• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


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Sorry to post-back to myself yet again, but it seems like I am creating things while people are off on holiday or something. :eek:

Whateley Academy: Supers, Spellcasters, and Psions, oh my!


Keene, New Hampshire, location of Whateley


Post-Vanishing Whateley Academy pillar near the entrance, with the school motto engraved.

Whateley Academy is a unique school that caters to the less mundanes, both Fiction and Real, that have "mutations", magic, or psionics. It has a (normally) friendly rivalry with fellow Northeast USA super-school Xavier Institute of Higher Learning, a sort of competition to see whose school will get the more famous new-blood Real superhero churned out.

Post-Vanishing Locales: A Brief Tour of Whateley
Kane Hall: Kane Hall is the base of operations for the security team of Whateley, as well as a tower observatory and crime lab dedicated to paranormal-related crime scene investigations. The security of Whateley is certainly...odd...compared to most schools. Their team consists of former members of police forces and soldiers from anything from the SEALs to the SAS, and some weapons used by the "Crisis Team" are up to even some major Heavy Weapons Platforms. Then again, in a school where some students can shrug off an RPG-7 blast, you need all the help you can get...

Laird Hall: This building is the location of the martial arts class dojos and exercise classes. Out back is the athletics field. The athletics areas have some materials definitely designed with the workout needs of Bricks in mind.

Shuster Hall: The major hall, Shuster is also a multi-purpose building. It is the administration building, holds classrooms on the upper levels, and has a large glass dome connected to it that is Crystal Hall, the school cafeteria.

Dunn Hall: Across from Shuster is Dunn, the hall that holds the campus infirmary and bioscience labs. Every new student is tested here to show their power "rankings" and various talents. There are rare cases in which new teachers might be tested there as well.

Beck Hall: This is basically the large library and internet server "parent" for all school computers. Beck Hall is filled with all kinds of books, including stores of arcane lore in a locked administrative area.

Boy's Cottages: Two of the cottages where students dwell are the boy's only cottages, Twain and Emerson, at the Northwest arm of the school complex from the Main Five Buildings. Emerson is the closest to the Main Five, and is the boy's cottage "normal zone", designated as the place for the easily passable as human students.

Girl's Cottages: Whitman and Dickinson are the two girl's cottages on the Northeast arm of the school. Dickinson is the girl wing's "normal zone".

Co-ed Cottages: Finally, there are the co-ed buildings, Melville, Poe, and Hawthorne. Melville cottage is the co-ed "normal zone". Poe is the "weird" cottage, designed for any students who have had major transformations in age, gender, and/or species by their initial powers arising, which has led some outside forces to consider the cottage be closed for segregating by mutation. Finally, Hawthorne is the cottage for individuals with mutations that render them dangerous to themselves and those around them, such as students made of living unstable chemicals and overpowering empaths that can cause intense emotions. The major talk of the school is Team Kimba, residents of Poe Cottage that have taken on more villains than some fully-trained supers have. Their numbers consist of various members in strength and power, some of which will be detailed here.

Service Utilities: Many security terminals of varying sensor powers dot the campus, as well as the flag pole itself having a tube system that will light up a different color depending on if there are visitors in the area. If red, all students that cannot pass for humans are supposed to hide from a potential danger and those that do look human fully hide their powers. If yellow, students with lesser mutations but not completely human may come out, but are best to be covered in case of danger. On a green day, all votes are off...students can fly, super-lift, blast energy, anything. The sewer system under the school needs regular maintainence due to the presence of unnatural creatures living there and the rare break-in chance. Finally, there is a service road around the entire grounds, usually actually used by rollerblade, skateboard, or jogging students since security rarely does anything with it.

The Grove: Right outside of campus is a wilderness area that is home to a local werewolf pack as well as the Grove, an ancient spot of ancient power. Inside all the Forces of Nature are at their fullest, and it is a land of treants, kitsune, tanuki, and fey alike. It is off-limits to all students save for a few select individuals such as members of Team Kimba.

