• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Crown of the Kobold King


First Post
Our Group:
1 okuth0r: Ordin Blackhaft - Dwarven Samurai
2 Creamsteak: Luger - Warforged Fighter
3 Onlythestrong: Aidan Daniels - Human Warmage
4 WarShrike: Azog - Half-Orc Druid / Cleric
5 Voda Vosa: Dimlez - Human Wu Jen
6 Ferrix: Turndar d'Kundarak - Dwarven Rogue

Character Generation Info:[sblock]This game will run from 2nd to about 5th level and is intended to be stand alone. It's a smallish commitment as far as PbP goes. I've run lots of different games systems, but somehow I never got around to running a 3.5 one even though I've been playing it all this time. So I thought I might take it for a spin. Interested? I'm going to try to run this game at a relatively fast pace for PbP standards and will be doing several things to encourage this. If you have any other ideas that you've noticed help to streamline play feel free to make suggestions. I'd like players to post most days, but that doesn't always happen and that's fine. During combat I'll want everyone to post within 24 hours but if you can't we'll npc you based on your notes to facilitate faster rounds.

A couple of quick useful notes:
Knowledge of the Eberron setting is not required at all for this game. Any standard d&d character will work fine. It is a different set of gods though so for clerics I can just fill you in if necessary.
If you don't like Eberron because of the magic/steam-punk element it won't be an issue in this game because of location.
This game takes place in a wilderness, and mostly dungeon setting. Urban characters won't have as much time in their element. (Paizo's Falcon's Hollow is set in the Eldeen Reaches for this game)
Individual dragonmarked characters can be here for any reason, but the area is too remote for any Houses to have an established presence.
Druids are very appropriate for the area, but will not be happy about the settlement the game is based out of.
Fey lineage feats are also appropriate for the region.

Character Guidelines
2nd Level
HP: Max 1st Level. Roll for 2nd. Anything less than 1/2 will instead give you half of your normal HD.
32 Point Buy
XP: 1250
Starting Gold: 900
Everyone gets a bonus feat at 1st Level from the list of 'Inclination' type feats that give +2 on two skills. These should play on your character's personality and background.

I'll take the first five character concepts proposed and alternates will follow the order they are proposed in should one of the first five need to back out.

Please include a short section called 'Tactics.' This would be generally how you approach combat and maybe social situations. Doesn't have to be terribly detailed, but enough to give someone an idea of your character if you are absent for a while.

Ok sources: PHB, PHB II, Complete Series, Eberron books, Spell Compendium

Not ok: Book of 9 Swords, Psionic Material, UA, generally anything I don't own that involves a rule set I'm not familiar with. Not hating on it- just not informed enough to run it.[/sblock]

House Rules:[sblock]
Highest Charisma score carries with it the bonus/curse of unofficial party leader. That doesn't mean that the party recognizes you as the leader though they may. When things have stalled take action and the group will follow. No worries about whether you are
right or wrong, it's your magnetic confidence that others look to in times of indecision. For example- when action stalls at discussion of choices as it often does (Do we take the door on the left or the door on the right guys?, Do we rest or keep going?) this character has the confidence to move it forward. This isn't to stifle discussion/planning. When things have been discussed, but no resolution made the leader gets to be the tie breaker by virtue of other player's indecision. Either open that door yourself or tell someone else which one to open and we roll with it to keep the game moving.

When players are absent or unable to post and we need to move forward the leader will npc them if necessary based on their tactics notes.

Initiative: I will roll Initiative for everyone to avoid waiting all day just to determine order. Your other rolls are your own.

Dice: Honor system. I just like rolling real dice. You would only be cheating yourself anyway. You can give me the result like this - Sense Motive: 13 (8 +5)

The Trapfinding ability will allow you to use Spot or Search to find traps. Spot will be rolled secretly when you are near a trap and I will alert you if you find it. Search may still be used normally to find traps. Likewise elves can use spot to notice secret doors.[/sblock]

How Action Points work:[sblock]
For those who might not be familiar-

You can burn a point to:
-Stabilize when dying.
-Add 1d6 to any of the following
...Attack roll,
...Skill Check,
...Ability Check,
...Level Check,
...or Saving Throw.

If you have a Class Feature that has limited number of uses per day, 2 Action Points would allow an additional use, but I don't think that applies to anyone in this group except Dimlez's Watchful Spirit.

