class, +1 Dex, +3 armoured upgraded robe)
BAB: +3
Grapple: +4
FS: 5 ft by 5 ft
Reach: 5 ft
Attacks: +3 melee (unarmed strike 1d3 nonlethal), or +6 melee (tool arm 1d6+4), or +4 ranged (laspistol 2d8)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Machine Spirit, Litanies
Allegiances: Adeptus Mechanicus, Omnissiah
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +3, Will +6
Reputation: +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 8
Occupation: Religious (Knowledge arcane lore, theology and philosophy, listen)
Skills: Computer Use +4, Concentration +5, Craft Electronic +8, Craft Mechanical +8, Craft Structural +6, Decipher Script +6, Disable Device +5, Drive +4, Gather Information +5, Investigate +4, Knowledge arcane lore +10, Knowledge Technology +6, Knowledge theology and philosophy +10, Listen +5, Pilot +3, Repair +8, Research +4, Search +6, Spot +6, Treat Injury +6
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Builder, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Mastercrafter, Armour Proficiency (light)
Cybernetics: Prosthetic arm with mechanicomp and electricomp sensors, 4-6 artificial organs, telescopic optics, tool arm with clamp Str 18, combat arm, stabilizer,
Possessions: Microtorch, electronics & mechanical tool kits, armoured upgraded robes, holy symbols, laspistol, 3 power packs.

Tool Arm
This is a large mechanical arm mounted to the user's back and shoulder, able to reach around the character with 10 foot reach, ending in a large clamp. It is incapable of fine manipulation, suffering -4 to all checks requiring fine control. As a weapon can deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage, or can clamp onto a target, granting +4 to Grapple checks and deals 2d4 damage each round while successfully grappling a target. Standard Strength 16, but can be upgraded.
Type: External
Location: Back
Hardness/Hit Points: 5/10
PDC: 14
Restriction: None

Combat Arm
This is a mechanical arm mounted to the user's back and shoulder and is fitted with several weapons. Armed with a blade, 1d6 slashing, 19-20x2, 10 ft reach, and a laspistol, 2d6, 20, 30 ft, 50 box, can recharge at a rate of 1 shot per 5 minutes, or can use a standard power pack.
Type: External
Location: Back
Hardness/Hit Points: 7/15
PDC: 17
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Utility Hand (PL 6)
This otherwise ordinary-looking cybernetic hand contains multiple small tools and attachments that aid in a specific task, craft, or profession.
Benefit: A utility hand, when installed as the manipulator for a prosthetic arm, provides a +1 equipment bonus to skill checks involving a specific Craft (or other skill). If the character has two identical hands, the equipment bonus increases to +2.
Any of the following skills can be specified, but only one skill can receive a bonus from any type of utility hand.
Craft (choose one), Demolitions, Disable Device, Forgery, Repair, or Treat Injury.
Type: External.
Location: Hand
Hardness/Hit Points: 1/4 (per hand).
Base Purchase DC: 16 (per hand).
Restriction: None

Machine Spirit
The Tech Priests of Mars believe that all technology is a form or sign from the God Emperor of Mankind, and thus believe it is holy, except some types which are unholy. A member of the Adeptus Mechanius, or a Space Marine Tech, can perform a prayer before battle in an attempt to appease the machine spirit. Requires a Knowledge: Theology & Philosophy DC 15 +1/size category, and 1 minute +1d4 minutes /size category of the object to preform the prayer and apply oils, ointments and burn candles, additional Techs or Priests reduce the time by 1 minute for every 2 helpers. A successful check will grant the item a bonus of +1 to any one feature of the item, such as +1 to attack roll or damage, or increase a save the item provides by +1, or increase speed or range by 10%. For every 5 points above the DC the prayer succeeds by, grants an additional bonus of the same amount to the same feature or to another feature/ability. This bonus lasts up to 1 hour / 5 levels of the main praying Tech Priest or Tech Marine. For instance, a Tech Priest prays to the machine spirit of a bolt gun, size large DC 17, and succeeds with a 23, thus can improve 2 features, deciding to boost attack roll by 1 for better accuracy and range by 10%.

The Tech Priests learn specific litanies and prayers to repair or enhance equipment and their Machine Spirts beyond the basic prayers.

