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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


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A little idea I had sneak into my brain recently.

And I entirely blame Paradox Interactive.


"The Paradox System"

A Solar system a little bit removed from the main space routes, although "little bit" is still fairly bloody far when you are measuring in AU or Lightyears.

None the less, the system provides a number of interesting aspects.

For one, the system seems to be a heck of a lot larger on the inside then it does when seen/scanned "outside" it.
Some suspect a certain professor who shares the system name to be the cause of this, but sofar not a single incarnation of him has confirmed this.

Aside from this, the Paradox System would appear to be a copy of Earth. Or rather, Earths, plural.
Visitors to the system will find not one, but literally dozens of copies of the proverbial green/blue marble scattered about the system usually in small groups around a shared sun.

One key aspect of these myriad earths, is that all of them seem to be at an accelerated time axis compared to the regular earth.
Limited testing sofar has revealed that the ratio seems to vary, but at times days literally pass by in seconds.
Planetside, anyway, the time dilation effect does not seem to expand beyond the atmosphere of the planets.

The name for the system most likely stems from the revealed detail that all of these earths seem to represent the various "Paradox Interactive" works.

One study group has confirmed that their test planets advanced through a "Crusader Kings" period, followed in turn by an Europa Universalis, Victoria and Hearts of Iron period before... restarting... at the Crusader Kings portion.

However, from time to time, certain anomalies were observed. A handful of research runs somehow encountered Sakura Taisen or Rise of Legends aspects in the Victorian section.
From a game vantage point, such anomalies are most likely the result of so called mods.

One question that could be asked: if these worlds are based on Paradox games... who, or what, are the players?
There have been reports of several factions being spotted in the space around the various planets, though not a single act of hostilities has been recorded ever since the system was discovered.

Perhaps this is due to some of the potential players? While this is largely speculation, there was a very large bird like being seen traveling between some of the worlds. Data mining seems to point at either "Tzeentch" itself, or at least a (very high ranking?) Greater Demon belonging to earlier listed Chaos Deity based on the general description.

Another suspected participant, or set of participants, would seem to hail from the so called "Disc World" if sources are to be believed.
One researcher, prior to being mauled by a legged chest with teeth, had apparently been chatting with a fellow called Rincewind about the Discworld gods and the supposed games they play.
Before the recorded conversation devolved into a rather nasty bit of agony, the death plagued wizard did seem to agree with the idea that the gods were no longer playing around with Discworld, as much.
In fact, one of the last things Rincewind spoke of before the conversation..ended... was a certain box he had seen last time the gods had pulled him god knows where they stay.

"Coreline: The Boardgame"

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Well, I'd imagine the Paradox System as being an entertainment hotspot for those beings, fictional or otherwise, that see themselves as conductors of the orchestra that is world domination.
WITHOUT the usual headache of "insert hero / hero group / rival name here" interfering.

Granted, there is the potential ethics side to the situation of literally having entire worlds filled with sentient beings (mostly human) being treated like game pieces.
For the Discworld gods, thats the natural order of things.

In effect, the system is one of the craziest LAN parties you could ever imagine :D

As for the "Coreline: The Boardgame" bit, it seemed fitting for the Discworld gods.

Have something else knocking around inside my head, but getting that thing balanced is going to be a headache.

We're literally talking a batch of critters here that, upon physical contact, turn both the human and themselves into charcoal/ash. (touch based, mutual desintegrate, effectively)

OK, sounds like a very good high-level threat, I think. Need to see some way to limit the power, though-like for example that thick enough armor or it being made of some element prevents the disintegration from affecting the victim.


First Post
Well, the threat in question would be the "Designated Abberant Disaster: Noise" (or just Noise) from Symphogear :p

IN OTHER WORDS: Symphogear and Symphogear G spoiler alert!
I'll try to keep em light, but can't provide a perfect cover-up, sorry.

In series, the Noise are a somewhat natural antimatter vs mankind. Spawning, since ancient times, as a reactive effect of mankind's desire to kill each other/themselves.

As shown here, however, they are quite stopable, if you bring the right equipment for the job:

Episode 1, Noise attack during the Zwei Wing concert. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv9WvSRPuTY

Example 2 is a couple of episodes (and 2 years) later: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjhQWoy33ZE

And example 3 to showcase that not just melee weapons work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBAjo3OhiDU

And yes, all 3 girls are SINGING during battle (usually their respective battle song)

I'll cover those girls a bit later, but first some of the common traits shared between the various Noise versions.