Action points can only be used once in a round. They are replenished at leveling, but cannot be carried over. Use em or lose em. If you want to use one, you have to do so before waiting for the DM to reveal the outcome.[/sblock]

About the Game:

The ramshackle town of Falcon’s Hollow rests perilously close to the infamous Darkmoon Vale. The jagged shadow of nearby mountains casts a shroud of gloom on the desperate souls who call this place home. Many are drawn here to make their fortune cutting a swath of darkwood lumber through the lush forests of the vale. Others journey to these remote fringes to start over, piecing together their shattered lives on the edge of an untouched wilderness far from the things of man. Persecuted zealots and outcasts flock to Falcon’s Hollow. Here, these fanatics practice their strange and often deviant rites unfettered by the mores of civilization. Still others are lured to Falcon’s Hollow by the promise of great adventure. Peril and splendor await within the accursed halls of the Dhakanni empire, whose glorious civilization long ago shattered and crumbled to dust.

Falcon's Hollow is a dangerous place. The ancient woods are the haunt of aberrations of a bygone age, horrid and dire beasts, escaped mage-bred animals, nomadic packs of shifters, capricious fey, and closer to home the lumber barons cruelly exploit jacks desperate enough start over in this treacherous valley. The town and the lumber camps are surrounded by palisades and closed off by nightfall. Timber floats down the river to be cut at the settlement and the stench of a paper mill hangs thick over the valley.

Authority Figures
Gavel Thuldrin Kreed, male human (Gavel of the Lumber Consortium),
Magistrate Vamros Harg, male halfling (Magistrate-Elect),
Sheriff Deldrin Baleson, male half-elf (Sheriff of Darkmoon Vale),
Boss Payden “Pay Day” Teedum, male human (Overboss of the Lumber Consortium).

Power Groups
Lumber Consortium: This powerful collection of unscrupulous tycoons and magnates of the lumber trade controls most of the tree-felling camps (commonly called cutyards) in the area around the vale. Those lumberjacks who refuse to affiliate with the consortium (and agree to its horrendously exploitative labor and pay practices) are often muscled out of business or simply disappear. The consortium employs three hundred jacks and nearly half that many sellswords, thugs, and mercenaries to protect the cutyards from monsters as well as to intimidate competitors.

Redrock Guild: This organized criminal syndicate poses as a business club and moneylenders union, but most Falconers know its members constitute some of the vilest flesh-peddlers, sneakthieves, and murderers in town. The current leader is a fearsome
half-orc named Kadran Bloodeye, whose penchant for flaying his enemies alive in the basement of his pleasure establishment, called the Rouge Lady Inn, is well known.

Church of the Silver Flame: With all the downtrodden to preach to in Falcon’s Hollow, missionaries of the Silver Flame have established a foothold in town. Many other religious sects who fled here to escape the the Flame's persecution resent their followers. Tensions run high between congregations, often resulting in less-than-holy brawls on the muddy thoroughfares of Worship Way.

Religious Cults: Various cult that wouldn't be tolerated in a more civilized society operate more or less openly here. The Blood of Vol maintains a temple on Worship Way and cleansing through the Blood appeals to a sense of primal religion in the region. Followers aren't necessarily evil, but do believe in the idea of the blood of Vol as the source of life and that the Church is a path to immortality. Other cults are more secretive but certainly active and by night, they are known to lead dark rites in remote groves outside of town.

Places of Note
Goose’n’Gander: The local general store in Falcon’s Hollow run by the single gnomish
family in town, the Hildrinsocks, sells everything from standard amenities such as grain, lamp oil, ink, and mining supplies, to such rare oddities as alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, a petrified pseudodragon, and taxidermy nixies (all the rage this season).

Hollow Tribunal: This is where the diminutive halfling Magistrate Vamros Harg dispenses merchant licenses, stamps mining and lumber claims, and passes judgment on criminal and civil cases. Most Falconers enjoy the irony of the Hollow Tribunal’s name, since the justice meted out there is rarely equitable. The fact that Harg is firmly in Gavel Thuldrin’s pocket is well known, but it is rarely uttered in public by those who value their lives.

Jak’a’Napes: This leaning ramshackle inn located next to the town’s stables offers lodgings and food to the many travelers who pass through Falcon’s Hollow. The owner, a rotund red-faced human named Jak Crimmy, with a single wisp of bright red hair on his otherwise bald head, is a retired bard who sports an easy smile. Jak’s cinnamon-crusted flapjacks are legendary in town, as is his skill at juggling frying pans and his astonishing marksmanship with a heavy crossbow (Jak is a man of many talents)

Quinn’s Carnival: Half-elf shadowdancer Namdrin Quinn led a band of veteran adventurers who used to venture into the vale with frequency. After a particularly dangerous quest claimed the life of Namdrin’s wife, Tess, the half-elf ended his career and established this carnival of wonders on the edge of town. Quinn and his companions wow crowds with feats of skill and magic by night, but rumor has it that after the tents close Namdrin and his
merry band entreat with dark fey, whose anger mounts at the constant lumbering incursions into the vale. Some say the shadowdancer spies for the vengeful fey, who plan retribution and murder.

