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Dragon Table of Desires and Taboos

DragonAllignmentDesireHatredBreathSpecial ability
BlackChaotic EvilBlack Dragons love Coins. To appease the black dragon, the wearer must
possess a suitable horde to make the dragon happy. To determine the horde
needed to appease the dragon,the wearer must roll a d100. Multiply the value
by 1,000 to find the total value of the horde needed to appease it.
Black Dragons cannot abide people that steal from them.
If something is stolen from the wearer, the wearer may not
use the black dragon again until the thief is dead, and the
item is recovered
Line of Acid
BlueLawful EvilBlue Dragons adore gems. To appease the blue dragon, the
wearer must find and wear 10 enchanted gems at all times.
Further more, this dragon also demands HIS gems, and no others
will appease it. The dragon will tell the wearer if the gem they find
is indeed one of his hoard, but does not know where they are.
Blue Dragons hate cowards. If the wearer flees
from battle while still conscious, this dragon's
power is cut off from them, until the gems are
found. After finding them, attempting to flee battle
will result in the blue dragon taking control from the
Line of LightningSound immitation
GreenLawful EvilThis dragon does not horde, but instead loves to eat. To appease this desire,
the wearer must eat one of each class of monster, including humanoids.
This dragon loves to eat elves. If the wearer is
engaged in battle with an elf or half elf, the wearer
must kill and eat them or lose this power until the
user eats every type of monster. If this has been
fulfilled or is in the process of being fulfilled, it must
be started over.
Cone of Corrosive GasCommand Plants
RedChaotic EvilThe red dragon loves hordes in general. It does not matter what it is, it covets
it. To appease this dragon, the wearer must meet several requirements.
1) Own a large amount of land.
2) Find and take the Largest Gem it can find in the world. This is done by
taking the first one the wearer finds, and from then on, taking the next largest,
then the next, and so on, until no more are found that are bigger.
3) Double the hordes of all other hording dragons. It is the most covetous, and
so it demands to have more than the others.
The red dragon demands that any and all treasure
the wearer finds MUST be added to the hoard. If
the wearer fails to do so, this dragon's power is
cut off. It can only be regained by donating
1d100X1000 value to the hoard. This dragon also
hates to be stolen from, and, if stolen from,
demands that the head and hands of the thief be
collected and mounted on the wall in his horde.
Cone of FireSuggestion
WhiteChaotic EvilWhite Dragons adore diamonds. To appease this dragon, the
wearer must find or buy 50 diamonds.
The White dragon Hates giants. If the wearer does
not kill any giant it sees, the dragon's power is cut
off to the user, and can only be appeased by
following its preferred diet. The wearer must freeze and eat
something meaty to appease it.
Cone of ColdControl Weather
BrassChaotic GoodThis dragon does not actually horde, but instead desires nothing
more than conversation. To appease this dragon, the wearer must
talk to it long enough in an intelligent conversation, and then
convince it to give the wearer aid in a logical manor.
These dragons dislike fighting. If the wearer of this
armor does not attempt to talk to the enemy before
fighting, this dragon's power is cut off. To appease
this dragon, the wearer must engage in
conversation with the dragon for a day.
Line of Fire
Cone of Sleep
Summon Djinni
BronzeLawful GoodThis dragon adores sunken treasure. To appease this dragon, the
wearer must find 1d6 sunken treasures, so that it can appease
both the dragon's love of water and love of treasure
Bronze dragons dislike harming animals. If the
wearer harms an animal directly without attempting
to make peace first, this dragon's power is cut off
from the wearer. In order to appease this dragon,
they must prove that they are a true friend to nature
by saving an animal in danger. This can also be
met by finding and killing a poacher or hunter.
Cone of Lightning
Cone of Repulsion
Water Breathing
CopperChaotic GoodThis dragon is a devilishly fun prankster. To appease it, the wearer
must pull off a prank of such magnitude that the copper dragon is
awed. The prank must also be original.
This dragon will not attack someone who has
amused it, or befriends it. If the wearer breaks this,
they lose access to the power of this dragon. It can
only be appeased by pulling off a fantastic, original
Line of Acid
Cone of Slow
Move Earth
GoldLawful GoodThe gold dragon loves to spread goodness into the world. To
appease it, the wearer must perform an act of total selflessness.
The gold dragon hates injustice. If the wearer ignores
someone in need of help, the power of this dragon is
cut off from the wearer. They can only appease this
dragon by meeting three tasks that the dragon sets
for the wearer.
Cone of Fire
Cone of Weakening
SilverLawful GoodThis dragon hates evil. To appease it, the wearer must find and kill
a being of pure evil.
The silver dragon hates evil. If the wearer finds a
being of evil alignment, the wearer must attempt to
first change it, because the silver dragon dislikes
violence, and if that fails, the wearer must kill it
immediately. If the wearer fails to do so, the power
of the silver dragon is cut off from the wearer until he
kills a being of pure evil.
Cone of Cold
Cone of Weakening Gas
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First Post
Eh, Ok. If that's what'll work for your game.

