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Curtains#2 - It Came From Below!


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Jorgi Vladislav

Jorgi tries to hold the door shut and looks frantically around for something to bar it with.


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Radiant said:
Jorgi tries to hold the door shut and looks frantically around for something to bar it with.


There is nothing handy that could bar the door closed, though a bench in the nearby lobby might help block it a bit.

Ms. Larson gives Jorgi a blank look as if she didn't understand what he was saying. "Keys!" he says, pointing at the doorknob.

"Oh, right," she says and fumbles for the key ring in her pocket. She selects the proper one and tries to fit it in the hole. The plumber slams into the door, startling her badly enough that she drops the key ring. Jorgi throws all of his weight against the door and implores her to hurry. She picks up the keys and finally manages to lock the door.

The plumber continues to slam against the door from behind. Jorgi slides the bench in front of the basement door, but realizes that it won't slow the plumber down much if he's capable of breaking through. Judging by the cracking around the hinges, it won't be long before he gets through.


First Post
Jorgi Vladislav

Rybaer said:
There is nothing handy that could bar the door closed, though a bench in the nearby lobby might help block it a bit.

Ms. Larson gives Jorgi a blank look as if she didn't understand what he was saying. "Keys!" he says, pointing at the doorknob.

"Oh, right," she says and fumbles for the key ring in her pocket. She selects the proper one and tries to fit it in the hole. The plumber slams into the door, startling her badly enough that she drops the key ring. Jorgi throws all of his weight against the door and implores her to hurry. She picks up the keys and finally manages to lock the door.

The plumber continues to slam against the door from behind. Jorgi slides the bench in front of the basement door, but realizes that it won't slow the plumber down much if he's capable of breaking through. Judging by the cracking around the hinges, it won't be long before he gets through.


He throws himself against the door in the hopes of buying it a few more seconds.

he shouts then seeing that Ms Larson again didn't understand him.
Right as if the police could do this.
Then he remembers that od fellow with the helmet and something about superbeing that should work together.
Now this would be a great time to have some superpowered buddies. Especially that stone guy.
He desperatly tries to remember the phone number that friend of Professor Fate gave him and connects to the nearest phone he can pick up to call the number. He tries through three errors before he finally hitsw the right one.


At last he manages to get the right number. The first thing he says is something unbelievable fast and russian that no one would have a chance of understanding.
The second is something unbelievable fast and english that's probably just as hard to get.

Nothingdiscriminating'gainstmonstersfromthesewers,Iloveturtlesbutthisbuggerisjustabittoostrong.Itwouldbedamn greatifyourcapedbuddycouldhelpmeouthere."

Then he gets nothing but confused silence from the end of the line he settles for a short shout of:


and tries to give his adress as best as his nerves allow.


I aim to misbehave
Professor Fate: Unhurt, Hero Pts 4

16th Street, Downtown, Coast City
Apr 17

Rybaer said:
"Well, sure, we've got lots of plans for the city grid in the truck. I'm not allowed to give 'em away or anything, but I suppose you could take a look."

"I appreciate your trust in me, sir, and you will see that it is not misplaced," Professor Fate said. Professor Fate will see if there is anything he can do for the utility man (with the gunshot hole in his head) - if he can be saved.

OOC: I hadn't thought about the cell phone thing. I would hope that he would have it forwarded to a pager he would have with him, then he would call them back.


First Post
"Mister" Larence asks to the police officier. "My father is the officier Thorn. I just want to be sure he is ok, so if you hear anything about him and I'm still around, can you just tell it to me please."

After that, he join up Fate. "So, what your suggestion?"


First Post
Keyhole Apartments, Riverside, Coast City
Apr 17

Jorgi gets silence from the other end of the phone. He yells "HELP!" into it. It beeps back at him. He finally realizes that he's been talking to Dr. Faturius' voicemail.

