CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Some additional Ghostbuster's equipment.

The Ecto-1 is a vehicle used by the original Ghostbusters. Other version exist, but the classic Ecto-1 has been reproduced and used by many of the Ghostbuster factions and facilities as both a practical vehicle for lower level members, and as a center piece for ceremonies and parades.
Based on the 1959 Cadillac professional chassis of the ambulance/hearse version, painted white with red on the tail fairings. The top rack mounts storage and equipment which includes various ghost and supernatural creature detection equipment, a siren and a set of flashing lights like an ambulance, but colours not used by any other government agencies such as police, fire or ambulance. The passenger side rear door swings towards the back and right against the frame. A lever on the same seat will extend the seat out the open door with an attached proton pack and particle thrower to function as a gunner seat. The rear cargo section is used to store a dozen traps, up to four standard size proton packs, four PKE readers, a remote control trap drone, which can be deployed from a ramp that lowers from the rear underside.

Crew: 1-2
Passengers: 2-4
Cargo: 200 lbs
Init: -2
Maneuver: +0
Top Speed: 200 (20)
Defense: 8
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 40
Size: H
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Lic +1 Ghostbusters
Accessories: PKE sensors, GPS, side gunner position, trap drone charger, trap drone & deployment ramp, siren, lights.

PKE Sensors
These sensors are upgraded PKE meters, combined with a type of radar, GPS and display unit, to provide a better sensor system to detect ghosts, spirits and other undead.
Grants a +4 to Search checks to find ghosts, spirits and undead. Has a range of 5 miles. Entities with more than 8 hit dice grant a +1 per 4 hit dice over 8 HD, and increases the range of detection by 50 ft, as more powerful entities are easier to detect. While it doesn't give exact spot, it narrows down the location to within 25 ft area beyond a 100 foot radius of the equipped vehicle.

Trap Drone Ramp
A passenger in the vehicle can as a move action lower the ramp and deploy the trap drone. Controlling the drone is a standard action, using Drive skill. Embarking the drone back onto the vehicle while it is moving is a standard action, requiring a Drive check DC 16, but the vehicle can't be driving faster than 50 (5).

Trap Drone
This is a drone made from a remote control car, with increased battery supply and antenna for greater range. Fitted with a camera that is linked to the remote controller. The drone has 5 hit points, hardness 5, with a speed of 100 ft per round. The oversized tires and upgraded suspension allows it to driver over a surprising amount of debris and rough terrain. Capable of operating for 1 hour before requiring recharging (takes 30 minutes in the recharger port in the equipped vehicle), with a range of 500 ft.

Composite Particle System
The Composite Particle System, or CPS for short, is a variant of the proton pack and particle thrower. While the originals can damage any objects, and other variants specialize in incorporeal dissipation, the CPS can damage and "rekill" corporeal undead and supernatural beings, such as zombies, vampires, etc. Instead of firing a stream, it fires large pulses of meson energy, giving it good range and damage, but it is energy intensive. It draws too much energy to make use of compact power pack, so standard size is required, making it a heavy weapon. It lacks the containment mode and don't cross the stream properties as it fires pulses.

Composite Particle System (PL 5)
Damage: 3d6, 6d6 vs corporeal undead
Critical: -
Damage Type: electrical/fire
Range Increment: 90 ft
Rate of Fire: single
Size: Large
Weight: 15 lbs
Ammo: 10 int standard proton accelerator back
Purchase DC: 29
Res: Restricted +2 Ghostbusters
Notes: Don't Allow to Overheat, Undead Killer
Do not allow the pack to overheat: This in some ways is similar to Total Protonic Reversal, however on a more limited scale. It is however still extremely dangerous and it is rare for a person in the vicinity to survive a blast caused by overheating. If a proton pack runs for 25 rounds, using all of its charges continuously, the pack must make a Fortitude save or overheat in four rounds. The pack's explosion deals 20d6 points of fire damage to the wearer (no save allowed) and 10d6 points of splash damage to creatures and objects in adjacent 1000-foot radius (Reflex save, DC 15, for half damage).
Undead Killer: The CPS allows the wielder to kill undead, such as vampires, that have specific conditions to kill them, as it undoes the bonds that keep them function. Once the corporal undead is reduced to 0 HP by the CPS, it is destroyed, reduced to ashes and can't be raised or reformed.

Meson Collider Penetration

This modifies the CPS pack and gun to vent excess bosons into the meson particle stream, allowing the pulses to better penetrate the resistances of the undead. The weapon can ignore 5 points of energy resistances (fire, energy) and 3 points of DR corporeal undead may have. Reduces ammo capacity of accelerator pack by 1.
PDC: +2
Res: Licensed +1 Ghostbusters

Meson Collider Accelerator
This modification to the CPS proton pack's ring accelerator helix, extending it and increasing the surface area of the collider's radiator. This allows the meson stream recharge acceleration and provides increased rate of fire. Changes rate of fire to Semi.
PDC: +2
Res: Licensed +1 Ghostbusters

Fermion Shock
The Fermion Shock is a heavy particle thrower, looking like a type of grenade launcher than a normal particle thrower, with a stock, pistole like handle, and foregrip, and a large bore barrel. It has a shorter range than a standard particle thrower, but deals more damage.

Fermion Shock (PL 5)
Damage: 6d6
Critical: -
Damage Type: electrical/fire
Range Increment: 40 ft
Rate of Fire: 1
Size: Large
Weight: 10 lbs
Ammo: Half normal pack attached to (12 for standard)
Purchase DC: 28
Notes: Containment Mode, Attack Mode, Do Not Cross The Streams, Don't Allow to Overheat

Attack inflicts shoots a 10-foot-wide, 40-foot-long line of protons that deals 6d6 points of electrical damage to all creatures and objects in its path. No attack roll is necessary, and thus no feat is needed to operate the weapon effectively. Any creature caught in the line of electricity can make a Reflex save (DC 19) to take half damage. Creatures with cover get a bonus on their Reflex save.
Containment requires a ranged touch attack. The Containment setting only works against undead and outsiders. This is an attack action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If the attack is successful, the target must make an opposed grapple check against the wielder's attack roll +4. If more than one proton pack is used on the Containment setting, each additional proton beam adds +2 to the roll, and the target is denied any dexterity modifier to Defense. The Containment setting is typically used to position a target over a ghost trap.
Do not cross the streams: This process is extremely dangerous as it causes Total Protonic Reversal, which results in the molecules of any nearby person to explode at the speed of light. Information on this situation is sketchy due to the rarity of it ever happening, it has only occurred once where those participating have survived. Please refer to the case where the Ghostbusters fought Gozer for more details.
Do not allow the pack to overheat: This in some ways is similar to Total Protonic Reversal, however on a more limited scale. It is however still extremely dangerous and it is rare for a person in the vicinity to survive a blast caused by overheating. If a proton pack runs for 25 rounds, using all of its charges continuously, the pack must make a Fortitude save or overheat in four rounds. The pack's explosion deals 20d6 points of fire damage to the wearer (no save allowed) and 10d6 points of splash damage to creatures and objects in adjacent 1000-foot radius (Reflex save, DC 15, for half damage).

Proton Pistol
The proton pistol is a particle thrower that is shaped like a pistol, that instead of firing a stream, fires a pulse of protons. Slightly weaker than a standard particle thrower, but has the advantage of greater range and faster rate of fire without modifying the pack itself. It connects to the pack via a cable. It also lacks the containment setting, making its use for weakening ghosts as those with standard, or similar throwers to get into position and using their containment modes on a weakened ghost to trap it faster.

Proton Pistol (PL 5)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: electrical/fire
Range Increment: 90 ft (not a line)
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Medium
Weight: 4 lbs
Ammo: 25 (standard pack)
Purchase DC: 26

Proton Grenade
These are thrown devices, much like grenades, that release a burst of proton energy to damage ghosts and other incorporeal creatures. While harmful to all beings, they are particularly effective against ghosts.

Damage: 2d6, 5d6 vs ghosts, spirits, undead
Critical: -
Damage Type: electrical/fire
Blast Radius: 15 ft
Reflex DC: 14, 19 vs ghosts, spirits, undead
Range Incr: 15 ft
Size: Small
Weight: 2 lb
PDC: 20
Res: Res +2 Ghostbusters

Proton Pack Upgrades
Dark Matter Generator

This is a secondary system added to a standard proton pack or compact pack accelerator and power systems. It collects invisible Dark Matter particles and projects them through the neutrona wand in two different modes, giving a power proton weapon alternate methods of attack, as the dark matter modifies the particle streams.
Adds Shotgun Blast mode, and Order-Reversing Beam. The Dark Matter Generator collects enough particles for a single use at a rate of 1 per 30 minutes, holding 30 charges for standard pack, 15 for compact.
Shotgun Blast: This mode breaks the stream down and spreads it out into multiple small pulses that spread over an area. Deals damage of the weapon -1 die to a minimum of 1 die of damage, affecting a cone area with length equal to two-thirds (2/3) the original range, and width at the end equal to one-third (1/3) the original range, all ranges rounded down to nearest 5 ft, with Reflex save DC 15 for half damage.
Order-Reversing Beam: This modifies the containment mode, instead of holding the target for containment, it affects the target's speed and can paralyze the target. Target must make a Fort DC 20 or be paralyzed for 1d4x5 rounds. A successful save reduces the speed of the target by half. A save by more than 5 points the target is dazed for 1 round with speed reduced by 5 ft for the next round. If the target failed by more than 5, the target is paralyzed for 1d4x5 minutes and is stunned for 1d4x5 rounds.
PDC: +4
Res: Rare +4 Ghostbusters

Upgraded Proton Pack
Using more advanced materials and construction methods, the power part of any proton pack is now half the size and maintains the same power levels. Can be applied to standard, compact, and other sizes. One size smaller, half the weight, but same ammunition supply. Can be applied only once.
Weight: Halved
PDC: +2

Advanced Proton Pack
Using more advanced technologies, these proton packs are more powerful, while still being the same size, but slightly lighter than the previous versions. Weight is 2/3, and ammunition supply is increased by 25%, round down, of the version of proton pack this gadget is applied to. This gadget can be applied up to 3 times.
Weight: reduced by 1/3 (one-third).
PDC: +2

Ecto-Resistant Heavy Armour
This armour is based on full body suits used for chemical or radiation hazards, but reinforced to provide protection from not only ghost attacks, but any physical items they throw, or other abilities more powerful spirits or undead might have, such as chemicals or acids. It covers the hole body, with heavy boots, gloves, and comes with a helmet. A built in cooling unit helps keep the wearer from overheating, and can be environmentally sealed with an attachable air tank and seals around joints and helmet locked.