Creature Type: Outsider. Season 1 of symphogear mentions the Noise hailing from the "Treasury of Babylon", which at the end of season 2 is pretty much confirmed to be an entire subdimension.

Incorporeal: example 2 shows that regular weapons generally pass through noise unharmed. Similarly, Noise have been seen to phase through solid matter without causing damage to either themselves or the wall. Example 3 shows that Noise are quite capable of destroying the terrain or buildings easily however.
Noise seem to lose a good portion this incorporeal immunity when in close enough proximity to the energy from Relics or Symphogear (more on those later)

Flight, while most of the Noise variants seem to be ground types, a number of aerial forms are also shown.

Spawning: several of the larger Noise forms have been shown capable of summoning smaller Noise.

Fusing: The smaller Noise types have been seen to merge together at times to form either larger version of their general type, or a different form altogether.

Usual battle instincts: unless manipulated by outside force, Noise will pretty much seek out the nearest (human) life and try it's best to assure their mutual annihilation.

In it's own series, the Noise could be controlled by a certain Relic: Solomon's Cane.
This artifact from ancient times allows both the summoning of Noise, and to control their actions.
In effect: whomever wields Solomon's Cane is the lord and master of the Noise.

Fortunately for the world in Symphogear (and Coreline), that's not the only Relic around.
The Relics in Symphogear are all remnants of ancient civilizations, but who still managed to make advances on par or even surpassing "modern" science on certain points.

Depending on the quality of the relic, it can actually be used almost anyone or even hooked up into machines.
Generally: the more intact the relic, the easier it is to use once activated. The more Damaged the relic, the harder it gets to make the thing operational again.

Aside from being used in it's natural form, Relics can also be reconfigured via the so called Sakurai Theory, into the equipment sets known as Symphogear.
After being converted into Symphogear, the relic is often a crystal like pendant while dormant. When activated it dematerializes into energy before reforming as the Symphogear armour.

A short list of known relics and symphogears.

Gungnir, Symphogear form only, several users. (natural form presumably Odin's Gungnir from norse myth)

Ame no Habakiri, Symphogear only, Tsubasa Kazenari (natural form probably an asian sword)

Ichii-val/Ishibal (too many ways to spell this), Symphogear only, Yukine Chris (though presumably a bow in natural form)

Solomon's Cane: pretty much a cane in look. Various wielders across the series.

Nefushtan's Armour: seen activating in example 1 above, and actually worn as armour during season 1

The sword Durandal, used both as an energy source and like how you're supposed to use a sword.

Shen Shou Jin: a Talisman like Relic somewhat resembling a round fan. Capable of both perfect cloak (visual/radar/thermal) and erasing evil and/or barriers via an energy beam. Converted into a Symphogear after a while, which seemed to augment the energy beam aspect greatly.

The Nephilim: an unique relic even among the already unique nature of Relics, this thing is actually a living being when active (and eats other relics to increase it's own abilities further)

Shul Shagana, Symphogear only, natural form most likely some kind of saw considering how many saw like attacks the thing had.

Igalima, Symphogear only, natural form presumably a scythe.

The Frontier: a gravity manipulating relic pretty much the size of an entire island.

Activating/awakening a relic the first time usually requires a high enough level of "Phonic Gain", more or less "music/song power". Usually, a Symphogear version of the relic is owned by the person who actually managed to awaken the relic in the first place, though ownership changes of a Symphogear relic isn't unheard of. Especially in the case of a Symphogear, being in synch with the relic helps greatly to reduce the strain on the body when using it.

Manually boosting the compatibility with a relic is possible via the drug called Linker, but involves serious risks. It effectively augments the backlash/strain from using the Symphogear.
Kanade in Example 1 needs Linker to properly use the Gungnir at all, and when she invoked her Swan Song /Zesshou, she literally fell apart afterwards from the excess strain.

The Zesshou or Swan Song is generally the final act for Symphogear users, even without Linker, the aftermath tends to be lethal.
In effect, the Zesshou is pretty much a limiter removal, run at full power/beyond full power, with a hefty price afterwards.
The exact form/aspect of the Zesshou will vary from relic to relic.

