Creature Catalog new 3.5 conversions (Part Two)

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Monster Junkie
Slime Mold

Slime Mold, Amoeboid
Tiny Ooze (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 1/2d10+3 (5 hp)
Initiative: -5
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 10 ft., swim 10 ft.
Armor Class: 8 (+2 size, -4 Dex), touch 8, flat-footed 8
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-3
Attack: Slam -1 melee (1d2-3 plus 1d2 acid)
Full Attack: Slam -1 melee (1d2-3 plus 1d2 acid)
Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Acid, improved grab
Special Qualities: Amphibious, blind, blindsight 60 ft., ooze traits, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +3, Ref -4, Will -4
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 3, Con 16, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Skills: Climb +5, Swim +5
Feats: —
Environment: Any aquatic, forest, swamp, and underground
Organization: Solitary or mass (3–30)
Challenge Rating: 1/4 [?]
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —


Flavor text.



Acid (Ex): An amoeboid slime mold's acid does not harm metal or stone.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an amoeboid slime mold must hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and deals damage automatically every round. Giant amoebas have a +8 racial bonus on grapple checks (already figured into the Base Attack/Grapple entry above).

Skills: Amoeboid slime molds have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Amoeboid slime molds have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard and can always take 10 on Swim checks, even if distracted or endangered.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #111 (1986).

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Monster Junkie
Dog, Dingo

Dog, Dingo
Small Animal
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/–4
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Jump +8, Listen +4, Spot +4, Survival +3*
Feats: Endurance (B), Track (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, pair or family (2–8)
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

This wild canine has a broad head, pointed muzzle, and a bushy tail.

Dingoes are free-roaming apex predators. They are notorious for their harassment of livestock, and rumoured to occasionally steal humanoid babies.

A typical dingo is 2½ feet long (not including tail), stands 2 feet high at the shoulder, and weighs 25 to 45 pounds. Fur coloration is usually sandy to reddish brown, but can include tan patterns and be occasionally black, light brown, or white.


Like most wild canids, dingoes hunt prey by scent and bring it down with a powerful bite. They use pack tactics against larger opponents.

Skills: A dingo has a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks, and a +4 racial bonus on Jump checks. *Dingoes have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #102 (1985).
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Monster Junkie
Kraken, Zakharan

Kraken, Zakharan
Colossal Magical Beast (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 25d10+225 (362 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 10 ft., swim 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 24 (-8 size, +22 natural), touch 2, flat-footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+55
Attack: Tentacle +31 melee (2d8+14/19-20)
Full Attack: 2 tentacles +31 melee (2d8+14/19-20) and 6 arms +26 melee (1d6+7) and bite +26 melee (4d6+7/19-20)
Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft. (90 ft. with tentacle, 50 ft. with arm)
Special Attacks: Airy water, constrict 2d8+14 or 1d6+7, control temperature, fire of the deep, improved grab, spell-like abilities, venomous ink cloud
Special Qualities: Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft., jet, low-light vision, spell-like abilities
Saves: Fort +23, Ref +14, Will +17
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +22, Diplomacy +7, Hide -3, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (geography) +17, Knowledge (nature) +16, Listen +35, Search +27, Sense Motive +18, Spot +35, Survival +5 (+7 following tracks), Swim +20, Use Magic Device +17
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip
Epic Feat: Dire Charge, Epic Will
Environment: Any aquatic
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Any evil
Advancement: 26-75 HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: —

This vast, leprous white creature is bigger than some ships. Its body is encased in a thick shell, from which spout a squirming mass of octopus-like tentacles, a huge head, and a strangely humanoid pair of arms. Two of its tentacles are almost twice as long as the others, and are armed with flesh-ripping barbs. The creature's ghastly head combines the worst features of a deep-sea fish, an octopus, and an aquatic ogre. Two red eyes glimmer with malevolence above an enormous beak.

Ages ago, the Zakharan kraken ruled the coast lands, but some ancient event forced them to retreat the depths. They are now few in number, but have grown into albino giants who still brood and plot for the day the kraken shall rise and retake the surface lands.

Zakharan kraken can breathe air and water. They find living out of water distasteful, but can survive on land for many months. Their two humanoid arms are mostly used for fine manipulation and to wield magic items. In theory, a Zakharan kraken could wield titan-sized weapons in its hands, but they prefer their natural weapons and rarely develop any skill in arms.

