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Crossed Paths, Part II

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As he with draws his bloody blade, Marcus glances around the room. Apart from his own companions and the sole gnoll, nothing moves. Its almost done ... The sight of the downed wolf brings Marcus back to his feet.

"Brioc, Dhormium! The wolf!" Marcus bounds back over the fallen gnolls, across the hall and into the frey with Octar and Brioc (assuming the gnoll still stands).

Once its over, Marcus returns with Brioc to the wolf to ensure that it is alright, and if its not, to see that it gets any help it needs.

Inez Hull

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Ehldannis moves up a couple of steps to get a better vantage of the field of battle and trains his bow on the remaining Gnoll. He watches intently, waiting for the creature to break from the melee before releasing his shaft.


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~Dhormium takes a half moment to make sure that there are no other gnolls in hiding at his part of the skirmish. After he is satisfied he runs to the wolf, realizing it was Marcus, and not Brioc calling for help. He must like that furred one more then I thought. Arriving at the wolf Dhormium immediately tries to resuscitate it with some divine help~
Clangeddin, it seems to be important this one lives, aid me please!

Ooc: move to fallen wolf, cast cure light wounds


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Round 10 (con't)

Brioc glances around, seeing in the mass of bloody corpses, that of his own trusted servent, Mendicus. Stepping towards him, Brioc stoops and taps the power of the living force to heal him. He is rewarded, as Mendicus is able to sit up, cough the last of the blood from his mouth, and smile at his master.

Marcus takes a double move to aid the Brioc's wolf, leaving him about 15 feet from the remaining gnoll and the body of the wolf.

Round 11
Ehldannis fires an arrow at the gnoll, as Marcus runs past him. The elf can see that the arrow strikes home, imbedding in the gnoll's left shoulder.

Tullius, seemingly oblivious to the remaining drama, stoops over the fallen sorcerer and cuts open his stomach.

Octar closes on the remaining gnoll, striking a solid blow with his longsword that he is sure would have brought down a typical creature of this type. The black-uniformed gnoll, however, still stands, despite bleeding from wolf bites and two arrows.

Dhormium moves forwards as well. Unable to heal the wolf without subjecting himself to attack by the gnoll's large flail, he instead hacks at the gnoll. Despite its wounds, this last creature swiftly moves to avoid the giant dwarf's axe.

Barking feverously in its incomprehensible language, the gnoll whirles the head of its flail about its head and brings it down on Octar, who deflects it with his sheild. Marcus then steps forward and delivers the coup de grace, finally slaying their final opponent.

Dhormium then is able to kneel, and heal the wolf, which rises. After getting its bearing, it trots over to Brioc.

[combat ends]


Marcus breathes a sing of relief as the wolf kicks, then clambers groggily to its feet.

Remembering where he is, Marcus scans the hall carefully once more to see that all is secure. If so, he squats by the fallen gnoll and wipes his great sword clean on a peice of cloth he cuts from the gnoll's clothes, then sheaths it. Then he quickly searches the gnoll for anything of use or value. Once done, he moves onto the next, and then the next and so on. As he does, he notes any weapons or armour that may be magical. Ehldannis can check what remains for enchantment.

ooc: Search +4, Appraise +4. Marcus really isn't much of a rogue. but he's trying :p


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Was that a freudian slip about the greatsword, Doghead? Perhaps Marcus could use a new weapon... :p

Marcus methocially begins searching the bodies of the fallen. The cavern has become eerily quiet. In the dim light of the torch and lantern, dozens of bodies lay, contorted and bloody. The cavern seems to have been a natural one; not made by men. The floor and walls are uneven and rough. Moving up the stairs to the upper room, the floor is tiled and smooth, although very dirty.

On the bodies, Marcus finds the usual array of weapons, armor, disgusting food, and valueless trinkets. He also finds 69 g.p.s and 133 s.p.s. The weapons of the gnoll in the black uniform are the most interesting. His heavy flail seems of high quality. His bow is made of some sort of black wood and very light. It is recurved and inlaid with gold. Marcus holds it aloft, turning it to see every angle. On impulse he tries to pull back the string, and realizes he can barely budge it.

The Sorcerer wears a jeweled bracelet, studded with rubies. Marcus estimates its worth at about 300 gps. He also has a bone scroll case.
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~Dhormium relaxes when he sees the wolf get back up to his feet again and rises to his own. He snickers as he sees his companions from a whole new perspective Is that a bald spot u got there Octar? He takes an extra moment to realize his new size and swings his battleaxe to test the new feel, It does have its perks. And so, he walks, slightly in thought around the fallen gnolls, Clangeddin, none of my companions fell today, I felt Your presence and guidance. My thanks. The glances downs towards his companions to see if there is immediate need for care and will provide that, Your pain belongs to the divine.

Dhormium reflects on the recent event and laughs and comments on it.~

“Hahaha, that was a good fight, Clangeddin is pleased. Brioc, I would like to take a closer look at that room now and the chest, it is what we where here for on the first place”

Ooc: Dhormium is quite confident they could take up another ten or so gnolls at the moment, since his ego has doubled in size as well. He emphasises on the word ‘chest’ hoping to kindle Marcus’ interest.


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OOC: I'm assuming my ritual is completed now, as Marcus has been searching all the bodies :)

Tullius rises from the bloody corpse of the Gnoll and wipes his hands on the creature's clothes. He grins. "Apollo should be well pleased. As am I, it was the best of battles; nobody died except our enemies. We fought well together. But there is still a task for us, if you want to help that is. We still haven't found the leader of the archeological dig, Mantriculus. Do any of you know where we might find him? Are there perhaps side-tunnels we haven't checked yet?"

Tullius claps Octar on the shoulder. "You fought well! Battle is the path quo fas et gloria ducent*."

*Where duty and glory lead
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