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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

'Powerful' as in, 'capable of taking with serious threats'. If they and the UNSC went into a fight, well, who would win would be up to the scenario proper, but at the very least AEGIS would give the UNSC a very bloody nose.

Search 'Gate Keepers' in Wikipedia if you want some more (although I have to say, it's a pretty shabby entry).

EDIT: Already made a Faction entry for AEGIS. I'll try and post it soon.
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A supra-gubernamental organization dedicated to the localization and extermination of hostile extraterrestrial and extradimensional threats, AEGIS operates above the law-and most other factions.

+AGENDA: Detect, Intercept and Exterminate hostile extraterrestial and extradimensional threats, advise and coordinate local resources towards said goal when required.
+STRUCTURE: Intelligence-gathering, advising and direct-response group.
+SYMBOL: Half of a shield with a black background and gold trim, half on an atom structure and 'A.E.G.I.S.' in white running diagonally on the shield, with half of a globe on the right side.
+REQUISITION LIMIT: 50 (Classified).


Formed (in its home universe) in 1959 thru a secret (at the time) consortium, AEGIS was the response to the ever-more-real exposure that the 'foo fighters' were not only real, but desiring to do lots of harm. Using technology that (by terms of real Earth at the time) was incredibly advanced and recruiting 'GateKeepers' (people who could 'open gates' and draw energy from pocket dimensions and different planes), AEGIS soon grew beyond any boundaries set by local governments and obtained power enough to make their agents untouchable by the law (although they DID maintained a strict ethics code).

AEGIS (in its home universe) was disbanded at some point after 1969 and reformed as an underground organization, debreft of its power and much of its advancements, in the 80s. When the 'Invaders' came back in 2001, it took lots of guts, luck and sacrifice for the 21st-Century GateKeepers to win the fight. (Not surprisingly, the 60's GateKeepers, when they saw the 'GateKeepers 21' series and the fate that stood before them, were a lot less than thrilled).

In the madness of the 23 Hours and the aftermath, AEGIS approached the nation's governments and made the offer: to be placed as an agency again, with the same freedoms and powers it had in the 60s, in exchange of (slightly) easier breathing when it came to hostile aliens.

The governments accepted.

Even now, with the formation of the F-SWTI and many other agencies, AEGIS still holds a position of power because of its 'above-the-law' status (F-SWTI being essentially Interpol with a looser definition of 'excessive force', the Corporations sticking to their territories and the other agencies trying to hide the dagger) and large amounts of still-classified technology (AEGIS absorbed SHADO and X-COM soon after 'the offer').

Their ace in the hole remains being the 'GateKeepers'-not quite magical, not quite psionic, but easily replicating both kinds, GateKeepers are an odd variety.

Of course, many Factions stand against AEGIS, no matter how benevolent it is-not surprisingly, a good deal of them are alien-staffed (the agencys fault, putting 'Alien Exterminating' on the name), or are conspiracy theorists (like the AOH). The real surprise is that the Moon Kingdom truly dislikes AEGIS, going so far as to call a few Alternate Senshi that were recruited 'Traitors'.

It is also of note that AEGIS does NOT has a 'kill-all-aliens' agenda (and accepts aliens on its ranks), but it has a zero tolerance policy on hostile aliens, conspiracies and factions.


AEGIS is structured in Branches, each with a clearly defined hierarchy. Each Branch if led by the Branch Leader, followed by the Executive Officer. Reporting to them are the Division Leaders and Team Leaders. Beneath them is all other personnel, arranged by seniority and security clearance (which, when possible, go hand-in-hand).

Each AEGIS Branch is divided in three Divisions: Tactical (Field Agents and combat vehicle pilots), Technical (Technicians and transport vehicle pilots) and Intelligence (Standard gathering, undercover agents and Internal Affairs as well as procurement of gear, contacts and whatnot).
AEGIS' 'Leitmotif' are the GateKeepers, which compose a large part of their 'empowered' membership (in comparison to more 'standard' powered agent types (mages, psions, cyborgs)). There are 20 5-member GK teams in constant active service, with several 'standby' GKs and a large amount of trainees. Members are occasionally swapped between Branches to promote cooperation. Whenever a task force is fielded, GK teams lead. If several GK teams are fielded, the team with most seniority leads.

Rumours abound of a 21st GK team. In reality, 'Team 21' is AEGISspeak for their Black Ops group, which is completely split off from AEGIS, their agents recruited and trained clandestinely. Team 21 takes care of 'severe' problems with surgical strikes-and if any member is captured or killed, the official AEGIS statement is that they are unregistered GKs or vigilantes.


