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Critter Bits and Magic Recipes!

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First Post
Thanks for the reminder bump- I've got two issues of Dragon which each have a LOT of critter bit content.

Power components from Dragon 317:
ghaele heart (atonement- evil caster), gelugon heart (atonement- good caster), essence of any kind of elder elemental (awaken), lillend tail (commune- evil caster), succubus lips (commune- good caster), cornugon brain (gate), devourer rib cage (limited wish), black slaad eyes (miracle- good caster), elder treant roots (miracle- evil caster), nightwalker eyes (permanencied darkvision), mummy lord wrappings (permanencied detect magic), very old or older black dragon fangs (permanencied greater magic fang), anaxim head blade (permanencied phase door), celestial prismatic dragon skull (permanencied prismatic sphere), winterwight skull (permanencied symbol of death), cauchemar hooves (planar ally), death slaad claws (greater magic ally), red slaad fangs (lesser planar ally), celestial unicorn horn (greater restoration), greater stone golem head (simulacrum), umber hulk eyes (vision), gold dragon wyrm heart (wish), lamassu brain (analyze dweomer), succubus tongue (atonement), aasimar fingers (bless water) (!?!), clay golem clay (clone), spectre ecoplasm (circle of death), lantern archon (identify), djinni tongue (legend lore), nightwalker heart (raise dead), coatl wings (reincarnate), monitor lizard tail (restoration), yuan-ti abomination tongue (sepia snake sigil), taskmaster formian head (shield of law), nightwalker hands (symbol of death), bebilith mandibles (symbol of fear), gray slaad brain (symbol of insanity), gargantuan scorpion sting (symbol of pain), night hag horns (symbol of sleep), cornugon hide (symbol of weakness), formian myrmarch antennae (teleportation circle), marut gears (temporal stasis), gloom heart (true resurrection)

More power components from the same issue- bronze dragon scales (banded mail of luck), planetar wings (breastplate of command), cornugon hide (demon armor), fiendish manticore tail (spined shield), trumpet archon pinions (winged shield), hamatula quill (dagger of venom), red dragon tongue (flame tongue), solar spine (holy avenger) (?!?), basilisk quills (slaying arrows), stirge proboscis (sleep arrow), krenshar tail (potion of cat's grace), lion adrenal gland (potion of cure serious wounds), half-celestial eagle feathers (potion of eagle's splendor), pegasus hooves (potion of fly), nixie scales (potion of fox's cunning), deinonychus killing claws (potion of haste), grig antennae (potion of invisibility), pseudodragon scales (potion of owl's wisdom), giant wasp stinger (potion of rage), bezekira foot (ring of jumping), xill scales (ring of protection +1), demilich soul gems (ring of major spell storing), beholder central eye (rod of cancellation), marut gears (rod of lordly might), gold dragon feet (rod of rulership), hound archon heart (rod of splendor), elder fire elemental essence (fire staff), white dragon wyrm jaw (frost staff), force dragon horn (staff of power), remorhaz glands (boots of the winterlands), nightwing wing (cloak of the bat), ogre fists (gauntlets of ogre power), mephit hand (hand of the mage), yrthak horn (horn of blasting), atropal eyes (mirror of life trapping), titan skull (well of many worlds)

Some more specific stuff:
"Owlbear claws prove especially useful in concotions granting their imbiber greater strength or staying power."
"[Stirge's] wings find occasional use in items (particularly potions) that enable the user to fly."
"Nightmare's hoof: While useful in the creation of fire-creating and fire-resisting items, care must be taken in acquiring such prizes.... The supernatural fire that burns while they live fades quickly upon death. Thus, their hooves must be collected quickly and placed in a har filled with a special oil that allows the flames to burn."


First Post
BOZ said:
i'm so glad that this stuff is again seeing the light of day, even if in a different form...

Ehh, well..... I kind of suck at making tables function on the forums, and the article didn't really do anything more than list- aside from the few I quoted at the end, it was pretty flavorless. "Such and such can substitute for X amount of exp/gp of materials in the creation/casting of such and such". Pretty bland stuff. I couldn't really think of any better way to organize the dry as dust list except in a dry as dust list of my own... if you've got any ideas on how to present that better, I'm open to suggestions.