Symphogear traits:
Phonic Gain: the output of a symphogear and it's user is often known as Phonic Gain, which if the level isn't high enough won't even allow the symphogear armour to materialize at all. Activating the Zeshou requires a rather high level of phonic gain, and at even higher levels, Symphogears have been known to change into a different/upgraded form altogether. This event, called X-Drive in season 2, only happened twice sofar.

Activation phrase: each Symphogear user has to sing a tranformation phrase to turn the pendant into their battle form, for examples "Kiritan Ichi-val Tron" for the Ichi-bal.

Transformation sequence: as mentioned before, the pendant (and regular clothes) shift into energy before reforming into the battle form. Of note is that the background in this event is filled with music terms such as Alegro. During season two, the energy sphere for the transformation also gets used as a defensive barrier.

Shared design looks: the helmet/headgear section of the armour is often reminiscent of a headset used for listening to music.The rest of the body, neck to toes, ends up covered with the armour, even apparently exposed/naked sections of skin seem to be protected strong enough to avoid the usual Noise hazards, presumably via barrier.

In addition to the armour section, most Symphogear versions also have an "Armed Gear" section. In the case of Kanade's Gungnir this could be seen as her gauntlets forming her spear, which is then used as a key component in most of her attacks. For Tsubasa it's a sword, drawn from a hip/leg scabard or holster, and for Chris her gauntlets shift into crossbows, gatlings, pistols and buster rifle.

Some key characters:

Genjuro Kazenari: commander of the 2nd disaster division. A secret group responding to Noise outbreaks. Skilled in martial arts, to the point where he can actually take on Noise or Symphogear users without a symphogear of his own.

Ryoko Sakurai: the genius scientist who came up with the brilliant "Sakurai Theory" (literally her own words) that allows the use of Relics in the form of Symphogear.

Kanade: 1st wielder of Gungnir, lost her parents to a Noise attack, mainly just wanted revenge no matter the cost. Quite literally almost killed herself with a Linker overdose to activate the thing originally. One member of the vocal group Zwei Wing, along with Tsubasa Kazenari.

Tsubasa Kazenari: The other member of Zwei Wing, and continued on as a singer after she lost Kanade. Refuses to accept the new Gungnir owner at first. Trained from a young age to be a capable warrior, considers herself a sword and not much else as a result.

Tachibana Hibiki: the new wielder of Gungnir. The traditional "in the wrong place at the wrong time" recruit, but now she's determined to help out anyway she can. Martial arts training from the commander definately helped.

Yukine Chris: a bit of a lone wolf. Claims to hate singing, which isn't that surprising since her gear packs enough firepower to rival a gundam or two. Has a gentle side none the less. Often called Hibiki an idiot.

Finé : the premiere villainess. A priestess from ancient times, reborn through the ages each time one of her descendants encounter the "Aufwachen" waveform generated by Relics. She had The tower of Babel constructed to be closer to her 1 true love: God. This would lead to the sundering of the tower of Babel, and mankind's united language and mutual understanding along with it. Now she's in a position to finally...correct.... the situation..


As I bought Pacific Rim and watched it twice this weekend.. I'm attempting to work on a means of allowing GMs to create their own kaiju. So far I have a set of basic abilities common to all kaiju, then set of base stats for each category, and tables for random attacks, abilities, etc or to choose from them.


This is just a basic set up, you can add or ignore parts of these tables if you want, but this should allow a GM to create quite a few random Kaiju to throw at various fictions.


Kaiju are a race of genetic engineered clones used as biological weapons. Kaijuare each quite different from each other, but have many similarities, due tosharing the same genetic template. Kaiju come in 5 different levels, which isdetermined upon size, displacement, toxicity and radiation levels released. Theblood of kaiju is acidic, making attacking them dangerous, and alsocontaminates the environment, making areas around a dead kaiju, withoutcleaning it up, uninhabitable for many years.

All kaiju, no matter the category, have these basic abilities common to themall:

Kaiju use the Aberration saves, attack bonuses, use d12 hit dice, 2 x Int score+3 per HD skill points, 1 + 1 per 6 HD feats.

Hive Mind - All kaiju share a hive mind, allowing them to communicatetelepathically over great distances, including dimensionally if an activeportal is within range. Kaiju can communicate over a range of 10 miles (16 km)plus 5 miles per category greater than 1.
If one kaiju is aware of a target, all within 200 feet plus 100 feet percategory over 1, are aware. Thus if one kaiju in a group is not flanked, noneare, and similar effects such as if one kaiju can see a concealed opponent, therest can.

