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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
I wonder if he'll actually be able to pry ANYTHING from Marvin-heck, Marvin might just make Darkseid's computer commit suicide!

Huh. Probably....

.....OTOH, further analysis of the file on the Anti-Life Equation reveals the entire thing.......good job we're seperated from this thing by perhaps one or two degrees of reality, at least so far:
loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=
(we do *not* want *quite* the entire thing on the interwebs 'round here, for damm obvious reasons *shudder* :uhoh: )

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Marker Mage said:
It's already on the interwebs.

It just happens to only work on the emo.

......Oh, crap. *headtable* I *knew* something powerful enough to generate the kind of quantum probabilty warp that resulted in the Mists of Worcester, would be able to finesse something like this, right?

Well, thankfully, it hasn't.

And now, for you people...

"Come on, baby,
Don't you wanna go?
Back to the same old place..."




Chicago visually remains the same, even if it was hit hard at several locations during the Hours.

Chicago's Post-Vanishing 'rebirth' involves two major things: art and robotics. Art-wise, Chicago has become a venue for musicians, the Mecca of Blues (especially with New Orleans being a battleground). Leading this are the Blues Brothers (see main Coreline thread). Many Blues-related clubs (legal and illegal) have popped up all over the city.

Robotics-wise, Pioneer Entertainment is to blame, in a fashion. Following a ratherr... *loud*... struggle for recognition of their rights, a large amount of Third-Type Androids emigrated to the city, and robotics firms within the area either started producing Third-Types (or 33-S Boomers) or give out 'Third' aftermarket packages (and it's needless to say that anti-robot factions love to raise hell on this town).

Crime on this town is also at an in-between. While violence, racketeering and illegal booze have skyrocketed, others (such as drug dealing) have plummeted, mostly thru the actions of already-settled organized crime (let's just say that the Chicago Mafia hates drug dealers and let's leave it at that).


+NAVY PIER: Thoroughly thrashed during a battle between the Chicago police and Nadiaverse Atlanteans, it is now on the road to full reconstruction and expansion.

+LINCOLN PARK ZOO: It has been expanded with multiple Fiction creature exhibitions. During the Hours, many animals escaped an even now not all of them have been captured.

+SEARS TOWER: Although the structure remains standing, the upper 20 floors were rendered uninhabitable during the Hours.

+JOLIET PRISON: Re-activated by the Illinois Department of Corrections to house 'unaugmented' criminals, it is currently undergoing major 'upgrades'.


+RICHARD E. DALEY SPACEPORT: Located deep within Lake Michigan and connected to dry land on Evanston, its entry vectors are calculated to avoid getting in the way of Adler Planetarium's field of view.

+'THE SPEAK-EASY': Concealed somewhere deep inside Chicago's underground, it is THE 'Speak-Easy'-a gathering place for all of the illegal profiteers in the city.

+ASAKURA AUTOMATED SYSTEMS, INC.: Located in a simple warehouse on Calumet City, it is run by Dr. Ryuunosuke Asakura. Even if the man's mental health is at times questionable (for example, he's paid top dollar for use of his patents and he still lives in virtual poverty), he's nevertheless the mind behind the Third-Type Androids-and his large number of clients (and the clout they wield) has made him untouchable to all corporations.

+GUNSMITH CATS: Bounty hunters, police officers and all-around gun-nuts flock to this gun store. Rally Vincent has become the other 'go-to' for custom-made firearms in Chicago aside from Hakubi Customs, and it shows. Even Washu has joined forces on a handful of designs.
Do make yourself a favor and don't get *anywhere* near this store if you have a bounty on your head.



+AL CAPONE: An 'idealized' version of him (looking like the real one with maybe some DeNiro showing through on his mannerisms), the man is hard-core Old-School Italian Mafia, brutal to his enemies, rewarding to those who have shown loyalty. The only vice he allows in his territory is booze, all other drugs (and dealers) are 'convinced' to do business elsewhere-usually with a barrage of Tommy Gun fire.


+MICHAEL SCOFIELD: This Alternate of him has, somehow, managed to become leader of the most powerful gang inside Joliet Prison and has actually *stopped* several break-out attempts by other inmates (whether he did so in order to be able to break out himself later on, nobody knows).