Zakharan krakens are loners, congregating only during monsoons to mate. Females lay their eggs in the deepest trenches, then abandon them.

Few undersea creatures pose much of a threat to Zakharan krakens; the marid hunt them for sport and young kraken basking on the surface may be taken by rocs. Zakharan krakens prey primarily upon enormous sea creatures such as giant cephalopods and whales.

Some Zakharan krakens breed humanoid slaves in air-filled caverns, using them as both servants and livestock. The plight of these slaves is wretched and hopeless. Any that displease their master's whims are tortured and/or devoured, and even should they rebel successfully it would ensure their quick death, for it is only the kraken's power that keeps at bay the crushing and icy cold waters of the oceanic abyss.

Zakharan krakens particularly loathe the aboleths, whom they consider upstarts, despite the aboleth's ancient lineage. Other aquatic denizens may offer tribute and sacrifice to a Zakharan kraken in exchange for protection (mostly from the kraken itself). Some lesser evil beings of the deep - usually sahuagin or ixitxachitl - may willingly serve these monsters, and a kraken may occasionally lead armies of evil sea-dwellers against coastal cities and shipping lanes. Krakens frequently menace passing ships, extorting treasure and slaves from them, or simply attacking and taking what they desire.

A Zakharan kraken is roughly 60 feet long from beak to tail-tip. Six of the beast's tentacles are shorter arms about 50 feet long; the remaining two are nearly 100 feet long and covered with barbs.

Zakharan krakens speak Aquan, Common and Sahuagin.


Krakens strike their opponents with their barbed tentacles, then grab and crush with their arms or drag victims into their huge jaws. An opponent can make sunder attempts against a kraken's tentacles or arms as if they were weapons. A kraken's tentacles have 30 hit points, and its arms have 15 hit points. If a kraken is currently grappling a target with one tentacle or arm, it usually uses another limb to make its attack of opportunity against the sunder attempt. Severing a kraken's tentacle or arm deals damage to the kraken equal to half the limb's full normal hit points. A kraken usually withdraws from combat if it loses both tentacles or three of its arms. A kraken regrows severed limbs in 1d10+10 days.

A Zakharan kraken has a genius intelligence which it makes full use of in combat. If given time, it will summon storms or aquatic animals to inconvenience its opponents. They place great value on their own lives and readily retreat from a tough fight. The lives of other creatures are of scant value to a kraken, and it will kill an army of slaves or followers to spare itself pain or mere inconvenience.

If a Zakharan kraken is forced to retreat it will try to carry off any prospective slaves it has grappled in its tentacles. The kraken usually has to use its water breathing and endure elements spell-like abilities on its captives so they don't freeze and drown during their journey to submarine slavery.

Airy Water (Su): Once per day, a Zakharan kraken can create an underwater zone of "airy water", covering a sphere up to 120 feet in radius or a hemisphere up to 240 ft. radius. All creatures within the zone can breathe the airy water as if it were air or water (whichever suits their respiratory systems the best). The airy water has the physical and optical properties of air or water (the Kraken chooses one or the other when it uses this power). Creatures in the zone of airy water move and fight just as if it were ordinary water or air, as appropriate. Thus, creatures can use their swim speed in water-mode airy water, and can fly in air-mode airy water. An "air-mode" zone of airy water looks like an enormous underwater bubble of air, and nonintelligent Aquatic creatures will instinctively avoid entering it. The zone of airy water has a duration of 25 hours, but the Kraken can dismiss it as a standard action.

Constrict (Ex): A Zakharan kraken deals automatic arm or tentacle damage with a successful grapple check.

Control Temperature (Su): As a swift action, a Zakharan kraken can raise or lower the temperature by 10 degrees Fahrenheit in a 100-foot-radius centered on itself. Subsequent uses of this ability stack, up to a maximum change of 100 degrees, so it could, for example, raise the temperature by a total of 20 degrees after two rounds. Normally, the temperature change lasts for 10 minutes. If the kraken uses control temperature within the area of its airy water power, the temperature change lasts as long as the airy water effect does.

