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Creative Exercise--Aleasana


I began reading the first page and then realized there were 8 pages!! Wow! Even the races are different in this world. Has there been any efforts to compile all this creativity into a more readable format? I'm thinking that a web page with all the info sorted into categories (racial info, organizations, cities, nations, history, geography, magic, religion, etc.) is in order at this point. Perhaps even a wiki style site would be cool, especially if the first page always listed new / changed content. Are there any pictures or maps for this world yet?

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A suffusion of yellow
Arkhandus said:


Aleasana: A very mountainous region that contains the majority of known civilization. Mostly steep, rugged mountain ranges with various small valleys and a few larger vales, abundant with bronze deposits but scarce in iron deposits. Inhabited primarily by Aleasani. Shay and Dvergar can also be found in Aleasana to a lesser extent, ostensibly natives compared to the Aleasani they displaced. Overall temperate in clime, though harsh in winter, Aleasana is flanked by an eastern ocean (the Olden Sea) and a western ocean. The eastern edge is broken into fjords and highlands alongside the sea. Along the western edge of Aleasana lies forests, descending into marshes and then innumerable little islands (collectively the Faegrim), inhabited by Fae and Isslen. North of Aleasana lies a frozen tundra, inhabited by barbaric human Northerners, while southward the land flattens out to an arid grassland, home to nomadic Bodai, becoming desert even further south (the Sun's Anvil desert), where Juni nomads hail from. To the southeast lies a large island archipelago (the Olden Archipelago), home to some Aleasani, Gnolls, and Kenku, as well as the cursed Asani degenerates. Far southwest lies the land of Ur-Sai, inhabited by Urukhs, who are scarce in Aleasana proper. Aleasana is sometimes used to refer to the world at large, however.

The Anvil: A gargantuan rock out in the center of the Sun's Anvil desert, 1200 feet high and 6 miles wide. The Anvil is pitch black, yet glows with a red aura at sunset. It is surrounded for 12 miles out by a windswept peneplain of fused glass. Broken rings of tall spires dot the area around The Anvil.

The Blade of Yadasai: A long, rocky peninsula on the western edge of the Sun's Anvil desert, which extends westward beyond mortal sight, eventually forming a landbridge to the Ur-Sai Empire. On clear days, the Urukh fortress known as The Hilt can be seen on a distant part of the Blade of Yadasai. Previously, the Urukhs of the Black Fist Brotherhood required members to walk the length of the Blade to reach the Sun's Anvil desert, and then cross that and the highlands to reach Aleasana, but this has fallen out of practice.

Dai River: A long and mighty river from which the Bodai take their name. The Dai River, and its various sources, are sacred to Bodai. It flows out of the mountains of southern Aleasana and down through the grasslands, into the Sun's Anvil desert, and eastward where it empties into the Olden Sea. Bodai clans travel in circuits that bring them to the Dai River every 5 to 10 years, and only along the Dai River are Bodai allowed to undergo the ritual of Kandalana, the rites of rebirth in which they are recognized as adults.

Dajani Lake: The major source of the Dai River, though not the only source. Located in the Jar Highlands. Dajani Lake is surrounded by mountains, and glaciers that feed the lake. As with all Dai River sources, it is sacred to Bodai, who have a guarded settlement here and a fortress at the middle of the lake, Jan'Dahan.

Elitha's Spire: Tallest mountain in Aleasana, a gathering place for dragons, and surrounded by the city of Val-Alen. The mountain is named after an ancient monarch, Elitha. Wrapped around Elitha's Spire is a great and vast tree sacred to Shay, called the Inarellion Calshaen-Ahb. Inside the mountain is a cave with the spring Sellessenril, one of many sources for the Dai River.

Faegrim: A combination of forest, marshland, and islands along the western edge of Aleasana, inhabited by Fae and generally mysterious. The mountains descend into forest first, then marshes, and eventually break up into many small islands further out from Aleasana. The southernmost marshlands are inhabited by Isslen, lizardfolk who prey upon the Fae and others nearby.