Me? I wouldn't have it be anything greater than just a unique & notable magic item. So no god like powers, linked to other suits/destinies, vital to the campaign, etc.
What color is it from?
How many +s does it have
I'd some give it powers based upon the color.
I'd give it a matching breath weapon
I'd give it wings & the ability to fly/cast fly - because I think that'd look cool. A warrior clad in bone armor flying about on skeletal wings, breathing fire/acid/cold/poison gas on his foes....
I'd also keep that its haunted by the spirit of the dragon whos bones it came from & that that affects the wearer. There's a reason (unknown to most) why the father became a blackguard.
As for what happened to the father when he went missing? Mortally wounded, he retreated under the influence of the dragons spirit and went off to die atop his secret treasure hoard. To reclaim the armor a ghost-dragon, a skeleton warrior, or both must be defeated. After locating the lair of course.

Hmmm. I’d say the two decisions prior would be around what level the PC will be able to get it, and what type of dragon it came from. From there, you’ll be better able to plan it out.

Were I doing it, I’d say that it should be something exciting for the PC to finally get, so I’d say somewhere in the upper 5 – 10 tier, and be +2 for starters. I’d probably add Resistance to whatever would be appropriate based on the type of dragon. From there, I’d add one more ability, looking at what’s already out there. So maybe I give it the ability to use a specific spell once per long rest or so, or look at an existing magic item and add one of its powers to the armor, or add the Dragonborn’s breath weapon ability, or the draconic sorcerer’s wings. Stuff I don’t have to tinker with too much to make sure it’s both fun and balanced.

If you wanted to put it out there at a lower level, I’d say it’s only +1, and just has the Resistance. But that the armor still bears the damage from the mortal wound received, and that finding a (quest-worthy) way to repair it would unlock the greater powers.

So I took the idea of having each dragon having specific agendas from I believe ccs, and this is what I came up with. Thoughts? I made it hard, yes, but with the amount of power they get out of this suit, I think that the quests needed to do this are well worth it.


41st lv DM
So I took the idea of having each dragon having specific agendas from I believe ccs, and this is what I came up with. Thoughts? I made it hard, yes, but with the amount of power they get out of this suit, I think that the quests needed to do this are well worth it.

Awesome. I hope my idea improves your game.


First Post
Oh, I guarantee it will. The only way this will flop is if I end up sucking as a DM.
Hopefully I don't. Tonight will tell, I suppose. Wish me luck!

My group is basically pulling an all nighter for this, so I may be back on to try and come up with more if they make it past what I have planned.


First Post
Well, I had the first session of the campaign. Miraculously, no one died. We have a half retarded halforc that has, thus far, eaten about half a table, punched a wolf to death, killed a centaur chief and had the centaur chief's woman as his trophy, and intimidated a wolf.
Next we have a gnome bard, that was the closest ti dying out of all of them. He was a rogue before he became a bard, and so he has connections, but he was a bad rogue and so he structured his skills around being a rogue, but his class is that of a bard. He is probably the best negotiator, and managed to talk a 5 troops out of his old rogue guild master. He rolled 5 20's in a row. I couldn't argue with the dice, so...
NExt, we have a druid with the worst aim in the world. He managed to hit something I think once all night. He does have a mildly more successful wolf as his animal companion though.
Finally, from the encounter with the centaur tribe, the half orc barbarian demanded their best archer. I used the standard centaur stats from the book and named him don. They promptly renamed him cruton (As in the salad topping. My spelling sucks) and went on their happy way. Shortly after, they stumble into a formian village, where they are met with 9 workers and three warriors. It is only then that we took a look at the standard centaur bow damage. He obliterated 2 workers and all three of the warriors. Because DAMN.
I guess I am going to have to up the monsters next time. Overall, I would say a total success. I have successfully brought three new people into the D&D brotherhood.


Staff member
Late to the party, but I'll just toss this in...

1) just because someone thinks "Magic Item X" has all these powers, doesn't make it so. Some of what you hear may be legend or wishful thinking, or perhaps even a simple mistake- conflating two similar magic items.