Ecto-Resistant Heavy Armour
Type: heavy
Equipment Bonus: +6, +10 vs incorporeal attacks
Nonprof. Bonus: +2, +6 vs Incorporeal attacks
Max Dex: +1
Armour Penalty: -5
Speed (30 ft): 25 ft
Weight: 12 lbs
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Res +2 (Ghostbusters)
Notes: Grants resistance 2 to bludgeoning, slam, unarmed attacks and falling damage. Acid resistance 10, +4 to saves vs airborne gases, diseases and radiation. Can attach an oxygen tank and seal wearer off from the outside environment. In theory can be used as an impromptu space suit in this manner for 2 minutes, but doesn't not keep the wearer warm in space.

P.K.E. Meter
The P.K.E. Meter, also known as an Aurascope, is a tracking device that detects Psycho-Kinetic Energy, which is given off by all ghosts, spirits, incorporeal undead, and most undead creatures. It consists of a handle attached to rectangular main body with two arms, one on each side that extend outwards, with lights that white, as the wielder gets closer, and the power of the entity.
Grants a +2 to Search checks to find ghosts, spirits and undead. Has a range of 100 ft. Entities with more than 8 hit dice grant a +1 per 4 hit dice over 8 HD, and increases the range of detection by 25 ft, as more powerful entities are easier to detect.
Weight: 3 lbs
PDC: 14

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Confederation of Earth
"A Safe Galaxy is a Human Galaxy!"

The Confederation of Earth is a xenophobic authoritarian regime government from an alternate timeline of the Star Trek universe, created by Q by sending Retired Admiral Picard and others back to 2024 to ensure the Io mission happened as in the Prime Timeline.

AGENDA: Conquer the Galaxy, keeping humanity safe
STRUCTURE: Dictatorial republic
SYMBOL: A circle representing earth with several concentric smaller circles, with a set of laurels along the bottom, similar to the United Federation of Planets, with a solid circle with a single star on the left side, positioned in the lower right of the larger circle
MOST COMMON ALLEGIANCE: Confederation of Earth
REQUISITION LIMIT: 50 (Classified).

Due to the pollution and climate change that was affecting Earth, humanity turned to Dr. Adam Soong, a disgraced geneticist whose work would help save the human race from extinction. Due to his influence, the government took on a Humanity First attitude, similar to the Mirror Universe, but in a different direction, and the government didn't fall like the Terran Empire in the Mirror Universe. Solar shields were developed and installed around Earth that staved off environmental catastrophe.
The Confederation of Earth developed somewhat similar to the United Federation of Planets, however instead of welcoming other worlds into their fold, they waged war and conquered and eradicated aliens. Many famous captains and commanders displaying the skulls of formidable alien figures, such as Martok, Dukat by Picard in this timeline. The Confederation is war hungry, waging multiple wars at any given time, and are one of the few groups that have conquered the Borg, at least by 2401 in their timeline. Conquered species are treated as second class citizens at best, or slaves at worse.

In Coreline the Confederation of Earth have an alternate Earth and several other well known Alpha Quadrant systems, such as Vulcan, Qo'nos, Cardassia and others, situated in an area of space along the border of the Milky Way galaxy at the southern part of the Alpha Quadrant, just outside the Galactic Barrier, however the barrier is much weaker and easier to transverse in several 'safe' passageways through the barrier, but are still hazardous if one isn't careful.

The Confederation of Earth is a Pro-Human organization, and are neutral to friendly to other human dominated organizations. They have an unspoken cold war with the United Federation of Planets, and will not immediately be hostile to ships crewed and captained mostly by humans, but those captained by aliens may not be fired upon immediately, but are aggressively warned away, and Confederation captains will not hesitate to attack if their 'warnings' are not followed immediately.

A multi star system dictatorial republic, where the president is absolute ruler, with several lower branches of government, with a massive military industry. Could be likened to the organization of the United Federation of Planets, except human only and with a strong military emphasis. Aliens are second class or even slaves, depending how compliant they are. The military branch, the Confederation Corps, as a matter of policy, routinely employ weapons of mass destruction and orbital bombardments.

Alternate Earth and multitude of other star systems within area of space just outside the Galactic Barrier at south end of Alpha Quadrant. Also control 3 star systems within the Alpha Quadrant within 10 light years of a secured passageway through the Galactic Barrier.

Massive amounts that a multi star system government has, with heavy emphasis on military. Considered on par with United Federation of Planets, but with more combat ships and equipment. Their starships are usually heavier armed, and may include technology from various Alpha Quadrant equivalent species they have conquered, including cloaking technology, disruptors, and larger and newer ships are starting to incorporate some Borg technology including a form of adaptive shielding.
The Confederation starships appear very similar to Starfleet ships, however have less scientific capabilities, but more so than Terran Empire ships, with more weapons and larger ships will have larger shuttle bays. Ships will also appear more angular, warp pylons typically are more horizontal than the vertical angled designs of UFP. Hulls also will have more segmented and armoured sections over the UFP's more graceful and curved designs.
The Confederation also made use of drone technology far longer than the UFP and Starfleet, with all of their larger ships carrying squadrons of drones as force multipliers.

The characters could be from the Confederation of Earth and are rebels breaking away, trying to rescue alien species. Or they could be from outside and are working with forces that oppose the Confederation and work to prevent it from expanding further into the wider galaxy.

The Confederation's main objective is simple: ‘A safe galaxy is a Human galaxy’. This means conquering and enslaving aliens or eradicating them.
Low-power adventures should involve single ships or war parties of varying sizes from squads of soldiers to larger groups, scouting systems within the Milky Way galaxy, or the planets could enter their area of space, and scouting planets and encounter random patrols, getting larger and stronger the deeper they go.
Players will encounter variants of many beings found in the main Star Trek universe and locations, but with a evil bent, similar to Mirror Universe variants, but are more loyal and less prone to immediate violence and betrayal as they are pro human.

Confederation X-Tinction Class
The X-Tinction class is the Confederation of Earth's version of the United Earth's NX class starship. Visually it is similar to the NX, however the warp nacelle pylons don't angle upwards, and instead are longer and angle back more, so the nacelles are parallel with the hull and behind it. The hull has a slightly more segmented and armoured appearance. Additionally the rear section is larger, along with a bulge under the primary saucer section which expands the shuttlepod bay, and allows for additional weapons and troops. The X-Tinction is armed with only 3 pairs of phase cannons in turrets, with two on top and one on the bottom, while it mounts a dual bank of 2 fire-linked pulse phase cannons for forward punch, along with 4 photonic torpedo launchers, two forward and two rear. Additionally it mounts multiple rapid fire plasma cannons that it uses as a point defense system. For protection it has the polarized hull plating, and particle field which helps deflect energy weapons, based on shield technology reversed engineered but not fully developed yet. Additionally, the ship is armed with a launch tube on the underside that is designed to drop nuclear warheads for planetary bombardments, although other warheads could be used, such as solid rods used as 'rods of heaven' as an alternate planetary bombardment weapon. These launch tubes are not capable of being used in regular combat.

In Coreline the X-Tinction were rushed back into production due to the chaos of the 23 Hours and they Confederation found itself in a new area of space, while somewhat similar, quite different, as they are on the other side of the Galactic Barrier, and their space is about half of the Alpha Quadrant they knew. As they solidified their holdings and hostiles renewed with the other races in the area, these craft were slow phased out as more modern ships were produced. X-Tinctions have been used for defense forces of outer colonies and penal colonies, as well as scouts on the other side of the Galactic Barrier to make the illusion of the Confederation being weaker than it actually is. Such scouts have any information about the Confederation permanently scrubbed from the memory except the course back to the secured passageway. Any other information such as codes and orders are kept on easily destroyable media that in the event of capture, the captains can destroy the data in an instant to prevent it from being captured.

Confederation X-Tinction-Class (PL6)
Type: Mediumweight
Subtype: cruiser
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3000
Defense: 11 (-8 size +5 class +4 dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 7
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 18
Hit Dice: 135d20 (2700 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +5
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +4
Length: 738 ft
Weight: 102,000 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +5
Crew: 83 (expert +8)
Passenger Capacity: 70 troops
Cargo Capacity: 3,000 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 60
Restriction: Mil +3

Forward arc only Battery of 2 fire-linked Pulsed Phased cannon +2 ranged 18d10, and battery of 2 fire-linked pulsed phased cannon -3 ranged 18d10; or
Battery of 2 fire-linked Pulsed phased cannon +2 ranged 18d10 forward arc only, and 2 fire-linked photonic torpedo -4 ranged 15d20; or
2 fire-linked Phased cannon +1 ranged 18d10 and 2 fire-linked Phased cannon -4 ranged 18d10; or
2 fire-linked photonic torpedo +1 ranged 15d20, and 2 fire-linked Phased cannon -4 ranged 18d10

Attack of Opportunity:
Point defense system +5 (3d12x10 fire)

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, energy weapons -4 to attack rolls, +4 Pilot checks, planetary bombardment launcher, shuttlepod bay (4 shuttlepods)
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 5.2)
Armour: ditanium
Defense Systems: polarized hull plating, autopilot, particle field, point defense system
Sensors: Class III, improved targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, drivesat comm array
Weapons: 6 phase cannons, 4 pulsed phased cannons, 4 photonic torpedo launchers (typically 200 torpedoes per launcher)
Grappling Systems: grapplers x2

Phased Cannon
Phased cannons are the precursor to phaser weapons, a phased energy beam weapon that had variable energy output. Usually mounted on retractable semi turrets to give them field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5000 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 40
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Pulsed Phased Cannon
These weapons are improved versions of the phased cannon in that it has improved rate of fire, range and accuracy, however they have the same damage ratings.
Has the same variable energy output as phased cannons, but enjoy a +1 to attack rolls. Usually mounted on retractable semi turrets to give them field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 41
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Photonic Torpedo
Photonic torpedoes are early anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 1000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 10d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 17 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 19 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Planetary Bombardment Launcher
This heavy launcher in the belly of the saucer is designed to launch nuclear, or other types, missiles to bombard planets. Can't be used in combat and more of a story device.
To attack a target on planet, make a ranged attack as a full round attack against a 1x1 km area. Penalties from weather and if under attack from another starship or planetary defenses, jamming systems apply to the attack roll. Launches a missile that has 60 hit points, hardness 20, Defense 23, moves at 10000 ft per round, 50 ft long, gargantuan in size. Typically takes 5 rounds to reach target.
Nuclear tipped missile will deal 2d100 fire damage to a 5km radius area and heavily irradiates the area for 1d4 days, with radiation levels reducing by 1 level every 5 years.
Kinetic rods aka Rod of Heaven are solid tungsten rods with a short lived rocket engine to launch it and help keep it on target. Deals 5d100 ballistic damage, ignoring 100 points of hardness, to a 500 foot radius area. There is also a 50% chance of causing earthquakes in a 30 km radius area for 1d4 hours.

