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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Aquarius Alodar

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[+GOUGH/MILLAR CAVES: A series of caves located on the outskirts of town, the Gough/Millar Caves are a site of Native American (and recently xeno-) archaeology. Constantly being altered by CLULESS, the site's many wall paintings and scattered artifacts depict events –past and future- as well as other things (like spells, tech designs and miscellaneous information) that is presented in a code that is based on Native American and other extraterrestrial (often Kryptonian) beliefs.
Experienced researchers are constantly trying to decipher the info and take it all with a grain of salt, while other Factions want the caves restricted or destroyed outright-and others take the sketchy information as gospel truth, to the annoyance and pain of a lot of other people.



"You know why I'm not in Hell? Because the Devil's afraid I might take over! Would have tried, too, had I gotten the chance-the bastard's already wearing my *face*!"


+LIONEL LUTHOR: Long since dead, the King of All Bastards still roams the streets of Smallville, helping and harming people with elaborate schemes for no apparent reason. This version of Luthor has been classified as a high-powered 'chaos spirit' by most pertinent forces, who advise to stay away from him-but the man has nothing if not charisma.


Frakking. Toltiir. In disguise - or currently posessing the guy, doesn't matter which. That is all. As for the Gough/Millar caves.... I can hear the humming in my head of AG sleds mounting IR webcams, in and out of there 24/7 (who said all the researchers had to be human, after all? Citadel Station *is* a research unit...and there are similarly intrested parties.)

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Cookie if you find the reference to a little-known TV show hidden on the Smallville write-up (clue: it's what someone says).

Need more ideas for SHODAN (I love the idea of usin g drones on the caves, BTW), and Asgard (have thought of it so far as it appears in Metroanime's fanfics, with some Shadowrun on it. Maybe mix AMG, Shadowrun, and Marvel Comics? )

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Cookie if you find the reference to a little-known TV show hidden on the Smallville write-up (clue: it's what someone says).

Need more ideas for SHODAN (I love the idea of usin g drones on the caves, BTW), and Asgard (have thought of it so far as it appears in Metroanime's fanfics, with some Shadowrun on it. Maybe mix AMG, Shadowrun, and Marvel Comics? )


Apart from the....uh....

....t-t-two-dimensional, unoriginal...

*ahem*.....attempt at humor, she's attempting to make something of a name as an internet commedienne, IIRC....*mouths* Mierda. Reventado.

Well, that and assistance keeping the pickets of a certain area in MA stable.

*:D, ;)*

*stare, gritted teeth* :mad: *icily* Ixnay on the ip-lay-eading-ray, all right? Early work, didn't go too well.....

....or so he keeps assuming.

*stares silently*

Good ideas.

As well... I didn't had much ideas concerning the WH40K verse.

What I was thinking so far was:

1) The Imperium of Man (those worlds that are out there that are fully Imperium-run) and the armies on them (as well as the Eldar and Tau and others), as well as the forces of Chaos, are in a war against the Neo-Imperium of Man (that would be from the series 'Shinji and Warhammer 40K'-or at least a possible future of it, with Shinji as the God-Emperor), and the Neo-Forces of Chaos (from the fanfics 'Thousand Shinji' and 'The Open Door' ) in a state of detente and even Enemy Mine (for the 'old' 40K-ers prefer the old Emperor and just would rather drop dead to have Shinji Ikari run their show).

2) The Black Library and Games Workshop's headquarters disappeared during the 23 Hours and was found later on-teleported far away from England, all of the designs for games and employees gone. Cue later on the United Nations being contacted by the Squats-who then sell them all of the tech designs at a pretty hefty cost and gleefully announce that the Adeptus Mechanicus factories located on Mars were taken over by THEM, and they would be glad to rent them to any governments that might be interested...

cue mass-produced and less Goth-looking WH40K tech by brands like General Motors, Cadillac Gage and others.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post

*appears* to have left 'hard sf' untouched. At least, the LoI is bubbling over with theories after one of their Vanished scouts[nombre borrado] recovered two copies, in mint condition, of the following: 1.


The significance of these, if any, is yet to be determined, but the resemblance to the doings of the 'Eschaton' entity in the books is.....odd.

Consider that a supposedly-secret recent attempt by the AOH to 'remove' CLULESS influence from the Earth obviously failed, being so blatant as they are...conveyor semi-wrecked, occupants barely sane. Weirdest thing was the message in the conveyor memory ' Further disruptive casusality violation within a half-century exclusion zone is henceforth prohibited. Breaches will have consequences.'
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Sorry about neglecting this thread again. My grandmother was admitted into the hospital...again...with pneumonia...again.

But this is one d20 Modern fangirl that won't let life hating me get me down!

...For now. What I need is a little favor, if it's possible, Marco. Do you still happen to have links to the d20 Modern Pokemon and Star Wars PDFs that were on the Wizards forums version of the thread, or have the been lost to time? I never managed to find them again after I lost them to the lightning bolt that french fried my last compy back in '07 (or was it '08? I'm pretty sure it was '07...).