Litany of Repair
While chanting, applying holy oils and burning essence, the Tech Priest makes a Knowledge: Arcane Lore check DC 15, taking 1 full round, to add +2 to Repair checks, and on a successful Repair check, instantly repairs 25% of the items HP, or reduces the repair time by 25%.

Prayer of Strength
While applying oils and chanting, taking 2 full rounds, the Tech Priest makes a Knowledge: theology & philosophy check DC 17, to an item that grants a bonus to Strength or has a Strength score (such as robots, mechs, power armour) and increases it by +4 for 5 rounds +1 round per 5 over the DC the Tech Priest succeeds the check.

Emperor's Guidance
With a successful Knowledge: Theology & Philosophy check DC 15 taking 1 minute, granting +2 to Craft: Electrical, the Tech Priest can grant an item that has an attack (a weapon, robot, mech, tank, etc), a +3 to attack rolls with a successful Craft: Electrical check DC 16 for 5 rounds +1 per 5 points the Tech Priest beats the With a Knowledge: Theology & Philosophy check.

Divine Resistance
With a successful Knowledge: Theology & Philosophy check DC 19 taking 5 minutes, granting a +2 to Craft: Mechanical or Structural, the Tech Priest can grant an item +2 Defense and +1 hardness/DR per size category over small with a successful Craft: Mechanical or Structural check DC 19 for 5 hours + 1 per 5 points the Tech Priest beats the Knowledge: Theology & Philosophy check.

Emperor's Protection
With a successful Knowledge: Arcane Lore check DC 21 granting +4 to Craft: Electrical, then succeeding a Craft: Electrical check DC 25 and 30 minutes of work, the Tech Priest can grant an item, typically a vehicle, mech, robot or suit of power armour, +5 hp per size category over small, +1 Defense and hardness/DR for 1 day.

Litany of Speed
With a successful Knowledge: Arcane Lore check DC 15 granting +2 to Craft: Mechanical, 1 minute of work with a successful Craft: Mechanical check DC 17, the Tech Priest can increase the speed of an item by 25%, rounding down to the nearest 5 feet, for 3 hours + 1 per 5 points the Tech Priest beats the Arcane Lore check.

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Random Power Ups
These power ups where created by the Clueless virus as an effect of the 23 Hours. They can appear almost anywhere, but will generally appear in areas where there is conflict. Typically once they appear, they will remain for 1d4 hours before disappearing. Once collected, they can be stored for 2d4 months +1d4 weeks before they disappear. Most power ups are about the size of a basket ball, but not all are round, some might be squares or even pyramids or other shapes.
Power UpBase %DesertForestUrbanPlainsTundraOpen SpaceMilitary FacilityCivilian Facility
Weapon Power Up50+5+5+10+5+5+0+10+0
Armour Power Up50+5+5+10+10+0+0+10+0
Health Replen50+0+10+10+5+0+0+5+10
Health Regen50+0+10+10+5+0+0+5+10
Ammo Replen50+5+5+5+5+5+0+10+0
Flame Weapon Power Up50+5+5+5+5+5+0+10+0
Cold Weapon Power Up30+0+5+5+5+10+10+5+5
Acid Weapon Power Up30+0+10+10+5+5+0+5+10
Personal Shield25+5+0+5+0+5+5+10+5
Vehicle Weapon Power Up40+5+5+10+5+5+5+10+0
Vehicle Armour Power Up40+5+5+10+5+5+5+10+0
Regenative Repair40+0+5+10+5+0+5+10+5
Vehicle Ammo Replen40+0+5+5+5+0+5+10+0
Flame Vehicle Vehicle Power Up20+10+5+10+5+0+0+5+5
Cold Vehicle Weapon Power Up20+0+5+5+5+10+10+5+5
Acid Vehicle Weapon Power Up20+0+1+0+10+5+5+5+5+10

Weapon Power Up
This appears as a yellow transparent sphere with what appears to be an icon of an assault rifle or pistol flowing in the middle spinning slowly. After being picked up, it can be activated only when holding a personal weapon of up to huge size that, as a move equivalent action. Once active, the weapon glows with a yellowish light and for the next 1d6+2 rounds, all attacks deal +2 die of damage.
Weight: 4 lbs
PDC: 14