Kaiju Blue - The blood of kaiju, known as kaiju blue, is acidic and quite toxicand ammonia based. When a kaiju is cut, or blood is exposed in any manner, theattacker, if within melee range, must make a Reflex save 15 +1 per categoryover 1, or suffer 2d6 +1d6 per category over 1 of acid damage. When a kaijudies, the blood contaminates the environment, leaving a highly irradiated areaequaling kaiju height x category x10 feet. Unless this is treated and cleanedup, the environment is heavily contaminated, making it uninhabitable for years.The contaminated area will grow by 100 feet per month if left untreated for 1d4+2 years per category.

Amphibious - As the dimensional breach that kaiju come through is under water,and they must also function on land, all kaiju are amphibious creatures. Theycan breathe under water and on land. They also have a swim speed of land speedx 1.5. Can automatically take 10 on Swim checks, even if distracted or incombat.

Unstoppable - Kaiju have incredible resistance to damage and pain, able tofunction even with horrendous wounds. Kaiju are immune to death by massivedamage, exhaustion type effects, suffer half penalties from any pain basedeffects. Able to keep functioning even while missing limbs and massive bloodloss and broken bones.
All kaiju have damage reduction based on their category, and a form of fasthealing, able to heal as long as there are not doing any strenuous activity,such as combat. When not doing strenuous activity, the kaiju can heal 2d6 hitpoints per hour, and when resting for 8 hours, heals double normal rates, hitdice x2 hit points.
Kaiju have a base Damage Reduction of 20 +5 per category, however many have thick armour plating that can enhance this greatly.

Armour Breaker - All kaiju natural weapons have the ability to bypass hardnessof armour. Kaiju have a base ignore 15 points of armour at category 1 andincreases by +3 per category above 2. This can be furtherenhanced.

Extraordinary Strength - Kaiju are incredibly strong. They can carry 50% morethan their Strength score, naturally have Power Attack feat. When making meleeattacks, Strength bonus to damage is doubled.

Enhanced Vision - Kaiju have enhanced vision, giving them +2 to Spot andSearch, Low-Light and Darkvision (100 feet per category) and can seeunderwater.

Large and Incharge - As kaiju are incredibly large creatures, their carrycapacity is incredibly high. Find normal carry capacity for Strength score andmultiply by 128.

Category 1
Category 1 kaiju are the smallest and weakest of the kaiju, even though theyare still several hundred feet tall. They are faster and more maneuverable thantheir larger brethren. These kaiju also have lower intelligence and few naturalweapons and abilities and use simple tactics. Kaiju of this category usuallyonly measure between 150 feet and 250 feet, although a few can be larger. Mostwill only have two major attacks, being a bite and a pair of claws, and onespecial attack or ability.
Category 1 kaiju have base abilities of minimum 27 hit dice, Str 30-31, Dex12-13, Con 22-23, Int 3-4, Wis 6-7, Cha 2-3, base speed of 100 feet, +6 naturalarmour, 2 primary attacks, 1 special ability or attack and 1enhancement.

Category 2
Category 2s are usually larger, stronger and have more abilities. Thesecreatures are usually 200 feet to 300 feet, and are usually the first line ofcreatures starting to adapt to tactics and weapons. These kaiju have baseabilities of minimum 36 hit dice, Str 36-37, Dex 10-11, Conn 26-27, Int 5-6,Wis 8-9, Cha 2-3, base speed 80 feet, +8 natural armour, 2 primary attacks, 1special ability or attack, 2 enhancements.

Category 3
These are even larger, stronger and smarter kaiju, and many have additionallimbs and multiple attacks and special abilities, standing between 250 and 400feet. Base abilities minimum 45 hit dice, Str 40-41, Dex 10-11, Int 5-6, Wis8-9, Cha 2-3, base speed 80 feet, +10 natural armour, 2 primary attacks, 1 secondary attack, 2 special abilities/attacks, 2 enhancements.

Category 4
These kaiju have higher intelligence, showing greater tactical knowledge, standingbetween 350 and 500 feet. This was the first category of kaiju to make use ofstrike and retreat tactics, improvised weapons, and more than one mode of movement. Base abilities minimum 53 hit dice, Str 50-51, Dex 8-9, Int 9-10, Wis 10-11, Cha 2-3, base speed 60 feet, +10 natural armour, 2 primary attacks, 1 secondary attack, 3 special abilities, 3 enhancements.

