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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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These creatures have no stats yet, but I plan on working on their stats in the future. For now, though, they're just here for fluff purposes. Also, yes, I know, Mothra isn't present. I felt that one giant insect was enough for now, but she will be featured alongside Battra and King Caesar later.

Bagan: Lord of Monsters
Universe of Origin: Tohoverse (Super Godzilla)
Creature Distinction: Natural (Arcane) Mega-Reptile, daikaiju class
Threat Level: 10
One of the most frightening and deadly of all kaiju, the three-horned reptilian beast Bagan is a leviathan that even the bravest monster researcher wishes to allow to rest for eternity. Buried beneath the Himalayan mountains, Bagan is the demigod-like defender of China, as King Caesar is for Japan. While Bagan has not awakened and caused havoc, his sheer amount of abilities and immense size mean that no researcher doubts the validity of claiming that this titan is a 10 on the KDF Threat Level Scale. With rending claws, powerful horns, plasma breath, force field generation, and the creation or razor-sharp shards in its arsenal of powers, the KDF is worried that even Godzilla himself could face down Bagan alone.

Barugaron: Vampire Kaiju
Universe of Origin: Tohoverse (Super Godzilla)
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial (Far) Mega-Reptile, daikaiju class
Threat Level: 9
One of the strangest daikaiju known to the KDF, the space beast vaguely resembles a gigantic blue lizard, and is capable of sustaining itself on both blood and oil. It is unknown who or what is in control of Barugaron, but its one appearance on Earth so far (in Neo-Tokyo, no less) resulted in a curbstomp battle in which the reptilian space vampire was nearly killed by a tag-team of Godzilla, Anguirus, and King Caesar. After the battle, eyewitnessed reported a UFO retreating from the scene, possibly indicating an incursion of one of a kaiju-controlling alien species such as the Kilaaks, Nebulans, or Vortaak; this theory, however, is as of yet unproven.

Guardian of Kali-Noor
Universe of Origin: Hannah Barbara's Godzillla
Creature Distinction: Technological Golem
Threat Level: 8
Four-armed, rakshasa-faced humanoid statues of immense size, the Guardians of Kali-Noor are also referred to as the golden guardians due to the primary metal used in their forging. With prodigious strength and beams that slowly petrify a target, the Guardians would be terrifying in the hands of the wrong individual. As such, the gems controlling the four known examples of the Guardians are kept under lock and key by the government of India for use as a defense against daikaiju in the region.

Species Traits
Control Gem (Su): Each Guardian is controlled by a thick red gemstone, and take orders from anyone holding their stone (and no one else). The Guardian also innately knows the location of its stone and any other Guardian's stone within a 500-foot radius.

Golden Breath (Su): Once every 1d8 rounds, a Guardian can forcefully release a 50-foot cone of adhesive gold dust. A creature struck by the blast must make a Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 the Guardian's HD + the Guardian's Strength modifier) or be dealt 2d8 points of Dexterity damage. A creature whose Dexterity drops to 0 in such a manner becomes encased as a golden statue (as per the medusa's flesh to stone ability).

Guardian of Kali-Noor: CR 25; Colossal Construct; HD 34d10+80; HP 267; Mas -; Init -2; Spd 30 ft. (can't run); Defense 18, touch 0, flat-footed 18 (-8 size, -2 Dex, +18 natural); BAB +25; Grap +50; Atk +26 melee (2d10+9, slam); Full Atk +26 melee (2d10+9, 4 slams); FS 40 ft. by 40 ft.; Reach 40 ft.; SQ Control gem, damage resistance 20/fire, darkvision 60 ft., golden breath, low-light vision, spell resistance 30; AL Master; SV Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +11; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 28, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1.
Skills: None.
Feats: None.
Advancement: -
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Barugaron: Vampire Kaiju
Universe of Origin: Tohoverse (Super Godzilla)
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial (Far) Mega-Reptile, daikaiju class
Threat Level: 9
(Snip...) It is unknown who or what is in control of Barugaron, but its one appearance on Earth so far (in Neo-Tokyo, no less) resulted in a curbstomp battle in which the reptilian space vampire was nearly killed by a tag-team of Godzilla, Anguirus, and King Caesar. After the battle, eyewitnessed reported a UFO retreating from the scene, possibly indicating an incursion of one of a kaiju-controlling alien species such as the Kilaaks, Nebulans, or Vortaak.......

"IOW, methinks La Autoridad, w/their Carrier, may be useful for a recon op or six........:uhoh:

(In further regards to DCU Earth-50, it appears that during Horas de La Locura, CLULESS pulled a crossdimensional B&S on both Tao and the 'material resources' of the NOTB program......I should know, I heard them scream as their minds and bodies were rendered down to power......WTH....process....is keeping it glued together, y'know? 'It' being the spacetime fabric, obviously.)