Borg scout.. surprising one without warp drive!

Borg Scout
Borg scout vessels are small cube shaped ships are none warp capable vessels, although they can make use of transwarp conduits. The ships were designed for surveying inhabited worlds and determining the potential usefulness of a species to the Collective. Secondary functions of scouts are to establish transwarp connections. A Borg cube would release these 200 meter long cubed vessels in a system then depart to other systems to be scouted, or go back to another system another scout has reported back from. Then the scout would study the system for its resources, native lifeforms and technology to see if any are worthy of assimilation. Once the study is finished, the scout will contact its cube and will be picked up, or join in the assimilation of the system if its worthy.
Borg scouts are not combat vessels, but can still be formidable for many to engage due to their regenerative shielding and hull. If the opponent is not worthy of assimilation, it will attempt to destroy the vessel. If it worthy of assimilation it will attack to lower the shields of the target and start beaming drones to assimilate the crew and the ship. If the target proves to be too powerful, in that the scout can't bring the target's shields down in less than 5 rounds, it will call for its parent cube which will arrive within 1d4+1 rounds. If the scout had successfully adapted its weapons to the target's defenses, the Borg cube will be able to make use of that adaptation the round after it arrives.
Due to the nature of borg ships, their weapons can fire in virtually any direction as there are emitters spaced around the vessel. Destroying an emitter doesn't disable the weapon, as it can route the weapon to another, or even repair the emitter in a short amount of time. The microphotonic missile launcher has launch tubes on each facing, but all feed from a central magazine of 50 missiles.

Borg Scout
Type: Light
Subtype: Scout/Transwarp Connector
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 7
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 80d20 (1600 hp), 2000 hp shields
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 656 ft
Weight: 2,500,000 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +5
Crew: 200 drones (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: Borg only
Restriction: Borg only

Borg Particle Beam +0 ranged (13d12, 19-20x3, energy, ignore 20 hardness/DR) and Borg Particle Beam -5 ranged (13d12, 19-20x3, energy, ignore 20 hardness/DR) and microphotonic missile -5 ranged (15d12, 20x4, energy)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(-) Design Spec: Regenerative Hull, Regenerative Shields, Adaptive Shields, Adaptive Weapons, transwarp connector, transporters (can transport up to 5 drones at once per round)
Engines: ion engine, thrusters
Armour: vanadium
Defense Systems: autopilot, shields
Sensors: Class VI sensors, improved targeting system
Communications: laser transceiver, radio transceiver, subspace transceiver
Weapons: borg particle beams, microphotonic missiles (50)
Grappling Systems: tractor beam

Regenerative Hull
The hull of the ship can repair d20 hit points per round. For every 10 members of the crew in their alcoves dedicated to repairing the ship adds an additional +1 HP / round repaired to a maximum of +20 (all 200 crew, but this renders the ship immobile).

Regenerative Shields
The shields of the ship can repair 20 hit points per round. For every 10 members of the crew in their alcoves dedicated to repairing the shields, adds an additional +10 HP / round replenished to a maximum of +100 (100 crew members). If 100 crew are used to repair shields, reduce number of weapons that can fire in a round by half.

Adaptive Shields
When a Borg ship is attacked by an energy weapon, after the first attack, the crew can make a Computer use check DC 22 to adapt the shields to that weapon. If unsuccessful, the crew can attempt again each time attacked by the same weapon, gaining a +1 to the check for every 2 attacks with the same weapon, as long as not attacked by a different type of energy weapon. The crew gains a +1 to the check for each other Borg ship within 100,000 ft also struck by the same type of weapon. Once the crew is successful on the check, the shields ignore 50% of the damage from that type of weapon, as well as all other Borg ships within 100,000 ft. The same type of weapon made by different races requires a separate check to be resistant. Against magical weapons, the DC increases by +5.

Adaptive Weapon
The energy weapons, no missiles, torpedoes or mines, of the Borg ship can be modified to penetrate the shields, and even with time, the armour of a target. After making a successful attack against a target and dealt damage, the crew can make a Computer Use check DC 24 with a +1 bonus for each Borg ship that successfully damages the same target (or targets with similar defenses) within 100,000 feet. On a successful check, one-quarter (1/4) of the damage bypasses the shields and deals damage directly to the hull, while the other three-quarter (3/4) is dealt to the shields. Against magical shields, the DC is increased by +5.
A similar check, same DC is required if target doesn't have shields, after successfully dealing damage, after DR/Hardness. On a successful check, the energy weapons ignore 30 points of DR/Hardness.
The crew can make additional Computer Use checks at DC 27, after already succeeding the original ones, to improve the ability to bypass shields, or ignore DR/Hardness. This second check if successful, will improve the damage that bypasses shields of 50% straight to the hull and 50% to the shields. Against the hull directly, improves the ignore DR/Hardness to 60.

Transwarp Connector
The Borg vessel is fitted with triquantum wave generators, graviton emitters and other equipment that would all the opening of a transwarp conduit for any Borg vessel to exit at its location. It not only creates an opening, but creates a permanent tear in transwarp space that is only accessible by vessels that are capable of transwarp to access a transwarp conduit at that point with transwarp coils and the rest of the necessary equipment for transwarp travel. These tears are also used as the anchor for a transwarp portal or hub to be constructed around.
It takes the Borg vessel 5+1d4 hours to create this connection point, in which the ship can't move and its shields and weapons are at half strength (half HP and half damage, except the microphotonic missiles), creating the point up to 2000 ft away from it. The point lasts for 1+1d4 days before it breaks down and disappears. During this time a transwarp portal, apprature or hub can have construction begun. Typically an interspatial manifold is set up within transwarp space within 1 light year of the connection point.

Borg Particle Beam
These weapons are the primary energy weapons of Borg vessels. They are similar to phasers, but of a different energy type, and are typically more powerful than similar sized phasers. They are also capable of adapting, via the Borg's ability to adapt their weapons, to overcome a target's defensive systems. These weapons are highly accurate, granting +1 to attack rolls.
Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 2d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 13d12, 19-20x3
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: 6000 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: Borg only
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Microphotonic Missile
These weapons are a type of photonic weapon, similar to photon torpedoes, but are smaller. Due to Borg advanced technology, the smaller missile is still quite powerful compared to other race's torpedoes. The missiles emit a green light as they are fired. Unlike torpedoes, the warheads don't have scalable power levels.
The warhead ignores 20 points of hardness/DR.
Damage: 15d12, 20x4
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: Borg only
Restriction: Mil (+3)

A minor experiment in modifying the “opening crawl” text for the Coreline setting. Still love the Warhammer 40K “in the grim darkness of the far future…” text. Just goofing around.

“It has been ten years since the end of the world as we knew it. Or maybe it has been more than a decade… people have lost count.

When The Vanishing happened, Reality was torn to bits, never to fully come back to normal.

It is an age of an ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny, the final victor still undetermined.

These are the tales of those times… these are the tales of some of those fighters…

We bid you welcome. Leave your sanity at the door. And for what's worth, enjoy your stay.”
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Nausicaan Outlaw Interceptor
The Outlaw Interceptor is a Naausicaan built interceptor first seen in the mid to late 2200s, and saw service up to the mid to late 2300s with upgrades. It has a narrow fish-like hull, with a tail that extends up and down like a fish tail, mounting the impulse engines. A forward pointing crescent wing curves out from the sides about one-third of the length from the nose. A crest-like structure extends from the dorsal hull. From the tips of the crescent wing and under the chin are a series of spikes, which contain part of the sensors and communications systems. The bridge is on the upper part of the nose and has a wrap around 'glass' which glows like a large single eye, which finishes off the overall look of some kind of predatory fish, which many scholars believe the Outlaw is modelled after. The warp nacelles are flush along the sides of the hull, just above the crescent wings, ending just before the end of the tail. The armament is a pair of photon torpedoes launchers mounted in the roots of the crescent wings. The ships are capable of landing on a planet, even landing on water, and operating under the surface of an ocean.

In combat these ships usually work in pairs, or larger groups, although single ships can be encountered on patrol. They fire both photon torpedoes at once in an attempt to overwhelm the target, particularly when two or more Outlaws work together and flank a target. Daring pilots will get as close as possible to the target to try and prevent any chance of point defense systems from striking the torpedoes, willingly putting their own ship at risk of attack just for a chance to have its payload strike.

Nausicaan Outlaw Interceptor (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Escort
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 5000
Defense: 7 (-8 size +3 Class +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 5 (-8 size +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 16d20 (320 hp) shields 400 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 360 ft
Weight: 230 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 5 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 5 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 45
Restriction: Res (+2)

2 Fire-linked Photon Torpedo -3 ranged (18d20)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), twin engine, improved thrust x2, Shield Dependent
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 8.7 for 4 hours, cruising 6.5)
Armour: heavy ditanium
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot
Sensors: Class III, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 2 fire-linked photon torpedo launcher (50 torpedoes each)
Grappling Systems: none

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.