Guardian of the North: A mountain far in the northeast of Aleasana, with a hole crudely cut through its peak, through which the northern wind makes an eerie wail. It is said to be a relic of the War of Deadly Voices, somehow.

Inarellion Calshaen-Ahb: Massive tree entwined about the mountain Elitha's Spire, with a large leafy crown atop the mountain peak. Highly sacred to Shay. Its name means Great Tree of Sacred Ancestors. The roots are marked with the names of Shay ancestors who climbed it before death, and Shay pilgrims walk upon the great roots when visiting.

Jar Highlands: A distinct rocky area of rough hills and small mountains in southern Aleasana. Located in the Jar Highlands is Dajani Lake, a major source for the Dai River and one of the Bodai's sacred sites.

Mount Tarym: A mountain northwest of Dajani Lake and the Jar Highlands. Mount Tarym is the location of sacred Bodai hot springs, called Okajda Tarym Cal.

Okajda Tarym Cal: A small group of hot springs, named by the Bodai, as Okajda Tarym Cal is one of the lesser sources of the Dai River. As such, the hot springs are a sacred site for Bodai. The springs lie across a wide ridge on Mount Tarym's southern face, feeding the Bolshe Rapids, which flow into the Dai River at a point somewhere southwest of Dajani Lake.

Olden Archipelago: A large, semi-tropical island chain southeast of Aleasana, partially bordering the southeastern corner of the mountains, as well as the grasslands and the Sun's Anvil desert. It is divided into the westmost Principality of Maralan; the central series of atolls and reefs known as Karkora; and the eastmost Old Asani volcanic islands, where the humans first landed during their journey to Aleasana.

Olden Sea: A vast ocean east of Aleasana, across which the Aleasani humans once migrated before conquering the land they would name Aleasana. In the southern parts of the Olden Sea, near Aleasana's southeast edge, lies the long east-west chain of islands known as the Olden Archipelago.

The Pool of Mothers: A small green lake nestled high on the mountain Elitha's Spire. This lake lies amongst the eyries of dragons and is icy cold. Dragons on Elitha's Spire sip from the Pool of Mothers when they have a gathering. Despite having no outlets and no obvious source, the Pool of Mothers remains constant and, according to dragon legend, soaks into the rock to feed the sacred tree and springs on Elitha's Spire.

Sellessenril: A great spring found within the mountain Elitha's Spire. Guarded by an ancient temple at the cave entrance. The spring is sacred not only to Shay, like the rest of Elitha's Spire and Val-Alen, but also sacred to Bodai as it is one of the Dai River's sources. Shay sealed the entrance to Sellessenril long ago, a matter of contention for Bodai. However, a secret entrance is known to Isslen lizardfolk, as well as the water naga Shangrea Dai-Khan.

Sun's Anvil: A vast desert south of Aleasana, separated from the mountains by a stretch of arid grasslands. The Sun's Anvil is home to the Juni, known also as gnomes. Far from Aleasana, at the heart of the desert where even Juni do not go, lies The Anvil.


Aleasani: Humans who settled in Aleasana and its surrounding territories, such as the Principality of Maralan in the Olden Archipelago. Formerly known as Asani, before they left their old homeland east across the Olden Sea. Aleasani control most of the towns and city-states in Aleasana, remnants of the old Aleasani kingdom they formed through conquest of the new land ages ago.

Asani: Original term for humans, before their migration to Aleasana, at which point they renamed themselves Aleasani even as they named the new land. Now the term Asani is used to describe the folk living along Old Asani, the easternmost stretch of the Olden Archipelago. These Asani were left behind as the rest of their kind migrated further westward to the mainland of Aleasana. The abandoned Asani were inflicted with a strange curse, which has twisted and warped them in body and mind. Asani-Morok are the mystical leaders of these tribes, called ogre magi by Aleasani. Asani-Gorn are the more common variety, known to others as ogres, while Asani-Toron are the aquatic mutations that Aleasani call merrow. Asani fearfully venerate the spirits of their tropical volcanic islands, offering up sacrifices and treasure as appeasement, and in exchange a few Asani wield spiritual power over the elements.

