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(Cydra) Great Conflicts

the Jester

Ambush at Bile Mountain II

The first level of Bile Mountain, 10:15 a.m.

Ratchet up the intensity another notch, will you please?

From outside the entrance to the caves within Bile Mountain, the thunderous echoes of the titanic forces being unleashed within are clearly audible. Cries of pain, the clash of metal on metal, the explosive detonation of magical blasts of fire and sound... it is as if a battle is playing out within the mountain whose repercussions might be felt hundreds or thousands of miles away.

And really, isn’t that the case?

If Horbin perishes- well, he is the Bishop of a realm thousands of miles away. Lillamere, Thrush- are they not Baron and Sheriff of an area within Horbin’s? And all of them- if they fall, will that not dash the hopes of the chaotic forces seeking to overthrow the Bastion of Law?

Of course, neither Horbin nor Lillamere nor Thrush nor anyone else in the party intends to die...


There is a brutal clang! as Inoke charges into the thick of the nimblewrights, destroying one of them immediately and preparing to work on the rest. But to his chagrin, one of them casts a spell and gestures and reconstructs the one that he just destroyed.

Orbius curses inventively over the telepathic bond that nets the party’s communications together. At least they can only each be reconstructed once, he grumbles. These guys are playing dirty!

While the Axars are distracted from their devastating attack on him, Horbin casts a mass heal spell. Meanwhile, the death snappers begin attacking Thrush, Inoke and Gerontius, their intestines whipping out to smack and ensnare anyone that they can. The freedom of movement that virtually everyone in the party has active proves its usefulness again and again. However, the ooze octopi are deadlier still: each lashes out with a full set of eight tentacles, and each tentacle that hits delivers both a stinging acid and drains the very health and life from its target! One of them tears Wankerman limb from bloody limb in a shower of blood and innards, and the other one moves in to engage Thrush.

“Wankerman!” cries Gerontius in rage. He tumbles away- he can’t find any vitals on the nimblewrights, the ooze octopi, the gutling snapping turtles or the bile ooze! Zis is not my day, he thinks grimly. But upon gaining some distance, he grins. I am not out of tricks yet, he chuckles mentally, and activates his ring of radiance to cast forth a sunbeam at the closest enemy. The death snapper makes a hollow hissing sound and charges back up on him, lashing out with its guts. They lash across his body and snarl around him, but- again- his freedom of movement saves him from a potentially lethal grapple. Simultaneously, the Axars are focusing on Inoke and Thrush, trying to disable or destroy the two burly warriors. Inoke charges one of the nimblewrights, smashing it into another, and in a series of incredible blows he pounds both of them to crushed metal, tangled wire and broken gears.

Sybele and Chakar remain focused on the bile ooze. While the warrior of Chaos continues firing arrows into the ooze, the dwarven monk pulls more chunks of stone from the wall and hurls them. Chunk after chunk of stone smashes into the ooze; arrow after arrow penetrates it. Sybele and Chakar exchange a glance. It is very tough, acknowledges Sybele.

Chakar grimaces and leaps, tumbling through the air, into position next to it, muttering the command that activates the contingency that Orbius bestowed upon him. In Chakar’s case, a bile shield springs up around him. With the ghost of a smile on his face, he engages the bile ooze in melee, hoping that it will prove to be a fruitful decision.

Thrush finishes off one of the death snappers and then charges forward at an ooze octopus. The octopus has dealt several telling blows to him; now, he figures, it is his turn. Indeed, he lands a single mighty blow on it before the monster’s myriad of tentacles pound into him, almost killing him!* Thrush is batted away unconscious and bleeding.

Inoke reels as four polar rays blast him. Between his energy adaptation and his sheer endurance, he manages to survive, but he finds himself worried about a fight for the first time in a very long time- but he also knows, if the party is to overcome their adversaries, he cannot falter now. He must risk it all. He roars a challenge and charges another of the Axars, smashing it back into another of its kind, and hammers them both with his sweeping strike technique. Tortured metal gives way, and both of the spellcasting nimblewrights go down. “You’re next!” he calls, pointing at another of the constructs, but telepathically, he adds, [i[Horbin! I’m not sure how much more of this I can take![/i] Then he gives another yelp as a targeted greater dispel magic strips him of many of his psionic enhancements. His schism fades, he shrinks back to normal size...