During the Fusion Age starship engineers expand upon experimental starcraft and prototype twin engine technology, designing a command and control system capable of taking two identical engine types and slaving them together, boosting the overall tactical speed of a starship.
A starship equipped with a twin-engine system must mount two identical starship engines – at the loss of 25% of the ship’s cargo capacity and one weapon slot – in order for the system to operate.
This device increases the tactical speed bonus of one of the engines by 50% (round down up the nearest 500 ft.) – the pair provides a tactical speed bonus of 150% of a single engine design. If the system or one of the engines in damaged in combat (most likely due to a critical hit), the remaining engine provides a tactical speed bonus equal to one-half (round up) the bonus a single engine design would normally provide.
Example: A starship equipped with this device and two induction engines would have a total tactical speed bonus of +1,500 ft. If one of the engines is damaged or destroyed the bonus drops to +500 ft. A starship equipped with this device and two gravitic redirectors would have a total tactical speed bonus of +2,500 ft. If one of the engines is damaged or destroyed the bonus drops to +1,000 ft.
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan.
Tactical Speed Bonus: See text.
Purchase DC: 15.

Improved Thrust
Computer system and machinery changes to the engine core grant the starship more power, enabling it to propel the starship at an increased rate of speed. The starship gains a +500 ft. bonus to speed.
NOTE: A starship may be equipped with multiple improved thrust gadgets, with each increase past the first granting an additional +250 ft. bonus to speed. (Tactical speed, in squares, is rounded down to the nearest 500 ft. increment.)
Restrictions: Starship engines only.
Purchase DC: +2.

Heavy Ditanium Alloy (PL5-6)
Heavy Ditanium alloy is an alloy that was used to replace titanium, combining Duranium into the alloy to create a new type of armour and superstructure, in the use of military craft and especially space craft as it had some inherent abilities to block some of the radiation encountered in space.
Hardness: 20
Base Purchase Modifier: 14 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship.

Nausicaan Outlaw Piranha aka 8 Shot
The Piranha, or 8 Shot is name given to a variant of the Outlaw that replaces the two photon torpedoes with a brace of 8 disruptor blasters set up in battery of 4 pairs for improved accuracy and increase the combat endurance without relying on physical ammunition. The name Piranha comes from the 8 disruptors mounted along the chin, giving it the appearance of large teeth. Piranhas are typically paired with regular Outlaws, flanking targets and hammering the shields of the target between torpedo attacks from the regular Outlaws.
Make following changes to Nausicaan Outlaw to create Outlaw Piranha:
Remove 2 photon torpedo launchers;
Add 2 fire-linked batteries of 4 Disruptor Blaster Type 2, 13d12, 20x3, 4000 ft.
2 Fire-linked batteries of 4 Disruptor Blaster Type 2 -1 ranged (13d12, 20x3, 4000 ft) and 2 Fire-linked batteries of 4 Disruptor Blaster Type 2 -6 ranged (13d12, 20x3, 4000 ft);
PDC: +0

Disruptor Blaster Type 2
Disruptor blasters are early disruptor based weapons, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, and are capable of only 2 power levels. They are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. Can switch between 4d12 lower power or 9d12 full power shots.
Damage: 9d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 38
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

Nausicaan Outlaw Mk2
The Mk2 is an upgraded version released in the early 2300s, greatly improving upon the original in terms of armament and defense, but it is slower than its predecessors. It keeps the two photon torpedo launchers in the wing roots, mounts a pair of disruptor cannon type 1s in the chin, with a pair of disruptor blaster type 2s in a dorsal mounted turret.
In combat it'll lead with photon torpedoes and disruptors, then every other round will fire torpedoes with the rounds between using just disruptors.

Nausicaan Outlaw Interceptor Mk2 (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Escort
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 4500
Defense: 7 (-8 size +3 Class +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 5 (-8 size +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 25
Hit Dice: 18d20 (360 hp) shields 450 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 360 ft
Weight: 250 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 6 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 4 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 46
Restriction: Res (+2)

2 Fire-linked Photon Torpedo -3 ranged (18d20) and 2 fire-linked disruptor cannon type 1 -9 ranged (18d12, 20x3, 3000 ft) front arc only; or
Front arc only 2 fire-linked disruptor cannon type 1 -4 ranged (18d12, 20x3, 3000 ft) and 2 fire-linked disruptor cannon type 1 -9 ranged (18d12, 20x3, 3000 ft); or
Any direction 2 Fire-linked Photon Torpedo -3 ranged (18d20) and 2 fire-linked disruptor blaster type 2 turret -9 ranged (13d12, 20x3, 4000 ft)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), twin engine, improved thrust x2, Shield Dependent
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 8 for 5 hours, cruising 6.5)
Armour: Duranium
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot
Sensors: Class III, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 2 fire-linked photon torpedo launcher (50 torpedoes each), 2 fire-linked disruptor cannon type 1, 2 fire-linked disruptor blaster type 2 turret
Grappling Systems: none

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.


During the Fusion Age starship engineers expand upon experimental starcraft and prototype twin engine technology, designing a command and control system capable of taking two identical engine types and slaving them together, boosting the overall tactical speed of a starship.
A starship equipped with a twin-engine system must mount two identical starship engines – at the loss of 25% of the ship’s cargo capacity and one weapon slot – in order for the system to operate.
This device increases the tactical speed bonus of one of the engines by 50% (round down up the nearest 500 ft.) – the pair provides a tactical speed bonus of 150% of a single engine design. If the system or one of the engines in damaged in combat (most likely due to a critical hit), the remaining engine provides a tactical speed bonus equal to one-half (round up) the bonus a single engine design would normally provide.
Example: A starship equipped with this device and two induction engines would have a total tactical speed bonus of +1,500 ft. If one of the engines is damaged or destroyed the bonus drops to +500 ft. A starship equipped with this device and two gravitic redirectors would have a total tactical speed bonus of +2,500 ft. If one of the engines is damaged or destroyed the bonus drops to +1,000 ft.
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan.
Tactical Speed Bonus: See text.
Purchase DC: 15.

Improved Thrust
Computer system and machinery changes to the engine core grant the starship more power, enabling it to propel the starship at an increased rate of speed. The starship gains a +500 ft. bonus to speed.
NOTE: A starship may be equipped with multiple improved thrust gadgets, with each increase past the first granting an additional +250 ft. bonus to speed. (Tactical speed, in squares, is rounded down to the nearest 500 ft. increment.)
Restrictions: Starship engines only.
Purchase DC: +2.

Duranium (PL6)
Duranium is an extremely strong metallic substance used in alloys for hull construction of starships and space stations. It became well used in the Federation in the 2200s although some ships were still using Ditanium to save on costs and for ships that wouldn't see combat or small craft.
Hardness: 25
Tactical Speed Penalty -500 ft (-1 square)
Weight: One-tenth the weight of the starship (rounded down)
Base Purchase Modifier: 15 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship. Found only within Federation and other major Star Trek societies.

Disruptor Cannon Type 1
Disruptors are a type of energy weapon, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, and are capable of only 2 power levels. They are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. Can switch between 6d12 lower power or 12d12 full power shots.
Damage: 12d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 41
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

United Earth Government

The United Earth Government is the civilian government for humanity of the Halo universe.

Representative Democracy/Constitutional Republic
SYMBOL: White circle with black lines to create a basic globe, with a set of gold laurels on either side with stems at the bottom crossing.
United Earth Government
REQUISITION LIMIT: 50 (Classified).

The United Earth Government is a Democracy that governs over humanity within its sphere of influence, with origins from the United Nations on Earth. Unfortunately the government favours the inner colonies and exploits the newer and outer colonies for resources. The UNSC is its military, exploration and scientific branch, but is often heavy handed in responses to rebellion and insurrection.

In Coreline the UEG and UNSC control a fraction of its original size, and lacks many of the core worlds, such as the Sol system, although it has Ambassadors on Earth that interact with many of the different governments there, including the United Federation of Planets. During the 23 Hours, the UNSC tried to secure a foothold on Earth, but didn't have enough resources and was forced out of the Sol system and retreated to its Inner and outer colonies, such as Reach in the Epsilon Eridani system, Harvest, Asmara and Muroto. The UEG only controls about 5% of its original Inner Colonies and about 40% of its original Outer Colonies.

Currently, the UEG is officially neutral with many governments, although generally more friendly to human centric groups, such as the Earth Alliance and others, due to their poor history with the Covenant. The UEG has cold but non-hostile relations with the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet. This is due to the UNSC's use of genetic modifications and using children in the creation of the SPARTAN project.

The UEG, UNSC and ONI are aware of Cortana in Africa on Earth and are divided on what to do with her. Some factions are just watching to see what her end game is. Some are smuggling her weapons, technology and resources in exchange for unique technologies, research and intel she can provide on factions and the goings on around Earth and the rest of Sol. Others are plotting her deactivation and study and use her territory to obtain a foothold on Earth.

A multi star system democratic republic, with different branches, such as the UNSC for its military, exploration and scientific operations. It is organized similarly to the democracy that is the United States on Earth, although the UNSC and its military police fill a large amount of the police forces on the outer colonies.

The United Earth Government, and its military arm the UNSC has numerous colonies, approximately 100 systems and colonies, with Reach in the Epsilon Eridani system becoming even more important and headquarters for the UNSC while the UEG is headquartered on Harvest.

Massive amounts that a multi star system government has, with heavy emphasis on military. Many resources dedicated to the military, special forces, AI, power armour and the like. The UNSC has FTL technology, artificial gravity, power armour and powerful AI technology. However much of its weapon technology is still projectile based, but they do have access to energy shielding in limited areas, such as SPARTAN soldiers, some starships are equipped as well. Limited energy weapons to lasers and plasma weapons, but they are big and crude.