Anyway, if you can find those, I have a new idea. If not, I can work on a different idea.


First Post
Not the same as the one I remember from the old forums, and not too keen on the 4E-esque pieces, but thank you anyway. ^^

On an unrelated note, have we done anything with Antarctica yet? If not, I could work on that next.


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Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth again, but I had a bad stomach virus over the past week that limited my time around here. Note this post is a work in progress until otherwise noted. Also, after this one, want me to elaborate on Houston, Texas? Looking at what I had printed out on Coreline way back when, it was left blank (as far as I know), so I could tie it in with what I did with Galveston if you wish.

Antarctica: Frost and Ferns
By all definitions of conventional scientific knowledge, Coreline's Antarctica is an anachronism. The outer rim is an unforgiving wasteland of stone and ice, leading up to mountains that by all logic should not be present in the perfectly level "plateau ring" they are in. Stranger still, once one hikes past these frosted sentinels, the roughly 8,000,000 square kilometers past the "frost lands" are a steaming maze of jungles and swamps, seemingly unaffected (and, in turn, not affecting) by the bitter cold just outside the mountain walls. Of course, in a world where kaiju and superheroes exist alongside slapstick cartoon creatures and anime characters, is it really such a surprise that such a thing can exist?

Research Station Challenger II
The second of its kind (the first being one deployed into the areas of the Outback not completely threatened by either anthropomorphic animals or the Mad Max-verse Fictions, with third and fourth examples planned for Roraima and Alaska respectively), Challenger II is a highly advanced research pod designed to defend scientists against the most inhospitable areas of the post-CLULESS planet. While it more closely resembles the unholy union of a gigantic metal turtle shell and a hovercraft, this pod is outfitted with some of the epitome of current measuring equipment, with sampling drones and probe droids (both crafted from designs "borrowed" from Galveston's New Empire), radiation-resistant mecha, VTOLs of several makes and models, and a top-dollar RadGoo sensor making up only part of its arsenal of tools. The only downside is that the facility can only support a mere 50 on-site staff in its crowded quarters; on the other hand, however, the policy of the Challenger II's parent unit is "why waste lives when we have remote drones?"

Temple of the Great Tendrils
Buried deep in the strange world of Inner Antarctica, there lies a great ziggurat choked in vines and partially swallowed up by the mire of the swamplands. Its enigmatic architecture is littered with symbolism featuring tentacles and oozes, presumably to some eldritch abomination or elder god. One can only hope whatever this temple honors stays buried...

Pit of the Predators
This 18-mile long, 5-mile wide, 300-foot deep gash in the jungle is filled with tar pools, sand, bones of numerous creatures, more sand, crashed mecha...did I mention sand?....and prehistoric predators. Dilophosaur packs stalk the tar pools, using their agility to avoid entrapment as they chase prey to their death, while gigantic rauisuchians (sometimes erroneously referred to as "land-crocs" due to their appearance) stalk the dunes in search of weary travelers. All the while, menacing mock-pteranodons (see "Creatures and Characters") glare from their roosts in the rocky crags, waiting patiently for their turn to feast on the fortunes of the beasts of the Pit.

Creatures and Characters
Cavern Penguin
The pale, blind monstrosities known as cavern penguins ( Anthropornis lovecraftii) roam the crevasses of the mountains of the frost lands in frighteningly prevalent numbers. Their bulky 6-foot frames and razor-edged beaks allow them to throw their weight around quite easily; indeed, even some of the rare dinosaurs foolish enough to venture into the mountains must be wary of an angry flock of cavern penguins, as their ferocity propels them into being one of the apex predators of the icy peaks, edging out even the (now rare) saber-toothed cats of the region. Stats for cavern penguins can be found in Lethal Lexicon, Volume 2 by Octavirate Games as "Penguin, Dire".

Mock-pteranodons (Pseudopteranodon absurdis), also known as mock-pteros or "Chinasaurs" due to their resemblance to classic Chinese plastic toy pterosaurs of the pre-CLULESS world, resemble an oversized pteranodon that has been given a long, spade-tipped "demon tail", stretched-out neck, and sharp teeth (anachronistically, as "Pteranodon" means "winged and toothless"). These surprisingly common predators can be found in most of the various "lost worlds", from Inner Antarctica and Roraima to some of the alternate earth planets. They prefer carrion but are all too willing to mutilate weaker creatures that infiltrate their territory.

Mock-Pteranodon: CR 4; Huge Animal; HD 7d8+14; HP 45; Mas 15; Init +0; Spd 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor); Defense 14, touch 8, flat-footed 14 (-2 size, +6 natural); BAB +5; Grap +17; Atk +7 melee (2d6+4, bite); Full atk +7 melee (2d6+4, bite) and +2 melee (1d8+2, 2 claws); FS 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite); SQ Low-light vision, scent; AL none; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 18, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +6, Survival +3.
Feats: None.
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Huge); 15-21 HD (Gargantuan).
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