Every base of operations is undercover, with a number of them performing some opeation to maintain as many operatives on the vicinity as possible. There are also many outposts, supply depots and safehouses located throughout Coreline. Even if numbered for the sake of identification, AEGIS tries to maintain descentralization.

+00: New York City, USA: Located in the Gramercy Park borough, the NYC Branch utilizes the many miles of abandoned subway tunnels for rapid deployment inside the city. It's also the only Faction that ventures into the Penitentiary sectors.

+01: Berlin, Germany: This is the only Branch with Alchemists in their staff. Located near the Berlin/Neo-Amestris border, this Branch's Intelligence division keeps tabs of the N-A military and an aliens living inside Neo-Amestris.

+02: Shanghai, China: Problems arise with this Branch because of the large amount of surveillance the remains of the Chinese Government have deployed. It is, however, given more leeway than other Factions because of 'past deeds' (it stopped a Cylon invasion, for one). It is the only Branch that doesn't uses GateKeepers, all potentials transported off-country.

+03: London, Britain: This base is located in one of the less 'Steampunked' districts, right under the Harlington-Straker Studios (a little 'leftover' from absorving SHADO).

+04: Moscow, Russia: Not unsurprisingly, the Moscow Branch is the one with the most numerous (and heavily armed) Tactical Division (since it has a large, hostile-filled area to cover). It is also the one with the most supernaturals on staff (Metuselahs and the like).

+05: Paris, France: Located under a music conservatory, it differs from other Branches in that its Technical Division is mostly composed from extraterrestrials (Fraals, Aleerin and otherS). A good deal of AEGIS technology has (at least) started on this unofficial 'Shop'.

+06: Calcutta, India: This Branch has the largest Intelligence division of them all, making it the unofficial 'Eye' of AEGIS.

+07: Rome, Italy: This Branch has had a few 'crashes' with Iscariot, and probably will in the future. It has the most heavily reinforced perimeter of them all, because of that.

+08: Los Angeles, USA: Located inside (and under) the old Fox Plaza building, it is also the location of the 'AEGIS Network', a security company that is one of AEGIS' major revenue bringers.

+09: Pacific Ocean: Located on an island (classified coordinates), the Pacific Ocean Branch is in charge of two things: Technology testing and docking facility for the 'Skydiver' submarines (attack subs with fighter-launching capabilities, another SHADO remnant).

+10: Cairo, Egypt: Not much is known about the Cairo Branch, and all AEGIS members just say it's a 'normal place' (not unsurprisingly, since Cairo is -for some reason- a low-activity area). Many conspiracy theorists believe that Cairo is the main training facility and headquarters of 'Team 21', but there is no evidence to support this claim (nor mysterious activity).

+11: Tokyo, Japan: This Branch is the one that most closely resembles the 'original' (60's) AEGIS, has the most poweful GateKeepers and is in the most contested location among several hostile Factions. Located under Tategami High School (an AEGIS-funded and staffed school), the Tokyo Branch has been known to field several vehicles and devices that, even if high-tech, look as if they were made in the 60's (and probably were). This has proven effective a few times before as both an element of surprise and a measure against hackers.

Conspiracy theorists also believe Tokyo Branch to be deeply involved with Team 21. Again, there is no evidence of this face.

+12: Sydney, Australia: The Sydney Branch has the biggest repository of X-COM weapons and equipment of them all. Most of the Tactical Division is also former X-COM personnel, and not unsurprisingly, a good deal of them dislikes taking orders from the GateKeepers.

+MoonBase: Not truly a Branch, but another 'souvenir' from SHADO, the Moonbase wields several long-range starfighters and cruisers and a hefty bunch of nuclear missiles. One of the chief reasons the Moon Kingdom is so hostile towards AEGIS (or so is believed) is that all it takes is one BRanch CO going nuts to turn the Kingdom into a nuclear wasteland.


AEGIS has access to high-tech weapons and equipment, drawing benefit from various patents and affiliated companies like the AEGIS Network. Standard-issue equipment for AEGIS agents is one sidearm or power focus device, communications device, AEGIS I.D. card and vehicle. Additional equipment-heavier weapons, armor, 'refinements' for the vehicle-can be requested n a case-by-case basis (and AEGIS will carefully assess the situation to see if the request is acceptable).
Team 21 agents are given a similar kit, but generally aiming for 'low profile' (no I.D. Card, a high-powered but not uncommon weapon, vehicles with no 'refinement' options, etc).


