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Creepy Player Habits - WARNING: reading may require a Sanity Check!

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I was thinking I did not have a creepy story, but reading all of these brought back...memories...

I was playing RoleMaster for the first time (hate that game!) and almost everyone involved were friends of this one guy I knew, and I did not know him all that well. Well, one of the guys seemed a little odd to me. He was over 30, had a terrible time keeping even the most basic job for more than a month or two, kept a dog in circumstances I'm ashamed to repeat (and ashamed at myself for not figuring out how to intervene) and strongly disliked going out of his house, for almost any reason (might be part of the keeping the job problem). But the worst was when we started running the gane at my place, and every now and then, my girlfriend would wander by if she was home. Apparantly, this guy would STARE at her, and his eyes would start to glaze a bit, and he followed her movements like a virual stalker. Now this might be construed as well deserved admiration (she's a wonderful woman, we just set our wedding date!), but it wierded everyone out, and we eventually stopped asking this guy to come around, which was easy because you could never reach him after he moved into his sister's basement...freaky.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
rgard said:
Apartment guy watches until the staff go back inside and launches a second potato that hits the bottom of the store's door with a loud crash again. Same reaction from the staff.

After about a 1/2 hour, apartment guy's roommate remarks that they are out of potatoes. Roommate then walks over to the same convenience store and buys a sack of potatoes.

Never expected all that when we went to play D&D.

This reminds me of a guy we used to play with from time to time. It's a group I don't really hang around with ssince most went their separate ways after college. One of them was really... unique. He was called Crazy Bob.

Crazy Bob used to live in the dorms with an annoying guy named Bert who was into cycling. I know this story because a good friend of mine became Bert's roommate after Crazy Bob moved out. Anyway, Bert would sometimes jump up and wake his roommate early in the morning, very loudly, just to be annoying. My friend would get up and chase him, undressed, down a couple flights of stairs before giving up. Crazy Bob, on the other hand, would chase Bert with a knife.

Crazy Bob used to climb up the outsides of buildings to get to parties on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

He moved to an aparment building built as a fairly tall tower and lived on the top floor. He once threw an empty and big wine bottle out the window without looking (in the general direction of the dumpster), getting himself admonished by our other friend Eddie for doing something so dangerous.

Crazy Bob eventually started stealing a books out of the library that he took a fancy to, mostly histories of Celts and Vikings. He would take the book to the bathroom and rip out the tattle-tape stuck along the binding. One time, he didn't get all of it and the alarm went off as he left the library. Security gave chase briefly but Bob got away. We later got a call from Eddie who was house sitting at Crazy Bob's apartment and dropped in. Bob was nowhere around. Turns out that he called Eddie from his apartment asking him to come over. Eddie shows up and the place is all dark and Bob is avoiding all windows, a bit paranoid that security was still after him. So, he and Eddie decided to switch apartments for a few days until everything blew over.
Not too extreme, really, just a bit on the oddball side.

There was another guy who lived in an apartment above the Taco Bell. We all swore that he must have washed his hair in one of the vents above a fryer or something because he was always very, very greasy.

Dear lord. A few of the people described in this thread go far beyond creepy and into the realm of Evil, with the capital E. And I would like to say I have absolutely no respect or compassion for anyone who does not take care of basic hygiene concerns. That is the epitome of a person lacking social skills, and frankly such people should be confronted about their behavior.

The detrimental effect they have on themselves is obvious, and they are denying any sane human being the desire to associate with them in any way. I thank what gods there may be I have never encountered the more severe players described in this thread. I certainly wouldn't tolerate such people if I ever do encounter them.


First Post
I guess i got sorta lucky in the players biz. Although i did have my fair share of weirdos come to my table, but not as bad as some of you. And there is one person who is completely banned from my table, and trust me it takes ALOT for that to happen.
First player, was this homeless guy, nice guy, good gamer, but his life revolved around gaming, he even lived in his car. Some of my most rememberable gaming sessions was with him but was just too much into gaming. He was so much into gaming he would show up at my work place and talk to me about the game while i was at work. I wasnt sure if he was doing cause i felt sorry for him and gave him free food(Being a manager of a restaurant that i am) or he was just that obsessed. Last i heard he was in hawaii after diappearing for a couple months.

Second, this guy is actually banned from my table, and because of him, we have a new rule no Significant others to join the table unless everyone is agreed to it. He was a gay flamboyant gamer, who was living/dating my best friend since high school. Very first session he was playing a level 1 sorcerer, he charged a level 10 BBEG i called Mordred who was a gunslinger(I was reading Stephen Kings the Dark Tower at the time) Mordred shot him the round after he charged him and lay dying for most of the night, yelling out at dave(His b-f and my friend)"Sweety come heal me! Come one Sweety!" after that he demanded to be the center of attention, and when the game didnt focus on him he would pout like a little girl. I had to pull my friend off to the side, and explaing to him, that he couldnt always have things his way, and that he needed to tone things down a bit, cause other players were complaining about the whining, and the "Sweeties" all night. He that he stopped showing up after that(And wouldnt even talk to me, like i really cared), and my friend and him broke up. After that my friend said next time he meets someone like that to smack him around a bit to knock some sense into him.

And lastly,
One of my current players, he's a huge guy, with a beard who is a combination Snack Vacuum, wall flower gamer. He eats all the time while at the table, and will pick at his belly button while reading a book when we are in the middle of something else. One of my new players told me he didnt want to sit next to him cause he took off his shoes, and was picking at his feet, and was disgusted by it. Now his brother in law is also in my group, who tends to play cookie cutter characters(All drunks, and fighters, and likes to charge into combat at the first sign of trouble) These two while good friends, could constant burp and belch all night. We gotten to calling them Belch and Grunt, who's who we still havent figured out :p

Oh, now i remember. He wasnt a part of my gaming group but he was creepy. He wanted so badly to play DnD, he would come over and talk gaming for hours on end(Even when i was watching a movie or something) And me and my roommate try to avoid him when ever possible. He one time ate pizza that was in the fridge for like a week, and was old, and stale. He one time cornered my roommates sister to try and get her to play DnD with us. Luckily for us, his game never got started. Last i heard he got arrested for preaching on the street.


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