You’re not the only one, my friend, comes the reply across the link.

Suddenly a crushing fist of spite appears, crashing down atop one of the ooze octopi. Baron Lillamere, in marut form (via shapechange), follows this up- enhanced by Marius’ double actions- with a maximized disintegrate.

Horbin has managed to pour enough healing onto himself that he can take a round of attacks (he hopes), so he steps forward to face the death snappers that are crawling towards the party, their intestines searching for prey to grab and crush. He flies quickly on his carpet of flying to the best spot he can find- and casts a mass heal. Positive energy surges through him, several of his allies (though neither of the ones that need it most, Inoke and Thrush, are close enough to target)- and most of the death snappers. Several of the gutling turtles have already suffered damage from one thing or another (such as Thrush or Gerontius’ ring’s sunrays), and all of them ones that are caught in the mass heal explode in a blast of silver radiance. This leaves only one of the turtles left alive- or rather, undestroyed- and it immediately charges in on Chakar, flanking him with the bile ooze.

“This ooze is tough!” Sybele yells unbelievingly. It has absorbed arrow after arrow after arrow. She shakes her head in dismay and keeps shooting. It looks like her arrows are causing it to leak fluid and are gradually deflating it, but it seems to have truly epic resilience.** Twang! Thwack! Another arrow shot and another hit... and it still keeps going, lashing out at Chakar with a pair of pseudopodia. Gerontius is tumbling like mad, firing sunrays at the death snappers and trying to stay out of reach.

Chakar blocks pseudopodia from the ooze with his hands, then back flips over the incoming gut slam of the death snapper. Another blow from the turtle lands across his shoulder, however, bruising and burning him. Chakar grunts and slips free as the intestinal cord attempts to wrap around him. The dwarf never even hesitates; he maintains his focus on the bile ooze. Its caustic spray is vicious and must be stopped, before it destroys more of the party’s gear! He hears the worry in Sybele’s voice, but he eliminates it from his existence. There is only the ooze and the turtle; but the turtle is nothing, it is only an obstacle. There is only the ooze.

Chakar’s fists piston out, splattering huge amounts of cytoplasm out of the disgusting ooze. Again, he punches deep into it, and grainy stuff flows out of the hole he makes. Spinning into a kick, he forces a great gout of the stuff out of the ooze. And one more blow, and it is deflated like a pierced balloon. Chakar stands triumphant over his foe, and the party cheers.

To his dismay, Inoke sees more of the Axars are reconstructed, and he realizes that if they get another volley of spells off at him, they will probably kill him. There are four of them, he thinks. But at least, now, they are close together.

First he expands to large size. Then- he charges, augmenting it with a psionic lion’s charge. He smashes into the ‘odd man out’ of the nimblewrights, using his domino rush ability to push him into his allies. Then- using his sweeping strike- he smashes two of them with a mighty blow, then another. They explode in a shower of gears and springs, and Inoke cleaves, bringing his mace through and into the face of one of the remaining two Axars. It staggers back, and another blow finishes it. He great cleaves on through, smashing into the last Axar. If I can destroy it, he thinks, they won’t be able to reconstruct each other any more, because they’ll all be dead! His final strike is perfect, smashing into the nimblewright’s chest and crushing it, knocking it back and down into the water. Another cheer comes from the rest of the party: things seem to be turning in their general direction.

But Horbin notices something that most of the rest of them, at least initially, do not: shadows under the water, following Inoke’s progress. There is something else in the water, the Bishop realizes with dismay. There are more enemies still.

Next Time: The ambush at Bile Mountain concludes!

*If Thrush didn’t have the Cling to Life feat, he’d have died here. With it, he can reach something like -50 hp before he dies.