Category 5
These are the largest kaiju encountered so far, showing incredibleintelligence, tactics and a large amount of abilities. This category of kaiju was the first to show great tactical abilities in calling for help and co-ordinating attacks with multiple kaiju. Base abilities minimum 62 hit dice,Str 55-56, Dex 7-8, Int 10-11, Wis 12-13, Cha 4-5, base speed 60 feet, +12 natural armour, 2 primary attacks, 4 secondary attacks, 4 specialabilities/attacks, 3 enhancements. Instead of a 3rd or 4th secondary attack,can select special ability/attack or enhancement instead.

Roll 1d6 Natural Attacks Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Damage
1 Bite 4d6 4d8 4d10 4d12 5d12 Piercing/Crush
2 Claw 2d8 4d6 4d8 4d10 4d12 Slashing or Piercing
3 Slam 4d8 4d10 4d12 5d12 6d12 Bludgeoning
4 Tail (reach half height) 2d6 2d8 4d6 4d8 4d10 Bludgeoning
5 Gore 2d8 4d6 4d8 4d10 4d12 Piercing
6 Roll to gain special attack

Roll 1d20 Alternate/Special Attack Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 Damage
1 Breath Weapon* 16d8 18d8 20d8 22d8 24d8 Energy
2 Constrict 8d6 10d6 12d6 14d8 16d6 Bludgeon
3 Crush 8d8 10d8 12d8 14d8 16d8 Bludgeon
4 Poison

5 Swallow Whole 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 Bludgeon
6 Trample 4d10 5d10 6d10 7d10 8d10 Bludgeon
7 Bone/Spike Launcher 4d4 6d4 8d4 10d4 12d4 Piercing
8 Energy Cloud 8d6 10d6 12d6 14d6 16d6 Energy
9 Bone Blade 4d6 4d8 4d10 4d12 5d12 Slashing or Piercing
10 Bone Club 4d6 4d8 4d10 4d12 5d12 Bludgeon
11 EM Pulse 100 ft 200 ft 300 ft 400 ft 500 ft Special
12 Pincer 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 Bludgeon and Slashing
13 Piercing Tongue 4d4 5d4 6d4 7d4 8d4 Piercing
14 Rend 4d6 4d8 4d10 4d12 5d12 Slashing
15 Web - - - - - Special
16 Roar - - - - - Special
17 Grease - - - - - Special
18 Trip - - - - - Special
19 Pounce - - - - - Special
20 Stomp - - - - - Special
Breath Weapon -Breath Weapon can be one of the following energy types: 1 fire, 2 acid, 3electricity, 4 cold, 5 sonic, 6 poison gas (same as the poisonattack).
Breath weapons have a range of 100 feet plus 50 feet per category over 1. Lineshave full length, 10 feet wide per category, Reflex 15 +1 per category above 1.Cones have half length and quarter width, Reflex 18 +2 per category + 1/2 Conmodifier. The kaiju can only use its breath weapon once every 1d4rounds.

Constrict - The Kaiju has a body, or tail, that is long, snake-like andpowerful, able to wrap around a target and crush it.

Crush - Similar to constricting, only instead of using it's body or tail, thekaiju's arms are thick and powerful, with muscles designed to pull the armstight, crushing anything held within a grapple, or by dropping its large bodyupon a target.

Poison - The kaiju has a poison attack, either delivered through a bit, claws,a stinger (bone blade on a tail), or even through the energy cloud or breathweapon. This poison is delivered through injury or inhalation, dealing 2d6 Coninitial damage and 2d6 Con damage secondary, Fort DC 15 + 1 per category + 1/2Con modifier.

Swallow Whole - The Kaiju has a large mouth, and upon making a bite attack, andsucceeding a grapple check, can attempt to swallow a target up to half itssize, whole.

Trample - The kaiju has powerful legs that allow it to crush opponents as itcharges.

Bone/Spike Launcher - The kaiju is able to launch small or large bone spikes ata target.

Energy Cloud - The energy cloud is similar to the breath weapon, but instead isreleased from pores, special sphincters or tubes. The energy cloud has the sameenergy types as the breath weapon and Reflex DC 20 +2 per category + 1/2 Conmodifier, with a range of 50 feet per category. The energy cloud can be usedonce every 1d6 rounds.