My next batch from Dragon will be a LOT better, though- just hang on a few days until I get my Philosophy paper done and I'll post it.


First Post
Yes, here it is... after a bit longer of a wait than I'd intended.

All of this is from Dragon 308... I was considering including the illithid-created symbiotes as well, but I decided that they're closer to being creatures than items, so I'm omitting them so as not to make this even longer than it already will be. As this is the Dragon Magic theme issue, unsurprisingly most of these items will be of draconic origin. Bizarrely, there's oriental and faerunian dragons, but no gem dragons... though those would probably create psionic rather than magical items anyway.

Fallen Armor
So named because it is crafted from the hide of a slain dragon, this +3 hid barding is more like a grisly second skin than a crafted suit of armor. It provides protection agaisnt certain forms of damage, depending on the type worn. Other dragons ract with hostility to one who dares to wear such a foul item, especially if the fallen armor is of their color. Chromatic dragons are more likely than other dragons to make and use fallen armor, although metallic dragons sometimes wear it to inspire fear and prove their superiority over evil dragons.
To make fallen armor, the creatore must use the hide of a dragon at least one size category larger than itself. Once created, however, the armor resizes to fit any dragon of the creator's size or larger. Fallen armor provides additional effects according to its color, as follows:
Black- acid resistance 10
Blue- electricity resistance 10
Brass- fire resistance 5. In addition, the dragon can cast suggestion once per day as though cast by a 9th-level caster.
Bronze- electricity resistance 5. In addition, the dragon can cast water breathing once per day as though cast by a 9th-level caster.
Copper- acid resistance 5. In addition, the dragon can cast spider climb three times per day as though cast by a 9th-level caster.
Gold- fire resistance 5. In addition, the dragon can cast bless three times per day as though cast by a 9th-level caster.
Green- acid resistance 5. In addition, the dragon can cast water breathing once per day as though cast by a 9th-level caster.
Red- fire resistance 10
Silver- cold and acid resistance 5
White- cold resistance 10

All of the following bunch that have activated abilities .have the following identical bit of text that I'm not willing to type out twenty-some times: Anyone donning [the item] recieves mental instructions in Draconic on how to activate the ability. (Or the Spirit Tongue, for the Oriental dragons)

Azure Skullcap
This large, brilliant blue dragon scale is edged in mithral and set with blue sapphires and tourmalines in a decorative pattern. It fits snugly over the head, occupying the same space as a magic helm or hat.
Once per day, the wearer of an azure skullcap can use it to cast lightning bolt as an 8th-level caster. A skullcap also granst electricity resistance 15 and a +2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Crimson Claw
This small red dragon scale resembles a false fingernail for a finger or claw. It is decorated with a flame pattern in delicate gold leaf and magically adheres to the wearer's existing nail [or claw]. A crimson claw does not interfere with any claw attack the wearer might have, but it ceases to function if covered by a gauntlet or glove. Three times per day, the wearer of the claw can cast burning hands as the spell cast by a 5th level caster. A crimson claw also grants fire resistance 15 and a +2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Ebon Mask
This dull black dragon scale is edged in iron. It is roughly triangular in shape and slightly larger than a human fist when not worn. If held to the face, it magically adheres to cover the nose and mouth. An ebon mask grants the ability to breathe water and does not interfere with air breathing in any way. It also grants acid resistance 15 and a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. Only the wearer can remove an ebon mask unless he is unconscious or killed, in which case it detaches easily.
While highly prized for its obvious benefits, an ebon mask also has a drawback: it muffles speech, imposing a 20% spell failure chance on spells with verbal components.

