Monster Junkie
Elemaster, Air
Elemaster, Air
Colossal Elemental (Air, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 86d8+1,118 (1,505 hp)
Initiative: +27
Speed: Fly 100 ft. (perfect)(20 squares)
Armor Class: 84 (-8 size, +19 Dex, +48 natural, +2 divine, +13 deflection) touch 36, flat-footed 65
Base Attack/Grapple: +64/+93
Attack: Slam +76 melee (4d8+13/19-20 plus 1d6 on a successful critical hit and DC 69 Fort save or die)
Full Attack: 4 slams +76 melee (4d8+13/19-20 plus 1d6 on a successful critical hit and DC 69 Fort save or die)
Space/Reach: 30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks: Air mastery, elemental aura, elemental transubstantiation, master elemental, master of air magic, salient divine abilities, size change, summon elementals, whirlwind
Special Qualities: Block sensing, create magic items, damage reduction 15/epic (10/-), darkvision 60 ft., divine aura, divine rank 2, elemental traits, portfolio sense, remote sensing, resistance to fire 7, spell resistance 34
Saves: Fort +45, Ref +65, Will +47
Abilities: Str 36, Dex 49, Con 36, Int 36, Wis 36, Cha 36
Skills: Balance +118, Concentration +102, Diplomacy +112, Gather Information +102, Intimidate +102, Jump +23, Knowledge (nature) +102, Knowledge (religion) +102, Knowledge (the planes) +112, Listen +104, Move Silently +108, Tumble +108, Sense Motive +102, Spellcraft +102 (+112 scrolls), Spot +104, Survival +13 (+23 in aboveground natural environments, +23 on other planes), Use Magic Device +102 (+112 scrolls)
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Blinding Speed (x2), Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Devastating Critical (slam), Dire Charge, Divine Might, Dodge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Skill Focus (Knowledge [the planes]), Epic Will, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative (B), Improved Whirlwind Attack, Iron Will, Mobility, Overwhelming Critical (slam), Power Attack, Sidestep Charge, Spring Attack, Superior Expertise, Superior Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus (slam), Whirlwind Attack
Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 42
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 85+ HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: —
This titanic creature resembles an amorphous cloud ringed by powerful currents of air. Distortions in the vapor and wind seem to suggest two eyes and a ragged mouth.
The elemasters are high-ranking aides who directly serve the elemental deities. Their business is primarily administrative, as their realms are vast. They spend much of this time visiting and examining their subjects, often shrinking their forms and masquerading as lesser elementals. Elemasters do not directly rule elementals, and tend to stay out of the affairs of the archomentals on their planes. They also tend to leave the ancient primal elementals to their own devices.
Elemasters are often vain and self-centered, but extremely powerful and superb at their tasks.
In its true form, an air elemaster stands 300 feet tall and weighs 32 pounds, but can use its change size ability to assume any height (with weight of a typical air elemental of a given size).
Air elemasters speak Auran. Their voices crescendo like thunder.
An air elemental rarely needs to enter battle, but when it does, it is a fearsome adversary. In addition to its wide array of magical abilities, an air elemaster can land punishing blows while exercising true aerial superiority.
Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls against an air elemaster.
Divine Rank 2: A field of divine energy encompasses a deity's body, granting it a divine Armor Class bonus equal to its divine rank. This bonus stacks with all other Armor Class bonuses and is effective against touch attacks and incorporeal touch attacks. All deities also have a deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma bonus (if any).
A deity gets its divine rank as a divine bonus on all attack rolls. Deities of rank 1 or higher do not automatically fail on a natural attack roll of 1. A deity gets its divine rank as a divine bonus on all saving throws. Deities of rank 1 or higher do not automatically fail on a natural saving throw roll of 1. A deity gets its divine rank as a divine bonus on all skill checks, ability checks, caster level checks, and turning checks. Lesser deities (rank 6-10) may take 10 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all.
A deity is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters its form. Any shape-altering powers the deity might have work normally on itself. A deity is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. A deity is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). Deities of rank 1 or higher are immune to electricity, cold, and acid, even if the attacker is a deity of higher divine rank. Deities of rank 1 or higher are immune to disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, and death effects, and disintegration. A deity has fire resistance of 5 + its divine rank. A deity has spell resistance of 32 + its divine rank. All deities (even those of rank 0) are naturally immortal and cannot die from natural causes. Deities do not age, and they do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The only way for a deity to die is through special circumstances, usually by being slain in magical or physical combat. Deities of rank 1 or higher are not subject to death from massive damage.
Domain Power (Su): 16/day, turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster air creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Effective cleric level 2nd.
