Crucible of Faith OOC - Players please read last post

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Okay, couple of notes: :)

- I'm going to slow down the pace of my posts to allow the slower posters to catch up with those of us who are at the computer 24/7 (especially over this holiday weekend in the States).

- Please feel free and encouraged to continue posting yourselves, and most importantly this is your story too. Please feel welcome to post actions and such for NPC's! I view roleplaying as a interactive story that has the occasional randomness of dice tossed in. I will still be rolling dice for your characters, and posting when needed to answer a question, etc. :)

- Also, I am new to pbp DMming, so I may make mistakes every once in a while or add comments like the above; please bear with me. ;)
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First Post
Paxus Asclepius said:
Does that include Shabbat as well? A 24-hour blank spot every week could get aggravating for you, if it does.

God, I love being Reform.

Yep, it does. Also, I often don't get near the PC on weekends - between the wife and two kids weekends tend to be computer free (not always, but mostly). During the week I generally post daily though.

There's also the fact that Isida is having a hard time reaching a computer this weekend, which is why I slowed down my posts a bit. I spend almost all my weekends at the computer, but I realize that not everyone else does. ;)

Okay, my reply posts are going to be held off for one more day, 'cause I spent a good deal of time writing them and just deleted everything my accident by hitting the "reload" button. *sigh*

I will post tomorrow, sorry for the wait....


I aim to misbehave
I did that in my game just a couple of days ago. Nothing is more frustrating. The worst part is that I had them in Word, thought the post had gone through and deleted that file too!! Sigh!


Okay, new correction - I am at home now and checked my notes. Shariau, Pumbar, and Durindal are on the same timeline. I had started Quillia & Amara off on a slightly earlier timeline. My bad. :)

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