Emerald Eye Patch
This scintillating green dragon scale is 2 inches in diameter and features a faceted emerald in its center. If held to the face, it magically adheres to cover one eye. Only the wearer can remove it unless she is unconscious or killed, in which case it detaches easily. The wearer of an emerald eye patch can rebuke or command plant creatures, just like the granted power of the Plant domain, as a 15th level cleric a number of times equal to 3+ the wearer’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1/day). This stacks with uses granted by the domain power. In addition, the wearer can detect plants as if using the detect plants and animals spell cast by a 15th-level caster, but this ability can only detect plants.

Opalescent Amulet
This milky white dragon scale is framed by a silver setting and hangs from a filigree chain. Tiny opals stud the surface of the dragon scale in a snowflake pattern. An opalescent amulet grants the ice-walking ability of a white dragon, as well as cold resistance 15 and a +2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Brassy Bracers
Each about the size and shape of a man's fist, these brass dragon scales are edged in mithral and set with moonstones in a spiral pattern. Affixed to the back of each is a buckle and a leather strap so they can be worn on the forearms. Once per day, the wearer of brassy bracers can surround herself in a swirling shield of superheated air for up to 10 minutes. The shimmering heat waves provide concealment for the wearer causing attacs to suffer a 20% miss chance. In addition, the heat deals 4d6 points of fire damage to any creatures attacking the wearer with a natural attack or melee weapon and any creatures grappling with the wearer... When the swirling shield is engaged, the wearer does not gain fire resistance or immunity, but suffers half damage from cold and is immune to the heat damage of her own bracers.

Bronzed Cuff
Shaped to fit easily on a creature's wrist, this bronze dragon scale is set with a pair of tiger's eye topazes and trimmed with bronze studs. A bronzed cuff can be worn with magic bracers on the same arm without affecting the ability of either magic item, but [instead occupies a ring slot]. As a free action, a bronzed cuff generates a +1 brilliant energy shock whip in the hand of the limb wearing it.... The bronzed cuff grants immunity to electricity as long as it is worn.

Cupric Brooch
This small copper dragon scale is set in a rectangular granite frame affixed to a metal pin. Despite its name, it hangs from a chain or thong like an amulet... A cupric brooch enables its wearer to both move and breathe freely when passing through any type of stone or earth (but not magma or lava). Unfortunately, this does not grant the wearer of the brooch the ability to see through stone and earth and the wearer's speed is likely halved along with the other effects of blindness. The wearer travels as though walking (or swimming, if that would result in a faster movement rate) and can walk in any direction through earth and stone. The wearer cannot pass through stone or earthen creatures.

Golden Visor
This gold dragon scale is edged in steel and pierced with viewing slits, very much like the visor of a helmet (which it is). It displays no magical abilities until attatched to a normal helm, at which time its powers manifest. A golden visor does not function if attatched to a normal helm. The wearer of a helm fitted with a golden visor gains 100-foot darkvision and 30-foot blindsight. In addition, the wearer gains low-light vison twice as good as an elf's. It also generates an aura of menace with a range of 30 feet, forcing creatures with fewer HD than the wearer to make a Will save (DC 15) or be unable to approach. Compelling a creature into the area by moving closer negates the menacing effect on that creature for 1 day, as does a successful save.

Sterling Collar
This silver dragon scale is expertly shaped to fit around the throat and is studded with chrysoberyls and white pearls. A sterling collar counts as a necklace for determining what magic items work in combination. The wearer of a sterling collar is able to walk on clouds just as a silver dragon does. This ability is always in effect while the collar is worn, even if the wearer is unconscious. In addition, a sterling collar grants cold resistance 15 and a +2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Beruto of the Carp Dragon
This hemp belt is decorated with seashells and features a yu lung dragon scale fashioned into a buckle. Anyone donning a beruto of the carp dragon gains the aquatic subtype for as long as it is worn, with the following effects: ability to breath fresh or saltwater (but not air), a swim speed equal to the wearer's base land speed, and a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. The wearer can always choose to take 10 when swimming and is able to use the run action if swimming in a straight line. If a beruto of the carp dragon is worn on dry land, the wearer must hold his breath or suffocation begins the round after the beruto is donned or the wearer emerges from the water.