Characters and Creatures
Caitlin Bardue: "Goddaughter" of Gunnery Sergeant Bardue, one of the heads of the heavy weapons range in Whateley, Caitlin is a student at Whateley, as well as a former employee. She was Erik Mahren, leader of the heavy weapons range and former Marine, until her older body "burned out", a ferocious and violent explosion that burned out her body and reformed it into a more metallic configuration. She is a 16-year old girl with eyes that appear to be steel discs inlaid with runes, and her hair is a metallic blue-black..literally, like fiber-optic cable. She is a sort of living metal-girl, and is an artificer. She also has a "little" problem: she must wear wards on her clothing or the light arcane electricity field around her body would increase and be fatal to anything within 15 feet of her.

Hank Declan: Born and raised in a military base, Hank Declan, super code name "Lancer", is the tactician and heavy hitter of Team Kimba. He is Brick-plus, with the typical Brick package of super-strength, near-invulnerability, and heavy hitting, as well as having a good head on his shoulders. He is also the boyfriend of Lily "Wallflower", a Junior Member of the S.T.A.R. League superheroes team.

Jade Sinclair: Another member of Team Kimba, due to odd circumstances, Jade is basically permanently stuck at age 11. She is a Regenerator, heavily regrowing even brain damage like she was never hurt without any adverse side effects, and can create shape-changeable spirits from herself. Her current number of spirit extensions can be up to 5, but there are some teachers that believe she can craft even more. She must "charge" them into some sort of object or a special-made human simulation she calls "Shroud", which the spirits will then animate and utilize.

Chou Lee: Chou is a youthful Chinese girl burdened down by a destiny she never wanted. All her powers come from superior training by her sword, Destiny's Wave, which holds the spirit of an ancient Taoist warrior. By merging with the Tao, Chou can go toe to toe with even the nastiest villains. She does, however, have qualms about the fact that she is expected to sometimes face Evil AND Good to preserve the Balance. She also has the misfortune of being hunted by a Demon Lord.

Faction 3: A secret underground group (in more ways than one), Faction 3 is home to the "freaks" that want to finally have respect amongst the other students and the world despite their odd appearances. The leader of Faction 3 is Jade's boyfriend, the enigmatic half-gold dragon Thuban, an informant and master techie known as a Devisor.

The Outcasts: Irrationally (for the most part) feared due to their looks by the other students, the best friends of Caitlin are the three students known as the Outcasts. Their leader is a boy named Jericho, who is blind but able to telepathically sense 360 degrees around himself and is a Devisor. A student that is listed as an "Ultraviolent" due to his unnatural rages caused by hatred toward his appearance, Razorback appears to be another reptilian, almost like a bipedal humanoid velociraptor with a spine ridge. Finally, there is diamondback, a rattlesnake-like naga. She is a mage as well as a fair melee combatant with her tail and a ranged combatant with her venomous spit like a cobra.

Nichole Reilly: Another Kimba that is codenamed Fey, Nichole "Nikki" Reillyy is the next Faerie Queen of the Sidhe. She is a potent spellcaster as well as a reasonable martial artist. The brilliant and comely elf redhead also has a permanent glamour around herself that has the effect of almost entrancing most males. She is also the unfortunate target of more than one paranormal who wants her power under their control.

Tennyo: Billie "Tennyo" Wilson is a 14-year old girl that is an exact clone of the Tenchi Muyo Fiction Ryoko...really embarrassing when the Fiction is also around places. Tennyo is considered a no-harass case in the school, since she can fly, create swords, is nearly indestructible, and can create a "death strike" that implodes a soul. With her own friends in Team Kimba, Tennyo can be funny, happy-go-lucky, albeit sometimes too high-strung, but in combat she is nearly a different creature, ferocious and untamed against her enemies.
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Rappy said:
NYPD Metahuman Prison Transport Vehicle
The MPTV is, to be blunt, the ultimate "pimp my ride" job done to a tracked APC. These devices were originally designed by the New York Police Department, but many forces both law enforcement and military now use these behemoths. MPTVs are designed to be holding transports for supervillains and other high-powered no-gooders. The typical MPTV is manned by a SWAT team and while the base model carries no weaponry other than that of the SWAT members, there are some that are outfitted with various forms of gunnery. Despite all this, higher level Bricks busting out with their bare fists are not unheard of.