Armour Power Up
This blue transparent sphere has what looks like a simple representation of a piece of armour that fits over the torso with shoulder pads. After being picked up, it can be activated only while wearing some kind of personal armour (including leather jackets as long as it provides at least +1 Defense), as a move equivalent action. Once activated the armour has a soft blue glow and gains a +4 bonus to Defense, which also works against incorporeal attacks, lasting for 1d6+2 rounds.
Weight: 5 lbs
PDC: 15

Health Replen
This transparent green sphere has a large green + floating in the center. When activated, as a move action, the user will heal 2d6+2 hit points instantly.
Weight: 3 lbs
PDC: 16

Health Regen
This dark green transparent sphere has a large green + with several smaller + floating inside. When activated as a move equivalent action grants the user Fast Heal 3 for 1d6+2 rounds.
Weight: 4 lbs
PDC: 17

Ammo Replen
This red transparent sphere has what appears to be three bullets pointing up spinning in the center. When activated as a move equivalent action, all empty magazines or power packs the user is carrying are instantly refilled or recharged. These only counts for empty magazines the user is carrying. Empty mags or drained power packs the user dropped (didn't specify of putting away) are not filled.
Weight: 6 lbs
PDC: 16

Flame Weapon Power Up
This appears as a flame shaped, transparent red floating object with either a set of three bullets or a sword floating in the center. Once activated as a move equivalent action with a weapon of the related type (a melee weapon for the sword, and a ranged weapon for the bullets, but doesn't have to be a projectile gun, can be energy or even bow and crossbow) in hand, up to large size, gains +1d6 fire damage for 1d6+2 rounds.
Weight: 3 lbs
PDC: 17

Cold Weapon Power Up
This appears as a snowflake shaped, transparent blue floating object with either a set of three bullets or a sword floating in the center. Once activated as a move equivalent action with a weapon of the related type (a melee weapon for the sword, and a ranged weapon for the bullets, but doesn't have to be a projectile gun, can be energy or even bow and crossbow) in hand, up to large size, gains +1d6 cold damage for 1d6+2 rounds.
Weight: 3 lbs
PDC: 17

Acid Weapon Power Up
This appears as a water droplet shaped, transparent dark green floating object with either a set of three bullets or a sword floating in the center. Once activated as a move equivalent action with a weapon of the related type (a melee weapon for the sword, and a ranged weapon for the bullets, but doesn't have to be a projectile gun, can be energy or even bow and crossbow) in hand, up to large size, gains +1d6 acid damage for 1d6+2 rounds.
Weight: 3 lbs
PDC: 17

Personal Shield
This purple transparent sphere has a floating shield in it. A move equivalent action will active this power up, providing the user with a shield that has 50 hit points that is depleted first. A critical hit will bypass the shield. The shield remains until the hit points are depleted or after 1 minute, then it disappears.
Weight: 6 lbs
PDC: 18

Speed Up
This grey transparent sphere has a stick figure in a running position floating in it. Upon activating this power up as a move equivalent action, the user's running speed is increased by +10 feet and gain +2 to Reflex saves for 2d6 rounds.
Weight: 4 lbs
PDC: 17

Personal Cloak
This white translucent square with a figure of a person with multiple horizontal lines through it flowing, renders the user completely invisible upon activating as a move equivalent action. The person is completely invisible, granting +20 to Hide checks, doesn't appear on thermal, IR, motion, RADAR, life sign and other similar sensors. However the user can still make sound. Lasts for 1 minute.
Weight: 3 lbs
PDC: 18

Vehicle Weapon Power Up
This yellow transparent sphere has a tank turret floating in the center. A move equivalent action activates this power up while in contact with a vehicle, starship or mech's weapon control. All attacks with the weapon selected will deal +4 die of damage for 1d4+2 rounds.
Weight: 7 lbs
PDC: 18

Vehicle Armour Power Up
This blue transparent sphere has what looks like a simple representation of a tank. After being picked up, it can be activated only while at the controls of a vehicle, starship or mech as a move equivalent action. Once activated the vehicle has a soft blue glow and gains a +4 bonus to Defense, which also works against incorporeal attacks, lasting for 1d4+2 rounds.
Weight: 9 lbs
PDC: 18

This transparent green sphere has a large green wrench floating in the center. When activated, as a move action at the controls of the vehicle, starship or mech, the vehicle will be repaired 2d20+10 hit points instantly.
Weight: 10 lbs
PDC: 19

