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Crossed Paths, Part III

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Cursing his inaccuracy, another ball of flame arcs from Brioc's hand towards the elemental. He stands ready to move closer should the elemental choose to attack Marcus.

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Inez Hull

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Lingering at the rear of the party, Ehldannis enters a long, droning chant then points to the water next to the elemental as his spell culminates. The Water bubbles fiercely as a black skinned shark appears in the water. As soon as the creature appears Ehldannis breathes out a deep sigh of air and then returns his attention to casting the same spell again. [actions for rounds 1 & 2 - cast Summon Monster II - fiendish Shark]


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Round 1 & 2

Octar, badly hurt, feels obliged to content himself with his bow, despite his friend's peril. Pulling back the beautiful recurved bow, Octar releases his shaft. The arrow makes a splash at the edge of the column of water, but continues flying, shattering against stone in the darkness.

The spell casters begin their mystical incantations. A pale red waraxe appears next to the elemental and swings, but seems to merely splash through the shimmering, shifting column.

Round 2

Marcus pauses momentarily at the base of the stairs, to see what the elemental will do. He doesn't have long to wait. Surging onto the stone flaggons, the column of water leaves the river, although a trail of water marks its path. Marcus draws his weapons and readies himself to avoid any attack. He anticipates a tendril of water slashing out towards him, and his instinct is correct. As the water bursts towards him, he drops underneath it and he feels only the cool mist of a light spray splash over his face.

[I interpreted Marcus's action as a full defensive dodge]

The rest of the party continues their attack. Octar's arrow again passes through the vague watery outline. Brioc's fireball fizzes out against the stone floor. Ehldannis' shark appears in the dark water, the darker silohette of its dorsal fin shooting about, vainly seeking its prey. Dhormium's axe follows the elemental onto the shore, but swishes though air on its attack. Only Tullius's arrow seems to strike through, lodging momentarily in the column of water, before dropping down and washing into the river.

Dhormium still has a second round action. Ehldannis may want to rethink his.


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~silently he wonders about this being, Clangeddin's axe seems to have trouble hitting it! He sets his mind on tending to Octar's wounds. He aproaches the unlucky Roman and starts to chant his request.~

ooc: dropping soundburst to cast cure moderate wounds, 2d8+5


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Tullius sighs and drops his bow, his hands drop like lightning towards his weapons as he slides them from his belt. "Allright you big lump of water, let's dance." Tullius slowly moves towards the beast taking care not to trip on the puddles and studying his opponents moves. Taking care not to move too fastly to avoid getting caught by his opponents longer reach.

OOC: Not to be an ass but Spiritual Weapon does damage as a spell so DR won't stop it.

Inez Hull

First Post
Ehldannis curses inwardly as the Elemental avoids his summoning.

What else can I do, I dare not get too close to the creature. The dithering, panicked elf, wrings his hands, lost in battle confusion. When in doubt raise a defence, my master always said

Ehldannis casts a quick incantation, putting up a screen of light that follows him [Casts Shield] and then begins edging towards the creature.

Oh Gods, has it truly come to this? The wizards features contort in fear and he is visibly shaking as he calls out in a reed thin voice, "Distract the elemental if you can, I am going to attempt to close with it!"
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Marcus keeps up his defenses as long as the elemental threatens.

If it pulls back, sheathes sword and daggar and pulls out his bow. Keeping his distance at about 25 feet, he takes shots when he can without endangering the others.

ooc: Sorry, keep forgetting about Octar. I've kinda lost track of whose where, but its sounds like the front line is fairly crowded. So Octar will continue to support with the bow if that is feasible.


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Round 3

Dhormium gives a last glance at his axe, willing to it continue its attack, then turns his attention to Octar. Raising his hands, Octar feels a rush of strength and and his head clears (cures 13 pts)

Ehldannis casts his spell and steps forward.

Round 3

Marcus sees two thick tendrils of water striking at him now. Relying less on his sight than his intuition, he feints right, then rolls left, feeling no pain, only the light splash as the powerful solid water strikes the stone wall with awesome force.

Octar losses another powerful arrow, which seems to strike right into the center of the column. It imbeds for a moment, then falls off, releasing a small gush of water along with it.

Tullius readies his axe and sword and carefully advances over the bridge to almost within striking distance for the elemental. Over his head, Brioc lobs another ball of fire, which seems to be snuffed out in a spray of water just before it strikes the towering creature.

Dhormium's axe has more success, slicing through the column and sending a splash of clear water into the dark river.

Inez Hull

First Post
Quivering with fear Ehldannis slowly, ever so cautiously, advances on the Elemental, mumbling acane phrasings under his breath. As he gets closer he stops dead in his tracks and it takes an agonisingly long second for him to will himself forward again. As he closes on the Elemental his spellcasting culminates and he reaches out gingerly with a hand wrathed in crackling electricity.

[Move to engage the Elemental and cast Shocking Grasp on the defensive. In fact, just wondering, can Ehldannis cast the spell first, hold the charge and then move into melee?]

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