The characters could be members of the UNSC, helping to protect its colonies from outside foes or rebel forces that survived the Vanishing. Or they could be members of ONI working to obtain new technologies for the UNSC to obtain. Or members of a freedom fighter group trying to gain better conditions for their colony, or gain independence from the UEG.
Alternatively, the players could be members from any other government, lending aid to the freedom fighters, or fend off ONI spies.

M6 Series
The M6 Personal Defense Weapon System is a series of semi automatic handguns produced by Misriah Armoury, used primarily by the UNSC, with the M6H being the primary sidearm of all UNSC branches. The M6 is a pistol that are recoil-operated and magazine-fed, typically chambered to fire 12.7x40mm ammunition. Part of the weapon extends behind the handle, which allows for less of the weapon sticking out past the guard that curves down and connects to the bottom of the handle, to keep its profile low. The large guard allows for armoured gauntlets to easily use the weapon. A cowling over the front part holds a red dot sight on top of the weapon. The M6 series are rugged and reliable, able to remain operational after Slipspace transitions and high-g aerial maneuvers, or even submerged in water. The weapons come in three different finishes: hard chrome, black polymer, and electroless nickel.

M6 Series Pistol (PL5)
Damage: 2d12
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 35 ft
Rate of Fire: S
Size: Med
Weight: 6.5 lbs
Ammo: 9 box
Purchase DC: 16 Mil (+3)
Notes: Integrated red dot sight.

The A series is primarily used in civilian security forces, such as law enforcement and governmental security, not mainstream UNSC military units, and is noted for its comfort, having a conformal grip, and has a black polymer finish. Unlike other models, it is not designed for use with power armour such as the MJOLNIR armours.
PDC: -1 Res (+2)

The B variant is an Officers model, with conforming handle for comfortable grip and a KFA-2X scope, and hard chrome finish. Its still mostly used by civilian security forces, law enforcement and government security. It is also not designed to be used by power armours such as MJOLNIR armour.
PDC: +1 Res (+2)

The C variant is used by the USMC military, and can be used by power armours. This version lacks the integrated red dot sight, and has a magazine size of 12 rounds, which extends past the bottom of the handle, although it can use the magazines of other variants. It has a double-action only trigger, meaning one pull of the trigger will cock and release the weapon's hammer/striker unlike previous models.
PDC: +2 Mil (+3)

The D variant is similar to the C, with 12 round box, the KFA-2 2x optical smart linked scope which links to armour HUD if available. It also has increased quality to improve accuracy. Comes in chrome.
Masterwork +1 attack rolls, 2x scope range increment increased by 25%.
PDC: +3 Mil (+3)

The G variant is slightly smaller, with reduced range, and an 8 round magazine, used primarily as a backup weapon and for vehicle crews.
PDC: -1 Lic (+1)

This variant has a suppressor and silencer to reduce the noise of the weapon and muzzle flash for stealth missions.
PDC: +2 Mil (+3)

This variant is a select-fire version with a detachable shoulder stock, all in a black polymer finish, with expanded magazine to 18 rounds. This turns the weapon into a carbine with full autofire capabilities.
PDC: +2 Mil (+3)

M7 Caseless SMG
This weapon is a full automatic SMG with a second grip under the short barrel, with a thick padded shock absorbing stock attached to the weapon with a tube structure that is adjustable for more comfortable use. It fires 5x23mm caseless rounds from a 60 round magazine.

M7 Caseless SMG (PL5)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 40 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Medium
Weight: 7.5 lbs
Ammo: 60 box
Purchase DC: 20 Mil (+3)

The MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System is a 7.62mm bullpup rifle used by the USNC military as their standard rifle. It comes standard with a digital ammunition indicator, magnetic compass for orientation, and 32 round magazine. It has high rate of fire but low accuracy at longer ranges.

Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 60 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs
Ammo: 32 box
Purchase DC: 20 Mil (+3)
Notes: Integrated flashlight, ammo counter, compass.

The MA5B is an upgrade to the MA37, a bullpup rifle using 7.62mm ammunition, but with armoured cowling over the barrel that includes integrated scope and ammunition counter. It also has a 60 round magazine, nearly doubling the capacity of the MA37. Besides the under barrel flashlight and integrated scope, additional accessories that can be added include sound suppressors and grenade launcher. It also contains concealed iron sights in the event the scope is damaged. Unfortunately, like the MA37, the MA5B suffers from poor accuracy at long ranges.

Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 60 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 13.5 lbs
Ammo: 60 box
Purchase DC: 21 Mil (+3)
Notes: integrated flashlight, ammo counter, compass, weapon link

M90 Close Assault Weapon System
The M90 is a combat shotgun chambered in 8-gauge, and used as the UNSC's primary shotgun and one of their most effective close-range infantry weapons used by front line forces. It is a pump-action, magazine-fed dual tubular non-detachable type shotgun, with a pistol grip.

M90 (PL5)
Damage: 2d12
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 30 ft
Rate of Fire: S
Size: Large
Weight: 12.5 lbs
Ammo: 12 box
Purchase DC: 19 Mil (+3)
Notes: integrated flashlight, ammo counter

Spartan Is are super-soldiers created from the ORION Project, enhancing volunteers physically and mentally, then used as special forces and counter-insurgency operations. Although fairly successful, the program was deemed too expensive at the time and shut down. In Coreline the UNSC and ONI have reintroduced the Spartan I program for their special forces and some elite units, where the cost and skills of a Spartan II or III is not required or prohibitive, especially in the earlier years of the Post 23 Hours as it was far easier to create using adult volunteers to enhance soldiers already in service. The method of creating Spartan Is have been leaked, so they can be found outside of UEG/UNSC controlled systems and streamlined to allow for lower level super-soldiers that aren't easily detectable.
The Spartan I enhancement can only work on humans, species that are very near human and human hybrids with near humans. For abilities or technology that detects super humans, meta humans, or super powered beings, Spartan Is register as regular humans but with minor chemical enhancement, such as if were on steroids or other minor chemicals or drugs.
It takes approximately 1 year of intense training and series of biochemical enhancements to create a Spartan I.

Size: Medium as humans, although most gain 1d4 inches in height.
Hit Points: +10 hit points
Speed: +5 ft
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Enhanced Strength, Heightened Reflexes, Enhanced Respiratory System, Enhanced Mental Capabilities, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Training
Abilities: +2 Str (minimum 18), +1 Con, +1 Int.
ECL: +2
PDC: 25
Requires 10 Fort saves DC 20

Enhanced Strength (Ex) +2 Str
The recipient has enhanced strength, as reflected in ability bonuses, plus the recipient's carrying capacity is calculated as if the recipient had Strength +8 higher, not encumbered until reaches heavy load, unarmed strikes deal lethal damage without penalty. All of the recipient's melee attacks will deal + Strength Modifier x1.5, and when using the Power Attack feat, the bonus damage is doubled.

Heightened Reflexes (Ex)
Gains +2 bonus to Reflex saves.

Enhanced Respiratory System (Ex)
The recipient's respiratory system has been enhanced, able to hold breath for Con modifier x5 minutes. The airways in the nose and throat and the lungs are enhanced to help filter against airborne toxins, gaining a +2 Fort save against airborne toxins, gases and the like, but not diseases.

Enhanced Mental Capabilities
The recipient's brain is modified via chemicals and training techniques for improved memory retention and recall, faster learning and speed reading. Intelligence based skills gain +1, can speed read and recall complex phrases and numbers up to 30 digits or words.

Enhanced Senses
The recipient's senses are improved, gaining +1 to Listen and Spot. Any skills that can make use of sense, taste or touch gains +1 as well, such as identifying a liquid by its smell, or a material by how it feels in their hand. The recipient also gains Low Light Vision.

Enhanced Training
The recipient gains enhanced training for infiltration, counter-insurgency and combat tactics. Gaining +1 to the following skills which are also considered class skills: Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge: Tactics, Knowledge: Social Behaviours, Move Silently, Navigate, Survival.

A variant/subclass of the Oberth from the United Federation of Planets sold to its civilians and colonies.

Oberth Class Greer subclass
The Greer sublcass of the Oberth is a successful variant of the Oberth mk2 that was designed to be more modular and sold almost exclusively for colonial and civilian use. The Greer is the upper hull of the Oberth, with a saucer that is connected to an extended part from its bottom third deck, which is wider than the saucer that contains the impulse engines and connects to the two warp nacelles, one on each side, but slightly longer than the original Oberth's, but overall has the same dimensions as the original and mk2. Unlike the original Oberth, all the ships systems are within this section, the warp drive, transporters, main computer, and so on. There is no lower secondary hull as standard, instead making the mounts for the pylons to the secondary hull are now modular and can easily detach and attach to different modules, as well as modular mountings and hatches along the bottom of the hull for different modules that can't be attached by the pylons. Different modules available include one that looks and functions like the standard Oberth lower secondary hull, an underslung photon torpedo launcher pod, cylinder cargo module, a mobile hospital pod and others.
The ship typically runs with 10 crew, but can run on a minimum of 3 in emergencies, but depending on what pods are attached, can increase crew to 90 or more.
As designed for civilian use, the maximum warp speed was reduced for a more robust warp system that designed for endurance and ease of maintenance than speed.

Oberth Class Greer Subclass (Federation (PL6)
Type: Light
Subtype: Corvette (Scout/Science Vessel)
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3000
Defense: 2 (-8 size)
Flat-Footed Defense:
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 15
Hit Dice: 27d20 (500 hp) shields 600 hp
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 377 ft
Weight: 3400 tons
Targeting System Bonus:
Crew: 3 to 90*
Passenger Capacity: varies*
Cargo Capacity: 40 tons*
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 45
Restriction: Lic (+1)

Type 4 Phaser -8 ranged 12d10 (5500 ft, energy/fire, s)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, Shield Dependent, transporter, Sickbay (extended medbay), tractor beam, replicators, modular mounts, Enhanced Plasma Manifold
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 6.5 for 12 hours, cruising speed warp 5)
Armour: ditanium
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot
Sensors: Class III
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 2 type 4 phaser
Grappling Systems: tractor beam

Phaser Type 4
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 35
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Enhanced Plasma Manifold
The plasma manifold has been improved which allows improved power transfers, particularly to the shields and engines. The engineer can as a standard action activate the Enhanced Plasma Manifold, which boosts the shields by 5 temporary HD (100 hp) and the ship gains +500 ft to speed for 5 rounds. After this duration, the engineer can not restore any depleted HD from the shields for 2 rounds. The engineer can attempt to extend the duration by 1 round with a Repair check DC 20, but the shields can not be restored for an additional 2 rounds for each round the Enhanced Plasma Manifold is extended.