AEGIS (for its most part) is a 'goody-two-shoes' alien hunting agency. Think of X-COM or Torchwood with some 60's spy movie flashiness (well, maybe not *that* much) and super-powered agents and you'll get the gist of it.

If the heroes are to be opponents of AEGIS, the three ways it might happen are that:
A) The Heroes are part of an alien conspiracy (or have been framed to look that way),
B) The Heroes are actively against AEGIS (wanting retribution for some slight, reckoning for a hurt friend, etc),
C) The Heroes witness (or prevent) an attack by Team 21.
AEGIS is not an agency without the occasional rogue agent, as well, and what they take with them can attract other, more villainous Factions.

The Heroes might also be recuited by AEGIS, either because of their 'special skills' (training, powers) or (more probably) they are approached after they survive (and stop) an alien attack. They might be assigned to a specific Branch or remain mobile, going to whatever Branch needs it most at a given moment.


The GM can use AEGIS as either an ally or an opponent.
With feelers out for any hostile aliens and conspiracies (as well as people who can combat them), it's not hard to guess that they might be interested in the heroes if they become involved with either.
If the heroes work for some other organization, AEGIS might have a file on them. If they are 'independent contractors', AEGIS will try in earnest to to recruit them (or at least warn them of the latest Big Bad that might be interested in offing them).
When it comes to Team 21, you're one of them or you're not. And if you're not, you might as well have a 'SILENCE ME' sign on your back.
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As well as other equipment an AEGIS agent can acquire, the following equipment is given to him (or is available to him) by AEGIS.




AEGIS I.D.: This seemingly innocuous I.D. card is made of a nanotech-infused 'Smart Paper', programmed with the specific biometrics of its carrier (heat signature, DNA, Bio-Energy readings). The AEGIS I.D. is completely copy-proof (all Forgery checks only create a visual duplicate, unaccepted by AEGIS scanners), is set to self-destruct if taken away from the user for more than 30 seconds, and has a 'warning signal' (if slid thru any credit card reader in the world, the ID alerts AEGIS Intelligence with the name and location of the Agent, to which the nearest Branch will deploy a Rapid Response Team).
Aside from that, it says in plain black-and-white that the Agent is exempt of any law, that assistance must be given when requested... and that the Agent has the responsibility to 'get out of dangerous situations'.

(RULES: The AEGIS I.D., aside from being 'forgery-proof', gives a +2 circumstance bonus on any Charisma-based skill checks. When the 'warning signal' is activated, the Rapid Response Team will arrive as soon as possible (minimum of 1d6 minutes). Lost or destroyed I.D. Cards can be replaced in 1d4 days).

Size: Diminutive.
Weight: -.
Purchase DC: 24 (Free to AEGIS Agents).
Restriction: Classified (+5).



The 'warhorses' of the Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Organization, even after it became AEGIS UK, these APCs are still fondly called 'SHADO Mobiles'. Lighter than a similarly-sized APC and very easy to transport by air, it is also easy to modify for specific mission requirements.
The SHADO Mobile's only flaws (or so experts say) is its absolute lack of weapons and an armor that has a hard time withstanding advanced weaponry (such as lasers), but it is one thing that AEGIS Technical is working on... and making wonders, apparently.

The SHADO Mobile is crewed by a driver and a technician, and features top and bottom emergency hatches as well as a main rear hatch. It takes a full-round action to start moving the SHADO Mobile. The SHADO Mobile is three squares wide and four squares long. It provides full cover to its occupants.

Crew: 2.
Passengers: 11.
Cargo: 325 lb.
Initiative: -2.
Maneuver: -2.
Top Speed: 62 (6).
Defense: 8.
Hardness: 10.
Hit Points: 48.
Size: Huge.
Purchase DC:
Restriction: Military (+3).

The SHADO Mobile comnes equipped with the following:
*NPC Seal.
*Surface Surveillance Radar (Senses other vehicles and terrain features within 200 feet).
*Computer with Satellite link to AEGIS.
*Radio with Encryption Circuit.
*Integral Winch (13-ton capacity, 100 ft. line).

SHADO Mobiles modified for Command and Control/Sensors have the additional:
*Air Surveillance Radar (Senses other airborne vehicles within 3 miles).
*Commander's Console (with link to agent tracker system, medical readouts and Kill-Cams).
*UAV Bay (with one Predator UAV and portable control system).