The door thuds against his shoulder again. He knows he won't be able to hold the plumber back for even a minute at this rate. He mentally dials back the Faturius' number and leaves another short message that includes his address.

Ms. Larson comes back to the lobby looking even more distraught. She has a cordless phone up to her ear.

"911 is busy," she says. "I didn't think that could happen."

The wood door frame splits around the bottom hinge of the door.


10th Street, Downtown, Coast City
Apr 17

Granite listens to a couple rings and then Dr. Steven Faturius' voicemail picks up - encouraging the caller to leave a message and he'll get back as soon as possible.

As he doesn't have his own phone for a return call, Granite just leaves a short description of what happened in the sewers and leaves his current location. He then hands the phone back to the utility worker.

Granite grabs the attention of one of the officers. "Hey, do you guys know how to contact Professor Fate?"

"The superhero guy?" the cop says. "Not that I know of, but I could ask the dispatcher. Maybe he's left a contact number or something."

The policeman talks through his radio for a minute, then comes back to Granite. "The dispatcher isn't sure, but she's escalating it up the chain in case anyone over at the station knows how to contact him."

"So, you got any idea of what that stuff down there is?"


16th Street, Downtown, Coast City
Apr 17

The cop looks at Lawrence with a bit of sympathy. "Look, if I hear anything, I'll let you know," he says. "There's so much going on tonight, though, that it's not likely we'll have time to worry about any other precincts. Try not to worry too much. It'd probably be safest if you just try to stay out of harm's way."

Lawrence joins Professor Fate, who is trying to get a look at the thrashing utility worker. The man is bound with several sets of handcuffs at both the wrists and ankles, yet his body continues to jerk erratically. The bullet's exit wound on the side of his skull is nearly four inches in diameter. Fate knows instinctively that no ordinary human could survive such a wound. Peculiar greenish gray fibrous matter seems to be flopping out of the cavity.

Most disturbing, however, are the wild eyes. They look about, focusing on nothing. The whites have turned greenish and seem to be giving off a hint of internal light.

Professor Fate's pager goes off. Before he can even check the message, it goes off again...and again...and again. The pager only accepts forwarded numbers from his cell phone. The first number appears twice and all three are unfamiliar to him. A code next to each indicates that all four calls to his cell left voicemail.


I aim to misbehave
Professor Fate: Unhurt, Hero Pts 4

16th Street, Downtown, Coast City
Apr 17

Fate looked down, wondering for the briefest of moments what that sound was, when he realized it was him. Reaching into his belt, he pulled out his pager and looked through the numbers. He didn’t recognize any of them, but that really didn’t mean anything. Someone needed help . . . he could almost feel it. Fate looked around for a phone.

“Officer, I need to make a call, can I borrow a phone,” Professor Fate asked of anyone nearby with a phone. “Also, you may was to let people know higher up that I’m here, in case someone would need me.”

While he waited for a phone, Professor Fate said a few words (“Speak with me”) and pointed at the former utility worker*

OOC: Using Telepathy to see if any intelligence is behind the glowing eyes


First Post
10th Street, Downtown, Coast City
Apr 17

Rybaer said:
"So, you got any idea of what that stuff down there is?"

Not a clue, it almost seems intellegent. But what ever it is we have to find the source and stop it. Granite says as he waits (im)patiently for Dr. Steven Faturius to call him back.


First Post
Jorgi Vadislav

Jorgi sighs in frustration then he only gets the message box.


He thinks about running but then he would leave all the neighbors left in the house to that thing.

"Ms Larson,getoutofhere.Now!"

He takes a step back to let the thing place to crash through the door. One hand extended hand has lightning crackiling from finger to finger and his hair stand up even more wildly as he allows his full powers to flow through his body. Within seconds his eyes start to glow with power and the sheer force lifts him a few inches of the ground.

ooc: Will shoot at the guy as soon as he gets through the door. Using force field, and energy field

Voidrunner's Codex

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