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Crucible of Faith ~ Chapter 1

Isida Kep'Tukari

Quillia, female gnome wizard

Paxus Asclepius said:
Would you get used to being called "frail and weak thing like a lapdog?" I think not. It offends my dignity, and I won't stand for it.
Tut tut. They don't mean it that way you know. It's supposed to be a compliment. Ah well, here, for your dignity, she thinks back at him. She reaches into another pocket and withdraws a fresh nectarine, handing it over to Kosji. I wonder where she's taking us...

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Quillia & Kosji ~
Quillia said:
"I came to the worship of the Lady early, when my magical studies began. She's been a comfort to me at times when I became frustrated at my arcane musings."
"Oh, how nice!" Miria exclaimes. "The Lady of Magic was taught to me late in my life. I grew up not far from here, at a small farm my family ran. Nothing special, just produced enough to feed us. Well, I was given a book by a wandering mage who we let stay with us overnight - it was his old spellbook! He said I had some talent. Well, I just studied and studied, and eventually learned a few cantrips! My ma and da were so proud. After da died," she paused to wipe a tear from her eye, "we had a priest come out to help say the correct words over his grave. Well, it happened to be a priest of Mystra, and he stayed with us the whole winter. In the summer, I came with him here to Waterdeep as his acolyte. Ma sold the farm, as it just wasn't the same without pa, and she lives here too. Oh, we're here!" Miria has guided the two of you to a fairly decent-sized inn/tavern on the same street as many of the shops that Quillia had browsed earlier. You get the feeling that she would have kept telling you her life story, but the appearance of the tavern distracted her. She reaches for the door and steps inside the inn, smiling back at you. The inn has a sign carved in the likeness of a mage's tower with the words "Wizard Stone Inn" inscribed in the side.

Amara ~
Amara said:
"Excuse me inkeeper, but I found a note under the door to my room. Do you or the others working here know anything about that? Have you seen anyone go upstairs lately?"
The innkeep looks up from wiping down the bar. He absently continues to swipe the cleaning cloth over the same area as he squints upward, lost in thought. "Aye, methinks so. Some'un paid me young'st son to deliver a note earlier. Lets me go see what he knows of ya." The burly man turns and bellows back into the kitchen, and there is a high-pitched response in the same tone. A moment later, a young man obviously related to the barkeep comes out of the swinging door that leads to the kitchen.
"Son, tha note ya delivered earlier - was it to thisun's room?" The boy looks at you and nods shyly. The innkeep looks back at you. "Go ahead and ask 'im yer questions, m'lady."

Durindal ~
You locate a bit of cloth to secure the end of the scroll tube with and continue to Waterdeep. As you get closer, you recall that you had been warned not to fly into Waterdeep because of the Griffon-mounted Guard that patrolled the skies - so you land within sight of the city gates to walk the 20 or so minutes into the city.

Once inside, you see a posting on the wall with the date and realize that you have arrived almost a full day ahead of schedule, when you had thought you were just on schedule. You can either go straight and deliver your message, or take rest at the temple to Tempus that is inside the city walls. Of course, you are not sure where either of the two buildings are located, and the city is quite large.

Inside the gathering square that the city gates outlet to, your attention is caught momentarily by the very large dire boar which is equiped with not one, but two saddles. Standing by it are a halfling dressed in some odd hide armor and a green cloak, as well as a slim human girl dressed in green armor. They have just finished conversing with a human in plate mail with the symbol of Helm emblazoned on his shield; he walks off towards the inner city, and as soon as he turns a corner, the halfling jumps up and hugs the girl excitedly. They look more approachable then the rest of the people of Waterdeep; most everyone is hurrying off in one direction or another, and the gate guards seem to have their hands full dealing with the in-rush of traffic before these gates close for the evening.

