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(CSToA) Touch of the Abyss [IC]


"I'm afraid I see no reason to barter with the likes of you. I am, however, amiable to a good story. We need not be enemies. Perhaps someone among you has a story I might find of interest?"

The voice pauses for a moment, then it seems to come from the west wall.

"I've seen quite a few visitors in recent years. Not one of them has told me a truely good tale."

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A tale... The poor beast is lonely. Veris' lips curl into a bitter smile. That, at least was something she could sympathise with. She did not want to attract attention from this enemy, preferring always to strike unseen with surprise on her side. But alas, who else here had her gift with words? (ooc: she's the only one with a charisma over 8 ;)). Throwing her cloak back over her shoulder she speaks into the cold mountain air, her voice clear and strong with a hint of cruelty.
"Have you heard the tale of the Demon Queen's heart?"


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"It is not something a Demon would admit to, but yes, it is said that at one time she did have a heart."

"To a fiend of her power there is nothing as deadly as love, no poison so vile and no weapon or spell so mighty. And thus, since neither poison, weapon nor spell would harm her, her enemies in the Abyss sought to make her fall in love."
"This was in an earlier time, before the formation of the earth, and magic was raw and powerful then. It could be twisted by those whose wills were strong enough, and wonders could be created then that could never be thought possible today. And so, naturally, this was the path the Demonic lords Csxglieth and Skäfoq who were Her most ferocious rivals tried first. In their hidden sanctum they slaughtered a thousand thousand mortals and fed a thousand thousand souls into their deadly spell, but when their power was loosened on the Demon Queen she but smiled gently and ate another celestial deva." Veris smile echoes that of the Demon in the story. "A being of her power is not so easily defeated."
She falls silent for a carefully measured moment before continuing in false apology.
"Ah, but I fear this simple tale is beneath you, great Dragon. Shall I continue to bore you with this trifle?"


"Who is Cis-ex-glie-th? Who is Sky-fok? Do you have first-hand knowledge of these affairs? I certainly have not heard these names."


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"Ancient Lords of the Abyssal planes, Great Dragon. Long since perished in the never ending demonic wars of hate and power. Csxglieth, it is written, was a being wrought of liquid darkness, his touch was death and his aspect as vast as the ocean. Skäfoq was perversion made flesh. In their own time they were worshiped as Gods but now, as all beings are doomed to be in time, they are all but forgotten. Even I, who have walked in the dismal halls of Naf and studied at the feet of Mrai know not the truth of their tale. Nothing is ever certain when it comes to demons."


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"Ah, then I'm afraid that continuing my story will just bore you further." Veris sneers, letting her irritation show. "Alas, I am not a story-teller by trade, and your refined tastes are obviously beyond my meager talents. So, fight us, or let us be on our way, for I'm afraid you are boring me." Inwardly she curses herself for her temper. Good idea, idiot, make yourself its first target. Why couldn't you keep your big mouth shut?

ooc: Sorry about this. I thought my story was going somewhere, but I lost it along the way and I'm not about to spend hours writing something that will turn out badly anyway on the off chance that we can avoid a fight (which would make those of us who survived rich).


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Tesla & Arcs

Tesla would be the first to admit that she is by far no story teller. However, Arcs, from time to time, has had a better outcome when dealing with intelligent beings that her. Hey Arcs, why don’t you tell the creature about the current demise and fall of Istivin. I’m am sure it would have an interest a cursed Capital. She mentally tells her elemental envoy.

With a small nod the outsider floats to the for front and begins to weave the tale of Istivin’s downfall and its current cursed state to the draconic creature.

OOC: I think Arcs has the highest Cha out of all of us and who knows maybe the Dragon is into current topics in world news.


The bipedal lizard in the party lets out a throaty laugh towards Veris' storytelling faux pas. "I wouldn't worry about it, Tiefling; it was still a better story than I would have told." - Slisik had been devising a crude tale about how a band of heroes outwitted a clumsy dragon, then skinned its hide to serve as a rug.
Besides, we'll have a grand story to tell after we return to town with a dragon's hoard, and its head mounted on a pike.

Voidrunner's Codex

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