Modular Mounts
Where the pylons would normally mount below the warp nacelles to the secondary hull, and along the underside of the ship are a series of docking clamps, hatches and system uplinks that allow for a series of different modules that can be attached. Hit points of the modules are added to the ship's hit points (but doesn't affect the shields hit points), however the modules can be targeted separately, but doing so imposes a -1 to attack rolls to strike. I takes 5 full rounds with Pilot check DC 15 made for each of the first two rounds to maneuver and dock with the modules and systems uplink and sync with the ship's systems. Disengaging takes 1 full round and a Pilot check DC 15.

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

Greer Modules
A number of various modules are available for the Greer subclass. Below are the most common available.

Oberth Secondary Hull
This is a module similar to the Oberth's secondary hull, adding all the other systems the Oberth has, including Science sensors, Science labs, a shuttle bay, photon torpedo launcher/probe launcher, etc. Crew required changes up to 90, adds 140 hit points, functions just like an Oberth Mk2.
PDC: 31 Lic +1

Torpedo Pod
This is a photon torpedo launcher pod that has two launchers forward and rear, carrying a total of 50 torpedoes that are split between each side. Includes basic targeting system. Can be fired individually, or fire-linked increasing damage by 50%.
Requires additional 6 crew members, adds 50 hit points, adds +2 to attack rolls with the torpedoes.
PDC: 32, Mil +3

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Phaser Pod
This pod mounts a set of fire-linked Phaser type 5s in a turret dealing 18d10, along with targeting and power systems to power them, that is attached to the belly of the ship.
Requires additional 7 crew members, adds 50 hit points, adds +2 to attack with the Type 5 phasers, and +1 to the main phasers of the ship. Attacks to target the pod suffer -2 instead of the normal -1.
PDC: 32 Mil +3

Phaser Type 5
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Type 5 phasers are similar to Type 4, except they had a little more control over varying damage level, and had improved range. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 2d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 6000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 36
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Cargo Pod
This is a long cylinder pod that mounts to the belly of the ship with pylons as well for secured hold. Can carry 550 tons that can be split up into 5 sections each up to 110 tons of cargo, with different environmental settings or carrying different types of cargo from solids, liquids, gases etc.
Requires an additional 5 to 20 crew, adds 100 hit points.
PDC 25

Passenger Pod
This is a slightly angular rectangular pod that is designed to carry passengers, includes its own lift support, kitchens, and storage. Carries up to 100 people in comfortable accommodations, 40 tons of cargo for up to 4 months without using any cargo for additional food and life support.
Requires an additional 20 crew, adds 60 hit points.
PDC: 30

Hospital Pod
This trapezoid pod, painted white with large red cross on each side, top and bottom, is a full small mobile hospital. With large stores of drugs, anti-toxins and other medical chemicals, triage area, 4 isolation areas with 2 beds each and independent oxygen, a large cold storage area that can easily store numerous dead bodies (50 bodies), 8 suspended animation pods, 5 dedicated operating rooms, large autopsy area. Can easily treat 50 people at any given time, but can treat up to 200 people a day for 15 days before needing to resupply. Anyone performing Treat Injury checks gains +1 due to the equipment and supplies. Adds 3 members to the ship crew, plus adds 20 dedicated doctors, 40 nurses, 10 specialists, adds 140 hit points. Has air lock with extending tubes that can reach up to 100 feet on each side and the underside. The rear has a large airlock to allow shuttles to dock and offload passengers directly.
PDC: 31 Lic +1

Repair Pod
This pod is a mobile repair station, with additional tractor beams, robotic arms, replicators and storage for raw materials and common components, used for repair other starships. The pod is a flat oblong shape, with a series of six adjustable claws on the sides that curl under the ship when not in use and extend out once maneuvers and docks with a ship to repair. From these arms extend the repair arms which have multiple tools and part of the replicator system to create and move parts into place. Two worker shuttles are also stored at the back of the pod.
Has enough materials to repair up to 50,000 hit points before requiring restocking, can not replace ammunition such as photon torpedoes or basic projectiles due to restrictions on civilian replicators. Requires a crew of 40 engineers and specialists. The equipment grants +2 to Computer Use and Repair checks, and reduces repair time by 10%. Adds 175 hit points.
PDC: 34 Lic +1

Warp Pod
This module hangs below the hull using pylons and contains a secondary warp core and adds a third warp nacelle. It takes an additional 1 hour to sync with the ship once it is attached as the warp bubble of the pod is synced and merges with the main warp core. This additional warp core and nacelle helps to improve the speed of the ship, and can function as a back up warp drive.
As long as the primary warp drive isn't damaged, the Oberth Greer has its maximum warp speed increased to 7.5 for a maximum of 14 hours. If the primary warp drive is damaged, the pod allows the ship to reach warp 4 for 8 hours, or cruising at 3.5.
Adds 10 crew members, 75 hit points.
PDC: 31 Lic +1

More Mega Man stuff

Cut Man
Cut Man is a robot designed by Dr Light to work in lumber industry, and other industries where cutting is required, but was reprogrammed by Dr Wily. Cut man has a humanoid body with white limbs, upper torso, with red forearms and hands, head, lower legs and boots. It has a set of curbed blades on the top of its head that resemble scissors. Cut man can launch a set of scissor-like blades that return like a boomerang. As originally designed to work in forests, Cut Man is fast and agile, and able to jump to great heights.

Cut Man (PL 6)
CR: 4
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 450 hp (5d10+10)
Init: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft
Defense: +17 (+4 armour +3 Dex)
Hardness: 5
BAB/Grp: +4/+1
Attack: +6 melee (fists 1d4+2), +7 ranged (blades 1d6+2, 20x2, slashing, 40 ft)
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks: Rolling Cutter
Special Qualities: Jumper
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +6, Jump +6*, Listen +3, Navigate +4, Search +4, Spot +4, Survival +4

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (Pair)
Manipulators: Hands (pair)
Armour: Alumisteel
Sensors: Class III
Skill Software: chip Balance +2, Listen +3, Search +4, Spot +4, Navigate +4, Survival +4
Feat Software:
Accessories: skill Progit, weapon mount, AV transmitter, AV recorder,
PDC: 30

Cut Man is capable of long distance jumping. Not limited in jumping distance due to its height. Jumps double distance for its checks.

Rolling Cutter
Cut Man launches a projectile that is an extremely sharp scissor blades, from the top of its head, that is launched like boomerangs, flying in front of the user in a teardrop-shaped pattern, before returning. Cut Man automatically catches the blades. The Rolling Cutter deals 3d6 damage as slashing damage to all targets in a 10 foot wide, 50 foot long line, Reflex save DC 17. Can make this attack as a full round attack once every other round.

Fire Man
Fire Man is a robot designed by Dr Light to work as incinerators at waste management facilities, and or forges where high temperatures are required for working with metal. Fire man is a slim humanoid with grey body, with a cylinder-like helmet. The forearms have large barrel coverings which an extend over the hands to create a weapon like a buster, except only expels flames. From the top of the head flames can also be expelled.

Fire Man (PL 6)
CR: 4
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 50 hp (5d10+10)
Init: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: +17 (+5 armour +2 Dex)
Hardness: 5
BAB/Grp: +4/+1
Attack: +6 melee (fists 1d4+2), +6 ranged (fire slasher 2d4 fire)
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks: Fire Storm
Special Qualities: Fire immunity, Cold vulnerability
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Balance +4, Listen +3, Search +4, Spot +4

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (Pair)
Manipulators: Hands (pair)
Armour: Alumisteel
Sensors: Class III
Skill Software: chip Balance +2, Listen +3, Search +4, Spot +4
Feat Software:
Accessories: skill Progit, weapon mount, AV transmitter, AV recorder,
PDC: 30

Fire Immunity
Fire Man is immune to all fire damage, including magical fire.

Cold Vulnerability
Fire Man suffers 50% more damage from cold based attacks.

Fire Slasher
This weapon fires an arrow shaped projectile of fire from either of Fire Man's arms which has a few modes of attack:
The basic attack fires an arrow shaped projectile of fire dealing 2d4 fire damage, 50 ft range increment.
Flame Spear - this special attack able to be performed once 1d4 rounds fires a spear of fire that strikes everything in a 50 foot long, 5 foot wide line, dealing 2d6 fire, sets target on fire, dealing 1d6 fire damage for 1d4 rounds or until extinguished, Reflex save DC 15 for half damage.

Fire Storm
Fire Man fires a large ball of fire at a target, dealing 3d6 fire damage, plus a small orb of fire orbits it, providing a +3 Deflection bonus to Defense for 1d4+1 rounds. Attackers making melee attacks against Fire man with the org active suffers 2d6 fire damage, then the org disappears. Usable once every 2 rounds.

The X-Buster is a variant design of the New Mega Buster, it is a little heavier for additional capacitors, longer barrel and cooling systems. It has slightly greater range, and instead of using a single use of any loaded weapon, can load up double the amount for double the stored ammunition, which will allow it to use autofire for any chips that normally don't, as long as they don't have a line, cone, specific area attack or melee.

X-Buster (PL8-9 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20 x2
Damage Type: non-specific energy
Range Increment: 60 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi, Autofire
Size: Medium
Weight: 9.4 lbs
Ammo: 125 charges
Purchase DC: 31 Mil (+3)
Notes: Solar Powered, Weapon Copy System, 3 alternate weapons, +4 against being disarmed. To activate/deactivate the weapon (extend/retract barrel) takes a move equivalent action. Switching between copied/alternate weapons is a move equivalent action that can be done once per round, digital ammunition counter, variable charge. Can hold double the 'ammunition' of any chips, using double the charges. Any attacks that are not full round, line, cone, specific area can make autofire attacks if there is enough ammunition.
Solar Powered - As long as the weapon is exposed to sunlight, it can recharge spent charges at a rate of 1 charge every 5 rounds in bright sunlight. Cloudy conditions double the charge time to 1 minute, and artificial light triple the charge time to 1.5 minutes. Dim artificial light doesn't recharge at all.

