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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Well... interesting, to say the least...

Right now accepting any ideas concerning the Digital Realm.

All I could think of at the current moment is that it is a mish-mash of insane proportions, with a good deal of it resembling the Grid (you know, 'Tron'... especially in the European sectors) and several locations being more like the Digimon Digital World (especially in North America, where we are then talking a desert where it overlaps with Arizona/Nevada, swamps in Louisiana and Florida, forest in the Catskills, etc).

......and around where the Japanese archipelago would be is, of course, File Island and Server/folder Continent(s) ...although out near N.Z way ( Islas del Segundo Sol) it gets odd.....mostly due to the presence of a bizzare 'Porymon' hybrid.

Do not get me started on the uplinks into known space (including the SWG, apparently) that seem to be being used for all manner of transgalactic (and v. low-key transdimensional) deniable ops and similar havoc....

....Actually, the favored strategy currently in deployment seems to be sometimes countersabotage (in aid of the YV's, no doubt) and sometimes just making Darth Krayt's exsistance absolute hell.....for the S&G's of it, naturally.

Edit: Getting back to Solspace, use of scavenged Digital code on certain Programs or Sprites tends to produce mutations even more bizzare than the, well, norm. Of course, the idea of the Shiseijuu themselves being Gnostic entities and User-messengers of sorts is fuel for.......vigorous debate amongst theologians (Dumont, Phong) of at least two of the groups, while Digimon and Digidestined alike seem to be smart enough to stay out of that.....either that or they're really not telling. So far.
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Oddly enough, Majestic-class Flying Bricks are not exactly the most dangerous things out there (although, well, they're dangerous. 'Last thing you see' dangerous).

"...which means the most dangerous thing could very well be your neighbour, if not handled properly. At least no tonto's gotten mowed down en route to the corner shop....yet. Have they, Chronicler Salazar?"

Although.... there *was* this idea I had for adding Mass Effect to the setting.

M.E.-verse planets are out there (but no Reapers... that we know of... yet). There *are* Geth, and the 'Heretics' are pretty damn violent.

The main connection between Coreline and the Mass Effect universes (or at least the one that is official and thus most policed) is Relay Prime-which is a Mass Effect relay that is on the outer edge of the Oort Cloud and is the size of freaking Jupiter (or a Halo. Whichever is bigger).

"Well, coja. Which means the security on the other side would be augmented with our own forces, yes? On our side......talking of Halos, we probably have one of the things stationed there especially to screw mierda up.....Hidden Citadel relay, anyway....'Excuse us, we were just wondering what this was doing here {tagged schematic}.' Cue the redecoration."

Just obtained a pair of new books, the RPGs 'Cthulhutech' and 'Eclipse Phase'.

Eclipse Phase I'm still reading through for idea-mining, but Cthulhutech has given me a big one:

Updating the Massachussetts area: Most of it, except for Boston and Worcester, has become pretty much horror country. What is not influenced by Stephen King is influenced by the Cthulhu Mythos, past, present, and future. While some of the monsters might have been 'watered down' by the CLULESS Virus, it is still an incredibly stupid idea to tick off the large number of cultists running around, going to Innsmouth without a gun, and to stand anywhere in the radius of a Colour Out of Space and their soul-sucking effect.

Arkham has become a center of magic and MagiTech. Miskatonic University has become an arcology, standing like a monolith in the middle of the bohemian town, and surrounded on all sides by other arcologies and a town that remains timeless, old-fashioned and present-day and future combined in some mess that has always characterized itself by smelling of unholiness. Arkham has the main offices in North America of the Ashcroft Foundation-a private interest which specializes in MagiTech Research and Development... and which biggest move so far since it appeared in Coreline was to absorb into itself the ruins of the Armacham corporation.

Outside of Arkham... 'Salem's Row is one of the biggest vampire nests in the East Coast. Bangor is a quaint little town that feels unholy even to people who do not have special senses, and the people living there are either tougher than hell or have made a pact with something to be left alone. Boston remains 'normal', by strict policing by many Factions from the government to the Jedi Knights (Boston is where the Jedi placed their North American branch of the Temple).

Packs of animals infected with a strain of rabies that turns them extremely vicious and intelligent (collectively called 'The Cujos') roam the countryside, as well as demonically-possessed vehicles are a constant danger on the roads. Attempting to manipulate time (beyond 'bullet time' effects) within New England might get you eaten by the Langoliers.

This is for starters.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Just obtained a pair of new books, the RPGs 'Cthulhutech' and 'Eclipse Phase'.

Eclipse Phase I'm still reading through for idea-mining, but Cthulhutech has given me a big one:

Updating the Massachussetts area: Most of it, except for Boston and Worcester, has become pretty much horror country. What is not influenced by Stephen King is influenced by the Cthulhu Mythos, past, present, and future. While some of the monsters might have been 'watered down' by the CLULESS Virus, it is still an incredibly stupid idea to tick off the large number of cultists running around, going to Innsmouth without a gun, and to stand anywhere in the radius of a Colour Out of Space and their soul-sucking effect.

Arkham has become a center of magic and MagiTech. Miskatonic University has become an arcology, standing like a monolith in the middle of the bohemian town, and surrounded on all sides by other arcologies and a town that remains timeless, old-fashioned and present-day and future combined in some mess that has always characterized itself by smelling of unholiness. Arkham has the main offices in North America of the Ashcroft Foundation-a private interest which specializes in MagiTech Research and Development... and which biggest move so far since it appeared in Coreline was to absorb into itself the ruins of the Armacham corporation.

Outside of Arkham... 'Salem's Row is one of the biggest vampire nests in the East Coast. Bangor is a quaint little town that feels unholy even to people who do not have special senses, and the people living there are either tougher than hell or have made a pact with something to be left alone. Boston remains 'normal', by strict policing by many Factions from the government to the Jedi Knights (Boston is where the Jedi placed their North American branch of the Temple).

Packs of animals infected with a strain of rabies that turns them extremely vicious and intelligent (collectively called 'The Cujos') roam the countryside, as well as demonically-possessed vehicles are a constant danger on the roads. Attempting to manipulate time (beyond 'bullet time' effects) within New England might get you eaten by the Langoliers.

This is for starters.

"...Hmm. Well, more recently,there have been reports of 'automated' (as in, piloted by ' her upstairs') Sekotan starships 'buzzing' the area - they seem obviously to have an interest in the viral strain, judging by the amount of reported 'abductions' of canid fauna. Furthermore, for some odd reason (CLULESS-set bounds,most likely) crosstime dimensional gateways (unless done on some kind of hitherto unprecedented scale) go in the 'Bullet Time' box for these 'Langolier' entities."

Analysis Edit: ".....stupid idea, what? Anyone with sufficent backups has probably already taught the Colours that Homo sapiens (at least on thisworldline) is not a species to be f---ed with lightly, yes?"
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First Post
I think this thread needs a bump.

I'll troll throguh the old Wizards threads, import some Vanderhaven Arms stuff over here.

EDIT: New logo!

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