Fire of the Deep (Sp): As a standard action, a Zakharan Kraken can cause creatures and objects in an area up to an 80 ft. cube with an eldritch glow equal to faerie fire. This glow lasts up to 8 hours, but the Kraken can extinguish it as a free action. This is the equivalent of a 4th-level spell (CL 20th).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Zakharan kraken must hit with an arm or tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Jet (Ex): A Zakharan kraken can jet backward once per round as a full-round action, at a speed of 280 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At-will—endure elements (DC 16); 1/day—animal summoning VI (Aquatic only), water breathing (DC 18); 1/day—control weather, control winds, dominate animal (DC 18), resist energy (DC 17). Caster level 15th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Venomous Ink Cloud (Ex): A Zakharan kraken can emit a cloud of jet-black ink in an 80-foot spread once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the kraken normally uses to escape a fight that is going badly. Creatures within the cloud are considered to be in darkness.

The ink cloud contains a deadly contact poison, and is equally effective on land and underwater. The cloud persists for 1d4+1 rounds in either case.

Zakharan kraken venom: Contact, Fortitude DC 30, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Skills: A Zakharan kraken has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #198 (1993).


Monster Junkie
Spiny Rabbit

Spiny Rabbit
Tiny Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 1/2d10 (5 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +4 Dex), touch 16, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/–11
Attack: —
Full Attack: —
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, spines
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 3, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills: Hide +15, Jump +20, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Spot +3
Feats: Stealthy
Environment: Temperate forest and plains
Organization: Solitary or family (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

This rabbit has red fur and bright green eyes.

Areas of great magical contamination often warp the native flora and fauna into new forms. Such is the case of the spiny rabbit, whose coloration changed drastically from exposure. Even worse, the spiny rabbit developed its namesake spines, which contain a deadly venom.

Spiny rabbits are fairly solitary, residing alone or in small family units. Unlike most rabbits, they don't dig burrows. They prefer open ground, generally living on grassy clearings near magically contaminated ruins.

A spiny rabbit is 12-18 inches long and weighs 3-8 pounds.


Like their more common mundane relatives, spiny rabbits are generally docile and prefer flight to fight. With their great speed, the former is often easily attained. If cornered, or suddenly startled, a spiny rabbit flexes its venomous spines.

Poison (Ex): Injury (spines), Fortitude DC 10; initial damage 1d4 Con plus unconsciousness for 1 hour; secondary damage 2d6 Con plus unconsciousness for 1d3 hours. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Spines (Ex): When a spiny rabbit is startled or attacked, three spines on the rabbit's stomach become erect. Any creature grappling the spiny rabbit, or otherwise in contact with it at that time, must make a DC 14 Reflex save or take 1 hp damage and be exposed to the rabbit's poison. The save DC is Dexterity-based.

Sprint (Ex): Once per hour, a spiny rabbit can move ten times its normal speed (500 feet) when it makes a charge.

Skills: A spiny rabbit has a +8 racial bonus on Jump and Listen checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Jump checks.

In The Realms
In the Forgotten Realms setting, spiny rabbits are found primarily in the regions around the ruins of Myth Drannor.

Originally appeared in Elminster’s Ecologies (1994).
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Monster Junkie
Sand Warrior

Sand Warrior
Medium Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+5
Attack: Sandsword +5 melee (1d10+6/19-20)
Full Attack: Sandsword +5 melee (1d10+6/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sandsword
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, sandwalking, vulnerability to water
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +2
Feats: Power Attack
Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

Both this humanoid figure and the blade it wields are formed from fine, compressed sand.

Sand warriors are born on the endless beaches where the Elemental Plane of Earth borders with the Plane of Water. Countless numbers of sand warriors rise from the dunes of these beaches. Some are immediately pressed into combat to defend those beaches against encroaching water elementals, a battle they are ill-prepared to fight. The others are sent on epic marches to fight their masters' enemies: fire elementals on glassy plains and firey deserts; air elementals on mountaintops swept by perpetual lightning and duststorms; or rival earth creatures in the endless maze of caves and tunnels within the Elemental Plane of Earth.

A sand warrior can be summoned using the spell summon sand warriors (see below).

Sand warriors speak Terran.

A sand warrior is 6 feet tall and weighs about 300 pounds.


Sand warriors are unsubtle fighters. They simply charge their foes and attack them with their sandswords, which they usually wield in both hands.

Sandsword (Ex): A sand warrior's sword is equivalent to a bastard sword. A sandsword is part of the sand warrior's body, it cannot be disarmed but may be sundered like an ordinary weapon. Damage to the sandsword does not harm the sand warrior. A sand warrior can absorb its sandsword as a free action and create a new one as a swift action. If a sand warrior is killed, its sandsword crumbles to loose sand, as does the rest of its body.