Pumbar & Xuxia ~
Tiriak thanks you are gives you directions to the inn before he leaves. It really isn't too far away, and you have roughly 2 hours before the appointed time. It occurs to Xuxia that the two of you could go check it out and see if they serve Halfling Berry Pie, and if not, it is almost certain that it could be found somewhere else in the city. As you are discussing this, Pumbar notices a winged human in a shining breastplate enter the square inside of the city gates where you are standing. He is wearing a holy symbol of Tempus and is looking about as if deciding where to go.
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First Post
Pumbar studies the Winged Human for a moment. With his breastplate and his holy symbol, this might be another Human Paladin! And Human Paladins, though somewhat straight-laced, could always be depended on for giving you directions! Hopping down from Xuxia's arms, Pumbar straightens himself up and approaches the Human with what he imagines to be a strong, dignified stride. (And it would be, too, if the observers were Halflings and not Humans.)

"Excuse me, sir. We are newly arrived in Waterdeep. Could you tell us where we could find some Halfling Berry Pie?"

Meanwhile, the dire boar has circled around the winged human, and is sniffing his wings curiously, while the slim human girl unsuccessfully tries to pull him back. "Wigglesnout! I told you it's not polite to Sniff Humans like that! Even if they have Wings!"


First Post
Amara will smile at the boy and say, "I need you to describe the one who paid you to deliver the note to my room, and also if you can remember, tell me exactly what he said."

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Quillia smiles at Miria's chatter. It reminded her of her siblings, and of her own childhood, though she was saddened to hear that she had lost her father.*

"I'm sorry to hear of your loss, I truly am Miria," Quillia says sympathetically as she steps into the Inn With No Name.


I aim to misbehave
Durindal paused inside the gates. He was not tired . . . at least his legs were not tired . . . his shoulders and back were another matter. ‘Waterdeep,’ Durindal thought, ‘so this is Waterdeep. The city seems enormous! The sooner I deliver this message the sooner I can complete my test.’ He was unsure of where to go exactly within the city to get to his destination, though he was early . . . he needed a guide.

Pumbar said:
"Excuse me, sir. We are newly arrived in Waterdeep. Could you tell us where we could find some Halfling Berry Pie?"

Durindal smiled warmly at the Halfling, who appeared somewhat self-important . . . at least from his stride. “I’m sorry, young sir, I’ve just recently arrived in the city as well. I am looking for a location as well, the Ethereal Pantheon tavern. Perhaps we could work together and find both pie and my destination. In fact, it may be that the tavern may have the pie you are looking for.” Durindal finished, his voice deep and almost reverberating, though not actually loud in volume.

Xuxia said:
"Wigglesnout! I told you it's not polite to Sniff Humans like that! Even if they have Wings!"

Durindal flexed his shoulders and his feather ruffled, they had tickled for a moment. Durindal merely he done the natural reaction to the sensation. “No harm done, young miss,” Durindal said, warmly. He looked at the boar, then looked to the halfling and young woman. “That is a fine steed you have there . . . .” Durindal said, complimenting the two.


First Post
Goddess FallenAngel[color=mediumturquoise said:
Shariau & Ili’koa ~[/color]

The two of you have been drifting like the wind across the continent, blazing new trails for travel and commerce and spreading the word of Shaundakur. One night, however, Shariau has a dream.

In the dream, you are shown many different locations on Faerun, all of which you have visited; but they are not as they were. Instead of being free cities, they are all enslaved to some dark force, the inhabitants working day after day with slave collars about their necks. The slaves are of all races, and as one they cry out for release, for mercy – but receive none. As you watch, men, women and children are born, grow to adulthood and die without ever setting foot further than the city block they are restricted to by chains. Then the scene narrows, and you see yourself and Ili’koa as slaves, working to push a large wheel that turned a giant crank that in turn operated some incomprehensible machinery. Even as your mind registers the scene, Ili’koa drops from exhaustion – and is swept from the floor by a dark, shadowy hand, leaving you to toil alone, bereft of freedom.

Then the dream changes, becoming clearer and sharper and somehow more… clean. Somehow, you sense that this scene is before the events you have just witnessed. You are looking down upon a large port city. Seeing the ships in the harbor, the layout of the streets, and the busy caravan route into the city brings its name to mind – Waterdeep. The view narrows and zooms down to one particular building in the city. The sign on the tavern is blurry, and the surrounding buildings and people out-of-focus, but the building itself is perfectly clear, burning itself into your consciousness. You will not soon forget it. With that, you awake.