(OOC: Since just about everybody apparently has to have some Mierda or other on their shouldetrs.......:heh::D)
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Welll, even a Western Animation Lighter and Softer adaptation with lots of Americanitis *can* get to have some pretty cool stuff on it.

Example: Zilla Junior. Cooler than his pops, bar none.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Barugaron: Vampire Kaiju
Universe of Origin: Tohoverse (Super Godzilla)
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial (Far) Mega-Reptile, daikaiju class
Threat Level: 9
(Snip...) It is unknown who or what is in control of Barugaron, but its one appearance on Earth so far (in Neo-Tokyo, no less) resulted in a curbstomp battle in which the reptilian space vampire was nearly killed by a tag-team of Godzilla, Anguirus, and King Caesar. After the battle, eyewitnessed reported a UFO retreating from the scene, possibly indicating an incursion of one of a kaiju-controlling alien species such as the Kilaaks, Nebulans, or Vortaak.......

"IOW, methinks La Autoridad, w/their Carrier, may be useful for a recon op or six........:uhoh:

(In further regards to DCU Earth-50, it appears that during Horas de La Locura, CLULESS pulled a crossdimensional B&S on both Tao and the 'material resources' of the NOTB program......I should know, I heard them scream as their minds and bodies were rendered down to power......WTH....process....is keeping it glued together, y'know? 'It' being the spacetime fabric, obviously. V. fun when even the grand Chessmaster doesn't get to outthink The Virus. :D:D:D)

(OOC: Since just about everybody apparently has to have some Mierda or other on their shouldetrs.......:heh::D)

"IOW, methinks La Autoridad, w/their Carrier, may be useful for a recon op or six........:uhoh:

(In further regards to DCU Earth-50, it appears that during Horas de La Locura, CLULESS pulled a crossdimensional B&S on both Tao and the 'material resources' of the NOTB program......I should know, I heard them scream as their minds and bodies were rendered down to power......WTH....process....is keeping it glued together, y'know? 'It' being the spacetime fabric, obviously. V. fun when even the grand Chessmaster doesn't get to outthink The Virus. :D:D:D)

(OOC: Since just about everybody apparently has to have some Mierda or other on their shouldetrs.......:heh::D)

'La Autori...'. Oh. I get it.

Oddly enough, Majestic-class Flying Bricks are not exactly the most dangerous things out there (although, well, they're dangerous. 'Last thing you see' dangerous).

And I really disliked T.A.O. Yeah, he would probably buy it somehow.

Sorry about the lack of activity. Just trying to put my head together on a lot of things IRL.

Although.... there *was* this idea I had for adding Mass Effect to the setting.

M.E.-verse planets are out there (but no Reapers... that we know of... yet). There *are* Geth, and the 'Heretics' are pretty damn violent.

The main connection between Coreline and the Mass Effect universes (or at least the one that is official and thus most policed) is Relay Prime-which is a Mass Effect relay that is on the outer edge of the Oort Clud and is the size of freaking Jupiter (or a Halo. Whichever is bigger).
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
'La Autori...'. Oh. I get it.

Oddly enough, Majestic-class Flying Bricks are not exactly the most dangerous things out there (although, well, they're dangerous. 'Last thing you see' dangerous).

And I really disliked T.A.O. Yeah, he would probably buy it somehow.

Sorry about the lack of activity. Just trying to put my head together on a lot of things IRL.

Although.... there *was* this idea I had for adding Mass Effect to the setting.

M.E.-verse planets are out there (but no Reapers... that we know of... yet). There *are* Geth, and the 'Heretics' are pretty damn violent.

The main connection between Coreline and the Mass Effect universes (or at least the one that is official and thus most policed) is Relay Prime-which is a Mass Effect relay that is on the outer edge of the Oort Clud and is the size of freaking Jupiter (or a Halo. Whichever is bigger).

Oh ho ho.....!!!

*strums BOC*.....:D

Violent, schmiolent........Frakkin' war be comin', 'migo.

As for the Oort Cloud.....rumour says some sort of server, designation 'Cloud Nine' seems to be being run in tandem.....as part gateway security on the thing, part SL-type environment for......power rings and...weirder, apparently. Certainly the Shiseijuu are to be found at times, if one cares to seek them......minus Zhuqiaomon, of course. Word is that a particularly ghastly doing of his reached the ears of the other three, for which he was stripped of office and confined to we know not where.(Horas de La Locura, again....*shrug*....Misanthropic bastardo.) Powers....have definitely been gathered for the shutting out of him and the like of him should they try an assault, so far as is currently known.
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Well... interesting, to say the least...

Right now accepting any ideas concerning the Digital Realm.

All I could think of at the current moment is that it is a mish-mash of insane proportions, with a good deal of it resembling the Grid (you know, 'Tron'... especially in the European sectors) and several locations being more like the Digimon Digital World (especially in North America, where we are then talking a desert where it overlaps with Arizona/Nevada, swamps in Louisiana and Florida, forest in the Catskills, etc).

Voidrunner's Codex

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