Weapon Copy System - The weapon has a built in computer and sensors to analyze weapon components, combined with a mini nanofactory, allows the device to copy different weapon functions and discharges. Different types of discharges or physical projectiles increase the number of charges used per shot. Simple energy discharges (lasers, plasma, electrical, fire, acid, sonic, ice) use two charges per shot, same with simple projectiles (bullets, arrows, flechetes) also use 2 charges, and deal the weapon's base damage. Special and more powerful weapons, such as particle beam weapons, cannon type, specialty projectiles use 3 to 5 charges per shot (GM discretion). For example, explosive bullets would deal (Buster base damage) ballistic +1d6 fire damage and costs 3 charges per shot. It takes the weapon 1 full round to analyze and configure the weapon to the new weapon for simple weapons, 2 full rounds for more special or complex weapons. The Buster can also create melee weapons, a simple physical blade uses 2 charges to create, and lasts as long as the user wants, until the weapon is deactivated, removed, or switched for another weapon. Simple energy weapons use 3 charges and last for 1 minute before another 3 charges are needed, dealing the weapon's base damage (2d6). More complex melee weapons use 4 to 5 charges, and last for 1 minute before needing another 4 to 5 charges to continue to use for another minute. Preprogrammed chips with weapon or device information can be installed into the weapon as a move action, allowing the Buster to use it immediately. Installing a chip or removing one is a move action.

Variable Charge - The user has the ability to 'power up' their shots but focusing more energy into a single blast. The weapon may be primed as an attack action, increasing the damage by 1 die. For example, the weapon deals 2d6 points of damage will deal 3d6 points of damage after being primed for one round. The weapon can only be primed for 2 rounds, dealing an additional +2 die of damage (including area damage), and the weapon must be fired on the third round, or the weapon is destroyed. This variable charge also affects projectiles, making them larger and faster for the additional damage.

The X2-Buster is an upgraded X-Buster, boosting improved range, damage and ammunition capacity, but also making it heavier, used as a heavier assault weapon.

X2-Buster (PL8-9 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20 x2
Damage Type: non-specific energy
Range Increment: 70 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi, Autofire
Size: Medium
Weight: 10.5 lbs
Ammo: 150 charges
Purchase DC: 32 Mil (+3)
Notes: Solar Powered, Weapon Copy System, 4 alternate weapons, +4 against being disarmed. To activate/deactivate the weapon (extend/retract barrel) takes a move equivalent action. Switching between copied/alternate weapons is a move equivalent action that can be done once per round, digital ammunition counter, variable charge. Can hold double the 'ammunition' of any chips, using double the charges. Any attacks that are not full round, line, cone, specific area can make autofire attacks if there is enough ammunition. Can't be used on Falcon Mega Man armour.
Solar Powered - As long as the weapon is exposed to sunlight, it can recharge spent charges at a rate of 1 charge every 5 rounds in bright sunlight. Cloudy conditions double the charge time to 1 minute, and artificial light triple the charge time to 1.5 minutes. Dim artificial light doesn't recharge at all.

Weapon Copy System - The weapon has a built in computer and sensors to analyze weapon components, combined with a mini nanofactory, allows the device to copy different weapon functions and discharges. Different types of discharges or physical projectiles increase the number of charges used per shot. Simple energy discharges (lasers, plasma, electrical, fire, acid, sonic, ice) use two charges per shot, same with simple projectiles (bullets, arrows, flechetes) also use 2 charges, and deal the weapon's base damage. Special and more powerful weapons, such as particle beam weapons, cannon type, specialty projectiles use 3 to 5 charges per shot (GM discretion). For example, explosive bullets would deal (Buster base damage) ballistic +1d6 fire damage and costs 3 charges per shot. It takes the weapon 1 full round to analyze and configure the weapon to the new weapon for simple weapons, 2 full rounds for more special or complex weapons. The Buster can also create melee weapons, a simple physical blade uses 2 charges to create, and lasts as long as the user wants, until the weapon is deactivated, removed, or switched for another weapon. Simple energy weapons use 3 charges and last for 1 minute before another 3 charges are needed, dealing the weapon's base damage (2d6). More complex melee weapons use 4 to 5 charges, and last for 1 minute before needing another 4 to 5 charges to continue to use for another minute. Preprogrammed chips with weapon or device information can be installed into the weapon as a move action, allowing the Buster to use it immediately. Installing a chip or removing one is a move action.

Variable Charge - The user has the ability to 'power up' their shots but focusing more energy into a single blast. The weapon may be primed as an attack action, increasing the damage by 1 die. For example, the weapon deals 2d6 points of damage will deal 3d6 points of damage after being primed for one round. The weapon can only be primed for 2 rounds, dealing an additional +2 die of damage (including area damage), and the weapon must be fired on the third round, or the weapon is destroyed. This variable charge also affects projectiles, making them larger and faster for the additional damage.

The X3-Buster is much heavier buster, boosting damage, capable of holding a large amount of generated ammunition and can select from up to 5 alternate weapons, and the variable charge is improved. The weapon extends farther up the arm to help offset its weight, and has a handle that can extend from either side that can be held to help stabilize the weapon.

X3-Buster (PL8-9 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20 x2
Damage Type: non-specific energy
Range Increment: 70 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi, Autofire
Size: Medium
Weight: 12.5 lbs
Ammo: 150 charges
Purchase DC: 33 Mil (+3)
Notes: Solar Powered, Weapon Copy System, 5 alternate weapons, +4 against being disarmed. To activate/deactivate the weapon (extend/retract barrel) takes a move equivalent action. Switching between copied/alternate weapons is a move equivalent action that can be done once per round, digital ammunition counter, variable charge. Can hold triple the 'ammunition' of any chips, using triple the charges. Any attacks that are not full round, line, cone, specific area can make autofire attacks if there is enough ammunition. Handle
Solar Powered - As long as the weapon is exposed to sunlight, it can recharge spent charges at a rate of 1 charge every 5 rounds in bright sunlight. Cloudy conditions double the charge time to 1 minute, and artificial light triple the charge time to 1.5 minutes. Dim artificial light doesn't recharge at all.

Weapon Copy System - The weapon has a built in computer and sensors to analyze weapon components, combined with a mini nanofactory, allows the device to copy different weapon functions and discharges. Different types of discharges or physical projectiles increase the number of charges used per shot. Simple energy discharges (lasers, plasma, electrical, fire, acid, sonic, ice) use two charges per shot, same with simple projectiles (bullets, arrows, flechetes) also use 2 charges, and deal the weapon's base damage. Special and more powerful weapons, such as particle beam weapons, cannon type, specialty projectiles use 3 to 5 charges per shot (GM discretion). For example, explosive bullets would deal (Buster base damage) ballistic +1d6 fire damage and costs 3 charges per shot. It takes the weapon 1 full round to analyze and configure the weapon to the new weapon for simple weapons, 2 full rounds for more special or complex weapons. The Buster can also create melee weapons, a simple physical blade uses 2 charges to create, and lasts as long as the user wants, until the weapon is deactivated, removed, or switched for another weapon. Simple energy weapons use 3 charges and last for 1 minute before another 3 charges are needed, dealing the weapon's base damage (2d6). More complex melee weapons use 4 to 5 charges, and last for 1 minute before needing another 4 to 5 charges to continue to use for another minute. Preprogrammed chips with weapon or device information can be installed into the weapon as a move action, allowing the Buster to use it immediately. Installing a chip or removing one is a move action.

Variable Charge - The user has the ability to 'power up' their shots but focusing more energy into a single blast. The weapon may be primed as an attack action, increasing the damage by 1 die. For example, the weapon deals 2d6 points of damage will deal 3d6 points of damage after being primed for one round. The weapon can only be primed for 3 rounds, dealing an additional +3 die of damage (including area damage), and the weapon must be fired on the fourth round, or the weapon is destroyed. This variable charge also affects projectiles, making them larger and faster for the additional damage.

Charged Recoil - If the weapon is charged for +2 or +3 additional die of damage, the user suffers -2 to attack rolls per additional die of damage, thus if only charged to +2 die, suffers -2 to attack roll, but if charged to +3 additional die of damage, suffers -4 to attack roll.

Handle - From either side, depending which arm the buster is on, a handle can flip out that allows for two handed use to improve accuracy against the weight and recoil. Reduces attack penalties from autofire and Charged Recoil by 1 when the handle is being held by the other hand.

Guard Buster
The Guard Buster is a variant design of the New Mega Buster, it is a little heavier for additional capacitors and cooling systems. It is designed to enhance any chips that provide a defensive ability or bonus, making it an excellent weapon for those that are defense oriented. It also has the added ability of creating a basic energy shield around the user for limited times, but can't fire the basic buster attack while active, but the user can use another hand held weapon.

Guard Buster (PL8-9 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20 x2
Damage Type: non-specific energy
Range Increment: 50 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Medium
Weight: 10 lbs
Ammo: 100 charges
Purchase DC: 31 Mil (+3)
Notes: Solar Powered, Weapon Copy System, 3 alternate weapons, +4 against being disarmed. To activate/deactivate the weapon (extend/retract barrel) takes a move equivalent action. Switching between copied/alternate weapons is a move equivalent action that can be done once per round, digital ammunition counter. Defensive chips, such as acid barrier, have duration increased by 25% (round down), hit points if any increased by 15% (round down), and any bonuses to Defense or DR/hardness increased by +1. Energy Shield
Solar Powered - As long as the weapon is exposed to sunlight, it can recharge spent charges at a rate of 1 charge every 5 rounds in bright sunlight. Cloudy conditions double the charge time to 1 minute, and artificial light triple the charge time to 1.5 minutes. Dim artificial light doesn't recharge at all.
Energy Shield - As a standard action, using 3 charges, creates an energy shield bubble around the wearer with 20 hit points and grants a +2 Deflection bonus to Defense. Lasts for 6 rounds or until hit points depleted. If the hit points are not depleted by the 6th round, can use another 2 charges to replenish the hit points back to 20 and extend time by another 6 rounds.