Bodai: Halflings as they are popularly called by Aleasani, the Bodai are a nomadic people known for their herds, their horsemanship, and their ferocity. Their name means children of Dai, as the Dai River is sacred to them. The woolens they produce on their portable looms are the finest to be found. Bodai live chiefly in the arid grasslands between Aleasana and the Sun's Anvil desert. Bodai have been in conflict with the Juni in recent times. Many Bodai are currently lead by the horselord Sergis Sahn, but other clans exist too.

Dragons: The dragons of Aleasana have their own separate little society, ruled by the Council of Elements, which humanoids know little about. Dragons claim to be aloof to the war and forbidden by the Council against interfering, though a few dragons have acted as mercenaries in the past.

Dvergar: Dwarves to Aleasani, the Dvergar are a grim race of hostile warriors and wizards, though their kind has dwindled since the Aleasani came to their land. Dvergar also conflict with Shay, whom they once conquered long ago. The patron god of Dvergar is Koschei the Deathless.

Fae: General term for various creatures bound to nature, largely mysterious and feared in Aleasani folklore. Supposedly related to Shay and Tuatha. Fae live largely in the vast and dreaded Faegrim, a collection of forests, marshes, and islands alongside western Aleasana. Nagas are distantly related to Fae.

Formor: A deformed and evil race whom the Shay have fought in the past, according to Shay legends, but no one knows what happened to the Formor afterwards. Formor came in many types, but all were cruel, heartless, and destructive. Singular term is Formori.

Isslen: Lizardfolk, who live largely in the marshes along the southern Faegrim. Generally savage by Aleasani standards, often raiders. Rumored to be protected by dragons, though it is likely false. Isslen are ruled by a matriarch, who nests amongst special crystals her folk gather.

Juni: Gnomes or pygmies in common parlance, the Juni are a tribal, nomadic folk said to practice cannibalism to some extent. Juni come from the Sun's Anvil desert in the south, but have recently been moving northward into the plains and mountains. Juni warponies are more lizardlike than equine.

Karkora (race): Gnolls as they are called by the Shay. Karkora are humanoids with jackal-like features, strong and vicious pirates, and leaders of the Karkora island atolls, amidst the Olden Archipelago. Their leader is the Karkora Magister, but they also revere the bird-like Kenku living on the atolls, considering them to be manifest spirits.

Kenku: A race of bird-like humanoids, the Kenku live amongst the Karkora atolls on the Olden Archipelago. Serving the Karkora Magister, these Kenku use sorcery to aid Karkora.

Northerners: Human barbarians who live in the cold tundra, north of Aleasana.

Shay: Elves, who live largely in the western and southern parts of Aleasana, but are not as prolific as the Aleasani humans. Supposedly forced out of the Faegrim for some reason long ago. Half-Shay are born of the occasional unions of Shay and Aleasani, or less often Shay and Northerners, but half-Shay will only pass on their traits to a few generations if they do not breed further with eachother or with Shay. Shay are known for their warrior prowess, but also known for their warriors wielding magic deftly as well.

Tuatha: Recent arrivals from west across the sea, Tuatha appear to be Shay and are indistinguishable from Shay to most folk. Tuatha used strange magicks to learn the local languages, and hardly anyone has noticed their arrival, as they try to blend in as Shay.

Urukhs: Half-orcs, most of whom live in the distant and mysterious empire of Ur-Sai southwest of Aleasana. The Urukhs might be descended from Aleasani, Northerners, or other humans that once lived in part of Aleasana, but they don't recall their ancient origins as human-orc half-breeds. The orcs they descend from, by whatever name they may have had, no longer reside in Aleasana or Ur-Sai, whether extinct or merely lost. Urukhs can breed with humans however, be they Aleasani or Northerners or (rarely) half-Shay or otherwise, producing children that appear almost like any other Urukh. Half-Urukhs only pass on their Urukh traits down a generation or two, however, if breeding with humans or half-Shay, after which point their descendants are more like their human or half-Shay parents.


Altania: A throne-aspirant, magocratic city-state of arcane spellcasters, led by Larisa.