SHADO Mobiles outfitted for Medical or Mechanical work have the additional:
*Medical Suite (all Treat Injuriy, Earth and Life Sciences & Craft (pharmaceutical) checks have a +5 bonus).
*Mechanical Suite (All Craft (Electrical and Mechanical) checks have a +5 bonus).
Both of these Suites reduce the Passenger Capacity to 6.


and others, upcoming...
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Never read any of the Anita Blake books myself (although chances are, yeah, CLULESS did). If anybody here wants to grab St. Louis and run along with it, I'm willing to accept anything they add.

Two New Vehicles:



Crew: 1.
Passengers: 0.
Cargo: 120 lbs.
Initiative: -4.
Maneuver: -4.
Top Speed: 210 (21).
Defense: 6.
Hardness: 5.
Hit Points: 28.
Size: Huge.
Purchase DC: 28.
Restriction: Licensed (+1).
NOTES: The 'Firebee' provides nine-tenths cover to the pilot (head and arms are exposed). It has an underside turret with capacity for one Huge-sized weapon. This turret covers front, left and right arcs and is equipped with a camera with IR view mode. The Purchase DC is for an unarmed 'Firebee'.

The 'Firebee' Mini-Copter is a Rapid Attack/Recon vehicle, designed for urban purposes. The 'Firebee' is capable of being collapsed to a more easy-to-transport size (one square wide and two squares long when collapsed, deployment & undeployment takes 2 full rounds). The 'Firebee' is a decent scout, but against its normal assigned target (Boomers) piloting one is a sure-fire suicide. BGCverse Fictions view 'Firebee' pilots with a pinch of respect and fear-since they have just got to be certifiably crazy, gutsy, or unlucky.

ADP (F-SWTI Section 8) normally outfits their 'Firebees' with GE M-134 Miniguns.

The 'Firebee' is 2 squares wide and 3 squares long.


Crew: 1.
Passengers: 0.
Cargo: 60/70 lbs. (EM-1 and EM-2).
Initiative: -1.
Maneuver: +1.
Top Speed: 95 (9).
Defense: 9.
Hardness: 5.
Hit Points: 22.
Size: Large.
Purchase DC: 23/26 (EM-1 and -2, respectively).
Restriction: Licensed (+1).
NOTES: Neither the EM-1 or -2 give cover to their occupants.

The Ease of Movement-1 and -2 are small motorized all-terrain unicycles that can be made compact to carry around like a backpack and can carry an adventurer with ease. An integral gyroscope makes sure that there are no major 'accidents' concerning loss of balance.
The major difference between the EM-1 and EM-2 is that the EM-1 is a normal unicycle, while the EM-2 is a 'combo package' involving the unicycle (that is strapped to the user's back), and a pair of skates. This allows the EM-2 to carry more cargo or have a weapons installed (the EM-2 can have a Large-sized weapons installed, which fires over the user's shoulder).
The EM-1 is one square wide and 1 square long, while the EM-2 is one square wide and 2 squares long (with a Medium or Small-sized user strapped on).

Aquarius Alodar

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marcoasalazarm said:
Bumping this. Any more ideas accepted.

Well, something typically....odd on the groups/organizations front just fell out of my brain: the Legion of Imagination. Their symbol? This.....only coloured...red.

*cue title theme* They are as fervently opposed to the presence on Earth of the AOH and their support groups as the AOH are dedicated to achieving their primary goal.....yes, they have attracted a certain...admiration... within the Culture presence in the Milky Way, and from certain sectors of the SWG's New Republic, before you ask. How it got started? Let's just say for now, that the aftershocks of the 23 Hour War are still being felt in certain areas of the omniverse.

More to come as I can think of it.
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I suppose that the Heroes are the sort of 'leaders' of the Legion?

I'm thinking of a way to add the Nightmare Syndicate (from the series 'Lost Universe') to this setting.
Imagine avatars of the Slayers' dark god, Dark Star, as a criminal syndicate. THAT is a scary picture.


First Post
If this "Dark Star" entity is anything like the Phantasy Star series' Dark Force (or DarkFalz, to use it's PS1 name), then I can DEFINATELY see it as a problem.

Speaking about dark gods, as it so happens I had a slight..epiphany(spelling?)... regarding one potential location for that... or maybe that should be locations... After my latest session of the boardgame "Arkham Horror".

If you know the game, you can probably guess one part of that I'm planning :D

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