Weapon Copy System - The weapon has a built in computer and sensors to analyze weapon components, combined with a mini nanofactory, allows the device to copy different weapon functions and discharges. Different types of discharges or physical projectiles increase the number of charges used per shot. Simple energy discharges (lasers, plasma, electrical, fire, acid, sonic, ice) use two charges per shot, same with simple projectiles (bullets, arrows, flechettes) also use 2 charges, and deal the weapon's base damage. Special and more powerful weapons, such as particle beam weapons, cannon type, specialty projectiles use 3 to 5 charges per shot (GM discretion). For example, explosive bullets would deal (Buster base damage) ballistic +1d6 fire damage and costs 3 charges per shot. It takes the weapon 1 full round to analyze and configure the weapon to the new weapon for simple weapons, 2 full rounds for more special or complex weapons. The Buster can also create melee weapons, a simple physical blade uses 2 charges to create, and lasts as long as the user wants, until the weapon is deactivated, removed, or switched for another weapon. Simple energy weapons use 3 charges and last for 1 minute before another 3 charges are needed, dealing the weapon's base damage (2d6). More complex melee weapons use 4 to 5 charges, and last for 1 minute before needing another 4 to 5 charges to continue to use for another minute. Preprogrammed chips with weapon or device information can be installed into the weapon as a move action, allowing the Buster to use it immediately. Installing a chip or removing one is a move action.

Elemental Buster
This Buster is a variant of the New Mega Buster, although a bit heavier, is designed to enhance any chips related for elemental damage types. When using any chips that relate to fire, ice, thunder/lightning/electricity have improved range and damage. It has less charges than the New Mega Buster, but the capacitors for stored converted ammunition is higher.

Elemental Buster (PL8-9 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20 x2
Damage Type: non-specific energy
Range Increment: 50 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Medium
Weight: 10 lbs
Ammo: 100 charges
Purchase DC: 31 Mil (+3)
Notes: Solar Powered, Weapon Copy System, 3 alternate weapons, +4 against being disarmed. To activate/deactivate the weapon (extend/retract barrel) takes a move equivalent action. Switching between copied/alternate weapons is a move equivalent action that can be done once per round, digital ammunition counter, elemental affinity.
Solar Powered - As long as the weapon is exposed to sunlight, it can recharge spent charges at a rate of 1 charge every 5 rounds in bright sunlight. Cloudy conditions double the charge time to 1 minute, and artificial light triple the charge time to 1.5 minutes. Dim artificial light doesn't recharge at all.
Elemental Affinity - Any chips related to fire, ice or thunder/lighting/electricity, the range is increased by 10% (round down), damage is increased by 1 die type (d6 becomes d8, etc), and generate 50% more shots (rounding down). Defensive abilities gain 10% more hit points, increase bonus to Defense by +1

Weapon Copy System - The weapon has a built in computer and sensors to analyze weapon components, combined with a mini nanofactory, allows the device to copy different weapon functions and discharges. Different types of discharges or physical projectiles increase the number of charges used per shot. Simple energy discharges (lasers, plasma, electrical, fire, acid, sonic, ice) use two charges per shot, same with simple projectiles (bullets, arrows, flechetes) also use 2 charges, and deal the weapon's base damage. Special and more powerful weapons, such as particle beam weapons, cannon type, specialty projectiles use 3 to 5 charges per shot (GM discretion). For example, explosive bullets would deal (Buster base damage) ballistic +1d6 fire damage and costs 3 charges per shot. It takes the weapon 1 full round to analyze and configure the weapon to the new weapon for simple weapons, 2 full rounds for more special or complex weapons. The Buster can also create melee weapons, a simple physical blade uses 2 charges to create, and lasts as long as the user wants, until the weapon is deactivated, removed, or switched for another weapon. Simple energy weapons use 3 charges and last for 1 minute before another 3 charges are needed, dealing the weapon's base damage (2d6). More complex melee weapons use 4 to 5 charges, and last for 1 minute before needing another 4 to 5 charges to continue to use for another minute. Preprogrammed chips with weapon or device information can be installed into the weapon as a move action, allowing the Buster to use it immediately. Installing a chip or removing one is a move action.

Additional Special Weapon Chips 2

Acid Barrier
This generates a large ball of acid around the wearer, with a 5 foot radius centered on the wearer. This acid will dissolves physical projectiles, or damage opponents making melee attacks. The barrier has 100 hp, which is depleted first. Basic projectiles like bullets, darts, arrows, etc, will deplete 1 hp from the barrier for each attack, while grenades and rockets reduce 5 hit points, and prevent them from detonating. Missiles and larger projectiles like tank shells will do their damage to the acid barrier, but areas of effects, if centered on the wearer are reduced by half. Acid attacks will replenish the acid barrier's hp to maximum of 100. Attacking the wearer deals damage to the barrier first, with medium and larger melee weapons suffering 1d6 acid damage, while small melee weapons or unarmed attacks deals damage to the opponent. Energy attacks pass through the acid barrier to damage the wearer, while acid replenishes the acid barrier hit points, and sonic attacks deal half damage to the barrier and half to the wearer. Water based attacks deal 50% more damage to the acid barrier.
The wearer can also launch small blobs of acid, dealing 2d4 points of damage, up to 50 ft away as a ranged touch attack at -1 to attack rolls, critical hits dealing double damage. Each acid blob uses up 4 hit points from the barrier.
Uses 50 charges, and lasts for 5 minutes, or until deactivated or the hit points depleted. While activated, the wearer can move at a maximum of 20 ft. PDC 24.

Fire Wave
Creates a jet of fire that is 5 ft wide, buster range increment long, dealing buster base damage, Reflex save DC 17, uses 6 charges for 5 uses. Alternatively, as a full round attack, releases a burst of fire covering an area with radius of buster range increment, dealing buster base damage, Reflex save DC 15, uses all charges.
Uses 6 charges, PDC 19.

Guard Shell
This chip when activated creates a shield made of energy that floats in front of the buster. When it blocks a ranged attack, it flashes and can reflect it back at the attacker. Using 4 charges to create the shield, it grants a +3 Shield bonus to defense that lasts for 1 minute. If an attack is prevented, especially with the shield's bonus, the user can make a Reflex save equal to or greater than the attack roll from the enemy, and can reflect the attack back at the attacker, as long as they are within the range increment of the buster. After the first 2 attacks reflected, the Guard Shell will draw another charge for each attack reflected. An additional 2 charges will extend the duration by another 1 minute, plus 1 charge for each attack reflected.
Uses 4* charges, plus additional for reflected attacks. PDC 16

Hornet Chaser
This special weapon creates a small hornet shaped drone that can strike a target, or used to pickup a small item, or can flip switches, pull levers or push a button at a distance. Uses 15 charges, has 5 hit points, Defense 16, moves at 50 ft. It is tiny, about 10 inches long, weighing 2 lbs. It can lift up to 5 lbs. Can make a melee touch attack stick dealing 1d4-1 piercing damage, double on a critical strike. Lasts for 10 minutes, then breaks down into metallic dust. Follows verbal commands, but if wearer has a Mega Man armour, the built in radio will allow the wearer to see and hear everything the drone can 60 feet around it, and give commands outside of normal talking range. While in use, the buster can only make basic attacks.
PDC 24

Lightning Web
This chip fires a sparking ball of electricity that upon striking target or specific square, up to 5 range increments, bursts out into a 10 foot radius web made of electricity and will anchor to floor, wall, ceiling or other immobile objects, if no such items available, will fall and cover the ground in a 10 foot radius area. Targets caught within the web or touching it suffer buster base damage as electrical damage, and must make a Fort save DC 16 or be stunned. The web lasts for 2 rounds before dissipating.
Uses 4 charges to create 2 webs. PDC 17

Metal Blade
This chips creates razor-edged circular saw blade. Each use creates 3 blades for 3 charges. Can be fired individually dealing base damage, or all can be fired at once as a standard attack, to deal damage base damage in a five foot wide line, as long as the buster's range increment with Reflex save DC 15. If there is not enough blades, the buster will use another 3 charges to create another 3 blades to make the attack. When switched to another weapon, any left over blades are wasted.
Uses 3 charges, blades will last up to 2 minutes before breaking down. PDC 15.

Photon Missile
This chip creates two missiles that have high armour penetration, but low damage. Deals base damage but 1 die lower (d6 becomes d4), can ignore 8 points of hardness/DR and 8 points of Defense from equipment/natural armour. If the ignore hardness/DR is greater than the amount of hit points the target struck has, the missile deals damage to the target, and passes through to strike anything immediately behind the target struck within 20 feet, dealing the same damage.
Uses 6 charges, PDC 20.

Falcon Mega Man Armour
The Falcon Mega Man armour has a streamlined designed with many birdlike traits, with curves on the arms and legs to resemble talons, and the chest plate has a beak. On the back has a pair of long wings with their tips pointed upwards, and a smaller pair on the helmet. The armour is built for mobility than power, and while compatible with most Busters, it can't mount the Super Mega Buster, or other heavier busters, with the X-Buster being one of the heaviest it can mount. The armour is not compatible with other Mega Man armour parts. The helmet has a HUD and targeting systems to increase the range of equipped busters.
It allows user to fly at 60 ft, average maneuverability, has enough power for 24 hours before requiring recharging.

Falcon Mega Man Armour mk2 (PL6+)
Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +3
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: +0
Max Dex: +6
Armour Penalty: -2
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft, Flight 60 ft
Weight: 20 lbs
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: HUD, military satellite radio, 4 hour air supply, link to Mega Buster, darkvision 60 ft, parts compatible. Reduces recharge time for linked Buster by 25% (round down). +4 Jump checks and double jump distance without achieving flight. Melee attacks while in flight gain +1 damage per die. Attached busters gain +15 ft to range increment.

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