Annit: A feared city-state and ally of Cassant, serving as a political prison for Cassant's enemies. Ruled by Lord Morrig. Most that are jailed in Annit never get the chance to leave, as they are confined there until "the regular machinery of justice is running once more." Living conditions in the city-state of Annit are infamously cruel and barbaric, earning it the nickname "The Living Hell" by Cassant's enemies.

Bandesh-Thar: A powerful throne-aspirant city-state ruled by the Church of Dar, and thus the Dominus, lady Majera Alsea. Majera is of the old royal bloodline and seeks to take the Aleasani Seat, but her radical politics cause Bandesh-Thar to clash with many other powers, such as the Shay and Dvergar. Bandesh-Thar is opposed to Cassant, Altania, Karina, Val-Alen, and to a lesser extent Dromas, but Majera has begun what may be an alliance with Dromas against the arcanists of Altania and Karina, and against the might of Cassant. Bandesh-Thar has several allied cities but is less likely than Cassant to actually succeed in taking and holding the throne.

Barizar: Known as the Wicked City, Barizar is the home base of the Vermillion Lotus Society. Barizar is known for dealing in kidnapping, slavery, and prostitution, stealing away nubile daughters of wealthy merchants across the city-states. Such activities are relatively common amongst many of the city-states, but Barizar is the worst.

Cassant: A powerful city-state that has rallied many allies to its cause, which is to take the Aleasani Seat and claim the throne for Lord (called King by his own folk) Ralin Valeris of Cassant.

Cazar: A neutral city-state that tries to pit the other factions against one another, ruled by Lord Nithus.

Dromas: A large but lightly-populated city-state, chiefly opposed to Altania's magocracy, and Cassant to an extent, plus occasional conflicts or alliances with Bandesh-Thar. Ruled by the Dromasi Council, a group of druid-monks. Situated in lowlands on a plateau, surrounded by druid-shaped rock walls, with an agrarian society. Mostly Aleasani and half-Shay in population. Arcane magic is seen by Dromas as a perversion of nature, and many Fae, Shay, and half-Shay have been given sanctuary in Dromas, where iron is forbidden.

Gow'Klas: A city in Aleasana famed for the strange accent of its inhabitants, difficult for others to understand and seemingly impossible for others to learn. The accent is distinct, yet no one can really say what it sounds like. Some folk speculate that Gow'Klas is under a curse, but the city's inhabitants insist that they're the only people who speak the Common tongue properly.

Hängende: A Dvergar city, known as the Hanging City because some of its buildings hang on cliffsides over the water of the Langerfjord, which cuts deepest of the eastern fjords into the Aleasana mountain ranges. Hängende lies amidst the fjords where humans first landed on Aleasana long ago. Hängende is ruled by a Dvergar elder council, but also has a mayor, albeit mostly a ceremonial position. The city and its neighbors have been under attack lately by water monsters, actually Asani-Toron, who have shown to have a particular hatred for Urukhs.

The Hilt: A mighty Urukh fortress along the Blade of Yadasai peninsula, barely visible on the horizon from the Blade's start along the Sun's Anvil desert. The Hilt is built into a natural promontory near the end of the Blade of Yadasai, and serves to keep all foreigners out of Ur-Sai, the home nation of Urukhs.

Twin Cities of Karina: A single city-state split in two locations, from the lower city along the base of several mountains, overlooking the Bodai grasslands, to the upper city guarding two mountain passes high above. The lower city is a main trade route for Bodai textiles and salt from the desert. Karina's lower city is governed by the Provost of their Merchant's Guild. Its upper city is home to the ruling elite known as the Council of Judges, who make law for the lower city.

Karkora (nation): A small, sovereign collection of barren atolls in the central southern parts of the Olden Archipelago. Ruled by the Karkora Magister, and notorious for its pirates. The atolls are inhabited both by the Karkora people proper, who are called gnolls by Shay, and also inhabited by the avian Kenku.