Crew: 4 (1 driver, 3 SWAT tactical snipers in Land Warrior armor [Strong hero 3/Fast hero 3/Soldier 3/Infiltrator 3] manning the defensive posts); Pass.: 7 (6 Medium-size or 2 Large prisoners plus 1 A.P.E. police robot with anti-power attachments); Cargo: 250 lb.; Init.: -4; Man.: -4; Top Speed: 65 (6); Def.: 6; Hard.: 15; Hit Points: 60; Size: G; Purchase DC: 45; Rest.: Res (+2).

Typical Cargo Equipment: 1d8 flash-bang grenades, 1d4 boxes of white phosphorous bullets, 1 TacMil sniper rifle.

Special: The brute of a machine is designed with heavy hitters in mind, and is considered to have DR 15/+3 and Cold, Fire, Electricity, and Acid Resistance 10. Any spellcasters or psions using spells or powers within the vehicle are considered 4 levels lower due to the Meta-breaks that are set up like wards in the carriage.

It's gonna see some use soon in upcoming adventures.


First Post
The name is gleaned from Whateley Academy, but the stuff in the concept are all mine, other than the original premise of "mutant high-sec prison". I hope the fluff on some things aren't too wordy. :heh:

Detention Six: Dirty Little Secrets

Map of Detention Six.

Detention Six Death's Heads...bad to the bone, and not too lenient.

A combination of hush-hush technology, alien knowhow, superhero gadgetry, and magic, Detention Six is a massive prison in a terraformed sealed and force-fielded dome on Mars. It is the holding spot for magical, psionic, and superpowered criminals, and is considered the top in its class. While many Coreline prisons have anti-super pieces in their facilities, some cases are deemed too sensitive to be kept on-planet. This is where Detention Six comes in. The complex is a bunch of very large individual dome buildings connected with huge tubes that can be used to ferry the equivalent of an army to each other complex. Each complex itself is a three-story building has typical things such as corridors, cells, mess halls, etc., each tailor-made for the specific building's design. The exception of this is the completely unique guard posts and Main Area.

Post-Vanishing Locales
Main Area: The main building of the prison complex, the oh so cleverly named Main Area houses the security mainframe, the sleeping quarters for the security, the various vehicles the security team utilizes, gadgets, weapons, and doodads, and the main office where the records of current and past convicts in the facility are housed. The building has enough wards on the outer shell to make an archmage have a heart attack out of fear, a telekinetic force field that could push off a nuke, and defense turrets that fire warheads with strength equivalent to three shells produced by an M-1 Abrams.

Mentalist Zone: The Mentalist Zone is a specialist facility designed to keep high-level empaths and psions secured. Each cell is outfitted with a mental disruption beam that will fire a silent wave pattern that throws psionics off-kilter, rendering them useless. This "dirty little secret" of a device, despite being harmless to the physical condition of the inmates, could be seen as a psychological torture device. Hence why it's secret...you don't really want a protest that might let all your supervillains out.

Guard Posts Alpha and Beta: The two nodes of the security system, Guard Post Alpha and Guard Post Beta each house a 100-man security team and 2 Tempest-class mecha prepared to defend against a prison riot, if it ever actually happens.

Main Prisoner Chambers: This building houses all the "typical" supervillains in its many cells, the ones that don't need any specific special treatment to keep them under wraps beyond the wards and heavy-duty building materials (considered to have DR 18/+3). Most Bricks and masterminds are kept here.

Blast Zone: The Blast Zone facility is designed to contain energy-slingers and other energy-utilizing villains with specially designed holding cells and an overall energy-hampering environment. Each room has a seperate energy design, such as the Hot Room (walls having fire immunity) defending against flamethrower villains, and the Canary's Cage (walls have sonic immunity) dealing with sound-based baddies.

Sanctum of Horrors: Demons, undead, Lovecraftian things that make your eyes bulge with fear and repulsion..that's what the Sanctum of Horrors deals with. Fictions that are unearthly and horrifying will find themselves in this gloomy complex if they are ever captured. The walls are made of pure alchemist's silver (courtesy of Neo-Amestris), enough to make any vampire or werewolf in the area think twice about testing the facility's strength, and the "fire sprinklers" in the roof are in truth remote-activated holy water dispensers.