Elemental Aura (Su): A 100-foot-radius spread aura surrounds an elemaster. All creatures of the same elemental subtype as the elemaster (including the elemaster) are treated as if having turn resistance +6 (where appropriate) and fast healing 10. Creatures without immunity to air effects take 2d10 points of electricity damage each round they remain within the aura. The elemaster can exclude creatures from its aura's effects in any number or combination as a free action.
Elemental Transubstantiation (Su): Once per day an elemaster can transubstantiate all material objects and corporeal creatures in an area of up to 100 5-ft. squares that is within a range of 1000 ft. The affected area can be any shape. The elemaster can affect an area of any shape it wishes and exclude creatures within the affected area from the transubstantiation effect. All affected targets must succeed on a DC 69 Fort save or be transformed into elemental substances. The effects depend on the elemaster's intentions. Creatures that have the same elemental type as the elemaster are not affected by its transubstantiation; targets with no material substance are also unaffected, such as incorporeal creatures or objects of force such as an unseen servant.
If the elemaster wishes destruction, the target instantly evaporates. The transformed residue of creatures destroyed by elemental transubstantiation are not the remains of a living creature and cannot be used for raise dead or resurrection spells. A miracle, true resurrection or wish spell is necessary to bring back to life a creature destroyed by this transformation.
Alternatively, the elemaster can transform material objects or creatures instead of destroying them, as described below. Transformed creatures and objects can be returned to their former state by a polymorph any object, wish, or miracle spell, although only a single creature or object will be affected per spell, or only part of a structure (up to a 40 ft. cube) if the transformed object is particularly large.
Transformed creatures become beings of elemental substance. Their type changes to elemental (if their intelligence is 2 or less) or outsider (if their intelligence is 3 or higher) and they gain the same subtype as the elemaster. They also gain a fly speed equal to their fastest speed, with perfect maneuverability. Note that these transformed creatures are now susceptible to the elemasters' master elemental power (see below).
Transformed objects in the area can be used to form a structure of any shape the elemaster desires, the structure resembles a permanent solid fog surrounded by a permanent wind wall, and has 450 hp per 5-ft. square. Treat this structure as a permanent magic item; it is not affected by dispel magic or break enchantment and is immune to effects of the elemaster's type. It takes a mage's disjunction spell or more powerful abjuration to destroy the structure (which is CL 84 and has a +28 on all its saves). The solid air structure is damaged by extremely powerful winds; 1d6 damage per minute for hurricane force winds, 1d6 damage per round for tornado force winds.
Master Elemental (Su): An elemaster can turn or destroy elementals or outsiders of the opposite subtype (earth for an air elemaster) as a cleric turns undead. An elemaster can turn, rebuke, command, bolster or destroy elementals or outsiders of its own elemental subtype as a good cleric turns undead or an evil cleric rebukes undead (unlike mortal clerics, an elemaster is able to both turn and rebuke its subjects). Master elemental does not affect other elemasters. An elemaster can use master elemental as many times as it wishes. An elemaster is treated as a 20th-level cleric for these purposes.
Master of Air Magic (Sp): Elemasters can cast spells as spell-like abilities with a caster level of 24th. An air elemaster cannot cast spells that have the Earth descriptor spell or are opposed in alignment. At will, an air elemaster may use any spell that either has the Air descriptor, is a core divine spell from the cleric spell list or is in the Creation, Air or Weather domains (its Creation domain has whispering wind as the 1st level spell instead of create water). An elemaster may use any spell on the cleric spell list from a non-core source once per day (at the DM's discretion); these spells are rarer in the cosmos. The saving throw DC for these spells is 23 + spell level. Air elemasters tend to favor spells such as elemental swarm (air), control weather and whirlwind.
Size Change (Su): An elemaster can become any size, from Fine to its natural size of Colossal.
Summon Elementals (Sp): An air elemaster can summon elementals with the Air subtype as a standard action. It can summon up to 420 Hit Dice of elementals a day in any number and variety it wishes, but the elemaster cannot summon an elemental with more than 64 HD. This is the equivalent of an epic-level spell.
Whirlwind (Su): An air elemaster can transform itself into a whirlwind. In this form, the elemaster can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. It can remain in whirlwind form for as long as it likes.
The whirlwind is up to 15 feet wide at the base, up to 60 feet wide at the top, and up to 100 feet tall. The elemaster controls the exact dimensions, but the whirlwind must be at least 5 feet wide and 10 feet tall.
Gargantuan or smaller creatures might take damage when caught in the whirlwind and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed on a DC 66 Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take 4d8 points of damage. It must also succeed on a second DC 66 Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking 4d8 points of damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a DC 66 Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful.
The elemaster can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemaster always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.
If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a DC 66 Concentration check to cast a spell.
The Concentration check and save DCs are Strength-based.
Originally appeared in Immortal Rules (1986).