Kendra: A city-state ruled briefly by the dragon Alshoon, around the start of the civil war in Aleasana. Alshoon stepped down and left due to pressure by the dragon leaders, the Council of Elements.

Lugan: A city in eastern Aleasana, Lugan has a large, pearlescent, copper parabolic dish, part of which seems to have been turned to crystal and shattered long ago. The dish is an artifact of the old War of Deadly Voices.

Old Asani: The semi-tropical islands home to Asani-Morok, Asani-Gorn, and Asani-Toron. Old Asani comprises the easternmost parts of the Olden Archipelago in the Olden Sea, slightly north of Karkora. These islands are storm-wracked and volcanic, but were the first landing site of humans (called Asani then, though now called Aleasani) when fleeing the old homeland and coming to Aleasana. The current inhabitants are descended from those humans left behind to suffer the Curse of the Asani.

Principality of Maralan: A sovereign nation of Aleasani living amongst the largest, westmost islands of the Olden Archipelago. Maralan Aleasani tend to be herders, and make woolens nearly as fine as those of the Bodai.

Travask: A strong city-state in the war, ruled by Broken Stone, a former Northerner mercenary. Varied in population and nobility, as Broken Stone has brought many of his mercenary and Northerner allies into the city, and has raised several of the competent ones to the aristocracy.

Ur-Sai Empire: An imperial nation of Urukhs who have bred true for many generations, and have more or less forgotten their origins as human-orc crossbreeds. Ur-Sai connects to the western edge of the Sun's Anvil desert, via the Blade of Yadasai land-bridge, guarded by the fortress known as the Hilt. Quasi-oriental and mystic, very mysterious and little-known to the folk of Aleasana, strongly dislikes arcane magic, might even have outlawed arcane practicioners. Linked to the Black Fist Brotherhood, which serves Ur-Sai as an advance force of spies and scouts.

Val-Alen: A city that is sacred to Shay, but conquered by Aleasani and aspiring to the throne. It sits at the base of Elitha's Spire, tallest mountain in Aleasana. Current Duke is Kail Illendus, an Aleasani, as the city was conquered long ago be Aleasani. Shay are allowed their pilgrimmages to Val-Alen and its sacred sites, such as the mountain and its springs and the great tree, the Inarellion Calshaen-Ahb.

Volg: One of the northern-most city-states of Aleasana, often a victim of Northerner raids in autumn. Usually neutral in the civil war. Ruled by the Margrave, Olshek Travain, whose family has held the position for generations. The populus is mostly Aleasani, though a third of the populus is Dvergar, who are allies and held in fair regard.


Black Fist Brotherhood: An exclusively-Urukh mercenary force, taken in as infants or toddlers and trained in Ur-Sai mysticism, athleticism, and martial arts prowess. Many hail from Ur-Sai, but some hail from Aleasana instead. Mostly rogues and monks, serve often as assassins, shock troops, and blockade runners. Black Brothers abhor arcane magic as a crutch for the weak and craven. The Black Fist has some monasteries scattered across Aleasana.

Council of Elements: The ruling body of dragonkind, their own separate society away from the folk of Aleasana. Little is known of the dragon Council. The death of a dragon is met with ruthless reprisals if the Council does not judge the death to have been just, and no one knows their critera. Supposedly suffered an internal conflict about their non-interference policy, at the start of the Aleasani civil war when Alshoon, a dragon, briefly claimed rulership of the city-state Kendra.

Council of Judges: Ruling elite of the Twin Cities of Karina, these aristocrats live the high life in Karina's upper city and make law for the lower city. The Council of Judges guards two strategic mountain passes alongside Karina, between the Bodai grasslands and the Aleasana mountain ranges.

Dromasi Council: Ruling council of equals in the city-state of Dromas. Comprised of druids, monks, and druid-monks. Vehemently opposed to arcane magic.

Order of Ghost Warriors: A group of Shay warrior-mages of various sorts, who are feared for their prowess in stealthy magic, poison use, and assassin skills. Though claimed by others as dishonorable, the Ghost Warriors themselves say that a warrior's honor comes from success, by any means.

