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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


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I got some ideas for cheat codes:

No reloads:
The Fiction (if using a ranged weapon) does not need to reload while this cheat code is in effect. However, he will use up any ammo he currently carries until he either runs out, or is given more for his particular weapon (the ammo in question needn't be in a magazine while cheat is in effect). This effect lasts for one "mag's worth" of ammo per Pixelante level.

Requires: Unlock Equipement Cheat, Controller Prof. (keyboard)
Effect: Allows Fiction to summon number of equipment equal to Pixelante's level. Lasts one round per Pixelante level.

A very rare code, only available to a select few female Fictions. Modify Fiction's Cha score by (+2+Pixelante's level). Any males (including the Pixelante!) that witness this code activating must pass a Will save (20+Fiction's new Cha modification+Pixelante's level) or be stunned for 2d6 rounds + Fictions new Cha mod + Pixelante's level. Those that pass the first save must make another save (10+Fiction's new Cha modification) or be dazed 1d6 rounds + Fiction's new Cha mod. The cheat lasts 1 round per Pixelante level. Cheat does not stack (no pun intended).

That's all I got at the moment...

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RusVal said:
A very rare code, only available to a select few female Fictions. Modify Fiction's Cha score by (+2+Pixelante's level). Any males (including the Pixelante!) that witness this code activating must pass a Will save (20+Fiction's new Cha modification+Pixelante's level) or be stunned for 2d6 rounds + Fictions new Cha mod + Pixelante's level. Those that pass the first save must make another save (10+Fiction's new Cha modification) or be dazed 1d6 rounds + Fiction's new Cha mod. The cheat lasts 1 round per Pixelante level. Cheat does not stack (no pun intended).

That's all I got at the moment...

Lemme guess... nude code?

Marker Mage

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marcoasalazarm said:
Never a bad idea to check the MSRD back at Wizards.
I didn't know about the MSRD... I guess that ruins alot of my previous speech. I still don't trust myself with doing more than thinking of possible abilities for the classes. I might eventually start putting more detail into the possible classes I come up with.

I might as well get onto another possible class... or the abilities for it. This one might be more of a prestige class than an advanced class because of the special requirement.
This class represents those who have created fictions. It can apply to people who've written stories about the fictions they've created, or those who have merely drawn pictures of a fiction that they thought up.

Special Requirement: Must have located a fiction created by the character that's going to take levels in this class.

Living Creation
The author has found a fiction that they've created. It may be an original fiction or a fan fiction (or alternate) that they had made. Regardless, the author has made friendly contact with it and had convinced the fiction to stay with him/her in some way. This fiction is the one that was located as a special requirement for this class.

The author can make a Craft (writing) skill check to create a fiction script. The roll isn't made until the fiction script is put to use. The result of the skill check becomes the DC of the will save against the fiction script's effect. Fiction script controls a fiction by deciding what they'll do when a triggering event happens. The triggering condition would follow the same rules as the one for the programmed illusion spell. When the fiction script's triggering condition is met, the fictions involved each make a will save with bonuses if it would be out of character for them to do follow the fiction script's stated course of action (the GM decides what the bonuses will be). Any fiction involved gets a -4 penalty to the will save if they were created by the fiction script's writer (but the fiction can always choose to fail the save automatically). If any of the fictions involved succeed in the will save, the fiction script's effect is ruined. The fiction gets another saving throw every time the fiction script trys to make them do something out of character or if a real interferes by doing something that isn't in the script.

Concept Art
The author can draw a piece of concept art for their fiction and make their fiction become molded to it. They can basically change various things about the fiction such as appearance, ability scores, equipment, skill ranks, etc. for a limited amount of time. The fiction in question can make a will save to resist the changes. If they fail the will save, they must then make a fortitude save to avoid taking damage from the sudden change to themself. Small changes (a single point added to a skill rank) would have higher will saves to resist, but lower fortitude saves, while big changes would have lower will saves and higher fortitude saves. The bigger the change, the greater the damage that would be done for failing the fortitude save. At a higher level, the author might gain the ability to use concept art on other fictions.