The Checkpoint: The name for a pair buildings on the far side of the facility, the Checkpoint is where all ships leaving and arriving the facility are docked. The first of the two is Checkpoint Green. Vital supplies come through this area, as well as any new security entering or security going on vacation or discharged leaving. It is also the only way into the Main Area, save for a lesser known and well-defended underground tunnel from Guard Post Beta. The other complex is Checkpoint Red. A well-warded spot, Checkpoint Red is where all the prisoner transports land and give their cargo for depositing in the proper facilities. In case of a supervillain actually escaping from the energy-draining cuffs that are placed on super-prisoners, there is a controversial Plan B: a remote-control "override switch" that will open the airlock the ships come through, allowing the cold vacuum of space to enter and dispose of the villain.

Characters and Creatures:
Security Team Head Red: The leader of Detention 6 Security, Red is an alternate of Jango Fett that wears a gadgeted red-and-white pauldroned ensemble of the Clone Wars ARC troopers instead of the bounty hunter's tricked-out silver Mandalorian armor. Despite being a force of the law, Red hasn't forgotten his hunter past, and tends to be "creative" with his security options (Read: It's more likely than not that there's a button that releases a piranha beetle swarm into your cell, so don't push it, pal).

Juggernaut: In a specially designed cell in the main prison area, you can find the X-Men mutant Juggernaut. Yes, the Brick Juggernaut. Kept in a movement-eliminating TK field, Juggernaut is basically in stasis until whenever his death sentence is..or until Magneto figures out some scheme to get him out.

Death's Head: A type of "robot" designed for the facility's security team, the Death's Head was designed to resemble the villainous metallic humanoid mutant Killbot. This wasn't easy, seeing as all the gadgeteers had to work on was memory after Billie "Tennyo" Wilson antimattered the Regenerator to atoms. Death's Heads are hulking bipeds, almost resembling 30-foot tall metal-plate humans, their faces redesigned to have an inhuman face of anger designed to be used as a fear tactic. Death's Head's usually carry mecha weapons, since they are actually large enough to utilize them. Despite their appearance of being robots, Death's Heads are actually more "dirty little secrets": vat grown metallic humanoids with "pre-programmed" instinct to obey Red and Red only, designed to be the pinnacle of humanoid strength and dexterity. They will only listen to other security members if Red gives them the A-OK on the security members in question, and are take no prisoners sort of security, killing without question on Red's orders. The only real danger to Death's Heads are magnetic superpowers and fire, but they are usually outfitted with force fields to nip that little issue in the bud.
[Stats coming soon.]

New Feat: Mechanical Weapons Proficiency
Prerequisites: Size Huge or larger.
Benefits: You may wield mecha or vehicle weapons within your size without penalty.
Normal: Organic creatures cannot wield mecha or vehicle weapons.
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Aquarius Alodar

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*Thundering, roaring echoes - as of a copper gong being struck - are heard, before a Carrier-type copper-coloured portal snaps into existance in midair. Out of it walks a guy around 23.*

Yup. *pullls out a palmtop and activates it, scrolling through the thread* Back in England through Spain by way of Metebelis Three. Now *there's* an interesting vacation. :D .......*stares at the eighth-to-last entry*....The frak you say. People have been getting up to things.............at least while I've been away. So.....this looks good, but it doesn't seem to be detailed in practical terms. As in, this 'Detention Six' can hold what? Von Doom, maybe? I mean, if Juggernaut's waiting it out in there.....you get the picture.
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I was thinking of one idea for the Post-Vanishing Timeline, an event that would be the American Nerima Riot (of sorts).

An army of DC comics characters (mostly Themisciran Amazons) going into the Authored Rage and turning 16 blocks of New York into a warzone. Later on, the explanation that is the Rage has people sympathizing a little-but many of the characters are believed to have:



First Post
I second such a motion. Anyway, I will have more kaiju made later, but for now, I am honoring the master of claymation, the fabulous Ray Harryhausen, by giving life to some of his creations.