The Rouge Lady: The silk-veiled parlors in the back of this burlesque and gambling
hall doubles as an illegal brothel. Kabran Bloodeye owns this illicit pleasure den, where the unfortunate peddles their charms to earn enough copper to survive.

The Sitting Duck: Located a little too close for many folks’ comfort to the town palisade, the Duck is the local hot spot for adventurers, explorers, and other rapscallions
looking for excitement. The tavern serves a potent local brew of fermented darkwood leaf that can floor an ogre in a few tankards. Raucous games of “knivesies” and “mig-a-mug-tug” (two dangerous dangerous local recreational activities both with a high rate of maiming) often rage late into the night. Lumberjacks and mercenaries share tales of Darkmoon Vale, Droskar’s Crag, and other surrounding locations for the price of a mug of ale.

The Perch: Those with the power, money and influence to do so live in a separate enclosure high atop a bluff overlooking the rest of Falcon's Hollow. Protected by natural cliffs, a steep approach and it's own palisade the Perch is home to the manor of Gavel Kreed as well as Darkmoon Lumber's HQ. The Perch is also the only area in town that isn't permeated by the stench of the paper mill.

Who's Who
Sheriff Deldrin Baleson: Deldrin used to be a poor lumberjack toiling in the cutyards under Gavel Thuldrin Kreed’s oppressive thumb. One day he refused to pay an “axe tax” on a lumberaxe he had already bought and paid for. Boss Teedum tried to take Deldrin’s axe, and the half-elf smashed Teedum’s face with the flat of it. As one of the few locals to stand up to Teedum and Kreed, he was elected Sheriff the following week. Now he carries the same axe around on his shoulder to remind Kreed and Boss Teedum he is not afraid of them. Deldrin
is tall for a half-elf, towering over most humans, and his well-muscled, imposing form is further enhanced by his sharp goldflecked eyes.

Kabran Bloodeye: Kabran is a short statured half-orc with blood-red eyes. He wears a bronze nosepiece over the ugly crater in the center of his face where his nose used to be that whistles disturbingly as he breathes and leaks blood and mucus (which Kabran dabs away with a crimson handkerchief ).

Boss Payden “Pay Day” Teedum: Payden, the pug-faced, mash-nosed human thug licking at Kreed’s boots, has a big bone to pick with Deldrin. “Pay Day” gets his name from the way he doles out “dues” to anyone who fails to follow “Mista Kreed’s” commands fast enough.

Sister Aleena Cirthana: Sister Aleena's post in Falcon's Hollow in an indication of her relatively low rank within the Church, but it isn't for any lack of zeal. Aware that the misguided heathens who make up this town aren't going to come to her, she can be found throughout the town and occasionally at cutyards spreading the gospel of Tira Miron's ascendence. No fool- the good sister keeps loyal members of her congregation with her on such evangelical missions for when things invariably turn ugly.

Magistrate Vamros Harg: The vast majority of thew town understands that the halfling Harg is bought and paid for, and they would expect nothing different from the Hollow. Word has it the little magistrate was a failed barrister in a large city far away before coming to Falcon’s Hollow. The Magistrate doesn't seem to be enjoying his newfound success and is often withdrawn and sullen in the company of the affluent he has been thrust into.

Sharvaros Vade: This odd hermit lives in the ruins of a Dhakanni keep several miles out of town. Most know of Vade as a strange and unsettling man but he only comes to town every few days. Vade is bony and thin, with gray eyes and an unkempt black beard. His son Savram apprentices with the local alchemist.

The Grey Eagles: A group of explorers based out of Falcon's Hollow who are always setting out in search of Dhakanni relics. Tyran Moonsilver, a half elf wizard, arrived several months ago and organized the expeditions, but his companion, the chubby halfling bard Edgrin, is the one always welcome at the Sitting Duck. The group employs a local shifter named Vendal as a scout and hires out swordsmen from the cutyards for protection.

Laurel Lynn: Laurel is a tough middle aged herbalist who runs the shop Roots and Remedies. As most citizens have no access to divine healing people look to her for natural healing as well as charms, wards, love potions and the like.
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First Post
At work so hard to fully make a character, but i definately would like to get into this game. Played one other PbP on here and it fell through.

Dwarven Samurai
Was with a unit in the last war, far away from home, now is last of his unit, and now reached him on the field, his town was lost, he is the last of his family as well. Roaming the land is all he can do, as returning home to face what he percieves as failure is too much.