As your mind finishes the move into full consciousness, you realize that Waterdeep isn’t all that far away – in fact, you could make it there by sundown tomorrow – if you decided to go.

In the light of the day Shariau relates his dream to Ili'koa.

Something big is coming this way my friend. It looks as if we can serve our Shaundalkur well by going to Waterdeep and finding this building. Surely this is a sign of where we should travel to next

To you everything is a sign about where we should travel next! I tell you, lets just leave this plane and go away. let others worry about freeing these people from their doom. If we go far enough away it will not affect us! Ili'koa's disdain for Shariau's ideals coming through very clearly, Ili'koa began taking down the camp and preparing for the march. Yet if I know you, we will go to find this trouble. I tell you again, Shaundalkur has no need for us to free every slave we come across!

Getting ready for travel Shariau does not evem lookup before shouldering his pack and starting to walk

I tell you again my friend, how can a slave be free to travel when he is in bondage? Surely Shaundalkur is served by us ensuring the ways are clear and open for all and that all are free to make their way. Come, we can make Waterdeep by tomorrow if we get going now. I will conjure breakfast for us shortly , when we find a suitable spot to dedicate for this days travel.


First Post
Durindal said:
“I’m sorry, young sir, I’ve just recently arrived in the city as well. I am looking for a location as well, the Ethereal Pantheon tavern. Perhaps we could work together and find both pie and my destination. In fact, it may be that the tavern may have the pie you are looking for.” Durindal finished, his voice deep and almost reverberating, though not actually loud in volume.

Yes, that's it! That's exactly the kind of voice a Paladin is supposed to have! It's a lot like Paladin Tiriak's voice! I bet this guy's a Paladin too! *Coughing and clearing up his throat, Pumbar says, in a voice as deep and commanding as possible (though this too, seems quite silly coming from a Halfling)...* "Why yes, Winged Sir, let us work together to pursue our goals to Mutual Satisfaction. I am Pumbar, and this is Xuxia and Wigglesnout. We are pleased to join with you on this Quest."

*Xuxia stifles a giggle, smiling adoringly at the little halfling.* A Quest for Pie!

Durindal said:
“That is a fine steed you have there . . . .” Durindal said, complimenting the two.

At the compliment, Pumbar forgets all about his 'Paladin' act. His eyes light up and he jumps about, saying, "He sure is! Wigglesnout's the best mount in all of Toril! He's super strong, and really Wise too, though not as Wise as Xuxia. But Wigglesnout's only a Boar, and Xuxia's a Human, so it's not really Fair to compare the two like that! I'm sorry Wigglesnout, that wasn't Fair, I don't know why I even said that!" *Pumbar hugs Wigglesnout consolingly*

And that, Xuxia thought, is why I would follow Pumbar anywhere. His love of Wigglesnout, and of me too, is always written so plainly on his face. *Xuxia stands by Pumbar, smiling at the halfling as she pets Wigglesnout's side*
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I aim to misbehave
Durindal si'Tempus Half Celestial Pal/Ftr/Rog/Sor/Tmp

Pumbar said:
"Why yes, Winged Sir, let us work together to pursue our goals to Mutual Satisfaction. I am Pumbar, and this is Xuxia and Wigglesnout. We are pleased to join with you on this Quest."

Durindal smiled at the halfling playing, and leaned in conspiratorially, “In fact, I’m on a quest right now. . . .”

Pumbar said:
At the compliment, Pumbar forgets all about his 'Paladin' act. His eyes light up and he jumps about, saying, "He sure is! Wigglesnout's the best mount in all of Toril! He's super strong, and really Wise too, though not as Wise as Xuxia. But Wigglesnout's only a Boar, and Xuxia's a Human, so it's not really Fair to compare the two like that! I'm sorry Wigglesnout, that wasn't Fair, I don't know why I even said that!"

“I’m certain that Wigglesnout is as understanding as he is wise,” Durindal offered. “Perhaps a reward to Wigglesnout might be in order – for him being so understanding – as soon as we find the tavern.”

Durindal looked around for a guide to the city . . .
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