Storm Crows: A Dvergar mercenary company, feared and reviled, led by Kulrick Ironclaw.

Vermillion Lotus Society: A merchant guild dealing in apothecary supplies, wines and spirits, and brothelkeeping, but less openly a dealer in slaves, prostitutes, and ransoms, generally by kidnapping the daughters of wealthy merchants and nobles. Based in the city-state of Barizar.

Z.G.B. (Zwergerkraft Grundwerken Broderschaft): Organization of deep-dwelling Dvergar who specialize in large-scale underground engineering projects. Z.G.B. teams hire themselves out to surface-dwellers, and sometimes come into competition with one another as a result. The Z.G.B. is mostly gruff and unfriendly deep Dvergar who speak an ancient dialect of the Dvergar tongue, which most folk can't comprehend. The Z.G.B. is shunned by surface Dvergar. They supposedly use a combination of Dvergar skill, strange magicks, and underground beasts. Additionally, they are rumored to have enslaved a black dragon.


Alsea: Royal bloodline of Aleasana's former human kingdom.

Alshoon: A dragon who had claimed rulership over the city-state of Kendra, at the beginning of the civil war in Aleasana. However, Alshoon was forced to step down when the Council of Elements, rulers of dragonkind, declared this a serious violation of their laws.

Bishnagar: A dragon who recently began selling his services to guard valuable shipments and caravans of trade goods, including iron and gold, with many merchants and nobles of the city-states. Bishnagar places their goods under his care in return for a dragon-marked credit note, known also as a drakemark, with Bishnagar keeping 10% for himself as payment.

Broken Stone: Lord of the city-state of Travask, recently appointed, formerly a barbarian Northerner and mercenary. Has gone from wandering Northerner sell-sword to ruler of an Aleasani city-state, and a major player in the war.

Elitha: A monarch in Aleasana long ago, just before the Aleasani arrived. Married King Majerus Alsea of the Aleasani, supposedly, after he had brought his people and conquered the land. Shay insist that Elitha was one of them, but Majera Alsea vehemently denies it.

Five Doves on the Wing: An Urukh of the Black Fist Brotherhood, chapter head of the Brotherhood's monastery in the vicinity of Bandesh-Thar. Until recently, he and his Black Brothers served Dominus Majera Alsea of Bandesh-Thar, in various military operations and other missions. Then Five Doves on the Wing came to the conclusion that he and the rest of the Brotherhood could no longer serve Bandesh-Thar, so he severed ties with the Dominus after a cryptic explanation to her.

Kail Illendus: Duke of the city Val-Alen, a throne-aspirant Aleasani. Uses the status of Val-Alen as a sacred Shay site to garner leverage with dragons, and with Shay cities like Altania and Karina. Very pro-Shay politically, but almost certainly just because it is advantagous to his situation at the moment.

The Karkora Magister: Leader of the Karkora and Kenku peoples in the Olden Archipelago. An old and powerful Karkora druid, he has tried on many occasions to raise the lower atolls and bring rain, to supply his people with some measure of food and fresh water, but the sea eventually reclaims these atolls.

Kohemet: A shadowy and distrusted shaman among the Bodai, though advisor and aide to the horselord Sergis Sahn. Rumored to have spent years lost at the heart of the Sun's Anvil desert, where even Juni do not go. Juni and Bodai alike fear and suspect Kohemet.

Kulrick Ironclaw: Dvergar leader of the mercenary Storm Crows, he is adept in both combat and arcana.

Larisa: High Enchantress of Altania, ruler of that city-state. Probably a Shay or half-Shay.

Majera Alsea: Dominus of the Church of Dar and of the city-state Bandesh-Thar, lady Majera Alsea is a scion of the former Aleasani royal house, and a direct descendant of Aleasna's first King, Majerus Alsea. Also descended from Queen Elitha if legend is true, who ruled the land before Majerus came and conquered it, taking the local monarch as his Queen to ensure the loyalty of conquered locals. Pure-blooded and imposingly tall, with sea-green eyes and pale blonde hair. Skilled but radical in her politics, often referred to as one of the "Oldbloods". Majera seeks to take the Aleasani Seat as is her birthright. Previously employed the Black Fist Brotherhood mercenaries, now looking to the Asani.