Sandwalking (Ex): A sand warrior can move across sand as if it were firm ground. It can even cross shifting dunes or quicksand without penalty.

Vulnerability to Water (Ex): Water breaks up the body of a sand warrior. Minor contact (such as light rain or being splashed with a vial or cup of water) inflicts 1d3 points of damage per strike, or 1d3 per round for an ongoing effect. Major contact (such as a heavy rain or being drenched in a bucket of water) inflicts 2d6 points of damage. Complete immersion (including being thrown into a volume of water or being hit by a large jet of water, as from the geyser function of a decanter of endless water) inflicts 4d6 points of damage. Spells with the water descriptor do double damage against a sand warrior.

Summon Sand Warriors
Conjuration (Earth, Summoning)
Level: Brd 3, Clr 3, Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 30 ft.
Effect: 1d3+1 summoned creatures
Duration: 3 rounds/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell summons 1d3+1 sand warriors. They rise from the ground where you designate and act immediately, on your turn. The sand warriors attack your opponents to the best of their ability. If you can communicate with a sand warrior (they speak Terran), you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. The warriors must always remain within 30 feet of the spellcaster; if any moves beyond this range the spell expires.

A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them.

Arcane Material Component: A pint of water which must be poured onto sand.

Originally appeared in Priest's Spell Compendium, Volume Two (1999).
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Monster Junkie
Lizardfolk, Varkha

Lizardfolk, Varkha
Medium Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft.
Armor Class: 14 (+4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Claw +3 melee (1d6+1) or spear +2 melee (1d8+1) or spear +1 ranged (1d8+1)
Full Attack: 2 claws +3 melee (1d6+1) or spear +2 melee (1d8+1) or spear +1 ranged (1d8+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., hold breath, light sensitivity
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Balance +4, Clim +3, Jump +8, Swim +9
Feats: Weapon Focus (claw)
Environment: Subterranean
Organization: Gang (5-15), hunting party (15-30 plus 1-3 warriors of 2nd-4th level (sllith or gsssrat) and 1 adept of 2nd-4th level), or war band (30-50 plus 3-6 warriors of 2nd-4th level and 2-3 adepts of 2nd-4th level and 1 sub-chief of 4th-7th level (gaakth) and 1 shaman of 3rd-6th level), tribe (75-150 plus 50% noncombatants and 5-10 warriors of 2nd-4th and 5-10 adepts of 2nd-4th level and 1 shaman of 3rd-6th level and 1 chief of 5th-9th level (tssri) and 1-3 giant subterranean lizards)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +1

This short, reptilian humanoid has large, froglike eyes on the sides of its head. A span of webbing connects the creature's arms to its torso. It wears a leather harness holding a sparse collection of crude items.

Varkhas are subterranean relatives of lizardfolk. These brutal, aquatic hunters prowl underground lakes and rivers for prey.

Varkhas have a close-knit tribal society, led by a chief called a tssri. Most hunting parties are led by a sllith (hunt leader), while larger groups follow a gsssrat (master of the hunt). The largest hunting parties or war bands, which can number 50 varkhas or more, are led by a gaakth (sub-chief) and always include a shaman.

Varkhas females make up about one-fourth of a tribe. When not brooding over eggs, females often join a hunting party. Larger varkha tribes keep subterranean lizards as guardians.

Varkhas have many natural enemies, including troglodytes and drow. Varkhas have a deep (and mutual) hatred for gibberlings and seize every opportunity to attack them.

A varkha lizardfolk is usually 4 to 5 feet tall with dark gray or deep green scales. Its tail is used for balance and is 2 to 3 feet long. A varkha can weigh from 60 to 125 pounds.

Varkhas speak Draconic with a heavy gurgling accent.

The varkha warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8


Varkhas mostly fight with their vicious claws. Some varkhas fashion crude weapons from bones and sharpened rocks, usually missile weapons they hurl at opponents before charging in to melee with their claws.

Varkha hunting parties and war bands fight in well-coordinated groups that make maximum use of their numbers to overwhelm their opponents, concentrating their efforts on their most dangerous foes. Varkhas often try to herd opponents into water, where their swimming ability helps them outmaneuver terrestrial creatures.

Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Varkha are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Skills: Because of their tails, varkha lizardfolk have a +4 racial bonus on Jump and Balance checks. A varkha has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Varkhas As Characters
Most varkha leaders are fighters. A varkha cleric has access to two of the following domains: Darkness, Evil, Scalykind, Strength, and Water.

Varkha characters possess the following racial traits.
  • +2 Dexterity.
  • Medium size.
  • A varkha's base land speed is 30 feet and its base swim speed is 20 feet.
  • +4 natural armor bonus.
  • Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d6).
  • Special Qualities (see above): Darkvision 60 ft., hold breath, light sensitivity.
  • Automatic Languages: Draconic. Bonus Languages: Aquan, Giant, Goblin, Orc and Undercommon.
  • Favored Class: Fighter.
  • Level adjustment +1.

Cayman Riding Lizard
Small Animal
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-12
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats: Run, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Solitary or herd (2-20)
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

This lizard resembles a yard-long iguana with unusually long legs and a shortened tail.

Riding lizards are herbivorous reptiles of unusual intelligence and sociability that can be trained as mounts or beasts of burden. Their small size means they are mostly used by tiny humanoids, especially the Cayman lizardfolk.

A riding lizard is 2 to 3 feet long (excluding tail) and weighs about 40 pounds.

In Mystara
The shazaks of Mystara live in the Orc's Head Peninsula of the Savage Coast. They were created by the Herathians about about 700 BC, who transformed chameleon men into these primitive lizardfolk. After being set free by the Herathians, they lived in the bayou, but were driven out by their cousins the gurrash lizardfolk and resettled in the Orc's Head woodlands. They still maintain close ties with the Herathians, and often ally with them in defensive wars against incursions by gurrash and rakastan. The Savage Coast shazaks are ruled by a monarch known as the Shaz. Most Mystaran shazak worship Ka.

Originally appeared in Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1996).[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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Monster Junkie
Dog, Hunting

Dog, Hunting
Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +4, Survival +1*
Feats: Run (B), Track (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Warm plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (4–24)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —

This lean, powerful dog has a patchwork coat of black, white and tan fur. Its tail has a white tip and tan base, separated by a black band. The head has large, erect ears and a powerful muzzle.

Hunting dogs are a species of wild dog found on tropical plains. They are sometimes called "painted dogs", because the fur of each individual has a varicolored pattern as unique as a fingerprint.

A hunting dog is about 3 feet long and weighs from 40 to 75 pounds.


Hunting dogs usually avoid humanoids, but can be as deadly as wolves if pressed or desperate. They usually fight in well-coordinated packs.

Trip (Ex): A hunting dog that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #102 (1985).
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Monster Junkie
Lycanthrope, Weresloth

Tree Weresloth, Goblin Form
Small Humanoid (Goblin, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 plus 1d8+2 (12 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 leather armor, +2 natural, +1 light shield), touch 12, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3
Attack: Morningstar +2 melee (1d6) or javelin +3 ranged (1d4)
Full Attack: Morningstar +2 melee (1d6) or javelin +3 ranged (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Alternate form, sloth empathy, low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Hide +6, Listen +3, Move Silently +5, Ride +4, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness, Iron Will (B), Stealthy (B)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or pack (6-10)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3

Tree Weresloth, Sloth Form
Tiny Humanoid (Goblin, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 plus 1d8+2 (12 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), climb 20 ft.
Armor Class: 13 (+2 size, -1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-7
Attack: Claw -4 melee (1d2-3)
Full Attack: Claw -4 melee (1d2-3)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Curse of lycanthropy
Special Qualities: Alternate form, sloth empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent, single actions only
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +7*, Hide +8*, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Ride +2, Spot +3, Swim +5
Feats: Alertness, Iron Will (B), Stealthy (B)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or pack (6-10)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3

Tree Weresloth, Hybrid Form
Small Humanoid (Goblin, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 plus 1d8+2 (12 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.
Armor Class: 12 (+1 size, -1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-4
Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d4-1); or claw +1 melee (1d3-1); or morningstar +1 melee (1d6-1) or javelin +1 ranged (1d4-1)
Full Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d4-1); or claw +1 melee (1d3-1); or morningstar +1 melee (1d6-1) or javelin +1 ranged (1d4-1))
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Curse of lycanthropy
Special Qualities: Alternate form, sloth empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent, single actions only
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +7*, Hide +4*, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Ride +2, Spot +3, Swim +5
Feats: Alertness, Iron Will (B), Stealthy (B)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or pack (6-10)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3

This little humanoid creature is entirely covered with long, grey-brown hair streaked with green tints. It has the head of some sort of animal, with a short muzzle and beady black eyes peering from amidst its hair. The creature's hands and feet end in long, curved claws.

