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Crossed Paths - Part I


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"I would like to see this ship and this captain for myself. What do Romans know of the sea. You can barely keep your hulks afloat in the bath water of the Meditteranean."

"As for this Greek Fire , I don't know if it is real of if you have been to war without a helmet, but the goal doesn't matter. The Gods weigh our actions every day of our lives, and I shall not be found wanting."

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"Bath water?!" exclaims Glaucon as he stands up sudenly, knocking over his chair. "The Mediterranian is no bath, barbarian. Your boasts of your prowess in sailing seem far fetched, to me. My people sailed the seas when yours were still learning to make fire with rocks. I, myself, have stood more often on the deck of a ship at sea than on land. I will go see this ship capitan, this Vladamir Tolstoy, not a Roman name I add. I will judge if he be a capitan worthy of our voyage."

Glaucon strides purposefully out of the inn, and heads to meet this Vladamir.


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The docks.

OOC: Assuming everyone's up for a trip to see the boat...

At the docks, you are able to locate Captain Tolstoy pretty quickly - he seems well known to the other sailors. His shipis a single masted Viking-like ship, w/oars, called a Drakkar (it looks like the long ship on pg 151 of the dmg). It is about 45 feet long, 12 feet wide with a square sail. The ship is bustling with activity. Crates & barrels, as well as a large bull, are being loaded on board by bare-chested sailors. From their looks and shouts, they seem to be Greek. When asked, the crew directs you to the captain, who is standing in the aft, going over some papers with another man.

Vladimir Tolstoy is a tall, good-looking man, with blue eyes and black hair. He is dressed in a loose white shirt, and tight red pants. A longsword hangs from his belt. He quickly finished his business and looks you over. His eyebrows raise. It is not everyday that a grey elf appears with a Viking and tatooed pirates & egyptians...


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"Well captain, I like the style of your ship. I'm sure our Greek friend here would disagree. Afterall, it isn't a flat-keeled, rat-infested slave galley like he is used to." Ecgthow says while silently gauging the seaworthiness of the vessel.


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Glaucon proclaims in Greek, with a huge grin, "Well, the ship has poor sails, but if you captured enough barbarians, those oars would propel it nicely. I see the crew is Greek, though. Alas, we are better men than for rowing. There is one barbarian here with me, who looks suitable for rowing." He winks at the capitan, and nods his head slightly towards Ecthow. "Perhaps we can buy more nearby?"

He turns to Ecgthow, and speaks in Latin, "O' so big and so hairy man, would you perhaps have any brothers?"

After the laughter dies down, he turns back to the capitan with a lesser smile, and says in Greek, "But seriously, have you long sailed these seas? What ports do you call at? And I heard something of pirates? Are they trouble for you here?"

Glaucon inspects the vessel during his conversation, whilst speaking animatedly to the capitan and crew.


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The captain appears somewhat wary. He says in Greek, "Who are you people. What are you doing on my ship?" He makes a signal with his hands. Several nearby sailors drop what they are doing & approach warily.

OOC: I'm going to start posting some info about this world on the OOC thread, to help you guys get a hang of the world situation.
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Manzanita said:
The captain appears somewhat wary. He says in Greek, "Who are you people. What are you doing on my ship?" He makes a signal with his hands. Several nearby sailors drop what they are doing & approach warily.

So much for this already being already arranged. Khen finds himself a wall to stand against so that he cant be surprised from behind and watches the approaching sailors intently.


"I am Brioc Ap Llwyd, and these are my traveling companions." Brioc steps forwards from the group, keeping his hands clearly away from his weapons. "I belive that a friend of mine spoke with you about arranging a passage on your ship, and I was told you wished to speak with me. A fine looking vessel, this."


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Whispering so that only Glaucon and those closer can hear:

In Greek, "A brave man suffers no shame in rowing. It builds muscle and character, you do know what those are don't you? Oh, you thought I didn't know your tongue. It is true that I usually only hear Greek through the sobs and pleas of cowards cringing before my blade. Remember that the next time you think to humiliate me in public."


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Speaking quietly back to Ecgthow,

"It is good that you speak Greek. Much of my wordplay and song is Greek. However, to humiliate you was not my goal, but to endear me, and us, to the sailors. Though they do not know humor, I think." He says with a grin. "As for rowing, I have known enough "character" for one life. Not all my calluses are from killing barbarians, if you take my meaning. But enough of them are," Glaucon finishes with a somewhat nasty grin, and a wink.

Glaucon then waits for the capitan to acknowledge Brioc's prior arrangements.

Voidrunner's Codex

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