In continuation of the Godzillaverse beast Titanosaurus earlier, I bring more giant monster mayhem!


In its own realm of the Fiction films Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and Planet of Dinosaurs and the Fiction comic book Return to Mysterious Island, Rhedosaurus was a hulking 40-foot king of the monitor lizards, nigh unstoppable against humanoids and even some other giant beasts. In Coreline, however, the population of Rhedosaurus in existence are relatively easy to deal with. This lies with the fact that the one substance that renders their heavy defenses helpless is quite common in modern militaries: nuclear weaponry. There are estimated to have been about 9 Rhedosaurus created by CLULESS, now dwindled to 5. One individual was crushed by Zilla Jr. when it attempted to attack NYC, another slain by the Justice League near Mt. Kilimanjaro, and a breeding pair was killed by a Kamacuras swarm in a battle for territory on Monster Island. The remaining 5 can be found in the following locations and status by current estimates:
KDF HQ; frozen in stasis field for study.
Papua New Guinea rainforests; healthy and doing the military's job of hunting down mutant humanoids and beasts.
Congo Jungle; considered a nuisance due to its depletion of elephant and Mokele-Mbembe populations.
Washington, DC; A younger individual that is being trained with some success by KDF to act as a "partner" to Zilla Jr. in monster fights.
Australian Outback; harassing the tassie tigers and other creaturefolk to no end. Might be cause for concern to humans in the future.

Rhedosaurus: CR 18?; Gargantuan animal; HD 17d8+34; Hp 110; Mas 15; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., swim 30 ft.; Defense 24, touch 7, flat-footed 23 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +17 natural); BAB +12; Grap +30; Atk +14 melee (2d8+6, bite) or +14 melee (1d12+5, tail slam); Full atk +14 melee (2d8+6, bite) and +9 melee (3d6+3, 2 claws) or +14 melee (1d12+5, tail slam); FS 20 ft. by 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., DR 15/radiation, hold breath (10 x Con modifier), improved grab (bite), low-light vision, scent, swallow whole; AL none; SV Fort +12, Ref +11. Will +6; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 22, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11.
Skills: Climb +17, Intimidate +8, Listen +7, Spot +13, Swim +17.
Feats: Cleave, Power Attack.
Bonus Feats: Rhedosaurus gets Power Attack and Cleave as bonus feats.
Skills: Rhedosaurus have a +6 bonus to Intimidate and Spot checks. Rhedosaurus have a +8 bonus to Swim checks to make some special action or hazard. It may always take 10 on a Swim or Climb check, even if endangered or distracted.


First Post
I know I said I was going to elaborate on Harryhausen monsters first, but I just had to do this one. I couldn't find my original post on the KDF and kaiju, so this might be a bit contradictory with previous spoken words on Gojira...consider this the newer and more correct retcon in such a case. Check the notes for changes applied to each monster for their own incarnation from the "base template". Zilla. Jr. and Oodaku will come soon. I grappled over Gojira's type, but in the end, he seemed to be draconic rather than magical beast in his sheer power and might. Amazingly, while he seems better than the typical toxydrem nuke in some spots, in others, like how close humans can be without choking to death on radiaton, he is weaker.

GM'S WARNING: Kaiju are EXTREMELY tough beasts, surpassing even the roughest creatures of d20 Modern (save for the insanely uber advanced nuclear toxyderm) and heading into epic territory. If you use them, use them wisely, and give your characters a chance to survive, be it by aid, good technology, or a chance to escape.