Bone Blade - The bone blade can have several forms, and can come in anylocation, from head mounted to limbs or tail, with a critical threat range19-20.

Bone Club - A large formation of bone at the end of a limb, designed forcrushing opponents. The bone club has a critical modifier of x3.

Roll 1d6 Location
1 Head
2 Arms
3 Legs
4 Hands
5 Feet
6 Tail/Appendage
Roll 1d8 Shape
1 Two sided blade
2 Spike
3 Curved Axe
4 Scyth
5 Hook
6 Pick
7 One sided blade
8 Combination of two, roll again

EM Pulse - The kaiju is able to generate an electromagnetic pulse, disablingelectronic components. This ability was first seen on category 4 Leatherback.Devices need to make a Will DC 10 + 1/2 Con modifier or be disabled. This EMPulse works even against Tempest hardened equipment, but they gain a +4 bonusto save.

Pincer - Instead of a hand, the Kaiju has pincers, allow it to grab, crush andcut things. However this reduces it's ability to manipulate things, but doesaid in grapples, granting a +8 to grapple checks.

Piercing Tongue - The tongue of the kaiju is pointed and strong, able to punchthrough armour. Many kaiju with this ability will either strike with the tonguejust outside of arm reach, weakening armour for a more powerful attack, orusing the tongue to punch through armour while biting. Piercing tongues have acritical of 18-20/x3. Piercing tongues are especially effective when usedagainst conn-pods of jagers, or other control areas, as the attack has a 25%chance of striking anyone inside, dealing half damage to the occupants. Rollpercentage for each person inside.

Rend - When the kaiju strikes with two claw attacks, it deals extra damage asit shreds armour.

Web - The kaiju is able to create a substance similar to spider silk, creatingwebs for trapping or entangling targets. It can create a web up to 8 times aday. Casting a web is a melee touch attack with a range increment of 50 feetper category, and able to affect a target up to 50 feet larger than the kaiju.The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled targetcan escape with a successful Escape Artist check, or burst it with a StrengthCheck. The kaiju can move across its own web without penalties. Creatures thatare two or more size categories smaller than the kaiju gain a +1 per sizecategory smaller to Escape Artist checks as the webs are designed for holdingJagers or encasing buildings, trapping people inside.

Category Escape DC Break DC Hit Points
1 22 26 30
2 26 30 35
3 30 34 40
4 36 40 45
5 40 44 50

Roar - The kaiju can emit a loud roar, intended to intimidate and frightentargets, but can also knock creatures in close proximity over. Targets within500 feet per category must make a Will save DC 15 +2 per category or bepanicked for 5 +1 round per category. If the target is within 50 feet percategory, the target must make a Reflex save DC 14 +1 per category or beknocked prone.

Grease - The kaiju is able to secrete an oily substance that is flammable,making an area slippery and if ignited, creates a fire hazard, damaginganything caught in it. The kaiju can shoot the grease up to 50 feet percategory away as a ranged melee touch attack, and covers an area with a 20 footradius per category. Reflex DC 16 +1 per category or falls prone. The kaijuthat secretes the grease is immune to this. The grease lasts for 5 rounds + Conmodifier, and if ignited, deals 3d6 points of fire damage.

Trip - When the kaiju makes an attack with a selected attack form, can attemptto trip the opponent as a free action. If the trip fails, the opponent cannotreact to trip the kaiju.

Pounce - When the kaiju charges, it can make a full attack even though it hasmoved.

Stomp - By stomping a foot, or two, the kaiju precipitates a shockwave thattravels along the ground, toppling creatures and loose objects within 50 feetper category burst. Targets that fail a Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 kaiju HD +Strength modifier, at knocked prone and suffer 3d6 bludgeoning damage.

Roll 1d20 Special Ability Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5
1 Spikes 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d12 3d10
2 Improved Grab - - - - -
3 Fast Heal 10 HP/rd 15 HP/rd 20 HP/rd 25 HP/rd 30 HP/rd
4 Extra Limbs - - - - -
5 Two Heads - - - - -
6 Multiple Legs - - - - -
7 Wings - - - - -
8 Burrow - - - - -
9 Shell - - - - -
10 Heavy Plating - - - - -
11 Dense Bones - - - - -
12 Secondary Lifeforce - - - - -
13 Ferocity - - - - -
14 Extra Eyes - - - - -
15 Energy Enhanced Melee - - - - -
16 Energy Resistance - - - - -
17 Immunities - - - - -
18 Rage - - - - -
19 Energy Healing - - - - -
20 Wounding - - - - -
Spikes - Sharpspikes stick out from the skin of the kaiju, damaging anything that strikes itin melee. 1) Normal, 2) Toxic spikes
Toxic spikes can deliver the same poison as the poison attack, or poison thatdeals 2d6 Strength initial and 2d6 Dexterity secondary, injury delivery with aFort DC 15 +1 per category + 1/2 Con modifier.