Part of the Show
When one of the author's fiction scripts is being carried out, anyone involved in it who has read the fiction script can make a perform (Act) skill check as an aid another action to increase the fiction script's save DC. There may need to be a limit to how many people could do this. Maybe that number of people might increase depending on the authors level.

Living Through the Character
The author and fiction become one being. The resulting creature is basically the fiction with the author's mental stats (and skill ranks that are based on those mental stats). This ability can only be used with the fiction granted by the Living Creation ability.

I suppose that the special requirement might be able to be eliminated and that the living creation ability might be changed to resemble the mage's Summon Familiar ability, but always summoning a fiction. Speaking of the mage's Summon Familiar ability and summoning fictions...

Would there be any possibility of a mage being able to end up with a fiction as a familiar? I don't mean anything like a saiyan, more like a pikachu or some other creature that would normally be under the care of a monster trainer (the magical link may interfere with the creature's growth). Maybe even just a toon version of a common kind of familiar.

Dreadfully sorry for the lack of updates so far. Here's a new weapon in the meanwhile.

Colt XM-09 Assault Rifle.
7.62mmR Assault Rifle.

Damage: 2d8.
Critical: 20.
Damage Type: Ballistic.
Range Increment: 60 ft.
Rate of Fire: S,A.
Magazine: 30 Box.
Size: Large.
Weight: 8 lb.
Purchase DC: 19.
Restriction: Res (+2).

The XM-09 design is an experiment that Colt Firearms had going on since, at least, the mid-1980's. Acknowledging that in a possible ground war against Soviet forces the 7.62mmR round would probably be the most plentiful, the DOD requested a modification to the M-16 so it could use AK-47 banana clips (supposedly poached from battlefield casualties).
The project was cancelled when the Soviet Union collapsed, and was reactivated during the late-90s since the AK-47 had become widely used by 'new hostile forces' (read: terrorists, warlords).
The 'new' project rifle (baptized XM-09) uses the Colt M-4 carbine, and saw large use during the Vanishing, when desperate U.S. forces used everything they had at hand to fight the Fictions.
Nowadays, the XM-09 is being mass-produced by Colt and other brands. (Its designation never changed, BTW).


First Post
I feel that I have been silent for far too long. I have a converted D&D SRD creature inspired by today's Wotch comic (with the exception of the lower CR in d20 Modern, nothing much is different), its other Fiction relative, and the skeletal structure of two potential new rules.

Basilisk-Beast of Stone Gazing
The main species of Fiction basilisk is an octopedal lizard species that can be found in forests or other wild environments near the Equator. They have a piercing gaze that can turn a target to stone. Basilisks in desert environments tend to be orange or rusty red in color, while forest basilisks tend to be dark green. There are rare instances of a blue and purple basilisk being born from a clutch (such as the above basilisk).
Basilisk: CR 3; Medium magical beast; HD 6d10+12; hp 45; Mas 17; Init -1; Spd 20; Defense 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (-1 Dex, +7 natural); BAB +6; Grap +8; Atk +8 melee (1d8+3, bite); Full Atk +8 melee (1d8+3, bite); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, petrifying gaze; AL none; SV Fort +9, Dex +4, Will +3; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 15, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11.
Skills: Hide +0 (+4 in their natural environment), Listen +7, Spot +7.
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude.