+NAOMI ARMITAGE: An Alternate of an unknown timeline (with classified files and who purposely dodges all questions about her past), she is in a position of power as the Assistant District Attorney of Chicago. She is still the 'Terror In Hot Pants' she has always been-but many an inmate in Joliet can tell you it's an act to catch you off-guard.


+RALLY VINCENT: Many Alternate versions of her live on this city, some who own gun stores, some who are full-time bounty hunters, some who are mercenaries and more than one who is a vigilante. Needless to say, this bunch can occasionally become a powderkeg, with more than one going into high-speed chases and gun battles to prove that they are *the* Rally Vincent.


+BEAN BANDIT: 'The Road Buster', a for-hire transporter that will transport anything, anywhere, anytime, for the right price. High-speed chases involving Bean have been the end of many a patrol car, and as such, many officers pull out all the stops whenever they see him.
With many a Bean Bandit Alternate who has sworn off transporting drugs (mainly thanks to Alternates of Rally Vincent), finding one who still hasn't done so is a 'hot item' in the Illinois underground-but even Bean is starting to admit that is becoming harder every day to do 'the biz' with many crazy cops, vigilantes and wanna-be's out there.


+FRANK MARTIN: If Bean Bandit is the symbol of one end of the 'transportation' business, Frank Martin is the other. Professional, cool under pressure and following his rules every step of the way, there are many stories about Martin-including one where Bandit challenged him to a race and Martin said no because 'drag racing wouldn't help his business'.
Needless to say, Bandit dislikes Martin A LOT.
Last edited:

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Well, thankfully, it hasn't.

And now, for you people...

"Come on, baby,
Don't you wanna go?
Back to the same old place..."




Chicago visually remains the same, even if it was hit hard at several locations during the Hours.

Chicago's Post-Vanishing 'rebirth' involves two major things: art and robotics. Art-wise, Chicago has become a venue for musicians, the Mecca of Blues (especially with New Orleans being a battleground). Leading this are the Blues Brothers (see main Coreline thread). Many Blues-related clubs (legal and illegal) have popped up all over the city.

Robotics-wise, Pioneer Entertainment is to blame, in a fashion. Following a ratherr... *loud*... struggle for recognition of their rights, a large amount of Third-Type Androids emigrated to the city, and robotics firms within the area either started producing Third-Types (or 33-S Boomers) or give out 'Third' aftermarket packages (and it's needless to say that anti-robot factions love to raise hell on this town).

Crime on this town is also at an in-between. While violence, racketeering and illegal booze have skyrocketed, others (such as drug dealing) have plummeted, mostly thru the actions of already-settled organized crime (let's just say that the Chicago Mafia hates drug dealers and let's leave it at that).


+NAVY PIER: Thoroughly thrashed during a battle between the Chicago police and Nadiaverse Atlanteans, it is now on the road to full reconstruction and expansion.

+LINCOLN PARK ZOO: It has been expanded with multiple Fiction creature exhibitions. During the Hours, many animals escaped an even now not all of them have been captured.

+SEARS TOWER: Although the structure remains standing, the upper 20 floors were rendered uninhabitable during the Hours.

+JOLIET PRISON: Re-activated by the Illinois Department of Corrections to house 'unaugmented' criminals, it is currently undergoing major 'upgrades'.


+RICHARD E. DALEY SPACEPORT: Located deep within Lake Michigan and connected to dry land on Evanston, its entry vectors are calculated to avoid getting in the way of Adler Planetarium's field of view.

+'THE SPEAK-EASY': Concealed somewhere deep inside Chicago's underground, it is THE 'Speak-Easy'-a gathering place for all of the illegal profiteers in the city.

+ASAKURA AUTOMATED SYSTEMS, INC.: Located in a simple warehouse on Calumet City, it is run by Dr. Ryuunosuke Asakura. Even if the man's mental health is at times questionable (for example, he's paid top dollar for use of his patents and he still lives in virtual poverty), he's nevertheless the mind behind the Third-Type Androids-and his large number of clients (and the clout they wield) has made him untouchable to all corporations.

+GUNSMITH CATS: Bounty hunters, police officers and all-around gun-nuts flock to this gun store. Rally Vincent has become the other 'go-to' for custom-made firearms in Chicago aside from Hakubi Customs, and it shows. Even Washu has joined forces on a handful of designs.
Do make yourself a favor and don't get *anywhere* near this store if you have a bounty on your head.