**I seem to recall Sybele noticing that it was round 8 and that she’d be doing just a little shy of 100 hp/round to it for several rounds.

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the Jester

Current Party Lineup
Here our the current crop of pcs.... many of them have cohorts.

Horbin the Holy, cleric 28

Sybele, ftr 8/psion 16/warrior of Chaos 4

Inoke, ex-bbn 2/psychic warrior 2/ftr 8/warmind 15/legendary juggernaut 1

Gerontius, rogue 16/ftr 4/invisible blade 5/halfling paragon 2

Chakar, monk 24

Lester, elementalist 14/warrior of chaos 4/divine oracle 3/contemplative 2/heirophant 1/paraelementalist 1/aestherite 1/divine ascendant 1

Lillamere, sorcerer 21/argent savant 1

Alcar, half-celestial fighter 2/cleric 20 (ECL 26)

Aestherites cont'd

Aestherites kick butt! They get medium spellcasting level increases, but get about 5 new domains (though not the domain powers), spontaneous domain casting (three, I think), and eventually SR, too.

Lester only has 1 level, but he took the luck domain and later took spontaneous domain casting feat (Epic), and is now a favorite of all Dead Heads, since he can produce spontaneous miracles. :)


First Post
What happened to Wankerman? Who was Wankerman? Is that just a list of who is currently alive or who's playing in the game?

the Jester

helium3 said:
What happened to Wankerman? Who was Wankerman? Is that just a list of who is currently alive or who's playing in the game?

Wankerman is a cohort; I just listed the pcs above. I should edit in the cohorts, though... prolly try to do that some time in the next few days.


It seems to me that these guys might have better luck consulting the ole Magic 8 ball than they have with some of their communing.

2 cents,


the Jester

The Bastion of Law

Veil knows full well that she is risking everything, but if she can pull it off... what a coup! Fierce pride at her ability to infiltrate runs through her veins.

She is inside. It took a great deal of work, and it entails incredible risk... but she has infiltrated the Bastion of Law. Disguised as one of the warriors from outside, she joined a troop of men and entered the fortress. The main building is well-fortified and has multiple layers of defense. She has not yet been able to gain ingress into the towers of the Bastion.

For a moment, she half-cocks her head as if listening. It’s almost as if her shield- the Shield of Graz’zt- is whispering advice to her. Well, she has had help cloaking it in illusion and artifice, and so far it has helped her a great deal. So long as she can keep it hidden, she can remain infiltrated.

It is very dangerous, but she has a plan. She is going to find out the identity of the nominated Arrow of Law, and she is going to do it by impersonating Cluma.


Bile Mountain

Twang! Twang! Arrows shoot into another of the terrible death snappers, the first penetrating its shell with punishing ease. The second snaps off away from the thick protection the turtle has. Sybele shouts with glee at the wound she managed to inflict, and then Chakar springs up next to it. His fists and feet are a blur as he smashes, strikes, kicks and crushes it! Blood squirts from under the thing’s shell and its mouth gapes open in a gasp. Chakar’s foot smashes directly into the death snapper’s beak, shattering the forward part of its head! The thing collapses, unmoving.

Then one of the ooze octopi lashes out at him, thrashing him soundly with disruptive blows, inflicting massive damage. Chakar can feel vile, unholy energy rip through his wounds and he screams in pain.* He staggers and starts to fall; but Horbin casts a mass cure critical wounds just then, and Chakar snaps back to awareness. Gritting his teeth, the monk inflicts a weakening touch on the octopus and then leaps back out of the way as a maximized flame strike from Lester whooshes down.

Horbin glances at the water, where yet more enemies seem to be swimming swiftly closer. Though he can make out their forms, he cannot see them clearly; but clearly, more bad guys arriving in an instant is not in our heroes’ best interests. So Horbin utters a prayer to Dexter and the water’s level lowers dramatically, revealing the other monsters: masses of tentacles seemingly without any other parts attached! They begin climbing the now-exposed slope that is normally the bottom of the pool in the cavernous belly of Bile Mountain, churning towards our heroes across the slimy stones. As they come, they fade into greater invisibility, but between the party members’ various see invisibilities, steadfast perception and true seeing and the synesthetic link that Sybele had established between the party members, the tactic is essentially irrelevant. Lester and Orbius begin flinging spells at the monsters, but they seem surprisingly resistant to magic.

