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Crazy Bad NPC thread.


I thought it would be fun to post some NPC's and villains from your pathfinder games here. I tried to get something like this started on the Paizo boards but they are proving to be stick in the mud.

Anyway.... Ill get started.

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Hoagrack (A.K.A Hoggly )
CE Orc Blooded Dwarf Level 5 Fighter 2, Barbarian 2, Ranger 1
Str 18(+4)
Dex 14(+2)
Con 20(+5)
Int 13(+1)
Wis 14(+2)
Cha 5(-3)

Movement: 30ft
HP 67
AC 18 (+2 dex, + 6 Armor)
CMD 21 (+5 bab, +2 dex, +4 strength,)
BAB +5
CMB +9 (+5 bab, +4 Strength)
Fort +11 (+6 base, +5 Con)
Reflex +4 (+2 base, +2 Dex)
Will +2 (+0 base, +2 Wis)

Great Axe +10 to hit 1d12+6 damage x3 crit

Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Improved Inish

Special Abilitys: Darkvision 60' Slow and Steady, Defencive Training (+4 ac Vs giants), Hardy (+2 vs poison, Spells and spellike abilitys) Stability (+4 CMD against Trips and bullrushes), Orc Blooded, Orc Ferocity, Intimidating Weapon Familiarity Great Axe, Falchion, "orc" weapons are martial
Class Abilitys: Fast Movement, Rage, No Escape, Uncanny Dodge, Bravery +1, Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy Humans
Skills Acrobatics (Dex) +7, Climb (Str) +9, Heal (Wis) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) +6, Knowledge (engineering) (Int) +5, Knowledge (geography) (Int) +5, Knowledge (nature) (Int) +5, Perception (Wis) +8, Profession (Wis) +6, Ride (Dex) +7, Stealth (Dex) +7, Survival (Wis) +8, and Swim (Str) +8.

Gear: Spiked Mastercraft Chainmail, Mastercraft Great Axe, 10 Cheap Cigars, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, 2 Potions of bulls strength, 4 tangle foot bags, 4 Alchemical sleep poisons. 4 throwing axes. Silver Falchion, 300 Gold, Half troll heavy war horse.

Background: Hograth is half dwarf and half orc. the product of a one in a million (forced) Union between an orc soldier and a dwarven maiden. Hograth was an ugly child reviled and abused as a youngster in the Skull drinker orc tribe, That is until one day he beat the chiefs sons head in with a rock and defecated on his shattered face. From than on he earned a modicum of respect. Still, Hograth had no love for the orcs that mistreated him. shortly after Hograth took to the road to find his fortune and became a mercenary for hire there he made a name for himself in both unsaforyness and ferocity.

One day a cocky mercinary mouthed off and called Hograth by the name of Hogly due to his unsavory practices. Initially Hograth took offense to this and chopped the mercinary into bits. Eventually though, the name stuck and Hograth began kind of liking it.

Image: Combining the worst traits of Orc and Dwarf, Hograth is All hair and unsavory habits Hogarth is a vilely disgusting in both appearance, Hygene and personality. Hograths frame is stalky and impossibly thick. Imagine an huge orc squished down into the relativity shape of a dwarf. his face is all rough warty and tusks. with scraggly patches of hair where his beard should be sickly dark yellow eyes and and breath and BO so awful that it is said an Otyough once took pause before trying to bite him.

Hograth speaks with a gruff orkish accent. because of his tusks he slurs his speech from time to time and suffers from occasional bouts of drooling. He loves cheep cigars and will often smoke them in the middle of a battle. (and has been known to blow smoke in opponents faces as part of a dirty trick maneuver.)

Though he is comical inept at it Hograth enjoys to taunt, saying incredibly inappropriate things That just come off as more vile than taunting.
Hograth also from time to time refers to himself in the third person calling himself "The hog" Or "The Boss" And on occasion "The Boss Hog"

Tactics: Rage and power attack allot, try not to get flanked. If he knows your coming he drinks down his potion of bull strength.


First Post
I've started creating an NPC a day swapping between Pathfinder and D&D 3.5. I've been doing it for nearly 2 months now so there are over 50 NPC's they are all fully statted and have a bit of a back story you can see them at...
NPC a Day
I'm tweeting the new NPC every day if anyone wants to follow they can [MENTION=7124]NPC[/MENTION]aDay


First Post
I've started creating an NPC a day swapping between Pathfinder and D&D 3.5. I've been doing it for nearly 2 months now so there are over 50 NPC's they are all fully statted and have a bit of a back story you can see them at...
NPC a Day
I'm tweeting the new NPC every day if anyone wants to follow they can @NPC aDay

GENIUS! I will be following you avidly.

Dog Moon

I've started creating an NPC a day swapping between Pathfinder and D&D 3.5. I've been doing it for nearly 2 months now so there are over 50 NPC's they are all fully statted and have a bit of a back story you can see them at...
NPC a Day
I'm tweeting the new NPC every day if anyone wants to follow they can [MENTION=7124]NPC[/MENTION]aDay

Wow, I'm impressed. I've tried before to do like 1/week, but I keep losing track of time and kept falling behind. I could NEVER do 1/day.

For Nookie, do you want stats primarily or stats + extra stuff? I'm currently DMing and have been saving my NPCs so I have them handy and so I can use them at a later point. Most are just stats, but some have some background that I have in my head and could add in if that's what you wanted.


I don't personaly want anything besides peoples interesting npc and creativity on display.

Nookie :D

Edit: So basicaly anything haveing to do with interesting NPC and or maybe unique monsters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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