+NAOMI ARMITAGE: An Alternate of an unknown timeline (with classified files and who purposely dodges all questions about her past), she is in a position of power as the Assistant District Attorney of Chicago. She is still the 'Terror In Hot Pants' she has always been-but many an inmate in Joliet can tell you it's an act to catch you off-guard.


+BEAN BANDIT: 'The Road Buster', a for-hire transporter that will transport anything, anywhere, anytime, for the right price. High-speed chases involving Bean have been the end of many a patrol car, and as such, many officers pull out all the stops whenever they see him.
With many a Bean Bandit Alternate who has sworn off transporting drugs (mainly thanks to Alternates of Rally Vincent), finding one who still hasn't done so is a 'hot item' in the Illinois underground-but even Bean is starting to admit that is becoming harder every day to do 'the biz' with many crazy cops, vigilantes and wanna-be's out there.


+FRANK MARTIN: If Bean Bandit is the symbol of one end of the 'transportation' business, Frank Martin is the other. Professional, cool under pressure and following his rules every step of the way, there are many stories about Martin-including one where Bandit challenged him to a race and Martin said no because 'drag racing wouldn't help his business'.
Needless to say, Bandit dislikes Martin A LOT.

Like I said much earlier(involving Galifreyian TARDISes' keys) Iain M Banks civilization ' La Cultura' to some........well, if Special Circumstances wants to know a thing (say, the details of that particular Alternate Armitage's origin or past, for WhateverTH reason) they might well rip it from her hemorrhaging brain and have done with. (If you've forgotten, they are a Kardashev Type III civilization, only an order of magnitude less powerful than Galifrey's Time Lords - at best, a freaking Dysonian civilisation. In short, Do Not Mess With.)

Bean Bandit and Frank Martin, though - nice contrast between anime and live action, there.

Marker Mage

First Post
We haven't come up with a description of what Jersey would be like yet, have we?

I would like to suggest the possibility of having it heavily influenced by the series Megas XLR. I'm talking about having it be a place filled with battles between giant monsters and mecha but most of the collateral damage happens to buildings that aren't important, conveniently empty, scheduled to be demolished anyway, or belong to POP TV. A place where mecha can be towed away and are basically treated like a car in regards to how most people and laws see them. A place that has Megas and Coop, and various alternates (including the evil Coop from the final episode) battling it out using attacks inspired by a mix of science fiction, anime, video games, and of course pay-per-view wrestling.

Megas XLR has taken giant robot fighting cartoons, and mixed in so many things from anime and movies. It has had magical girls, a sentai group, a scene heavily based on the final chase from Blues Brothers, and all kinds of other stuff. I seriously believe that version of Jersey would be quite similar to how the Coreline version of Jersey might turn out. Heck, the entire plot of the show seems like something that could easily occur in Coreline with relatively few changes (such as the giant robot coming from some random giant robot anime).

I'd also like to see someone try to stat out Megas with a list of random things that it might have at any one time due to Coop's constant modifications.

Something funny that Aquarius mentions Iain M. Banks on his post, because I just saw 'Hot Fuzz' again, this time with the 'Trivia' caption track.

Oh, well.

Some more stuff:



SIZE: Small.
WEIGHT: 3 lb.

The Burn Kit is an extremely basic kit, available on any rest stop, hardware stop and supermarket. A Burn Kit acts like First Aid Kits but can only be used to help a dazed, unconscious or stunned character suffering from fire damage by making a Treat Injury check (DC 15). A Burn Kit can only be used once. Like a First Aid Kit, skill checks without a Burn Kit incur a -4 penalty.



PURCHASE DC: 6 (for box of 20 rounds).

These shotgun rounds have an increased stopping powder charge and tighter shot spread, increasing their stopping power to bestial numbers. When loaded, the Manstopper Rounds give +2 damage to the shotgun (so a 12-gauge would inflict 2d8+2 damage, for example) and raises Knockdown and Shotgun Catapult saves by +2.


PURCHASE DC: 8 (for a box of 20 rounds).

This ammunition is a series of rounds (or shotgun slugs) with an EMP capacitor caged inside a Titanium-rifled steel housing. Damage inflicted by a gun loaded with Electromagnetic Rounds is half-Ballistic, half-Electricity.

New Weapons:

5.56mm Assault Rifle.