Tree weresloths in humanoid form tend to be pot-bellied and gangly-limbed, with long, unkempt hair. They often have twigs, leaves and other detritus tangled in their hair. Tree weresloths usually live as forest aborigines, dressing themselves in very basic garments such as breechcloths or skirts made from local, natural materials like bark or animal skin.

The tree weresloth presented here is a 1st-level goblin warrior and natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 10.


Tree weresloths try to hide in the treetops and snipe at their enemies with missile weapons. They usually fight in hybrid form.

In animal form, a tree weresloth’s claws are so blunt and slow they are treated as a secondary attack and add only half the weresloth's Strength bonus to damage.

Alternate Form (Su): A tree weresloth can assume the form of a tree sloth or a sloth-humanoid hybrid.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a weresloth’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Single Actions Only (Ex): A tree weresloth in animal or hybrid form can perform only a single move action or attack action each round. A tree weresloth can move up to its speed and attack in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge.

Sloth Empathy (Ex): Communicate with tree sloth, ground sloth and dire sloth, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against tree sloth, ground sloth and dire sloth.

Skills: Goblins have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently and Ride checks.

In animal or hybrid form, a tree weresloth has a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and Swim checks. A tree weresloth can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Weresloths use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb or Swim checks, whichever is higher.

* A tree weresloth's claws in animal or hybrid form are specially shaped to grip branches, its racial bonus to Climb checks increases to +12 when it is in a tree, and it can always take 10 on Climb checks, even when the weresloth is unconscious, dying or dead!

* A tree weresloth in animal or hybrid form has a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks when among leaves or similar vegetation, due to its long, algae-tinted hair.

Ground Weresloth, Half-Orc Form
Medium Humanoid (Orc, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 plus 4d8+20 (43 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+3 studded leather armor, +2 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6
Attack: Falchion +6 melee (2d4+3/18-20) or javelin +4 ranged (1d6+2)
Full Attack: Falchion +6 melee (2d4+3/18-20) or javelin +4 ranged (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., sloth empathy, low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +5, Swim +3
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will (B)
Environment: Any forest, hill, or plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or pack (6-10)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3

Ground Weresloth, Sloth Form
Medium Humanoid (Orc, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 plus 4d8+20 (43 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+8
Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +8 melee (1d4+4) and bite +3 melee (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Curse of lycanthropy, improved grab, pin down
Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage reduction 10/silver, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, sloth empathy
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +5, Swim +5
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will (B)
Environment: Any forest, hill, or plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or pack (6-10)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3

Ground Weresloth, Hybrid Form
Medium Humanoid (Orc, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 plus 4d8+20 (43 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+8
Attack: Falchion +8 melee (2d4+6/18-20) or claw +8 melee (1d4+4) or javelin +5 ranged (1d6+4)
Full Attack: Falchion +8 melee (2d4+6/18-20); or 2 claws +8 melee (1d4+4) and bite +3 melee (1d6+2); or javelin +5 ranged (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Curse of lycanthropy
Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage reduction 10/silver, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, sloth empathy
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +5, Swim +5
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will (B)
Environment: Any forest, hill, or plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or pack (6-10)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3

This burly creature, half humanoid and half beast, is covered in a pelt of foot-long hair. Its head is somewhat sheep-like, with dull eyes and small blunt teeth. The creature's arms are far more formidable, powerfully muscled and ending in long, curved claws.

Ground weresloths in humanoid form tend to have pot-bellies and robust arms. Their hair is usually long, unkempt hair and is often tangled with twigs, leaves and other debris. Ground weresloths typically live as forest aborigines, dressing themselves in very basic garments such as breechcloths or skirts, usually woven from the fibers of local plants.

The weresloth presented here is a 1st-level half-orc warrior and natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 10.


Ground weresloths are not typically aggressive, but they are violent when roused. Unimaginative combatants, they prefer to rush into melee, usually remembering to change into animal or hybrid for the fight. In humanoid form, they fight with weapons as available, while their strong instinct in sloth form is to pin down their opponent.