Elemaster, Air
Colossal Elemental (Air, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 86d8+1,118 (1,505 hp)
Initiative: +27
Speed: Fly 100 ft. (perfect)(20 squares)
Armor Class: 84 (-8 size, +19 Dex, +48 natural, +2 divine, +13 deflection) touch 36, flat-footed 65
Base Attack/Grapple: +64/+93
Attack: Slam +76 melee (4d8+13/19-20 plus 1d6 on a successful critical hit and DC 69 Fort save or die)
Full Attack: 4 slams +76 melee (4d8+13/19-20 plus 1d6 on a successful critical hit and DC 69 Fort save or die)
Space/Reach: 30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks: Air mastery, elemental aura, elemental transubstantiation, master elemental, master of air magic, salient divine abilities, size change, summon elementals, whirlwind
Special Qualities: Block sensing, create magic items, damage reduction 15/epic (10/-), darkvision 60 ft., divine aura, divine rank 2, elemental traits, portfolio sense, remote sensing, resistance to fire 7, spell resistance 34
Saves: Fort +45, Ref +65, Will +47
Abilities: Str 36, Dex 49, Con 36, Int 36, Wis 36, Cha 36
Skills: Balance +118, Concentration +102, Diplomacy +112, Gather Information +102, Intimidate +102, Jump +23, Knowledge (nature) +102, Knowledge (religion) +102, Knowledge (the planes) +112, Listen +104, Move Silently +108, Tumble +108, Sense Motive +102, Spellcraft +102 (+112 scrolls), Spot +104, Survival +13 (+23 in aboveground natural environments, +23 on other planes), Use Magic Device +102 (+112 scrolls)
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Blinding Speed (x2), Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Devastating Critical (slam), Dire Charge, Divine Might, Dodge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Skill Focus (Knowledge [the planes]), Epic Will, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative (B), Improved Whirlwind Attack, Iron Will, Mobility, Overwhelming Critical (slam), Power Attack, Sidestep Charge, Spring Attack, Superior Expertise, Superior Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus (slam), Whirlwind Attack
Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 42
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 85+ HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: —
This titanic creature resembles an amorphous cloud ringed by powerful currents of air. Distortions in the vapor and wind seem to suggest two eyes and a ragged mouth.
The elemasters are high-ranking aides who directly serve the elemental deities. Their business is primarily administrative, as their realms are vast. They spend much of this time visiting and examining their subjects, often shrinking their forms and masquerading as lesser elementals. Elemasters do not directly rule elementals, and tend to stay out of the affairs of the archomentals on their planes. They also tend to leave the ancient primal elementals to their own devices.
Elemasters are often vain and self-centered, but extremely powerful and superb at their tasks.
In its true form, an air elemaster stands 300 feet tall and weighs 32 pounds, but can use its change size ability to assume any height (with weight of a typical air elemental of a given size).
Air elemasters speak Auran. Their voices crescendo like thunder.
An air elemental rarely needs to enter battle, but when it does, it is a fearsome adversary. In addition to its wide array of magical abilities, an air elemaster can land punishing blows while exercising true aerial superiority.
Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls against an air elemaster.
Divine Rank 2: A field of divine energy encompasses a deity's body, granting it a divine Armor Class bonus equal to its divine rank. This bonus stacks with all other Armor Class bonuses and is effective against touch attacks and incorporeal touch attacks. All deities also have a deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma bonus (if any).
A deity gets its divine rank as a divine bonus on all attack rolls. Deities of rank 1 or higher do not automatically fail on a natural attack roll of 1. A deity gets its divine rank as a divine bonus on all saving throws. Deities of rank 1 or higher do not automatically fail on a natural saving throw roll of 1. A deity gets its divine rank as a divine bonus on all skill checks, ability checks, caster level checks, and turning checks. Lesser deities (rank 6-10) may take 10 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all.
A deity is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters its form. Any shape-altering powers the deity might have work normally on itself. A deity is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. A deity is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). Deities of rank 1 or higher are immune to electricity, cold, and acid, even if the attacker is a deity of higher divine rank. Deities of rank 1 or higher are immune to disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, and death effects, and disintegration. A deity has fire resistance of 5 + its divine rank. A deity has spell resistance of 32 + its divine rank. All deities (even those of rank 0) are naturally immortal and cannot die from natural causes. Deities do not age, and they do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The only way for a deity to die is through special circumstances, usually by being slain in magical or physical combat. Deities of rank 1 or higher are not subject to death from massive damage.
Domain Power (Su): 16/day, turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster air creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Effective cleric level 2nd.