Damage: 2d8.
Critical: 20.
Damage Type: Ballistic.
Range Increment: 70 ft.
Rate of Fire: S,A.
Magazine: 30 box.
Size: Large.
Weight: 6 lb.
Purchase DC: 18.
Restriction: Mil (+3).
NOTES: The 'Shake-And-Bake' comes equipped with an optic sight (+1 to attack rolls up to 30 feet). Autofire attacks are as normal, but covers a 20-foot by 20-foot square and all creatures on the targeted area must make a Reflex save (DC 10) or take the weapons' damage.

A South Korean design, the 'Shake-And-Bake' is so called because of its extremely lightweight design. While it allows for a larger amount of gear and ammo to be carried, it makes recoil during autofire a lot more uncontrollable (and it lacks compensation, because of 'budget constraints'). It has been described by a random soldier with this quote:
'Looks like Space Age, buckles like a bronco. One piece of advice: stick to bursts.'



Photo of the 'EP' and its canon user, Re-L Meyer.

Damage: 2d8 (3d8).
Critical: 20.
Damage Type: Ballistic.
Range Increment: 40 ft.
Rate of Fire: Single.
Magazine: 14 Int.
Size: Large.
Weight: 12 lb.
Purchase DC: 20.
Restriction: Lic (+1).
NOTES: This shotgun always fires two bullets at the same time. As such, it always acts as if using the 'Double Tap' Feat (modified damage is in the parenthesis). Having the 'Double Tap' Feat does not grant any additional bonuses with this weapon. Both barrels draw from one same internal reserve, so shot types cannot be mixed.

With the catalogue name of 'Meyer', the 'E.P.' had its street name because 'it's the gun that chick from 'Ergo Proxy' uses'. Looking close enough to the Franchi SPAS-12 to almost merit a copyright infringement lawsuit, the 'E.P.' has a hot underground sale, especially because of its special 'double-tap' action which sends both rounds flying before one feels the recoil.



'Hoon' tank on Urban Pacification Exercise, Seattle, Washington. Photo taken August 3, 2005.


A Post-Vanishing 'heavy weapons' improvement on the M1A2 'Abrams', it was named after a Major that was stationed in Okinawa during the Hours and was post-humously awarded with the Medal of Honor for his leadership in regrouping what armed forces remained and rescuing civilians from the surrounding city. It is mostly deployed for defensive purposes on high-risk areas.

It is crewed by a driver, a gunner, a gun loader and a commander. It has three top hatches, one for the driver and two on the turret (the driver's position cannot be reached from the other positions, which are all in the turret). It takes a full-round action to enter a tank and another full-round action to start it moving. The 'Hoon' is four squares wide and six squares long. It provides full cover to its occupants.

This vehicle comes equipped with a tank cannon, two 30mm cannons (see Table 4-14, D20M pg. 126) and two M2HB heavy machine guns (see D20M, pg. 96), all in full turrets. It can also be equipped with missiles (Purchase DC 54 when so equipped).

Crew: 4.
Passengers: 0.
Cargo: 476 lb.
Initiative: -4.
Maneuver: -4.
Top Speed: 70 (7).
Defense: 6.
Hardness: 20.
Hit Points: 64.
Size: Gargantuan.
Purchase DC: 50.
Restriction: Military (+3).

I have been thinking of adding the Anime series 'Gatekeepers' to this setting. AEGIS (Alien Exterminating Global Intercept System) in this setting would have absorbed similar counterparts such as X-COM (eXtraterrestrial COMbat Unit, from the game series) and SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation, from Gerry Anderson's 'UFO') and turned into a very powerful entity.

Now, if someone had any ideas of how to make the Gates...

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
I have been thinking of adding the Anime series 'Gatekeepers' to this setting. AEGIS (Alien Exterminating Global Intercept System) in this setting would have absorbed similar counterparts such as X-COM (eXtraterrestrial COMbat Unit, from the game series) and SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation, from Gerry Anderson's 'UFO') and turned into a very powerful entity.

Now, if someone had any ideas of how to make the Gates...

My idea-engine is running on empty recently. Define 'powerful'. Certainly not capable of taking on UNSF, given the power and capabilities of its Chief of Operations as an individual(running a research/mining complex in Saturnian orbit on the side gives quite a few options in that scenario) Or perhaps I'm mistaken with my thinking?

Voidrunner's Codex

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