Majerus Alsea: Conquerer and first King of Aleasana. Ancestor of Majera Alsea.

Morrig: Lord of the city-state Annit, political prison for Cassant. Morrig is every bit as cruel and vicious.

Nithus: Lord of the city-state of Cazar, considered neutral by other factions though his confidantes think he aspires to take the throne. Lord Nithus actually seeks to awaken Neroshimon, a mighty destructive being, by channeling the deaths caused in the war. Unbeknownst to Lord Nithus, he is actually suffering from the madness caused by Neroshimon's dreams.

Neroshimon: The sleeper, a fallen angel, a powerful destructive being that Lord Nithus of Cazar seeks to free and awaken. Neroshimon was long ago imprisoned in an iron vault deep below the city-state of Cazar. Feeds upon fear, especially the fear of dying. The sleeper's dreams cause madness in mortals, and have afflicted Lord Nithus. Much of Neroshimon's power remains bound in his sword Armothal, which was hidden from him long ago when he was bound.

Ralin Valeris: Lord of Cassant, an aspirant to the throne, and presumptously claiming the title of King.

Sergis Sahn: An accomplished military leader among the Bodai, a horselord recently coming into power and trying to unite many warring Bodai tribes. The recent excursions and conflicts of the Juni have helped in his efforts to unite the Bodai, consequently. Sahn is aided and advised by the shadowy shaman Kohemet, who is most likely Bodai, considering that Sahn would probably only trust fellow Bodai.

Shangrea Dai-Khan: A powerful water-naga sorcerer, living in the Dai River. Considered by Bodai to be the guardian spirit of the Dai River, so Bodai leave offerings frequently. Served by many Fae nixies. For his veneration and offerings from the Bodai, Shangrea extends his protection to visiting Bodai. Shangrea visits the sacred spring Sellessenril once yearly.


War of Deadly Voices: An old war that tore the kingdom of Aleasana apart, and resulted in the current division of city-states from the formerly-united Aleasani. Occasionally, artifacts from this war are found, but most are nonmagical and made of strange materials. For the most part, no one knows how to make these artifacts work, if they even function at all anymore. The War of Deadly Voices was fought with sound.


Aleasani Seat: Throne of the former human (Aleasani) kingdom.

Amerah: The location of some hotly-contested iron mines in Aleasana. This name might be for the mines themselves, or the geographical location of those mines, or the settlement outside the mines, be it a city or town or whatever.

Dar: Few people in Aleasana still practice Dar's teachings since the Church of Dar's decline. Temples of Dar, many of them ruins, can be found all across Aleasana, as Dar was at one time the chief deity of Aleasana's state religion. A schism within the Church of Dar is blamed for the fracturing of the once-great kingdom, and for starting the War of Deadly Voices.

Dominus: Leader of the Church of Dar, currently Dominus Majera Alsea, who has also become lady ruler of the city-state Bandesh-Thar.

Drakemark: A dragon-marked credit note, from the dragon Bishnagar, representing the dragon's assurance of protecting a noble's or merchant's goods. Bishnagar's drakemarks have become a tradeable currency for large transactions amongst the merchants and city-states, rather than using hard currency in all of these deals.

Iron: A rare metal in Aleasana, iron has some anti-magical properties, and is also detrimental to non-humans, non-Dvergar, and all spellcasters. Only non-spellcasting humans and Dvergar are unaffected by its sickening touch; even half-Shay and Urukhs suffer. All iron items count as cold iron.

Koschei: Patron deity of the Dvergar, or dwarves, Koschei is a grim, grey god known as the Deathless. Dvergar lore says that iron comes from the blood of Koschei, a gift to his children as the other gods drove him away from the land.

Oldblood: An Aleasani who hates foreigners and non-humans, wishes to purge their influences and religions from Aleasani society, and thinks of arcane magic as vile and unholy.