Fiery Kabuto of the Celestial Dragon
This extremely ornate helm is decorated with red and yellow enamel and features a large t'ien lung dragon scale as its central decoration. Once per day on command, a fiery kabuto of the celestial dragon creates a sphere of fire centered on the wearer. Initially, the flames only surround the wearer, who takes no damage from the swirling fire; however, anyone attacking the wearer with a melee weapon or a natural attack or that grapples the wearer suffers 1d6 fire damage per round of contact... By taking a full round action and making a successful Concentration check (DC 15 base), the wearer may increase the diameter of the sphere by 10 feet and the damage dealt by +1d6, to a maximum of 4d6 points of fire damage per round for a 30-foot diameter sphere. Once the sphere's area of effect has been increased, no concentration is needed to maintain the new size... When sheathed in the flames, the wearer is immune to cold and fire damage; the sphere remains for 3 minutes or until dismissed. Note that wearing a kabuto is a right normally reserved for a samurai.

Iyaringu of the Earth Dragon
(Iyaringu? That's a gairaigo for sure... why not just call it an 'earring'?)
This earring is fashioned from one of a li lung's peacock-like quills and decorated with jade beads and pieces of red coral. Large and gaudy, an iyaringu of the earth dragon doesn't function with a magic helm or hat. Versions for both pierced and non-pierced ears have been discovered. An iyaringu of the earth dragon grants sure footing to its wearer, allowing her to move at normal speed over mud, quicksand, sand, and uneven terrain, and to remain standing during earthquakes. It has the same effect if the weaer encounters similar magical obstacles, but it does not negate any damage that might be dealt.

Kodate of the Spirit Dragon
This +4 small shield is fashioned from silver-plated steel and has a shen lung dragon scale embedded in its center. Its bearer is able to converse in the Spirit Tonge, and, once per day, become ethereal for up to 10 rounds as per the ethereal jaunt spell cast by a 10th-level caster.

Kuribune of the River Dragon
This 6-inch diameter chiang lung dragon scale is decorated with blue and green enamel, the interior studded with freshwater pearls arranged like benches in a tiny rowboat. It is usually stored in a watertight black lacquer box. While it appears to be simply a decorative object, it reveals its true power when it touches water. Whenever a kuribune of the river dragon comes in contact with water and the command word is sopoken, it enlarges into a normal 12-foot rowboat that can hold up to 3 Medium-sized creatures. The boat follows simple one-word commands from someone sitting in the prow such as "go", "stop", "left", "right", abd so on, and travels at a constant speed of 10 feet per round (subject to the current and rowing). Sprinkling a handful of sand or dirt into the boat returns it to dragon scale form.

Pearly Okimono of the Sea Dragon
This ornate lung wang dragon scale is 12 inches in diameter and inlaid with mother-of-pearl, coral, and white pearls depicting an ocean scene.... When carried aboard a waterborne vessel, a pearly okimono of the sea dragon grants a +10 bonus on any Profession (sailor) checks made to control the ship by someone on the vessel. It also increases the vessel's hardness by 5 and halves any chance the ship has of capsizing in rough water.

Tarekazari of the Coiled Dragon
This amulet is fashioned from a pan lung dragon scale and decorated with silver and amethysts. It hangs form a silver chain and bears an inscription that reads "Honor thine ancestors." When placed on the remains of a creature, a tarekazari of the coiled dragon recites five generations of the creature's ancestors and then allows three questions to be asked of the creature's spirit, subject to all the restrictions of a speak with dead spell cast by a 7th-level caster. This ability can be used 3 times per day. Once per week, a tarekazari of the coiled dragon can render a creature's remains permanently immune to reanimation as an undead creature by spell or magic item.

Watery Hachimaki of the Typhoon Dragon
This blue silk headband is sewn with black pearls and features a tun mi lung dragon scale as its central ornament. Once per day, the wearer can cast control weather, and twice per day the usuer can cast control winds. Both spells have effects as though cast by a 13th-level caster.