Alternate Form (Su): A weresloth can assume the form of a lesser ground sloth or a sloth-humanoid hybrid.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a weresloth’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Improved Grab (Ex): If a ground weresloth in animal form hits an opponent that is at least one size category smaller than itself with a claw attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold, it can pin down the opponent on its next successful grapple check.

Pin Down (Ex): A ground weresloth in animal form can make a grapple check against an already grappled opponent in an attempt to pin it down. If successful, the opponent is pinned down beneath the weresloth's claw. Pinned opponents take claw damage each round they are pinned, including the round in which the pin is established.

Sloth Empathy (Ex): Communicate with tree sloth, ground sloth and dire sloth, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against tree sloth, ground sloth and dire sloth.

Giant Weresloth, Hill Giant Form
Large Giant (Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 plus 8d8+72 (210 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 ft. in hide armor (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +11 natural, +3 hide armor), touch 8, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+26
Attack: Greatclub +22 melee (2d8+10) or slam +21 melee (1d4+7) or rock +14 ranged (2d6+7)
Full Attack: Greatclub +22/+17/+12 melee (2d8+10) or 2 slams +21 melee (1d4+7) or rock +14 ranged (2d6+7)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Rock throwing
Special Qualities: Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., sloth empathy, low-light vision, rock catching, scent
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +9, Will +9
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills: Climb +9*, Jump +7*, Listen +9, Spot +12
* includes -3 armor penalty from hide armor
Feats: Alertness (B), Great Fortitude, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Iron Will (B), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw), Weapon Focus (greatclub)
Environment: Temperate hills
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or troupe (family plus 2-4 ground sloths)
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +7

Giant Weresloth, Mylodon Form
Large Giant (Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 plus 8d8+72 (210 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 21 (-1 size, +12 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+30
Attack: Claw +26 melee (1d6+11)
Full Attack: 2 claws +26 melee (1d4+11) and bite +20 melee (1d8+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Curse of lycanthropy, improved grab, pin down, trample 1d10+16
Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage reduction 10/silver, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, sloth empathy
Saves: Fort +25, Ref +10, Will +9
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills: Climb +16, Jump +14, Listen +9, Spot +12
Feats: Alertness (B), Great Fortitude, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Iron Will (B), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw), Weapon Focus (greatclub)
Environment: Temperate hills
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or troupe (family plus 2-4 ground sloths)
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +7

Giant Weresloth, Hybrid Form
Large Giant (Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 plus 8d8+72 (210 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 21 (-1 size, +12 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+30
Attack: Greatclub +26 melee (2d8+16) or claw +26 melee (1d6+11) or rock + 20 ranged (2d6+11)
Full Attack: Greatclub +26/+21/+16 melee (2d8+10); or 2 claws +26 melee (1d6+11) and bite +20 melee (1d8+5); or rock + 20 ranged (2d6+11)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Curse of lycanthropy, rock throwing
Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage reduction 10/silver, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, rock catching, scent, sloth empathy
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +10, Will +9
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills: Climb +16, Jump +14, Listen +9, Spot +12
Feats: Alertness (B), Great Fortitude, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Iron Will (B), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw), Weapon Focus (greatclub)
Environment: Temperate hills
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-4), or troupe (family plus 2-4 ground sloths)
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +7

This giant beastman is at least twice as tall as a human. A thick pelt of hair almost buries its hulking body and huge forearms. The creature has a long, sheep-like head, with dull eyes peering out through its hair. Its jaws are unimpressive, with small and blunt teeth, but its hands are armed with enormous, curved claws.

In giant form, these weresloths usually look like ordinary hill giants with exceptionally long hair, tangled with branches, filth and other detritus. They prefer to live in wooded hills, using caves for shelter. Their culture is primitive even for a hill giant. Giant weresloths normally dress in skins and crudely woven kilts or ponchos.


Giant weresloths are not typically aggressive, but they are violent when roused. Unimaginative combatants, they prefer to rush into melee, usually remembering to change into animal or hybrid for the fight. In giant form, they fight with weapons and thrown rocks, while their strong instinct in sloth form is to pin down and trample their opponent.

Alternate Form (Su): A weresloth can assume the form of a ground sloth or a sloth-humanoid hybrid.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a weresloth’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.

Improved Grab (Ex): If a giant weresloth in animal form hits an opponent that is at least one size category smaller than itself with a claw attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold, it can pin down the opponent on its next successful grapple check.