Regenative Repair
This dark green transparent sphere has a large green wrench with several smaller wrenches floating inside. When activated as a move equivalent action at the controls of a vehicle, mech or starship, the vehicle is repaired 2d4 hit points each round for 1d4+2 rounds.
Weight: 11 lbs
PDC: 20

Vehicle Ammo Replen
This red transparent sphere has what appears to be three bullets pointing up super imposed over a tank spinning in the center. When activated as a move equivalent action, all empty magazines or power supplies of the vehicle's weapons are instantly refilled or recharged.
Weight: 15 lbs
PDC: 20

Flame Vehicle Weapon Power Up
This appears as a flame shaped, transparent red floating object with a set of three bullets superimposed over a tank turret floating in the center. Once activated as a move equivalent action at the controls of a vehicle, mech or starship weapon gains +3d6 fire damage for 1d4+2 rounds.
Weight: 12 lbs
PDC: 21

Cold Vehicle Weapon Power Up
This appears as a snowflake shaped, transparent blue floating object with a set of three bullets superimposed over a tank turret floating in the center. Once activated as a move equivalent action at the controls of a weapon for a vehicle, mech or starship gains +3d6 cold damage for 1d4+2 rounds.
Weight: 12 lbs
PDC: 21

Acid Vehicle Weapon Power Up
This appears as a water droplet shaped, transparent dark green floating object with a set of three bullets superimposed over a tank turret floating in the center. Once activated as a move equivalent action at the controls of a starship, vehicle or mech weapon gains +3d6 acid damage for 1d4+2 rounds.
Weight: 12 lbs
PDC: 21

Vehicle Shield
This purple transparent sphere has a floating shield superimposed over a tank turret in it. A move equivalent action will active this power up while in contact with the vehicle, mech or starship controls, providing the vehicle with a shield that has 500 hit points that is depleted first. A critical hit will bypass the shield. The shield remains until the hit points are depleted or after 2 minutes, then it disappears.
Weight: 15 lbs
PDC: 22

Vehicle Speed Up
This grey transparent sphere has a tank with a cloud of smoke behind it floating in it. Upon activating this power up as a move equivalent action, the user's running speed is increased by +30 feet for mech, +50 chase scale vehicle, +1000 ft starship, and gain +2 to Reflex saves for 2d4 rounds.
Weight: 19 lbs
PDC: 20

Vehicle Cloak
This white translucent square with a tank with multiple horizontal lines through it flowing, renders the vehicle, mech or starship completely invisible upon activating as a move equivalent action. The vehicle is completely invisible, granting +20 to Hide checks, doesn't appear on thermal, IR, motion, RADAR, life sign and other similar sensors. However the vehicle can still make sound. Lasts for 30 seconds.
Weight: 20 lbs
PDC: 20


Sorry for the long delay, switching to teaching online has been time consuming... I guess one of the first steps in expanding The Dueling Dracula would be to decide which versions of Dracula are the most conducive to the overarching narrative of the setting. Once we have selected four to seven primary Dracula(s?) antagonists to lead their respective factions, we could more easily create the logical pairings of various lesser Draculas and vampire groups from other media to their most logical leader and balance the power struggle in such a way as to ensure the players could meaningfully impact the situation.

Some of the ideas I had for Primary Dracula(s)
1. The original Dracula as detailed by Bram Stoker - While I think the original Dracula should 100% be in this story, I do worry about his power level compared to the later more action focused iterations.

2. Castlevania Dracula - The game series help to build him into a functional multifaceted boss and the anime series helps relate to the character from an RP perspective

3. Drac for Blade: Trinity - In addition to having a distinct nickname which would help in differentiating the various antagonists he had an interesting suite of abilities that made him different from other Dracula

At the moment I have not figured out which other Draculas to pick. I have been floating some ideas but nothing has really jumped out at me, and I am likely forgetting many possible selections...

A short list of Dracula I have been contemplating are
- Mel Brooks' Comedic Dracula
- The Dracula depicted in 2004's Van Helsing
- Dracula from Dracula Untold
- Batman Dracula ( Andy Warhol's Batman Dracula 1964)
- Blacula (While a known cultural symbol I am a bit wary of this one)
- Nocturna (While she is supposed to be the Grand daughter of Dracula I was really hoping for a female version of Dracula rather than a subordinate version like Brides of Dracula or Lucy Westenra)
- Elizabeth Báthory (As above but more real world legend than cinema)

I also thought that if included Alucard from the Hellsing Organization would likely not be an antagonist in this story due to his vampire hunting role in the show.