Inoke carefully measures the strange tentacled beasts’ progress. Now that they are on the ground, rather than in the water, they’re moving much slower, his schismed brain notes, and his normal mind responds, Yes- let’s take out those octopi!

His body suddenly morphs and shifts. Tentacles burst from his back; he grows horrible and ominous. Inoke assumes the form of doom, and then he roars and unleashes a powerful Inoke special: a heedless charge mixed with a powerful psionic lion’s charge and his chain of overwhelming force! Finally, one of the octopi falls, crashing into the wall and going limp in a spray of mud! But to Inoke’s chagrin, he can see that it is regenerating. He roars again, in frustration, but there’s no point in dwelling on it; there are still multiple, and very dangerous, enemies around. He turns to face the other ooze octopus just as it snaps Chakar’s neck with a mighty blow. The dwarven monk flies back and lands near the edge of the staircase, dead!

“Nooo!” cries Horbin. Another mass cure spell brings Thrush around and helps the cleric’s own wounds, but it’s too late for Chakar.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got dwarf monk guy!” Sybele exclaims, leaping to the ground next to his corpse. Her mind suddenly charges with psychic energy and a spark seems to leap from her to him. His body goes stiff for an instant, as if electrified, and then his eyes flicker open! Chakar groans, but is too injured to move.

Meanwhile, Lillamere has turned his attentions to the oncoming tentacled things. A maximized disintegrate sloughs off the thing’s considerable spell resistance, and the baron grows somewhat annoyed. He shape changes into a dragon and a laugh rumbles within his vast chest. “Let’s see, now,” he roars, flames beginning to lick at the corners of his mouth.

Inoke, meanwhile, has charged the nearest enemy- one of the tentacles things. His blows pound it mercilessly, and in a single set of attacks he slays it! Then he turns to the other one- which Gerontius is currently hitting with a blast from his ring of radiance- and does something very similar to it.

Suddenly, the only remaining enemy is the last of the ooze octopi.

As tough as it is, with all of our heroes focusing on it, it doesn’t last long at all. The combination of overwhelming force and magic destroys it in a few minutes, and Lillamere’s flaming breath proves to be the proper remedy for the issue of the regenerating one, too. Soon the battle is over.

“Now what?” asks Inoke.

“Retreat,” suggests Horbin. “I just used up most of my resources, and I suspect that I am not the only one.” Lester, Orbius and Inoke all nod confirmation.

“And I died,” Chakar notes.

“We never even got inside!” Gerontius complains. “And Wankerman is dead as well! Ahh, what a waste!”

“Well, look,” Lester opines, “we can just come back tomorrow-”

“No!” Baron Lillamere rumbles. “We have a deal, and we’re keeping it. Even if I have to go alone, I will keep my word to Chaos. Tomorrow, we storm the bastion.”

“I’m telling you,” Inoke says glumly, “you guys are making a mistake. Do you really want to fight Marius? And Prayzose?”

“No, but if we have to, we will,” snaps Lillamere.

“And I agree that we have expended too many resources to really go on here for now,” says Orbius.

“Then we are agreed,” nods Horbin.

The party starts walking back towards the distant entrance to the cave beneath Bile Mountain. But as they near it, they come to a halt, for arrayed against them are a group of inevitables scribed with the arrow glyph of Law and a flickering thing that seems to slide in and out of time.

“Oh :):):):),” says Thrush.

Next Time: Whoops! Well, our heroes have survived the Bile Lords’ surprise ambush for them in the foyer- but can they survive the ambush set by the forces of Law that blocks the exit??

*Ouch, the ooze octopus just added 30 points of vile damage to Chakar’s tally. Vile damage, described in the BoVD, needs consecrated or hallowed ground to be healed. :wince:

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