2) even if they're right about the powers of the ancestral magic item, it doesn't mean that you, the DM, will be giving it to them tomorrow. Look at it, and only drop it into the campaign if and when it doesn't represent a super power boost to the PC who seeks his birthright. Hell- acquiring it might mean having to defeat a powerful nemesis who is hoarding it...or even wearing it.


First Post
Late to the party, but I'll just toss this in...

1) just because someone thinks "Magic Item X" has all these powers, doesn't make it so. Some of what you hear may be legend or wishful thinking, or perhaps even a simple mistake- conflating two similar magic items.

2) even if they're right about the powers of the ancestral magic item, it doesn't mean that you, the DM, will be giving it to them tomorrow. Look at it, and only drop it into the campaign if and when it doesn't represent a super power boost to the PC who seeks his birthright. Hell- acquiring it might mean having to defeat a powerful nemesis who is hoarding it...or even wearing it.

Ah, you're never too late. The campaign has only just begun. The armor is hidden in the worst pit of monsters I could think of. Right now, they think that they are about to find it in Lord Kazel (The previous owner) Castle. I haven't decided if they will find the helmet and a note or just the note.


First Post
Late to the party, but I'll just toss this in...

1) just because someone thinks "Magic Item X" has all these powers, doesn't make it so. Some of what you hear may be legend or wishful thinking, or perhaps even a simple mistake- conflating two similar magic items.

2) even if they're right about the powers of the ancestral magic item, it doesn't mean that you, the DM, will be giving it to them tomorrow. Look at it, and only drop it into the campaign if and when it doesn't represent a super power boost to the PC who seeks his birthright. Hell- acquiring it might mean having to defeat a powerful nemesis who is hoarding it...or even wearing it.

Ah, you're never too late. The campaign has only just begun. The armor is hidden in the worst pit of monsters I could think of. Right now, they think that they are about to find it in Lord Kazel (The previous owner) Castle. I haven't decided if they will find the helmet and a note or just the note.


First Post
Late to the party, but I'll just toss this in...

1) just because someone thinks "Magic Item X" has all these powers, doesn't make it so. Some of what you hear may be legend or wishful thinking, or perhaps even a simple mistake- conflating two similar magic items.

2) even if they're right about the powers of the ancestral magic item, it doesn't mean that you, the DM, will be giving it to them tomorrow. Look at it, and only drop it into the campaign if and when it doesn't represent a super power boost to the PC who seeks his birthright. Hell- acquiring it might mean having to defeat a powerful nemesis who is hoarding it...or even wearing it.

Ah, you're never too late. The campaign has only just begun. The armor is hidden in the worst pit of monsters I could think of. Right now, they think that they are about to find it in Lord Kazel (The previous owner) Castle. I haven't decided if they will find the helmet and a note or just the note.

On another note, I did need help with one thing. Checks. I can do combat just fine, and the role play went brilliantly, the issue is checks. I kind of made it up as I went, like hide checks and such, but is there a good way to do it? I don't really have a good way to do it, especially so that it is completely based on their skill and luck. I kind of wanted them to survive, and so I didn't make it horrendously difficult to survive, but, as seen in my update on the campaign, they not only survived, they thrived. So I clearly need to make it harder. Any tips?


First Post
Late to the party, but I'll just toss this in...

1) just because someone thinks "Magic Item X" has all these powers, doesn't make it so. Some of what you hear may be legend or wishful thinking, or perhaps even a simple mistake- conflating two similar magic items.

2) even if they're right about the powers of the ancestral magic item, it doesn't mean that you, the DM, will be giving it to them tomorrow. Look at it, and only drop it into the campaign if and when it doesn't represent a super power boost to the PC who seeks his birthright. Hell- acquiring it might mean having to defeat a powerful nemesis who is hoarding it...or even wearing it.

Ah, you're never too late. The campaign has only just begun. The armor is hidden in the worst pit of monsters I could think of. Right now, they think that they are about to find it in Lord Kazel (The previous owner) Castle. I haven't decided if they will find the helmet and a note or just the note.

On another note, I did need help with one thing. Checks. I can do combat just fine, and the role play went brilliantly, the issue is checks. I kind of made it up as I went, like hide checks and such, but is there a good way to do it? I don't really have a good way to do it, especially so that it is completely based on their skill and luck. I kind of wanted them to survive, and so I didn't make it horrendously difficult to survive, but, as seen in my update on the campaign, they not only survived, they thrived. So I clearly need to make it harder. Any tips?

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