Gojiras-The Monster Kings
Along with the American mega-monster Zilla Jr., the Gojira species make up species typically called "Godzillas" by the general public and even some of the KDF (who should really know better than to make such a generalization). There are currently three survivors of the Gojira breed: Heisei Gojira, Showa Gojira, and Gojira 2000. Gojira 2000 is the most modern incarnation and the most active, often attacking monsters that appear in its chosen territory of coastal Asia. Heisei Gojira is considered the more dangerous of the two "romp and stomps" by the KDF, also taking down monsters it perceives as territorial adversaries (but instead staking out Indonesia as its home) but having the less than savory aspect of often attacking human settlements out of rage when it has the monstrous equivalent of a hissyfit. Showa Gojira is the "nicest" of the group, and prefers to keep itself on Monster Island, only appearing outside when it feels it needs to defend Japan. Most militaries know about Gojiras, and have branches of the KDF meant for defense against the titans. Sydney, Australia, in specific has a large KDF force after their unprepared city's destruction early on by Heisei Gojira ripping the American beast Zilla into atoms. Zilla's offspring, KDF's smart and monster-beating Zilla Jr. isn't nearly as weak or as stupid, but is still considered too far from being out of its juvenile growth cycle to be large and strong enough to take on Heisei.

Gojira: CR ?; Colossal dragon; HD 43d12+476; Hp 755; Mas 32; Init +4 (Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft., swim 20 ft.; Defense 31, touch 2, flat-footed 31 (-8 size, +29 natural); BAB +43; Grap +71; Atk +48 melee (4d8+12, bite) or +42 melee (3d10+6, tail bash); Full atk +48 melee (4d8+12, bite) and +42 melee (2d12+6, slam) or +42 melee (3d10+6, tail bash); FS 60 ft. by 60 ft.; Reach 60 ft.; SQ Breath weapon, darkvision 60 ft., DR 18/cold, fire subtype, hold breath (10 x Con modifier), low-light vision, radiation; AL none; SV Fort +36, Ref +23. Will +26; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 35, Dex 11, Con 32, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 14.
Skills: Climb +44, Intimidate +20, Listen +11, Speak Draconic, Spot +11, Survival +41, Swim +52.
Feats: Athletic, Awesome Blow, Blind Fighting, Cleave, Die Hard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness, Track, Weapon Focus (Bite).
Advancement: -
Breath Weapon (Ex): Once per 1d8 rounds, Gojira can unleash a 100-foot cone of energy that deals 4d10 points of fire damage as well as immediately exposing the target to high radiation sickness. Any creature caught in the beam may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 Gojira's HD + Gojira's Constitution modifier) to half the damage.
Radiation (Ex): The area within 60 feet of Gojira is considered highly irradiated. Gojira is thus immune to other forms of radiation.

NOTES: For Showa Gojira, increase the Intelligence score to 8 and give it throw rocks as per the giant ability. Gojira 2000 has its base speed and swim speed increased by 10. Heisei Gojira is unchanged from the base form, save for gaining the following ability:
Nuclear Meltdown (Su): When severely damaged, Heisei Gojira's heart begins going into a nuclear meltdown. After it reaches 1/3 hp, its radiation exuding is considered to go from highly to severely irradiated. Upon death, Heisei Gojira explodes with violent force of nuclear mass meltdown, dealing 500 points of damage to anything within 400 feet and 200 points of damage to anything within a mile. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 Heisei Gojira's Hit Dice + Heisei Gojira's Dexterity Modifier) to half the damage (yeeeah...like that's going to keep your butt from being atomized with such a high damage count). When the atomic bomb-reminiscent apocalyptic mushroom cloud subsides, there is a half-mile crater in the center of the fallout radius that is considered severely irradiated. The other half-mile is considered highly irradiated. While Heisei is the only incarnation known to perform this Apocalypse event thanks to Godzilla vs. Destroyah, and Showa is known to definitely NOT do so, the GM may optionally give Gojira 2000 the Nuclear Meltdown special quality.