Improved Grab - The kaiju has the improved grab ability. The kaiju must hit anopponent at least one-third smaller than itself with a bite or any attack usinga limb with a claw or hand, or tentacle. If it succeeds in a grapple checks, itautomatically deals damage with the attack, especially with constrict or crushattacks.

Fast Heal - The kaiju has even greater healing abilities, healing wounds inseconds.

Extra Limbs - The kaiju has extra limbs: 1) arms, 2) tendrils/tentacles, 3)tail (can be taken more than once), 4) extra limb equipped with bone blade orclub.

Two Heads - The kaiju has a second head, allowing it to have two standardactions in a turn.

Multiple Legs - The kaiju has more than two legs: 1) 4 legs +20 ft to speed, +4stability, carry capacity increased by x2; 2) 6 legs, +30 ft to speed, +6stability, carry capacity x4; 3) 8 legs, +30 ft to speed, +8 stability, carrycapacity x8; 4) multiple legs like acentipede, 20 ft to speed, +10 stability, carry capacity x16.

Wings - The kaiju has wings. 1) fully functional wings, granting a fly speed ofhalf ground speed, poor maneuverability; 2) non-function. These wings are toosmall for flight, but can be used in combat for hitting, creating strong wingsto throw debris or dust clouds, or can add in swimming, granting +20 feet toswim speed.

Burrow - The kaiju is able to dig through the ground, including concrete andsolid rock. Burrow speed is equal to half ground speed.

Shell - The kaiju has a thick plated shell, providing extra protection, andalso can pull its limbs into the shell, like a turtle. Adds +10 Natural armour,critical strikes have a 25% chance of being negated to regular attacks,increase damage reduction by 10, reduce Dex by -4 and speed by -20 feet. Whenthe kaiju retreats into its shell, critical hits have a 50% chance of beingnegated, however the kaiju is immobile.

Heavy Plating - The kaiju has heavy plating of bone, thick skin or scalesprotecting it, providing +8 to Natural armour.

Dense Bones - The kaiju's bones are incredibly dense, making them difficult tobreak and adds more power behind melee strikes. Critical strikes have 50% ofbeing negated and adds 2 die to melee strikes with limbs.

Secondary Lifeforce - The kaiju is able to give birth to a smaller kaiju. 12hours after death, the kaiju gives birth to a smaller kaiju just like it, atone quarter the size and stats. It will double in size every month, with enoughfood, until it reaches the size and stats of its parent.

Ferocity - The kaiju is able to keep fighting even when dying. When the kaijureaches 0 hit points, it is able to keep fighting well past normal limits,without penalties based on its category: 1) -30 HP, 2) -60 HP, 3) -100 HP, 4)130 HP, 5) -180 HP.

Extra Eyes - Most kaiju have between 2 and 4 eyes, but this one has more. Extraeyes grants +4 to Spot, +4 to Search, has 270 degree vision, making sneaking upon it incredibly difficult, can't be flanked.

Energy Enhanced Melee - If the kaiju has a breath weapon, or any other energybased attacks, its melee attacks can also add +3d6 points of damage in thattype of energy, except sonic.

Energy Resistance - The kaiju has increased resistance to an energy type,gaining Resistance +20: 1 fire, 2 acid, 3 electricity, 4 cold, 5 sonic, 6 rollfor a second resistance or increase one resistance.

Immunities - The kaiju is immune to 1) poison, venoms, radiation and disease;2) piercing; 3) slashing; 4) bludgeoning.

Rage - When damaged, the kaiju can fly into a fit of rage, gaining +10Strength, +10 Constitution, -10 Will, -5 Defense, lasting for 3 + Con modifierrounds, after which the kaiju is exhausted. This supersedes the kaiju's normalimmunity to exhaustion. While under the effects of a rage, the kaiju will notretreat, no matter how much damage it takes. It will keep fighting until it orits targets are dead. The kaiju is able to rage 1 + 1/2 Con modifier times perday.