Well, one of the obvious things to make the Stoker Dracula a contender would be that, because he's the oldest Fictional vampire of this list (ok... maybe Bathory is older but her legend is not as wide-spread and hasn't gotten the fiction treatment as often) he's got a lot of Elder Vampire power. He may not have some of the tricks of Castlevania Drac but a fight between those two would still be even in terms of inflicting mutual hurt. How he would look would probably change... one moment he's Lugosi, one moment it's Christopher Lee as in Jess Franco's "Dracula" (one of the few live-action interpretations that has the Count with a mustache, as mentioned in the book), one moment he's another. He likes to change faces to mock his other versions.

The Hellsing Dracula / Alucard is a vampire hunter, but he also is a massive jackass looking for a fight, so his role in any chronicles he appears in would definitely be tinted with "wild card" vibes -- he will most certainly harass anybody he deems a good fighter in the attempt at getting his bloodlust saked.

What about the Hammer Horror Dracula? If we kind of make him a mix of all his appearances (although not all of them were made by Christopher Lee, but Lee's visage is his default), he's got such abilities as knowledge of how to create bio-weapons and maybe even a bit of "mystical martial arts techniques" understanding.

One of the scenes of this adventure DEFINITELY needs to have someone say "welcome to a new world of gods and monsters".


I hadn't even thought about the classic Hammer Horror film, great addition.

As for Alucard I almost want to use the TeamFourStar Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Version just for the extra sassy/classy aspect.

Ironically I had thought of the second or third session scene should be called A New World of Gods and Monsters or Here there be Monsters
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Also @kronos182

I had a couple ideas for your Random Power Ups:

Refuel - the person scale would remove any starvation, dehydration, or exhaustion but not count as a normal rest/sleep (Symbol could appear as a crossed Turkey leg and water bottle), the vehicle version would refill whatever fuel it uses (Symbol could be a fuel can)

Ram - The person scale gives increased speed for one charge and a bonus to bull rushing, knockback, trample, or melee attacks at the end of the charge the vehicle version would give collision immunity for 1D4-1 rounds (Minimum 0 just to be a little risky) (The symbol could look like a rams head for the person size and a snow plow for the vehicle)

Elemental weapon ideas: Electricity, Explosive, Poison, Radiant, Necrotic, etc. weapon power up types; also improved versions which add a secondary effect (Fire = Burn damage over time, acid = reduced armor effectiveness, cold = reduced speed, lightning = % chance to malfunction equipment, etc.); You could then expand and make advanced, superior, Supreme etc. versions alternating between increasing damage and buffing the secondary effects For the symbols you can increase the intensity of the colors or complexity of the design

And for every weapon element bonus an elemental armor bonus could be made, giving X resistance for Y rounds, you could even have advanced versions which grant more and more resistance or even immunity (An idea for the symbols shields and car doors with the elemental symbol inside)

The ammo refill should specify if it works on quivers, fuel tanks (flamethrowers etc.) or other storages for ammo like ammo boxes or open clips (Magazines are closed clips are open) or Revolver cylinders or speed loaders etc.

Smoke Screen – Pretty self-explanatory, massive smoke effect for people, or spy car style smoke screen trail Symbols could be a cloud and a smoke trail

Oil Can – For people it could instantly service and clean weapons and equipment, but not repair destroyed or completely non-functional gear for the car it could either do the same tune up effect or it could be used to make a James Bond oil slick. Symbols could be an oil can (like the tinman's in Oz) or a Black oil drop

Tire Power ups - These could be a whole series, a Tire with wings could give a vehicle air "walk", a tire with a goopy appearance could grant the vehicle spider walk, a tire with a scuba mask could grant amphibiousness to the vehicle, a tire with a 1950's space helmet could make the vehicle space capable, a tire with crossed shovel and pickaxe could grant land swimming or burrowing speed, a tire with a spooky ghost could grant temporary incorporeality for the purpose of avoiding obstacles, if you wanted personal level versions of these you could just swap tires for High Top Chuck Taylors.