King Ghidorah-Death on the Wing
An ever-present beast in the shadows, a specter of the horrors of deep space, a dragon of the cosmos that never truly rests: all of these have been used to describe King Ghidorah. Speculated as potentially being even stronger than Gojira, King Ghidorah has never surfaced on Coreline Earth yet, but he has been infrequently reported as being glimpsed out of the corner of the eyes of Fictions from the Gundam, Star Wars, and Warhammer 40K universes. Most psychologists write these sightings off as a residual effect of King Ghidorah being seen as space's Grim Reaper, but in truth, the sightings are all too terrifyingly real. This grand beast is responsible for the complete obliteration of Soul Society's Outpost Raion near Tatooine, an event which caused fears amongst the Jedi Academy that Dark Lord of the Sith Lumiya had recreated a Death Star, despite the lack of any schematics and materials for her to do so. Ghidorah can create buffeting wing gusts, has twin smashing tails, and three heads that can blast lightning, not to mention the ability to survive in vacuum, fly, and potentially produce rudimentary psionics. Stronger, more powerful, more endurant...one must wonder the question of whether the Gojiras, battered and bruised from infighting and humanoid forces, can take on this beast when it finally does reach Coreline.
King Ghidorah: CR ?; Colossal dragon; HD 45d12+633; Hp 925; Mas 38; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft,, fly 250 ft. (clumsy).; Defense 34, touch 3, flat-footed 33 (-8 size, +1 Dex, +30 natural, +1 Improved Natural Armor); BAB +45; Grap +76; Atk +53 melee (4d8+15 plus 1d8 electricity, bite) or +54 melee (2d12+15, tail) or +53 melee (8d6+15, wing); Full atk +53 melee (4d8+15 plus 1d8 electricity, bite) or +54 melee (2d12+15, 2 tails) or +53 melee (8d6+15, 2 wings); FS 60 ft. by 60 ft.; Reach 60 ft.; SQ Breath weapon, crush (as per emperor dragon), darkvision 120 ft., DR 25/-, energy resistance, low-light vision, radiation resistance, vacuum survival; AL Planet X, evil; Fort +40, Ref +25, Will +27; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 40, Dex 12, Con 38, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 18.
Skills: Concentration +34, Intimidate +14, Jump +25, Listen +21, Search +41, Spot +21, Survival +21.
Feats: Awesome Blow, Blind Fighting, Cleave, Die Hard, Endurance, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Overrun, Iron Will, Power Attack, Snatch, Toughness, Weapon Focus(Bite).
Advancement: -
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d8 rounds, King Ghidorah can unleash a violent 100-foot line of electrical "gravity beam" from each head. A successful strike deals 4d10 points of damage. Any creature caught in the beam may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 King Ghidorah's HD + King Ghidorah's Constitution modifier) to half the damage.
Energy Resistance (Ex): King Ghidorah has fire and cold resistance 20.
Radiation Resistance (Ex): As a kaiju used to apocalyptic blazes of radiation, King Ghidorah gains a +8 species bonus to saves against radiation poisoning.
Vacuum Survival (Ex): King Ghidorah has an alien biology that seems to bypass the need for lungs, allowing him to live and move in the vacuum of space without any ill side-effects.
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Rappy said:
King Ghidorah-Death on the Wing
An ever-present beast in the shadows, a specter of the horrors of deep space, a dragon of the cosmos that never truly rests: all of these have been used to describe King Ghidorah. Speculated as potentially being even stronger than Gojira, King Ghidorah has never surfaced on Coreline Earth yet, but he has been infrequently reported as being glimpsed out of the corner of the eyes of Fictions from the Gundam, Star Wars, and Warhammer 40K universes. Most psychologists write these sightings off as a residual effect of King Ghidorah being seen as space's Grim Reaper, but in truth, the sightings are all too terrifyingly real. This grand beast is responsible for the complete obliteration of Soul Society's Outpost Raion near Tatooine, an event which caused fears amongst the Jedi Academy that Dark Lord of the Sith Lumiya had recreated a Death Star, despite the lack of any schematics and materials for her to do so. Ghidorah can create buffeting wing gusts, has twin smashing tails, and three heads that can blast lightning, not to mention the ability to survive in vacuum, fly, and potentially produce rudimentary psionics. Stronger, more powerful, more endurant...one must wonder the question of whether the Gojiras, battered and bruised from infighting and humanoid forces, can take on this beast when it finally does reach Coreline.
King Ghidorah: CR ?; Colossal dragon; HD 45d12+633; Hp 925; Mas 38; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft,, fly 250 ft. (clumsy).; Defense 34, touch 3, flat-footed 33 (-8 size, +1 Dex, +30 natural, +1 Improved Natural Armor); BAB +45; Grap +76; Atk +53 melee (4d8+15 plus 1d8 electricity, bite) or +54 melee (2d12+15, tail) or +53 melee (8d6+15, wing); Full atk +53 melee (4d8+15 plus 1d8 electricity, bite) or +54 melee (2d12+15, 2 tails) or +53 melee (8d6+15, 2 wings); FS 60 ft. by 60 ft.; Reach 60 ft.; SQ Breath weapon, crush (as per emperor dragon), darkvision 120 ft., DR 25/-, energy resistance, low-light vision, radiation resistance, vacuum survival; AL Planet X, evil; Fort +40, Ref +25, Will +27; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 40, Dex 12, Con 38, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 18.
Skills: Concentration +34, Intimidate +14, Jump +25, Listen +21, Search +41, Spot +21, Survival +21.
Feats: Awesome Blow, Blind Fighting, Cleave, Die Hard, Endurance, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Overrun, Iron Will, Power Attack, Snatch, Toughness, Weapon Focus(Bite).
Advancement: -
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d8 rounds, King Ghidorah can unleash a violent 100-foot line of electrical "gravity beam" from each head. A successful strike deals 4d10 points of damage. Any creature caught in the beam may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 King Ghidorah's HD + King Ghidorah's Constitution modifier) to half the damage.
Energy Resistance (Ex): King Ghidorah has fire and cold resistance 20.
Radiation Resistance (Ex): As a kaiju used to apocalyptic blazes of radiation, King Ghidorah gains a +8 species bonus to saves against radiation poisoning.
Vacuum Survival (Ex): King Ghidorah has an alien biology that seems to bypass the need for lungs, allowing him to live and move in the vacuum of space without any ill side-effects.