Serpentine Basilisk-Horror of Secrets
The Potterverse basilisk is a larger, more ferocious, and more active basilisk, even rarer than its smaller limbed cousin. They dwell in deep caverns and other labyrinthine structures, only heeding the call of a true heir of Slytherin.
Potterverse Basilisk: CR 10; Huge magical beast; HD 14d10+126; hp 203; Mas 18; Init +1; Spd 40 ft., swim 40 ft.; Defense 18, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural); BAB +14; Grap +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+8+poison, bite); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+8+poison, bite); FS 15 ft. by 15 ft. (coiled); Reach 10 ft.; SQ Constrict (as per Huge viper), darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, petrifying gaze, poison (as per Huge viper), scent; AL Heir of Slytherin; SV Fort +20, Ref +10, Will +6; AP 0; Rep +0;
Str 27. Dex 13, Con 29, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Skills: Listen +8, Speak Parseltongue, Spot +8, Survival +7.
Feats: Blind-Fight, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Track.

Heroic Children
While the d20 Modern Core Rulebook states that a character gains their first class levels after passing the age of 12, the same is not true for plenty of Fictions. These new rules are an attempt to bring heroic children into the game.
  • Normal heroic children cannot have physical stats higher than 15.
  • They have the ability score modifiers listed in the Core Rulebook.
  • Student and Rural are viable occupations for classed children, as well as any homebrew creations designated.
  • Children are considered size Small, unlike older humans.
  • Heroic children cannot be higher than 5th level until they reach 12.

From the Yu-Gi-Oh!verse, Duelists use cards to battle against each other. Despite some flashy hologram work, monsters themselves do not have stats, and the flow of battle is designated by move and attack actions. In other words, it really isn't much different from playing the real card game. However, playing a hologram duel is slightly more edgy and taxing on the Duelist's body. For every 100 life points lost in the battle, the Duelist is dealt 1d6 points of nonlethal damage.

On the Duelists part: in order to reflect the nature of some Duels, you should also say that a number of situations (holographic safeties off, specific spells being applied to the playing field, Millennium Items in use, etc) make that damage lethal and also applies other circumstances (such as Wisdom drain per damage dealt, or knockdown).

Your Potterverse Basilisk is a beast, BTW (in a good way). It would take a Weapon of Legend (tm) or a very big bomb to get rid of it for good.

And now a few new Feats (from 'Darwin's World', somewhat adapted in flavor text and rules):

QUICK TREATMENT: In the battlefield, casualties mount dreadfully fast and it's impossible to save every single one. You have been trained to deliver medical treatment in a rush, since (either you ar your employers believe) it's better to give them first aid than none at all.
PREREQUISITE: Treat Injury 5 ranks, Skill Emphasis (Treat Injury).
EFFECT: If you succesfully stabilize a dying patient, you may move to another and make an additional stabilizing attempt. You may continue to make stabilizing attempts until you make a check or you cannot move anymore.

RIP A CLIP: You can discharge a full clip of ammunition in seconds, tearing a single target apart (although those who do so are mostly believed to have applied overkill... but when the C'tarl-C'tarl are charging towards you then man, if you can rip, then you RIP!!!).
EFFECT: This feat gives the effect of Cleave to ranged weapons. When your firearm attack drops an opponent, you may make an additional attack on another target within your line of sight. You may not Rip a Clip when bursting or strafing.

ROOM BROOM: You are well on your way to become a master of CQC.
PREREQUISITE: Point Blank Shot.
EFFECT: A character with this feat can fire a ranged weapon in a threathened area and not provoke an attack of opportunity. This feat can only be used on weapons no bigger then one size larger then the user. (Medium characters-Large weapons, for example).


First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Your Potterverse Basilisk is a beast, BTW (in a good way). It would take a Weapon of Legend (tm) or a very big bomb to get rid of it for good.
Once more, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch shows a great purpose for existance. :p
I'll get working on more Duelist stuff when I can.

Aquarius Alodar

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*electrical whirring as a very obviously mod-jobbed Type-50 materialises: purple pyramidal form*

*sticks head round door*

Ho, crap......... *stares at Stamford writeup* "Go tell the Spartans, ye who passeth by, That here, by Spartan law, we lie." :uhoh:

Two words: Orbital. Strike. Yes, I know it means more cleanup again, but, hey, at least it's somewhat kinder than organising a 'mass evacuation' and leaving 'em for bugfood.....
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