Elemental Aura (Su): A 100-foot-radius spread aura surrounds an elemaster. All creatures of the same elemental subtype as the elemaster (including the elemaster) are treated as if having turn resistance +6 (where appropriate) and fast healing 10. Creatures without immunity to air effects take 2d10 points of electricity damage each round they remain within the aura. The elemaster can exclude creatures from its aura's effects in any number or combination as a free action.
Elemental Transubstantiation (Su): Once per day an elemaster can transubstantiate all material objects and corporeal creatures in an area of up to 100 5-ft. squares that is within a range of 1000 ft. The affected area can be any shape. The elemaster can affect an area of any shape it wishes and exclude creatures within the affected area from the transubstantiation effect. All affected targets must succeed on a DC 69 Fort save or be transformed into elemental substances. The effects depend on the elemaster's intentions. Creatures that have the same elemental type as the elemaster are not affected by its transubstantiation; targets with no material substance are also unaffected, such as incorporeal creatures or objects of force such as an unseen servant.
If the elemaster wishes destruction, the target instantly evaporates. The transformed residue of creatures destroyed by elemental transubstantiation are not the remains of a living creature and cannot be used for raise dead or resurrection spells. A miracle, true resurrection or wish spell is necessary to bring back to life a creature destroyed by this transformation.
Alternatively, the elemaster can transform material objects or creatures instead of destroying them, as described below. Transformed creatures and objects can be returned to their former state by a polymorph any object, wish, or miracle spell, although only a single creature or object will be affected per spell, or only part of a structure (up to a 40 ft. cube) if the transformed object is particularly large.
Transformed creatures become beings of elemental substance. Their type changes to elemental (if their intelligence is 2 or less) or outsider (if their intelligence is 3 or higher) and they gain the same subtype as the elemaster. They also gain a fly speed equal to their fastest speed, with perfect maneuverability. Note that these transformed creatures are now susceptible to the elemasters' master elemental power (see below).
Transformed objects in the area can be used to form a structure of any shape the elemaster desires, the structure resembles a permanent solid fog surrounded by a permanent wind wall, and has 450 hp per 5-ft. square. Treat this structure as a permanent magic item; it is not affected by dispel magic or break enchantment and is immune to effects of the elemaster's type. It takes a mage's disjunction spell or more powerful abjuration to destroy the structure (which is CL 84 and has a +28 on all its saves). The solid air structure is damaged by extremely powerful winds; 1d6 damage per minute for hurricane force winds, 1d6 damage per round for tornado force winds.
Master Elemental (Su): An elemaster can turn or destroy elementals or outsiders of the opposite subtype (earth for an air elemaster) as a cleric turns undead. An elemaster can turn, rebuke, command, bolster or destroy elementals or outsiders of its own elemental subtype as a good cleric turns undead or an evil cleric rebukes undead (unlike mortal clerics, an elemaster is able to both turn and rebuke its subjects). Master elemental does not affect other elemasters. An elemaster can use master elemental as many times as it wishes. An elemaster is treated as a 20th-level cleric for these purposes.
Master of Air Magic (Sp): Elemasters can cast spells as spell-like abilities with a caster level of 24th. An air elemaster cannot cast spells that have the Earth descriptor spell or are opposed in alignment. At will, an air elemaster may use any spell that either has the Air descriptor, is a core divine spell from the cleric spell list or is in the Creation, Air or Weather domains (its Creation domain has whispering wind as the 1st level spell instead of create water). An elemaster may use any spell on the cleric spell list from a non-core source once per day (at the DM's discretion); these spells are rarer in the cosmos. The saving throw DC for these spells is 23 + spell level. Air elemasters tend to favor spells such as elemental swarm (air), control weather and whirlwind.
Size Change (Su): An elemaster can become any size, from Fine to its natural size of Colossal.
Summon Elementals (Sp): An air elemaster can summon elementals with the Air subtype as a standard action. It can summon up to 420 Hit Dice of elementals a day in any number and variety it wishes, but the elemaster cannot summon an elemental with more than 64 HD. This is the equivalent of an epic-level spell.
Whirlwind (Su): An air elemaster can transform itself into a whirlwind. In this form, the elemaster can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. It can remain in whirlwind form for as long as it likes.
The whirlwind is up to 15 feet wide at the base, up to 60 feet wide at the top, and up to 100 feet tall. The elemaster controls the exact dimensions, but the whirlwind must be at least 5 feet wide and 10 feet tall.
Gargantuan or smaller creatures might take damage when caught in the whirlwind and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed on a DC 66 Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take 4d8 points of damage. It must also succeed on a second DC 66 Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking 4d8 points of damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a DC 66 Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful.
The elemaster can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemaster always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.
If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a DC 66 Concentration check to cast a spell.
The Concentration check and save DCs are Strength-based.
Originally appeared in Immortal Rules (1986).
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