Just passing a ramdom thought down on this...... I think Ghidorah is now screwed........that is, if the guy's incapable of tactics. :]


First Post
King Ghidorah might indeed have difficulties. If it "evolved" toward Death Ghidorah of the Mothra Trilogy, there's a chance it could bring up something to win it out.
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First Post
I know this might disappoint some fans of a certain movie that I personally thought was over-hyped and overrated, BUT...I have reasoning. Gojira has not once, but twice taken on beasts with parasites AND kaiju mega-powers and eventually won. Clover, sadly, only really has a bad case of mites and nothing more than brute strength for himself. There are also various analyses on the subject you can find with some random internet searches. Not all are more than "Gojira pwns all!", but there are some thought-out ones. Overall, the main thing is just the amount of strengths from each. Gojira has ranged attacks, is radioactive, has the regeneratorific G-cells, has thick DR skin, and survived the hydrogen bomb that spawned him. Clover has a thick shell, strength. and a dire need for Tick-B-Gone.

Gojira 2000's Manhattan Romp-Burning the Fields of Clover
Out of some odd instinctual need, 6 weeks Post-Vanishing, Gojira 2000 went to town attacking Manhattan Island. After a bit of trashing around the main streets, the gigantic daikaiju managed to run into a scene of carnage near the Empire State Building. To the horror of the humans in the area, there was already a monstrous showdown between King Kong, the beast of Cloverfield, and Zilla. After the arrival of the Gojira on the scene, the three-beast free for all became a four monster massacre as the titans ripped into each other with reckless abandon. As the monstrous ape fled the scene missing a huge hunk of his right arm, Clover squared off against the overgrown iguana on the scene, its parasites grappling and ripping flesh the best they could against the lizard monster. Gojira, meanwhile, took the opportunity of the chaos to blast an atomic hammer of pain down on both monsters, leaving two flaming and enraged beasts and many incinerated parasite husks. In typical Real-dubbed "kung-fu kaiju action" fashion, Gojira 2000 managed to grapple Zilla's tail, swinging it mercilessly in a spinning path right into the shambling Clover. The two monsters, now entangled by Clover's gangly legs being impaled in Zilla's flesh, were then unceremoniously blasted again. As Clover let out its death wails, a final snap to the spine rendered Zilla a monster has-been. That night, the fearful citizens of Manhattan were kept awake by the still fought flames of the buildings in the area and the triumphant roar of the King of the Monsters as he swam out to sea once more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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