Amber Pinwheel
Resembling an ornate child's toy, this brown dragon scale is gilded with rose gold. It is pierced in the middle and fastened to a short silver rod, allowing it to spin freely. An amber pinwheel has two abilities, both activated by setting it into the ground and speaking a command word. One command word causes the amber pinwheel to create an invisible dome of force 10 feet high and 20 feet in diameter. The dome blocks particuate matter (sand, dust, snow and the like) and nonmagical projectiles of any size. Magic projectiles, spells, water, gas attacks, and wind are not impeded. This applies on both sides of the dome... any material covering the dome when the effect ends fills the space fomerly occupied by ethe dome. A second command word creates the illusion of a sand dune with the same dimensions as the dome of force. Both abilities can be in effect at once. If dislodged from its location, an amber pinwheel's effects end.

Dark Clasp
This blackish-purple deep dragon scale comes in two parts, which fit together to form the shape of a twining serpent. A dark clasp usually fastens a cloak, but it can secure any type of clothing. The wearer of a dark clasp gains a slightly ophidian feature, usually vertical pupils, and gains the ability to make a single melee attack each round with a reach 5 feet longer than normal, either by elongating the neck to bring the head within range for a bite attack (if the wearer has one) or by elongating a single limb when striking with a natural or manufactured weapon... This ability is physically taxing and may only be used a number of times per day equal to 3+ the wearer's Constitution bonus. This ability can also allow a standard action performed one-handed (such as picking up a cet of keys outside a cell) to be performed with 5 more feet of reach than normal.

Fanged Ring
Protruding 3 inches above its setting this gray-hued fang dragon scale is set in a heavy gold band. The ring appears clunky but does not interfere with any actions requiring Dexterity checks. A fanged ring inctreases by one step the amount of damage the wearer deals with an unarmed strike (use the table in the Monster Manual to determine the new damage value). It also grants the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. Finally, a fanged ring deals 1 point of temporary Constitution damage with each critical hit in addition to dealing double damage.

Shadowy Diadem
This black iron headband is studded with onyx and black sapphires, with a triangular shadow dragon scale attatched to its center. When worn, a shadoy diadem cloaks its wearer in a swirling mass of darkness that provides concealment (20% miss chance) and grants immunity to energy drain effects.

Sonorous Scale
This song dragon scale is decorated with a variety of precious metals and gems with no discernable pattern or form. Speaking a command word causes a sonorous scale to change into an attractive piece of jewelry-such as a brooch, pendant, bracelet, circlet, or amulet- of the speaker's choice. This magic item does not inhibit the fuctionality of any other magic item, no matter what form it takes. A second command word changes it back to its normal form. The piece of jewelry may be worn by anyone, but, once donned, only the wearer can safely touch it until it is deactivated. When worn as a piece of jewelry, a sonorous scale acts both as a protective device and a theft deterrent. If someone tries to remove it from its wearer, it delivers a powerful shock, dealing 3d8 points of electricity damage, and emits a high-pitched keening sound clearly audible within 1000 feet. It makes this noise until it is removed or until the wearer is killed. The wearer can also activate or deactivate the keening with a command word.


Creature Cataloguer
thanks for the update! :)

i've been thinking more and more lately, about writing an article for Dragon about this topic...


First Post
Remember how I mentioned I was tired? Turns out I was too tired the first time around to make sure I wasn't posting something already listed. Oops... here's a replacement.

Dragon 319's scryskull helms are occasionally created from dragon, ogre, or giant skulls.

From Dragon 322's feature on Dark Ones:
Brown mold oil is ground brown mold neutralized by a compound of lime and algae. When exposed to air, the compound turns gummy and inert, allwoing the brown mold to revive for one round to cause cold damage to any creature it touches. A flask or podskin of brown mold oil has a range increment of 10 feet and is a thrown splash weapon. A direct hit deals 2d6 points of nonlethal cold damage, while all creatures within 5 feet take 1d6 points of nonlethal cold damage from the splash. Brown mold oil may be created with a successful DC 25 Alchemy check.

And Dragon 182 has some VERY nasty "splash" weapons calledeggs of dragon breath which are made from unhatched dragon eggs.
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