From Page 7 The best summary to date (NOTE lots of subsequent material not included)


Yeah, there is really a lot of stuff missing IIRC. Aleasana would probably need a wiki or so, that people are able to browse thru it easier.


First Post
Yep. You know, there are somethings that need to be detailed, I think. Altania, for example. Or the Dvergar/Shay backstory, which remains rather sketchy. We know the dwarfs enslaved them way back when, and that they claim that the Shay are exiled criminals, so doing so was right, but the rest of the past remains mysterious...

Land Outcast

Yeah, there is really a lot of stuff missing IIRC. Aleasana would probably need a wiki or so, that people are able to browse thru it easier.

Or at least a new thread with the compiled information... and a link in the first (and last) post of this one pointing towards the new thread...


City of Altania:

The city of Altania´s ruling body is the Council of Nine, eight mages who represent the eight schools of magic and the High Archmage whose other title changes to the type of school he or she comes from. High Archmage Larisa is also called High Enchantress as she comes from the enchantment school. Sorcerers choose one school to belong to based on their own spell selection and preferences as do generalists.

The prime center of wizardly education and seat of the Council of Nine is the Academy of Altania, a vast central building with eight surrounding faculty buildings for the schools. Specialist wizards get most of their education in one of the faculty buildings while generalists have courses scattered all over the academy. Most schools take pride in building the most beautiful wing for the academy. the premier contenders are the schools of Conjuration, Enchantment Illusion and Transmutation.

The school of conjuration has quite a few exotic features as the summoned building crews had quite a lot of leeway in the design, also rooms tend to be bigger than they appear and extradimensional spaces are common. Some corridors have odd properties and bend at odd angles or lead to locations which are normally more distant. The House of Transmutation is a quite large building and has more earthly features. The Illusionists use a lot of illusions for a lot of different visual displays and to make their school appear more impressive. most of the lavish decorations and the weird things are not really there. The House of enchantment is a beautiful house with large windows, beautiful gardens, ponds and a lot of light. Many people are impressed with it but rumours circulate that the enchanters use magic to influence people seeing it. The necromancers, evokers and diviners don´t participate much in that contest and concentrate their energies elsewhere. Still the high spires of the diviner´s school are the archetype of the wizard´s tower. They also got a recent addition of some normal houses as the high towers are rather impractical for ordinary school routine. But you still have an impressive view from the central tower and it´s a preferred location for scrying attempts as diviners swear that they get the best results than working up there.
The school of abjuration is a rather squat castle like building, not a pretty thing but at least it´s one of the most secure and sturdy buildings of Aleasana. That´s a good thing as within the abjuration school area is also the testing range for new spells.


First Post
There's also this post on the meta-thread. And while I'm on it--the rules thread.

And now some substance--

While he's not a member of the Council of Nine, High Warden Tiel of the Azure Guard does attend all their meetings, and some wags call him the 'Council Member Number Ten'. An imposing Half-Shay of incredible internal energy, Tiel is a potent Sorcerer who has actually created a few powerful combat spells himself. Indeed, despite being only a Sorcerer, Tiel is generally considered one of Altania's foremost mystical scholars, rivalling even the Archmage herself. Still, Tiel does not play the politics that the Council members do, prefering to concentrate on his duties as head of the Azure Guard. These duties (as ancient as the venerable Guard itself) are to protect the Academy, and provide guidance and training to those Sorcerers who come to Altania for guidance. (Sorcerers trained by the Guard tend to prefer combat spells, though there is naturally a place for spies and analysts as well.)

Tiel seems to have mixed feelings on Larisa's decision to seek the throne--while he prefers her greatly to any of her rivals, the fact remains that her doing so has brought war on the city and school Tiel has sworn to protect. This has brought some strain on the pair's otherwise excellent relationship.


First Post
For reference, my summary on page 7 was not meant to be a complete compilation of the Aleasana thread's material; it's just a summary, a reference for learning or remembering the basics and terms in the Aleasana setting. With the thread revived now, I'll see about revising my page 7 summary with other definitions and names from posts that came after. But I have no idea when I'll do that this week, so it'll be done whenever I get around to it within the next several days.
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