First Post
Karrnath would have had control of the dwarves preceding the war. I would think that a Samurai would be a special fighting force, someting like council guards and Police (star wars royal guard). Sending these types of units out of the Mror holds would be for show (karrnath had a strong military tradition, so it would be a "we have good fighters here too, here use this unit" type of relation) or on some type of mission that only the Samurai could guard (Councilman trip, treaty, tithe, etc). At least thats what i have so far. If you want to change or tweak im open, i just want to keep my weapons..


I wouldn't mind playing a Human Warmage if you're okay with that. I will wait until I get your answer before I type in his background.
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First Post
Both sound great. The lumber consortium is always looking for sell swords and mercenaries to protect its holdings. I'm pretty open on the character ideas as long as they come from the books above.

2 more spots. I'll take any combination of 5 classes, but to note where we are at if you guys prefer the roles to be filled- no divine and no trap skills yet.
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Human Warmage--Aidan Daniels

Has traveled to Falcon's Hallow out of sheer boredom. He longs for adventure and figured what better place to start, than a place where adventure finds people whether they like it or not. He does not act like the typical mage. He is friendly, caring, and outgoing. Even so, he would rather blend in with a crowd than stand out in one, and has no regrets when he uses his hard earned powers.

Aidan favors a well disciplined, militaristic group. He stands behind the front line of battles, defending flanks and thinning groups. More importantly, he knows when to avoid casting spells. A fighter on a front line never has taken too kindly to a fireball in the back.


First Post
A Half-Orc Fighter would like to join up. :)

Azog was a mercenary during the war. A mercenary without loyalties. He didn't care which side he faught on, so long as he was being well paid. He gained notoriety on the battlefield for both his ability to slaughter his enemies, as well as his greed, which caused him to loot his fallen foes in the midst of combat. As his thin loyalties became known to the enemy, he would recieve better offers from them, so he switched sides. After a few battles, his former employers would outbit his new ones, and he'd switch again. People whos livelyhoods depend on honor and loyalty dont seem to trust him much, but this doesnt bother him. Honor and loyalty never saved anyone from starving.

Name: Azog
Class: Druid 1 / Cleric 1
Race: Half-Orc
Alignment: CN
Diety: Sovereign Host
Domains: Time, War
Init +6, Listen +4, Spot +8

STR: 18 (10pts, +2 Racial)
DEX: 14 (6pts)
CON: 14 (6pts)
INT: 10 (4pts, -2 Racial)
WIS: 14 (6pts)
CHA: 6 (-2 Racial)

Fort +6
Refl +2
Will +6

Animal Companion
Nature Sense
Spontanious Casting -- Summon
Wild Empathy
Turn Undead, Spontanious Casting -- Cure
Improved Initiative (+4 Init)
Weapon Proficiency -- Longsword
Weapon Focus -- Longsword
FREE: Alertness (+2 Listen/Spot)
Natural Bond (Effective Druid Level +4 with regards to Animal Companion, up to Character Level)

Concentration:...........7 (5 ranks, +2 Con)
Knowledge (Nature):...6 (4 Ranks, +2 Feat)
Spot:.......................8.5 (4.5 Ranks, +2 Wis, +2 Feat)
Survival:...................8 (4 Ranks, +2 Wis, +2 Feat)

Spells: Druid -- Level 0: 3, Level 1: 2
Spells: Cleric -- Level 0: 3, Level 1: 2+1

Druid Lvl 0 (DC=12): Cure Minor Wounds, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic.
Druid Lvl 1 (DC=13): Cure Light Wounds, Entangle.
Cleric Lvl 0 (DC-12): Cure Minor Wounds, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic.
Cleric Lvl 1 (DC=13): Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, DOMAIN: True Strike.

Masterwork Studded Leather (AC +3, Max Dex +5, Penalty -0, Weight 20 lbs) Cost 175 gp
Masterwork Heavy Darkwood Shield (AC +2, Penalty -0, Weight 5 lbs) Cost 257 gp
Masterwork Longsword (Slashing, +1 To Hit, Damage 1d8, Crit 19+ x2, Weight 4 lbs) Cost 315 gp

Backpack -- 2 lbs Cost 2 gp
Bedroll -- 5 lbs Cost 1 sp
Flint and Steel -- 0 lbs Cost 1 gp
Waterskin -- 4 lbs Cost 1 gp
Whetstone -- 1 lb Cost 2 cp
50 ft Silk Rope -- 5 lbs Cost 10 gp
Soap -- 2 lbs Cost 1 gp

137g 8s 8c left over for pots n stuff, will add soon.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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