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Crossed Paths - Part I

Thomas Hobbes

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Octar shifts a bit closer to Brioc, wary of these strangers. All of these peoples are relatively new to him- and his companions are easily the strangest of the bunch. He watches uneasily the exchange between two of them- he doesn't know Greek, but the subtext is obvious enough.

Assuming passage is negotiated, he speaks quietly to Brioc, who strikes him as a resonably steady fellow. "Can this ship carry horses? I have with me a fine steed, and I am loathe to leave it behind."

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"Ah," says the captain, visibly relaxing, and shifting fluently to Latin. "You're the mercenaries that young man was talking about." He shifts back to Greek. "A strange looking bunch, you."

Again in Latin, he says "On my trip here, I was beset by pirates. We escaped, but I realize I need some more sturdy hands on board. These pirates seems to have gotten worse recently. You do look like you could kill more than a few of those bastards. Do you have business in Sevastopol, or would you be wanting to sail with me for awhile?”


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Whispering once again in Greek

"Well then Glaucon, we shall see soon enough if you are worthy of my respect. Few are brave enough to stand against me in words, or in strength. I think you may yet pass the test."

Loud, and in Latin to the Captain, "We are strong enough to fight off whatever pirates you will meet in these timid waters. As to whether we stay with you after Sevastopol is a matter to be discussed in that distant port, wouldn't you agree?"

Guilt Puppy

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Nathaniel, who has been oddly silent (thanks to midterms, posting should pick up next week) raises his voice for the captain to hear.

"One question, if you'll pardon, for I am not from these lands... These pirates you speak of, who are they, and what is their intent? Are they merely motivated by their own greed, or are they part of some larger threat?"


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“Well, Agrinion, “says the Captain to the man standing next to him, “shall we take them?” He says this in Greek with a sly smile, as he knows several of you can understand him.

Agrinion is hansom, with black hair, dark eyes and bronzed skin. He wears a leather vest over an open necked white shirt. A bandolier across his chest holds three daggers. A short sword hangs from his waist. “Aye, aye, Cap’n Vlad.” He says. “They’re no pirates, not that lot. Have you ever heard of one of the noble race bein’ a pirate?” He looks at Ehldannis and bows slightly. His Greek is accented. He smiles freely & laughed at Glaucon’s earlier joke. He has the look of your college friend who smokes too much weed.

Captain Tolstoy addresses the group again in Latin. "I am convinced you are not in the employ of the pirates yourselves. I am just curious about your intentions in Sevastopol. It is not a gateway to much of anything except the wilderness."


"I have business to attend to in that city, and the wilderness around it. We'll be working as scouts, shall we say, for the city watch. They've been having problems with creatures from outside." Brioc calmly lies to the captain.

I'm damned if I'm going to tell you my real business. You'd likely slit our throats in hopes of finding and selling the knowledge yourself. He thinks grimly.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Octar shifts slightly, trying not to betray his nervousness. He doesn't speak Greek, and not being able to listen to most of the conversation leaves him uneasy. From what has been said in Latin, though, it seems that things are going well. He waits for an opportunity to ask about transportation for his horse.


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"Oh, you'll be working for Burne & Rufus? Why didn't you just say so? I'd of given you a free lift for that. Sevastopol is a pretty small town, you know, everyone knows everyone. We'll set sail at sunrise. Please don't delay us. Agrinion will see to the details." With that, the Captain strides off to supervise the loading of the ship.

Agrinion steps closer to Brioc & slaps him on the shoulder. "Creatures from the outside, eh?" he says in Latin. "Well, they'll meet their match with you lot, I've no doubt. We're a democratic ship, you know, these Greeks being the inventors of this democracy thing. You'll be bunking with the rest of us. No privacy. & the food's not so hot either. It will be a four or five day trip. You might want to do pick up some good grub, if you know what I mean. You'd best be going; it's nearly sundown. You may need your sleep. My left toe is feeling fine, which means there's not likely to be much wind tomorrow. We'll all have to take a turn on the oars."


"Thank you, Captain." Brioc bows briefly, before turning his attention to Agrinion.

"Thanks for the advice on the food. We'll make sure to bring something a touch more edible with us. Right, we'll see you in the morrow." Brioc makes his way back to the tavern, looking forwards to sleep.


First Post
Upon return to the Inn, Mendicus says he has found openings in the common room for 1 silver piece each. The night is uneventful.

Please post any last activities before setting sail. (Feel free to start the horse conversation w/Agrinion, Octar).

Since you'll all be getting on board together, you'll see each other's possetions. Please include an equipment list in your rogue's gallery submission, or list your visible equipment here.

OOC: Please keep track of your money - treasure may be scarce for awhile.

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