Energy Healing - The kaiju is able to heal when exposed to certain types ofenergy. When exposed to selected type of energy, the kaiju heals the amount ofdamage dealt, but not able to gain more hit points than its maximum: 1) fire;2) cold; 3) electricity; 4) acid.

Wounding - If the kaiju successfully deals damage with a slashing or piercingattack, such as from claws, spikes, bone blades or bite, the wounds continue tobleed, dealing 5 points of damage ever round until treated. This damage iscumulative for each attack. This ability only works on livingcreatures.

Roll 1d20 Enhancement
1 Speed
2 Strength
3 Dexterity
4 Intelligence
5 Wisdom
6 Penetrating
7 Extended Reach
8 Increased Range
9 Triple Jaw
10 Armour
11 Dense Skin
12 Vision
13 Increase use per day
14 Enhanced Healing
15 Increased Resistance
16 Resistance to Immunity
17 Defender
18 Stealth
19 Keen
20 Enhanced Critical

Speed - The speed of the kaiju (if it has multiple modes of movement, pick one)is increased by 20 feet. If flight is one of the modes enhanced,maneuverability is increased to average.

Strength - Strength gains a +6 increase.

Dexterity - Boosted dexterity by +6.

Intelligence - +4 Intelligence.

Wisdom - +4 Wisdom.

Penetrating - Select one of the kaiju's attacks, it is able to ignore a further10 points of hardness.

Extended Reach - Select one of the kaiju's melee attacks, the reach of thekaiju is extended by 50 feet.

Increased Range - Any ranged attacks have the range increased by 50feet.

Triple Jaw - The jaw of the kaiju is split in three, adding +2 die to damage,and +4 to grapple checks made with bite attacks.

Armour - The kaiju has thicker armour, +3 Natural armour.

Dense Skin - The kaiju's damage reduction is increased by 10.

Vision - The kaiju has enhanced vision, darkvision range increased by 50 feet,+4 to Search and Spot checks.

Increased Use Per Day - Any ability or attack that has limited uses per daygains an additional 3 uses per day.

Enhanced Healing - Any healing abilities (fast healing, energy healing) areincreased by 50% rounding down.

Increased Resistance - One resistance the kaiju has is increased by 50%rounding down.

Resistance to Immunity - One resistance the kaiju has is changed to immunity.

Defender - This enhancement is more of a combat stance of the kaiju. Whenfighting defensively, the kaiju not only gains the normal +2 dodge bonus and -4to attack, but gains an additional 3 attacks of opportunity, and may performthem against opponents within reach performing an attack (including charges,bull rushes, grapples and trips), standing up from prone, sitting or kneeling,unlike normal as these attacks do not normally provoke an attack of opportunity.
The kaiju can instead use Aid Other when within 50 feet of another kaiju. Theother kaiju gains +4 to Defense instead of the normal +2, and the aiding kaijucan choose to make a Reflex 10 + 1/2 the attacker's attack roll, it can take theattack itself.

Stealth - This enhancement lowers the kaiju's body temperature, the skin isimpregnated with minerals that distorts and reduces radar and other sensors,and can alter colour to match its environment, especially water, rock andsimilar type environments. The kaiju gains a +10 to hide against technologymethods of detecting it, and when motionless, or completely submerged in water,gains a +5 to hide visually.

Keen - Select one slashing or piercing attack, these attacks have theircritical threat changed increased by 1.

Enhanced Critical - Select one attack, the critical modifier is increased fromx2 to x3, or from x3 to x4.
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Take. My. Money.

D20 PacRim Kaiju stats (ok, a "make your own Kaiju" system-which is even BETTER!)! Squee!

And the Symphogear stuff.... effing awesome. Didn't responded to that because of RL and also needed to check it out.
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Take. My. Money.

D20 PacRim Kaiju stats (ok, a "make your own Kaiju" system-which is even BETTER!)! Squee!

And the Symphogear stuff.... effing awesome. Didn't responded to that because of RL and also needed to check it out.

I wanted to add more, but coming up with some ideas was a little tough, and having enough for dice rolling without having to result to percentages was a pain. I probably could do it, just would have needed more time. But this is a good base, and GM can add more if they want.
It's got all the basics for creating probably a few hundred random Kaiju as is right now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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