Pin Down (Ex): A giant weresloth in animal form can make a grapple check against an already grappled opponent in an attempt to pin it down. If successful, the opponent is pinned down beneath the weresloth's claw. Pinned opponents take trample damage each round they are pinned, including the round in which the pin is established.

Sloth Empathy (Ex): Communicate with tree sloth, ground sloth and dire sloth, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against tree sloth, ground sloth and dire sloth.

Trample (Ex): Reflex half DC 31. The save DC is Strength-based.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #40 (1980).


Monster Junkie
Hyena, Cave

Hyena, Cave
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+6)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +3*, Listen +7, Spot +5
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (bite)
Environment: Cold or temperate plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (7–16)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: —

This hyena is nearly twice as heavy as the common variety. It has unusually long legs and a thick coat of fur.

Cave hyenas get their name from their preferred choice of lairs. If caves are unavailable, they dig out deep dens.

Cave hyenas are opportunistic predators and scavengers. They mainly prey on herd animals such as horses, ibex, and deer, but occasionally eat creatures as big as wooly rhinoceroses. They are willing to steal kills from neanderthals and other predators, and in lean times may turn to cannibalism. Cave hyenas often drag prey back to their caves, accumulating bones and horns for later consumption or for their young to play with.

A cave hyena is about 4 to 5 feet long, stands up to 3 feet tall, and weighs around 225 pounds.


Cave hyenas favor flank attacks. A couple of hyenas distract the foe from the front, while the rest of the pack attack from the sides and back. They focus their attacks on a chosen victim, trying to bring them to the ground with trip attacks.

Cave hyenas are as courageous as most other carnivores. They will withdraw from a losing fight to save themselves injury or wasted effort, but are certainly not cowards.

Trip (Ex): A cave hyena that hits with its bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+8 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the hyena.

Skills: *Cave hyenas have a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #102 (1985).
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Monster Junkie

Shadowrath, Lesser
Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 4d12+8 (34 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+2
Attack: Chilling touch +5 melee (1d6 negative energy plus 1d4 Str)
Full Attack: Chilling touch +5 melee (1d6 negative energy plus 1d4 Str)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Chilling touch
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/good, darkvision 60 ft., mute, spell resistance 13, +2 turn resistance, unholy toughness
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con —, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills: Hide +12*, Listen +10, Move Silently +12, Spot +10
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary or cornet (2-12)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

This animated skeleton is composed of charred, black bones, with only its eyesockets alight with red energy.

Shadowraths are specialized undead first created by an artifact dedicated to a death deity. Lesser shadowraths, or "blackbones", are completely subservient to their creator or the possessor of the artifact that created them.

A lesser shadowrath is as intelligent as most humanoids, and is able to follow complex instructions from their master. However, they have no motivation of their own apart from a compulsion to kill the living. Lesser shadowraths have no interest in equipment or treasure, although their master may instruct them to use equipment or collect treasure for them. Unless instructed otherwise, they will abandon any possessions they might have owned when alive.

An uncontrolled lesser shadowrath will attack any living thing it sees, even plants or the tiniest insects. Being influenced by a death deity, they always seek to kill good-aligned clerics before any other target. Uncontrolled shadowraths remain in one spot, which they only leave long enough to kill. Eventually, a lesser shadowrath will kill all creatures in its vicinity and drain the life out of the soil, leaving nothing but barrenness.

A create undead spell (minimum caster level 14th) can create a lesser shadowrath.

A lesser shadowrath is 5 to 6 feet tall and weighs around 70 pounds.


Lesser shadowraths strike with a chilling touch. They use stealth and ambushes to maximize their chance of murdering their opponents.

Chilling Touch (Su): The touch of a lesser shadowrath deal 1d6 points of damage plus 1d4 points of Strength damage to a living foe. A creature reduced to Strength 0 by a shadowrath dies. This is a negative energy effect.

Mute (Ex): A shadowrath is as voiceless as the dead. It cannot speak, or cast spells (including spells from spell-completion items) that have a verbal component, or use magic items that require a command word.

Unholy Toughness (Ex): A lesser shadowrath gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier × its Hit Dice.

Skills: Shadowraths have a +2 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. *Shadowraths have a +6 circumstance bonus on Hide checks when in shadowy areas.

In The Realms
In the Forgotten Realms setting, shadowraths are created by the Crown of Horns, a legendary artifact created by the god Myrkul.

Originally appeared in City of Splendors (1994).
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