Edit: Also a Mask power up that acts as a disguise self for either the person or as an illusionary disguise for the vehicle
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Also @kronos182

I had a couple ideas for your Random Power Ups:

Refuel - the person scale would remove any starvation, dehydration, or exhaustion but not count as a normal rest/sleep (Symbol could appear as a crossed Turkey leg and water bottle), the vehicle version would refill whatever fuel it uses (Symbol could be a fuel can)

Ram - The person scale gives increased speed for one charge and a bonus to bull rushing, knockback, trample, or melee attacks at the end of the charge the vehicle version would give collision immunity for 1D4-1 rounds (Minimum 0 just to be a little risky) (The symbol could look like a rams head for the person size and a snow plow for the vehicle)

Elemental weapon ideas: Electricity, Explosive, Poison, Radiant, Necrotic, etc. weapon power up types; also improved versions which add a secondary effect (Fire = Burn damage over time, acid = reduced armor effectiveness, cold = reduced speed, lightning = % chance to malfunction equipment, etc.); You could then expand and make advanced, superior, Supreme etc. versions alternating between increasing damage and buffing the secondary effects For the symbols you can increase the intensity of the colors or complexity of the design

And for every weapon element bonus an elemental armor bonus could be made, giving X resistance for Y rounds, you could even have advanced versions which grant more and more resistance or even immunity (An idea for the symbols shields and car doors with the elemental symbol inside)

The ammo refill should specify if it works on quivers, fuel tanks (flamethrowers etc.) or other storages for ammo like ammo boxes or open clips (Magazines are closed clips are open) or Revolver cylinders or speed loaders etc.

Smoke Screen – Pretty self-explanatory, massive smoke effect for people, or spy car style smoke screen trail Symbols could be a cloud and a smoke trail

Oil Can – For people it could instantly service and clean weapons and equipment, but not repair destroyed or completely non-functional gear for the car it could either do the same tune up effect or it could be used to make a James Bond oil slick. Symbols could be an oil can (like the tinman's in Oz) or a Black oil drop

Tire Power ups - These could be a whole series, a Tire with wings could give a vehicle air "walk", a tire with a goopy appearance could grant the vehicle spider walk, a tire with a scuba mask could grant amphibiousness to the vehicle, a tire with a 1950's space helmet could make the vehicle space capable, a tire with crossed shovel and pickaxe could grant land swimming or burrowing speed, a tire with a spooky ghost could grant temporary incorporeality for the purpose of avoiding obstacles, if you wanted personal level versions of these you could just swap tires for High Top Chuck Taylors.

Edit: Also a Mask power up that acts as a disguise self for either the person or as an illusionary disguise for the vehicle

I'll get to work on this.
However your point on ammo refill.. I can easily add in something like fuel canisters for flamethowers, revolvers/others with internal ammo, things like quivers are a little harder as I don't think there is a fixed number of arrows in a quiver that I know of unless there is and i just don't remember.


I'll get to work on this.
However your point on ammo refill.. I can easily add in something like fuel canisters for flamethowers, revolvers/others with internal ammo, things like quivers are a little harder as I don't think there is a fixed number of arrows in a quiver that I know of unless there is and i just don't remember.

From the Modern D20 SRD

Arrows: Arrows come in quivers of 12 and are used with the compound bow and other types of archery weapons. These missile weapons consist of a slender shaft and a pointed head.

Crossbow Bolts: A shaft or missile designed to be shot from a crossbow, bolts come in quivers of 12.

However, in D&D 3e/3,5, Pathfinder, and most other systems non-magical quivers are limited at 20


From the Modern D20 SRD

Arrows: Arrows come in quivers of 12 and are used with the compound bow and other types of archery weapons. These missile weapons consist of a slender shaft and a pointed head.

Crossbow Bolts: A shaft or missile designed to be shot from a crossbow, bolts come in quivers of 12.

However, in D&D 3e/3,5, Pathfinder, and most other systems non-magical quivers are limited at 20

My bad.. I just found it in the core book as well. My bad. I'll fix it once I work on stats for the other new stuff.


My bad.. I just found it in the core book as well. My bad. I'll fix it once I work on stats for the other new stuff.

No problem, just trying to help where I can. I can easily come up with and go on about various ideas or storylines, but I doubt anything I have ever written up could be considered balanced stats. Y'all are the real heroes here, great original content for a great original setting.

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